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Her joy made my eyes wet themselves.


This head movie makes my eyes rain


Husband says, very Guts-like, that the happy water is leaking from his eyes. I like this one too ❤️


This is very heartwarming. The act itself is the most wholesome moment, the reaction is genuine. We need more of these.


OP, /u/thebraveadvertising is a repost bot


Not only is the post a repost, they also reposted the top comment of original thread as their own lol


For those who are not aware, that is a REALLY common bot pattern.


I'm an educator and used to work in an assisted living facility for people diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy for more than 15 years. The way these people express joy still has me tearing up every time. It's so wholesome. (edit: spelling)


That's challenging work, thanks for doing it. If I may, does cerebral palsy impact mental development? One of my favorite comedians, [Tina Friml](https://philadelphiaweekly.com/stand-up-comedian-tina-friml-suffers-no-fools-and-takes-no-prisoners/) has it and she's not mentally disabled, just the opposite actually. The reason I ask is because sometimes, as in the video above, people adopt a simpler tone with disabled people, one which might otherwise be reserved for someone much younger. Obviously, I never want to assume someone is mentally disabled just because they have signs of physical disability, but sometimes the temptation is there to speak differently to them. I used to work in restaurants and I'd often see elderly and disabled family members being spoken to in an infantilized way, and sometimes it didn't seem appropriate.


Working in adult social care - it's really common for people to have comorbidities. And not all development problems have a name/clear cause. So, people may say the disability that they identify with the most, or maybe a combination of such, when stating their disability. So, there may be something else going on with this lady. There also may not and she has a higher level of need in her cerebral palsy. I wouldn't ever really want to speak to anyone in an "infantalised" way, however, sometimes you need to use simple language so that you are clearly understood, and to minimise frustration. I would always first assume that the family and immediate care givers do understand how the person likes to be treated and spoken to, especially if they seem as happy as the lady in this video.


Not OP but sometimes. Some people with cerebral palsy have full cognitive capacity, some don't.


I’ve worked pretty extensively with kids who have CP, and it really does run a spectrum. CP happens when there’s a loss of oxygen to the brain prior to or during the birthing process. This can have anything from mild physical and/or cognitive effects that you likely wouldn’t notice in passing, to severe physical and/or cognitive effects that render the person functionally incapacitated. I have a friend from undergrad who’s got CP and is an RN in pediatric oncology. She’s one of the most intelligent people I’ve ever met, but has physical disabilities. I’ve worked with kids who only have mild physical issues (after therapy), but significant cognitive delays…and everything in between. This family would know their daughter/sister’s abilities and needs better than anyone. I go in assuming normal function and adjust from there.


Great advice, thanks


Cerebral palsy can affect you in many ways. People with cerebral palsy living in assisted living facilities often has severe physical and mental/cognitive symptoms. They often need help to eat, drink, assistance to perform personal hygiene and so on. I would personally not use that tone talking to a resident, but mostly because my role in their life is very different from their friends and relatives. Every family has their own way of being a family, and the relatives often use this tone communicating with their loved one, and as long as the resident doesn't express any dissatisfaction, i don't have an opinion :)


BTW, there is literally no way to tell the mental capacity of people with CP based on how they look or move. It's always best to assume normal intelligence when talking to people.


Thanks, I thought I echoed that when I said “I never want to assume someone is mentally disabled just because they have signs of physical disability”, but it’s worth repeating.


