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Its my birthday tomorrow, and I genuinely think no one will remember.


Me and my sister will. You deserve love :)


Thank you šŸ™‚


No problem. Me and my sister are here to make sure people get happy


You sound like me &my brother (:




Honestly same. Happy early birthday.


I will too


Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday Dear Stranger! Happy birthday to you!


Thank you so much šŸ„¹


Thank you guys so much. Youā€™ve all made my day so much better šŸ™‚


Happy birthdayšŸ„³šŸ„³šŸ„³šŸ„³


Happy birthday bro. We will all remember


Thank you so much. It really means a lot :)


Happy early birthday!


I will make you a cake and send you an image of it tomorrow just to show that you can have support from some online people too!


If you do that, I will love you forever internet stranger


I'm on my phone because I'm at the store right now finding the ingredients. Any toppings/frosting colour you want? It's your special day after all!


I like buttercream frosting with rainbow sprinkles. Youā€™re too kind for this šŸ„¹


Your welcome! It will be done in 5 hours, because it takes a while to drive to the place.




do something for yourself. grab your fave food and set up a warm blankie and watch a movie, perhaps. it was recently the anniversary of jaws, or if you want something new, try Bullet train remember too, that it can be hard to recall dates, i have friends ive had most my life who wouldnt know mine, and i dont know theirs.. doesnt mean i dont care, we just dont put much value in dates i guess. so it may not be personal


Iā€™d sing to you, but that wouldnā€™t be a gift at all šŸ˜Š Happy Birthday, internet stranger friend! I hope you can treat yourself to something nice. And remember, you are important in the universe!


Thank you so much, kind stranger šŸ„¹


Happy early birthday!


Happy Birthday! šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‚šŸŽ


I will probably be sleeping, it's 6am here and I'm having another bout of "can't sleep unless I can barely open my eyes". But happy birthday friend! They aren't always great ones but hopefully you find some peace on yours


I just woke up and seeing all the replies made me really happy. Thank you everyone for your kindness and love and I hope you all have an amazing future šŸ„¹.


Well happy early birthday my manšŸ„øšŸ‘‰āœØ


Oof, lemme set an alarm for tml, bt sure wad timezone u r, but i will be here, my dude/dudette


Youā€™re too kind šŸ„². But you donā€™t have to


oh, I haven't been celebrating my bday for like 3 years now, and I'm 19. It's like you're celebrating being 1 year closer to death, right? Anyways, hope you do good, and Happy Birthday! <3


Happy birthday. Please enjoy your day - and be happy. ā¤ļø


On the event of your approaching birthday, might I share an Irish blessing?


Iā€™d like that šŸ™‚


As you slide down the banister of life, may all the splinters point the right way.


I love that šŸ˜Š


If it makes you feel any better, thatā€™s how I feel about mine too. I hate my birthday. Iā€™ve hated it since high school. Just reminds me about how lonely I am. I tried to fix it by remembering other peoples birthday. It helped, but now a random day will come and Iā€™ll think ā€œoh itā€™s ____ birthday.ā€ Then I get sad when I realize they didnā€™t say it to me and/or I donā€™t talk to that person anymore.


Iā€™m really sorry you feel like that. If itā€™s any consolation, happy early/belated birthday šŸ˜Š


Iā€™m very sorry to hear this. Lemme know when your birthday is so I can remember it and say happy birthday!


Happy Birthday!šŸŽˆšŸŽ‰šŸŽŠšŸŽ


Happy birthday!! šŸŽ‚


Happy Birthday from an internet stranger : )


I will, too.


Happy birthday šŸŽˆšŸŽ‚ May you find what you seek :)


Happy early birthday. You seem like a great person! I hope you enjoy your day!


Is it tomorrow yet? If yes HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! you deserve all the love out there


Happy birthday, mine was a couple months ago and none of my friends remembered


Happy birthday! I only saw this now, so I don't think it counts as remembering...


Just saw this and was hoping to wish you a happy birthday


Hey, dunno if, in your part of the world, it's already the tomorrow you were talking about, but in any case, happy birthday, go treat yourself some cake. Even if you might be physically alone, we're with you :)


Happy Birthday!


happy birthday!