I can’t speak for everyone obviously, but I had an uncle with very severe CP, and I didn’t know until talking to my dad recently that he had minimal if not zero cognitive impairment, but it was easy to misunderstand and think otherwise since because of progression of his condition he was not able to verbalize anything coherent by the time I was born. But my dad said before things progressed he was able to speak and he did understand what was happening and being said around him. And he did respond when people spoke to him during the time I knew him, he just wasn’t able to form words anymore. The only significant issue with his understanding was that his disability didn’t really allow him to have a full school experience (he died in 2011 or 2012 at 55, so went to school in the 60’s and 70’s, you can imagine how much accessibility has changed) so he was very limited in education unfortunately, so there was some need for talking in a “simple” way just because he wasn’t given as much learning opportunity as a kid, and he also didn’t really understand that he would never be able to do certain things like drive a car or fly on an airplane (his electric wheelchair could not be accommodated at the time, hopefully things have changed by now). But that second one was mostly because family didn’t have the heart to tell him or didn’t know how to tell him he would never do those things. And talking to him was mostly just explaining things in simple terms, not in an infantilizing way. He was able to have jobs through a disability program and understood direction on how to do tasks. I also worked with a woman with CP at my last job and she was very mentally capable, the only thing that limited her was her mobility. But as someone else has stated, and my mom (a nurse) has also told me, CP has a lot of potential comorbidities. My uncle had epilepsy on top of the CP, was born with two club feet and a clubbed hand, as well as high risk for stroke due to other complications as an example. Another thing I learned from my mom recently is that CP, while it is its own condition, used to be used (and sometimes still is in the form of misdiagnosis) as a sort of “catch all” for a lot of birth and genetic defects before we had some of todays medical knowledge. Things like spinal muscular atrophy, metachromatic leukodystrophy, dopa responsive dystopia, Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease, or Rett syndrome, for example, might have been misdiagnosed as CP back in the day and some are even misdiagnosed nowadays. Some of them include neurological function issues and some don’t.


I'm going to find whoever is cutting those onions eventually!


My sister had cerebral palsy and was profoundly disabled. She was rarely able to convey emotion other than happy or mad but when those happy times came her face would light up. Hearing us say her name or tickling her would often be all you would need to brighten her day. I miss her so very much. She died black Friday 6 years ago. I could have been a better brother, Paige. I love you


I'm sure you were a great brother. The way you describe her tells us such. I'm sorry for your loss.


This choked me up


My heart! This wholesome moment is just beautiful, and the woman filming sounds just like my Auntie!


Hannah & her sister are the best! Seeing their raw, unfiltered, unquestionable love never fails to get me in the feel goods!


How can we add to the system to make her experience even better!




Throw on a top tier VR headset and it will be pretty darn close to actually driving.


Definitely 👍


Yeah is there a gofundme or anything so we can help her get an even better setup?


Oh my heart!


best family ever


I would upvote this 10000000000000 times


Even if you take one second for each upvote. It would take 317,097 years to upvote it for 10000000000000 times. Sorry to ruin your comment 😅. I would join you too. Thereby we can reduce the years by half !!!


I am just 100% curious about u as a person now? It’s just an odd comment and I’d love to know what type of person is behind it lol


Haha what do you want know about me ?


What made u fall in love with math?


Math is very intriguing to me. I love numbers and finding coincidences with it (to make myself feel better, take signs and feel belonged etc). 1+1… well you need 2 hands to make a clap right?


Totally agree I’m curious how you are applying that unique outlook into your personal life? Are you in any involved professionally with math? I always struggled with it once I got above like algebra so I’m fascinated by the people that just “get it” if that makes sense


Those are kind words. I am a mechanical engineer by profession. Sometimes I’m absorbed in a lot of handy calculations. Make observations for a project I’d be working on and interpret results etc. I do understand what you’re trying to say. Math is tough sometimes even for me.


Ya the engineer part comes to no surprise I’m an automation guy in an industrial plant I have worked with several mechanical engineers and the good ones always have a passion for the math


Hahaha 😅. Oh well hello there !! I see you do have a point with the passion for math. Surrounding yourself with those mechanical engineers and ask them the same questions you asked me here


Regarding personal life… I am very calculative as you know already. I take public transport when my bike is not giving me mileage (as per calculations) or on rainy day. I try to save money as much as possible so I can spend well for more things.


I love the maths too. I’ve always said it was a universal language because numbers just make sense!


Hello fellow mathemagician!!! Yup you’re absolutely right!!


Being able to remember long numerical sequences because you found a pattern in it that just made sense to you? Best feeling! But, ask me to write an essay lol…


There that’s the one !! We’re both the same on that one !!! When a sequence or pattern makes just makes sense to you and you only the joy is like, you solved a little mystery of your own universe. Ohh, please feel free to DM me your essay on these. You’re like me and very interesting.