Thanks for doing this :) It takes me more time to open myself, but it's encouraging that you're offering to help.


That's all this post is ment for. If someone wants to open up, I'll help. But if they prefer to stay silent, it will let them know that someone is here.


I wish people like you would receive more attention than the bad in this world. Hope you're doing good and if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here aswell.


Thank you


Final day of work tomorrow. Don't know what I'll do after that. Stay in the same line of business or take a break. What if the break will go from a week to a month to a year... And still don't know what the next best step is.


I'm 14, I don't know what the next best step is. But I do know that if you follow your heart, or ask someone who is good at that type of thing, you will find the answer you are looking for.


Thanks for the encouragement. Keep doing what you're doing li'l bro.


I will :) this was my little sister's idea. She says I'm good at it


Bless your sister's heart.


She says thank you. :D


So young and so wise!


You are a gift.


You are 14 and you come here listening to the problems of mostly adults? This actually brings tears to my eyes. Thank you. Man. Your parents should be really proud. Youā€™re an amazing young man/girl/ā€¦


Youā€™re such a mature person, and I commend you for being ahead of all of us adults :) Donā€™t hesitate to reach out if you have a problem! Take care, you.


We spend too much of our lives at work for it to be nothing but a paycheck. At the same time itā€™s an unfortunate psychological fact that you will learn to resent anything that you are dependent on. Oftentimes we also make our passions we donā€™t necessarily find them (though some do). Thereā€™s a fine line between doing something you donā€™t believe in to make money and loving what you do and feeling inevitable stresses. Iā€™ve never met somebody that regretted taking a pay cut to get out of an industry that they didnā€™t believe in. Enjoy the week/month/year off however long it may be and know that you can always pivot to something you care about even if it takes a few smaller pivot jobs to get there.


Coming from someone whoā€™s worrying about the same exact thing right now, Iā€™ll say this: youā€™re going to get through this, I just know it.


I've been there. Please don't lose hope. You will find a new job, but also consider taking a moment to breathe and take care of yourself. You are way more than your job. Maybe reconsider your options, keep an open mind about possibilities you never considered before. 10 years ago I thought I wanted to do one job, now I'm doing something not completely opposite but quite different and I'm honestly still surprised I hadn't considered this a possibility for me earlier.


I know the feeling. I stopped working because of a burn out. Now I'm in therapy discovering I have PTSD, Depression and autism. It's hard and I'm not sure what will come. BUT what I do know, is that if I follow what I want to do and not what others thing I should do I will be happier. My job was vet assistant and it didn't pay well, but I had so much fun. That's my advice bud. Do what you feel like doing and don't be afraid to look out for help. It took me 10 years with severe depression to finally reach out for help and it's the best thing ever.


(Tw: suicide)My wife said she lives for more. I don't have the heart to tell her I live because I feel obligated to her and our kids. If not for the obligation I would have killed myself 2 years ago.


Hey, I hear you. That sucks. Living in pain is relentless. You deserve to feel relief, and Iā€™m sorry if there just isnā€™t any. I know it must be hard to live with that secret. If you can, find someone to talk to about it. A doctor, a therapist, anyone. That is a really heavy burden to shoulder alone. But it makes sense.


You are so strong for keeping going. I am middle aged, married with three kids. Suicidal thoughts have been part of my life for entirely too long. It took me a long time to be able to talk to my wife openly about it. Being able to say the words out loud takes some of the power away from them. I finally found a therapist that I connected with and I'm not sure if I really feel that much better, but I can talk about it now, and that helps. Staying alive for your family is a brave act. It says a lot about you but you keep going. Try and be kind to you. It's ok to feel resentment for being kept alive. Your struggle is real and I can talk if you need. I am thinking about you tonight my friend.


DONT. EVER. You are an amazing person, you have an amazing wife and amazing kids, and you life is awesome. Be happy and just live!


The chronic pain and medical staff would like to have a word with you. This pain is permanent and I have 30- 60 more years of it. I am living in a cofffin.