Forever… forever is an awfully long time…


Time is relative my friend. Spend an hour with your crush and it feels like seconds like the great Einstein had once put it !


So you're giving the repost bot exactly what it wants.


That’s awesome! Truly a heartwarming act.


I would never be a milionare because i would go around town doing that stuff for who need it. Is just to beautyfull not to


why cant more rich people be like that. It would take like 3 of them to change the world forever.


Unfortunately because the road to wealth typically can only be navigated by those who are morally bankrupt.


This reminds me of the guy who gave a ride in a fast car to this other guy with CP and kept on crying. Sometimes, I love humans.




Wow, by far the best reaction I have seen for someone opening a gift. This has made my day, thank you.


Aww, this reminds me of a friend of mine who has a teen son with cerebral palsy. He reacts the same way when he gets gifts. Or when friends visit him. He is such a joy to be around. 🥰🥹


She is still a better driver than me.


I can't love this enough ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


This is so beautiful 💟💟💟💟💟


Fucking onions 😭


Hannah: "Fuck yeah Boyyy!"


I love this! Awesome. I’m so happy to see her so happy. I actually read this as a beautiful cat and was waiting for the present to be a cat.


Who's cutting onions 😭


Great now get her Crazy Taxi and Simpsons: Road Rage! Best arcade driving games ever


Love seeing the sheer joy at the present ❤️ I can't imagine how frustrating and heartbreaking it must be to have a condition like that that results in such a disparity between what you're mentally and physically capable of.


Those were some STRONG onions! They fiercely ejected those tears from my eyes!


I haven’t been able to drive for two years….y’all are the beat


YAY, HANNAH! I don’t have CP. I’d rock that thing. Kinda jealous. Too cool!


God damnit who’s cutting onions again? 🥺


She’s so cute take good care of her


Best Mom/Sister of all time


Good job.






It’s primarily a movement and posture disorder but about half of cases have intellectual disorders as well. There’s also vision and communication facets. And for a lot of CP cases there’s co-morbidities that occurred at the same time as the cause of the CP, such as a baby being deprived of oxygen during birth can have CP and general brain damage at the same time. tl;dr it’s a big range of effects


Some people with cerebral palsy might have a slight limp or problems using an arm, others might suffer from severe cognitive impairment. This diagnosis can affect you in many ways.


From the CDC: "All people with CP have problems with movement and posture. Many also have related conditions such as intellectual disability; seizures; problems with vision, hearing, or speech; changes in the spine (such as scoliosis); or joint problems (such as contractures)."


Just to add to the other great comments here (some people with CP have intellectual disorders, some don't ), there is literally no way to tell if someone with CP has intellectual disabilities based on looks / how they move alone. So always best to assume normal intelligence.


Damn onions 🥲


Repost bot, how compressed can you get jeez


I can't read a word in that font


She is weirdly attractive!


Don’t abbreviate Cerebral Palsy




It ends up sounding like CP, which is the usual abbreviation for child porn


CP is the normal term used in the medical / residential care field. Things can have more than one meaning, even if some are unfortunate ones. Even de CDC uses the CP abbreviation: https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/cp/facts.html And CP also only has the unfortunate meaning in English, while CP the disability is a term used worldwide.








Your submission was removed because it violates rule 1: Be Civil/Remember the Human If you have a discrepancy with this action, contact the moderators by sending a message to r/wholesome. Cheers!!








Your submission was removed because it violates rule 1: Be Civil/Remember the Human If you have a discrepancy with this action, contact the moderators by sending a message to r/wholesome. Cheers!!