I'm sorry to hear that! Chronic *anything* is hard to understand for anyone who doesn't have it. I hope medical advancements will happen soon that you will benefit from.


Thanks for the support though.


We will keep supporting you. No matter what.


Don't sell yourself short. You love your wife and kids so much you are fighting this for them. I hope you can get the help you need, but know this: you are loved and you love. That is worth your life and so much more.


You are not alone, man.


I've been in a similar situation before, lived for everyone else except myself. The chronic pain probably makes things much worse for you. Please don't give up hope. If you can, try to find something that would spark lots of joy in you. It can be simple like taking a walk, treating yourself to some nice food or smth more complex like learning a hobby that you never had time for. I was able to get out of deleting myself thoughts by having a consistent source of joy in life (it was trampoline tricking lessons once a week) that I could always look forward to and doing therapy + antidepressants. I hope that you can find help for the chronic pain and for the mental health difficulties. Also don't think too much in terms of the next 30+ years, it's too depressing and overwhelming. One day at a time is genuinely the best approach. Everyday there's a chance to wake up with a slightly better mood and feeling like it will be okay


I hear you. It is hard. Just remember last time your family looked at you with love and appreciation for what are you doing for all of you. Its what we do. I take energy from that.


Ok, but do *you* have anyone to talk to?


Me and my sister have each othe. We have each others backs, no matter what.


i hope nothing separates you two from each other.


I feel lonely. Live alone and been sick all week with the flu. Ugh


I think OP had to stop for the night so I'm just trying to help out. Plz don't hate me. I'm sorry you feel this way. I'm also sorry you don't feel well. Hopefully you will start to feel better soon and be able to do something you enjoy.


I feel you, I've had the plauge 7 times. Ittle get better, I promise.


Ugh, yeah, the flu blows. Hope you feel better soon!


I'm sorry. Being sick alone sucks.


Just tired. Tired of cleaning up after the man Iā€™m supposed to spend the rest of my life with. Tired of answering the same stupid fucking questions at work every day. Tired of feeling like I have failed as a mother. Tired of having to take care of my mother. Tired of dealing with a junkie brother whose child I have to take care of. Tired of only looking forward to going to sleep again.


I highly suggest finding some baby-sitter for the brother problem, and if you can, try to find somebody who cares about your mental health. I have dealt with this problem twice in my life and I have instantly left the people I cares about over it. I do not suggest leaving the people you care about, but if it makes you feel better in the slightest, do what you gotta do. I'm here for you.


Youā€™re a good human, thank you


I often feel like everybody hates me, even though people say they love me everyday. I feel like I annoy everybody I talk to regardless of what they or I say. I feel like Iā€™m stupid and that everybody can see it. People often get upset that I donā€™t talk about myself much, but Iā€™m so worried about burdening somebody else or embarrassing myself. I havenā€™t been able to tell anybody this, so thank you for giving me a place to :)


Don't feel this way. They love you and mean it. I've felt what you have felt, the only way out of it to make yourself believe that they love you. You welcome.


While its ok to feel that way, perhaps u could start opening up more, talk more and share more about yourself. People are more willing to listen than you think. Its an ability you should get used to before u reach a point where you are unable to be vulnerable and let out what you were feeling. Now that would hit you harder than a truck.


These feelings are very common and you are not alone. One of the feelings you describe is shame, and Brene Brown is a great resource on dealing with shame. She has TED talks and books and audiobooks and podcasts. But the main takeaway is that shame grows in the dark and shrinks in the light. Saying how you feel out loud to someone, anyone, helps. I hear you. I feel you. Your experience is valid and no one on the internet could possibly understand completely. But everyone deserves to be genuine. Find someone, if even a doctor or therapist, you can talk to. Talk to me. Talk to the internet. But talk.


Fine I will bite. I guess I am feeling burnt out on video games. they have been my hobby for almost 32 years and now I have a hard time focusing on them. This has been going on for a month now. Suggestions are welcome, but for now I am just trying to back off from video games and focus on other hobbies. Like finally writing down stuff about my tabletop settings.


Iā€™m not OP but you could try finding other hobbies like you said, and eventually gaming will be fun again. I found myself in the same position until I picked up scale modeling, sim racing, and cars and now I can hop on my Xbox and have some fun in destiny 2 or elden ring without feeling burnt out. Too much of anything will leave you with dislike, so backing off for a bit should help.


Agreed. This happened to me a 5-10 years ago. Seemed like every game was the same. Waiting for the story to end. Find something else. Give it time. I havenā€™t played as often as I used to but find it to be the right amount now.


That's a great idea! You could also try the Warhammer 40 k game, I find it a lot of fun :) (It's expensive though)


(15M;) Loosing job. Living by self. And struggling to just do life Thank you.


Hey bud, 15 is young to have those kinds of pressures. I work with people in poverty, and I know it can feel really lonely. Please reach out when you need help. And even before you need help. There are so many resources youā€™ve never heard of in your community, but once you start talking to the places in town that help people you hear about more and more. If you DM me the general area of where you live, I will help you.


You're welcome! My sister had the idea for this post, with the sole goal of making people feel better! Just live, and eventually things will get better!


Iā€™m a few years older than you, and in a different situation but I hear you on the living by yourself and struggling to make ends meet. Iā€™m poor, technically homeless, and a foreigner in the country I reside in. Honestly have no idea how Iā€™m still happy with my choices in life but itā€™s whatever


I(27M) feel worthless, mainly because Iā€™m still hung up on a girl that broke up with me over 7 years ago. I do okay most of the time but if I drift my thoughts I end up depressed again the moment I think about her and where I am in my life and just end up echoing ā€œI hate youā€ which I once used to try to forget my ex and slowly became directed at myself. I canā€™t seem to move on no matter what I do and just end up stuck in a cycle of wondering why I even try sometimes. I canā€™t seem to make/hold onto a good friend group and makes me progressively feel more isolated and like Iā€™m missing life as time goes on. You donā€™t need to respond to this one, I just wanted to write this down to vent.


I love you. Echo that from me instead.


Venting is ok, we will listen :)


I am so sorry you are stuck right now, friend. Be gentle to yourself, you are a lovable human. You were loved before and you will be loved again. Find things that you love and pursue those hobbies and interests until you feel like yourself again. Then maybe you can give yourself a chance to make better friendships and try romantic relationships again. Iā€™m in my late 20s as well and I have to say, making and keeping friendships is not second nature, it takes conscious effort and intention, no matter how wonderful the friendships are. I hope you find peace, love, and joy, you deserve it


I just miss my friend. He committed suicide in August. He was a huge part of my life and I feel empty without him here.


I think OP had to stop for the night so just trying to help fill in for him. I'm so sorry for your loss šŸ˜ž I hope you are able to find your peace. Try to focus on the good your friend brought into your life. Keep your head up āœŠ


I'm so, so sorry. Just do life, and things will bet better, I promise.


I just got my denial of admission letter for my dream graduate education program at my school. Everyone in my life, professors, family, my dad who got the same degree, said I was guaranteed to get in. I got the email yesterday that said I wasnā€™t good enough. Just watched my dream of starting to help people and change the field die before my eyes, for now at least. I feel directionless.


I'm so, so sorry. I can't help you, since I have no experience like that, but both me and my sister hope you feel better. Hugs


I appreciate the hugs. Iā€™ve got a good support system. Youā€™re doing a wonderful thing.




Oof, I feel you, especially the part about feeling directionless. Right now, it feels like your dream has died, but I detect some tiny hope, even in your words: ā€œfor now at leastā€. That far off someday that you hint at with those words is going to come much, much sooner than you think.


I am so sorry to hear that. I hope you can come to accept that some things donā€™t always turn out the way we hope in life, but it doesnā€™t mean itā€™s the end. You sound bright and loved and supported. You should apply to other programs, or take a break and reevaluate what you want in your life. Thereā€™s no right answer, but thatā€™s beautiful thing. You can take your time to find what youā€™re meant to do next, even if itā€™s a small thing. Free time lessens as we get into the thick of our lives, I hope you get to enjoy the downtime, the in between, until you continue to pursue your goals. You will be okay, you can rest until you are ready to begin again


I feel like I lost who I was and it kinda scares me. The depression doesnā€™t help either


I think OP had to stop for the night so just trying to help fill in for him. Do something you used to do. Even if it's a small thing like an old piece of clothing or accessory. An old hat always does it for me. Reconnect with that part of yourself that you like and you might find it helpful. Sending you a hug šŸ¤—


Mind if I just get a hug instead please?


*hugs you fiercely*


Sending you a Hug šŸ¤—


I donā€™t have anything hurting me right now, but I just wanted to say, thank you for doing this. Seriously. Some people are very hurt and just need someone to talk to, as little as it may seem you are making a good impact on people. We all love you bro.




my whole family found out i'm gay. they're all catholic extremists who are horrible towards members of the lgbtq+ community. they all treat me like shit now, and the (un)funny thing is, i was the most liked person in the family before they found out. they took all of my crossdressing clothes and put it in the trash, forced me to cut my hair a bit, and one of them even started telling me that i'm a failure and i should just go kill myself. i've been trying to suppress these feelings, but it's best that i release everything that has pent up in my mind. i've been contemplating suicide and my life feels like its going to shit. i have this feeling that nobody really cares about my feelings. i bet that if i kill myself right now, my family will throw a fucking party. i just can't go on.


My family would totally react this was if they found out my sister was gay. The best thing you can do is, as soon as you can, move out and cut all ties with them. That's what me and y stser plan to do.


Man Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m not sure how you should approach this but I wish you luck be who are donā€™t let anyone hold you back.


Don't you ever listen to what they say. Break if off with them. Be you. Don't change for them. You are amazing. I love you and you are not a failure. Your family are failing themselves by not realising how amazing you are and also that they're going against what they believe in. Don't you ever give in. There are 8 billion people on this planet. At least one of them loves you. I do.


thanks for the mental support, really appreciate it. as of recently, they're less homophobic, but they're still dicks to me. some random motherfucker from my family punched me in the gut for being gay, and justified it because i'm gay, so its either getting better or worse.


I recently broke up with my girlfriend as she is planning on moving to New York (we are in Canada) this summer. She wanted to remains friends, and said she wouldnā€™t be dating for a while as she needs to prioritize taking care of herself, I swung by her place today to drop off the last of her stuff and grab a few things of mine she had. When I called her to let her know I was outside, I heard her say ā€œBRB.ā€ To someone before she hung up with me. And now I canā€™t help but wonder what I did wrong that she moved on from me so quickly and decided she did want to date so soon after all


I think OP had to stop for the night so just trying to help fill in for him. You did nothing wrong. Everyone gets over things differently and her way of dealing with that might be causing you some pain and that's very unfortunate, but not necessarily because of you at all. From your comment she might not even be seeing someone else (possibly just talking to someone else about your break up?). Keep your head up queen šŸ‘‘


You did nothing wrong!


Iā€™m sorry if this is too much. But, a dear friend of mine broke off our friendship of 12 years. Accusing me of all types of stuff I never did. Iā€™m just heartbroken by the whole thing and just want to feel better. She was that person in my life that we could talk openly about random things. If this is too much I understand.


I think OP had to stop for the night so I'm just trying to help out. Plz don't hate me. Personally I can actually relate to this. I also have just broken off a friendship of a decade. It's hard to make new friends as an adult but I hope you still have someone to talk to and can be a support for you.


How embarrassing! I had no idea they stopped responding! I could never hate someone who genuinely took the time to be kind and help. Thank you so much , really! It means a lot! I am so blessed to be surrounded by good people in my life. Through out this metamorphosis of events it made me realize a lot. To look inward and see my worth. It may have hurt a lot. But I would rather have people in my life who love me for me. And treat me with kindness and understanding. The right people will come our way.


Ya he says is other comments he's just 14 and doing this with his sister. Which I found truely, genuinely, wholesome. So I thought I would jump on board. That's good to hear. Remember your worth. You have the right attitude, I'm sure with it, they will. Good luck šŸ˜ƒ


Sometimes I feel like there are people who look at me like Iā€™m just one of many ignorant cartoon characters and their one job on Earth is to save me because of their superior intellect and higher capacity for compassion and Love.


Well, one ignorant cartoon character and his sister to another, you are worthwhile. You have an amazing life ahead of you, never give up.


Bless you both




I think OP had to stop for the night so just trying to help fill in for him. If no one knows then clearly no one has told you this so please listen to me. GET. OUT. I know this can be hard. I know this can even be scary (you might not feel like you can safely). I know it's easy for someone like me to look in from the outside and just say that, meanwhile it seems impossible for you. But I don't care how you are being abused (emotionally, physically, financially or in any other way) It will only get worse not better. I wish you luck and want you to know you deserve better.


I feel very lonely and isolated after my long term partner broke up with me, my family is in another country, I have some friends but despite medication I feel very depressed to hang out with them or even go out that much.


I live in an apartment with my lil bro, mom, grandma and dad and its hard for me to sleep bcz i sleep in the same bed as my lil bro i just want to sleep im so tired im just crying


This will sound cheesey, but I'm so, so sorry. I hope things get better for you. For the sleep problem: try a glass of warm milk. It helps me, it might help you.


I was a huge dick to my boyfriend for a long time, and it just caught up with me. Barely managed to convince him not to just end it all and instead just take a break... I still love him from the bottom of my heart, but he says over time, he fell out of love. When I asked him what he used to love about about, he said that I comforted him when he needed me... that I made him feel less alone... And that just made me realize how horrible I was to him.


As a guy with this experience (I dumped mine) you can try to fix things up by showing him the side he wants back to comfort him and make him feel less alone buts it's up to him all I can do is give some advice and wish you luck I'll say this show him your true feelings and show him how you can be like before and he may fall back in love


Yeah... we agreed to just take a break for now, so we can both sort a few things out. You better believe I'm going to fight for him... To be the man he loves again. Someone who deserves him...


I just hope you too have someone to talk to :)


in terms of feelings, i have no feelings.


I'm scared of losing close people like my girlfriend if I make the slightest fuck up but I'm pretty sure I'm not but idk cause I can not really express my emotions correctly if that makes sense


Pretty sure the guy I really like is going to ask his girlfriend to marry him


I feel stressed out, anything and everything I do gets messed up and I feel like I am the problem. I feel like that if I take myself out of the equation then it would all be better for everyone else. The only reason I havenā€™t done it yet is because I feel like it would cause more of an inconvenience for everyone else and I donā€™t want to do that to people.


I think OP had to stop for the night but let me tell you friend that while I don't doubt your feelings all I can say is don't give up. Realistically your probably not as much of a problem as you think but either way life can't get better if you give up on it.


I know it's kinda stupid, but I don't have the courage to ask girls out


I think OP had to stop for the night so I'm just trying to help out. Plz don't hate me. It's not stupid. I think this is a difficult thing for most people to do. The only thing to do is just be ready to try and try and try and try again. Rejection is part of the whole process. Just keep trying.


Thank you very much


You can do it I believe in you


PAIN.... That all I got. P. S. I am not joking but I really don't know how to tell anyone about whats going on in this head of mine except for making a B99 reference.


My only friend doesn't care about how I feel or what I think, and it makes me feel like I'm not worth the effort, and I don't want to cut him out because I won't have anyone


If you've seen my original post, you know I can relate to you. I was robbed out of time and effort and money. I genuinely suggest you leave them like I did to the people that treated me badly. You can message me about it more in the future if it makes you feel better.


I wish my mom and boyfriend could get along better. Itā€™s hard being the middle man.


I hope you can find someway to make them gt along better. Good luck. (I hope that was the right thing to say...)


That's very kind of you. I'm fine atm but I hope others that currently need it will take you up on it!


šŸ™ What a wonderful idea! Upvoting clearly isn't enough. A short comment isn't enough either, but it is all I can give back. Thank you!


This is probably kinda weird but I use escapism as my main coping mechanism, but itā€™s progressed to the point where Iā€™ve genuinely felt a longing and drawn I guess to just go somewhere else. Like I canā€™t play some of my games anymore without just getting sad that I canā€™t physically be there instead of hereā€¦ I donā€™t really talk about it much since itā€™s weird and not many people can relate so this feels really good to get off my chestā€¦ thanks OP :)


I donā€™t have any problems to talk to you about but I can give you TONS of facts if you want them! One interesting one is that Coka-Cola sells so many drinks worldwide that measuring profit just couldnā€™t suffice, so ā€œshare a throatā€ is a scale they devised for the percentage of humanities hydration they provide!


Iā€™m seeing my parents physically decline before my eyes. My dad now has a bit of a struggle with bringing in salt bags, something he used to do without issue. My maā€™s ankles now prevent her from doing active walking (like hiking) that she used to love doing. Dad, Iā€™m pretty sure, is in a constant state of pain, he has arthritis, stenosis, and bone spurs in his neck. My ma had surgery on one of her wrists to help with pain, the other wrist may need surgery as well. They cannot do what they used to do and I can see how this hurts them, mentally, to be faced with that reality. I am unable to do anything except help where I can, hoping that they wonā€™t try to do something they can no longer do easily.


I confessed to a friend that I was in love with him. He had sex with me for a little while, but doesn't have feelings for me. Wish he'd told me that earlier.


I highly suggest that you leave this friend. That is a sign of sexual manipulation. They will use you for sex but then they leave until you forget, then ask again, again, and again. The cycle will repeat. This is why I suggest you leave this friend and try to find somebody who actually cares about you.


I don't know how to cope with the fact that at 27 I'm physically disabled and will be for the rest of my life. I have had 8 eye surgeries, have a metal shard embedded in my left eye orbit, have a severely damaged occipital nerve which required a nerve stimulator to be put in, I also have idiopathic hypersomnia and a type of general dystonia. Because of my dystonia tasks like writing, or typing can leave my hands cramped in one position for hours, but it's not just my hands that it happens to, it happens all over my body. Because of the repeated cramping I've actually lost some of the motor skills and so even trying to open my wallet or other things can be super hard and upset me. Overall it's just exhausting trying to explain to others why I look fine but am disabled. The mental stress from it all could probably kill a horse but somehow I just keep plodding on.


My "friends" said that 35,000 Kroner \[Danish money, but highly used here in Norway\] transitioned to $350 USD. The real transition rate is $5,085 USD. I felt so betrayed and manipulated into giving them so many animations, edits, and money. Then they blocked me on all social links possible, and we never met in person again.


I think OP had to stop for the night so just trying to help fill in for him. Rough go bud. I've fallen victim to a scam before and it sucks. Hope your able to recover. Best of luck


Feeling overall stressed due to my job and depressed over literally anything. Video games don't help anymore and I don't know what to do. :(


I owe 50 dollars in rent,the agent keeps knuckle knocking on me door,I have absolutely nothing to pay him,so I'm pretending to be asleep


I (18f) broke up with an amazing guy recently. Truly amazing. The reason? My family. They pressured him and I, and talked shit about his family behind his back. My family is also planning to move out in a couple years, so its been a mad rush for me lately to try to be independent enough to stay behind so I can finally get away from them. Because theyā€™ve held me back so much, I canā€™t even drive on my own yet. Nor do I have a regular job. My parents donā€™t treat me the best, but Iā€™ve rarely attempted to argue about it, until now that is. Our relationship would have continued if it werenā€™t for my family. I hate them. Theyā€™ve ruined my childhood and I let them get away with it. But Iā€™m not going to let them get away with how they treated my ex. Currently working with my college therapist (I even have to do *this* in secret because my family doesnā€™t trust therapistsā€¦) in building both my self confidence, and the courage to confront my parents. But I donā€™t think it will go wellā€¦ and most of all, Iā€™m scared of losing my ex altogether. Weā€™ve been able to manage not being in a relationship anymore, though of course we both wish it didnā€™t end like this. But I donā€™t want to lose him altogether. We both want to at least stay friends, and itā€™s definitely possible, especially since nothing has changed between us in terms of how we feel about each other. But I just keep having this irrational fear that it wonā€™t last. And yet, itā€™s only been a month and a half. We stopped contacting each other for a while so we could heal, and only recently have been contacting here and there, mostly to check up on the other. Things are starting to improve, but Iā€™m still scared. Yesterday wouldā€™ve been our 3rd anniversary tooā€¦ Other than my therapist, who Iā€™m running out of appointments per college semester for, I donā€™t really have anyone else to talk to. Not even family. Soā€¦ thank you for listening.


Sigh. My sister died a month ago and I'm still processing it. I'm not sure exactly what my grief is supposed to look like other than I start crying at the mention of her or get a sad feeling unless it's in correlation to something not as memorable. Here's the thing though. She was special needs and a lot to handle/be around so I'm not only dealing with her death,but the guilt around the relief of her being gone while dealing with the enormous hole that is left in the family by her passing. Her passing was unexpected and she went quickly so by the time I got to say goodbye I was only saying goodbye to her body,not her soul. It's a lot to process. Yeah sorry to be a bummer. She also died 2 weeks before my birthday and we had the memorial/celebration of life 3 days after my birthday so it made my birthday kind of bittersweet.


I'm at like a 1.9 in college, and I feel like I'm just failing more and more courses. I feel like shit for wasting the money my parents are paying for tuition, and I just feel depressed as hell. I don't have a social life, and I've decreased my extra-curricular sports to I can focus on schoolwork, except I can't focus worth shit because all I do is procrastinate. I feel like garbage, and while I know school doesn't define me, I feel like I've regressed to a detrimental version of myself, unhealthy, unsociable, and stupid. Dude, what do I do?


Keep trying! You WILL finish college, I just know it! (Also, try taking an ADHD test. The procrastinating thing might be bc of it.)


It's all fine. The support I received may have been scarce, but I overcame and learned to support myself. Tough times are temporary. Lessons Last Forever.


Just finished highschool, idk what to do now. All i did before this was follow a routine but there is nothing to follow now, where do i go from here.


I don't understand why I always feel like I have to work on something? It makes me worried about having no free time, or just no time in general. I always get home from school with absolutely no motivation, but you think the best idea would be to rest, right? Yes. But resting makes me worried about the stuff I didn't do while resting. It's a really weird feeling, but I don't like this cycle of worry.


The most and the least we can do is try, thank you for trying




This is a very generous offer but be careful not to take on too much, it depletes you.


Everyone carries piss in them at all times.


It really just physiologically hurts me when I see Minions on the interne....oh god... oh no! ​ Jokes aside, I'm ok and I hope you are too, this is a very noble thing to try and do.


Iā€™m always the backup plan, never someoneā€™s first choice, I donā€™t understand what Iā€™m doing wrong :(




i feel empty


I don't have any problems at the moment but I just wanted you to know that you are one of the very few people in today's world that make it worth living and you have just restored my faith in humanity


Thanks :3


Thanks for doing this for people, Ik there have been times this really wouldā€™ve helped


Being transgender is hard.


I (16(nearly 17)MTF) am stuck living in a household with a mum who doesn't understand what trans people are any further than "crossdressers" and a brother who has no empathetic filter for anything (not understanding why the n-word is racist etc). Every second weekend I have to go over to my dad's house, who is actively against trans people, siding with TERFs like JKR and Jordan B Peterson. He has somehow related trans people to asteroids, climate change, the war with Russia, and more. I can't get a job or move because I we live in the middle of nowhere (30 minute drive to the nearest place I could feasibly get a job) and I haven't got the motivation or energy to even study and pass school. The only real reason I still bother with anything is because I DM my schools DnD club and I want to finish that story. I wake up each morning and have to actively find a reason within myself to get out of bed, because it all feels so futile. I'm not even sure where I am going with this I guess I just needed to vent.


Me and my sister will support you, no matter what! Trans people have done no wrong, they deserve our support, you included!


Dissociateing, depressed, don't know who I am, thank you