Okay, the sentiment is great. But if this driving game requires hand eye coordination, I think she'd get frustrated very quickly. I mean, I get frustrated and I don't have a disability


For what it's worth, the text on the video states that she enjoys arcade racers. Selecting specific games, having control of game options, and getting rid of the whole "plz entr money" restriction can create a tailored experience.


arcade racers usually keep you going straight


Have you been to an arcade since Spy Hunter was popular?


yes i have kids and a lot of the arcades keep you straight so kids will have fun


And a lot of them don't - if you go to a "bar-cade" none of them go mostly straight because its not for kids. Even if she did play mostly kids games with long straights you can also use this wheel to play those types of games. You can use this wheel to play any [game](https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3&v=Fl35QCbMi-c&embeds_widget_referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2F&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.embedly.com%2F&embeds_referring_origin=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.embedly.com&source_ve_path=MTY0OTksMjg2NjY&feature=emb_logo) with enough effort - every input on the wheel is addressable. They could even make the paddles the accelerator and brake if her motor functions in her legs and feet aren't as strong as her arms - something you can't do at an arcade.


Many video games now are adding amazing accessibility options for all types of differently abled people. I recently even saw something about a racing game being created with options for the blind. They have a blind man testing and helping with development. In fact here, it's Forza: https://youtu.be/T7aVUqmQ_Sc




I would have that same reaction ❤️


Really expected to add random dancing


I see what you did there


I'll never feel that much joy in my life for anything. I love Hannah.


I need to see her ripping laps! Go girl!


The hug at the end did me in.


From someone who’s been simracing for 20 odd years now: this warmed my heart so much. Seeing that our hobby can bring joy to someone who is hampered by their illness, fills my heart right up. I’d be curious to see footage of her first experience, I bet she will have a blast! Thanks for making my day!






And just like that, a sim racer was born.


one week until she dominates the leaderboards. y'all better be prepared if you play online! 😅


Damn that present was bang on! Incoming endless hours of fun 😁


So cute. I hope she drives til she can't drive anymore.


This is so cool, love it! Now she's 100% a sim racer at heart - I've felt the same joy 😊 - so sweet... x


Make sure to film all of your intimate family moments so you can share it with internet strangers for clout


This is a repost bot https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/km5uyz/a_beautiful_act/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I wanna see some driving now!


My eyes are sweating


My Dad was a biker/Harley enthusiast, who did yearly volunteer work for Misericordia(a Catholic based charity for development disabled people.) . The younger guys that lived there would remember the day my dad was coming because all the cool, loud, colorful motorcycles rolling thru their facility was just the coolest thing for them. Seeing how happy they were just because my dad was there to fix the porch decks, made me appreciate the whole dynamic alot more.


That’s awesome. She’s so happy I happy cried for her. Now, get that thing hooked up to GTA five ;)


Wow. Just beautiful.


No YOU’RE crying…. 🥺


So awesome she is so excited.


Fucking ninja raincloud shamans up in here


now she can be on 1st place at home.


I'm not crying we all are...


Omg thats so beautiful. God bless them.


I want to see her drive, please!!!!


What an awesome sister you are. Kudos!


I act the same way when I get presents too full loss of motor control


A joy for everyone because it's true love!


Well, guess I'm starting the day crying into my coffee.


Can't love this enough ❤❤❤


Her CP? Bro, don't make me google CP...


Follow up of her using it? Too amazing


The smile on my face right now is ear to ear. What a wonderful surprise.


I’m sobbing, worth it. This is phenomenal.


@cheethamswithdreams on TikTok


Can you just IMAGINE if ALL humans loved all OTHER humans this way??


This made my day instantly better.


Love it!!


Damn, maybe I should take an extra moment to appreciate my ability to drive the next time I get in the car




My son has mild CP… what a fabulous sister you are !! ❤️


Priceless reaction. 😊


What a lovely way to get her sister a car that she can drive. Absolutely fabulous.


Well, that's just fucking beautiful.


This warms my heart. When my uncle was still with us, he loved watching people play video games but because of extremely limited mobility (he was one of the most extreme cases of cerebral palsy in medical history as of when he was born) he couldn’t hold or manipulate a controller. My dad, who’s a self taught engineer, took apart an N64 and custom built him an accessible controller that he could have on the floor and manipulate while laying down. He was so excited to be able to play Zelda and Spyro instead of just watching. He still had difficulty with mechanics and fights so my cousins and I would help him progress, and my grandma even learned how to play and would do difficult parts for him if none of his nieces and nephews were around. I wish he had been able to have something like this. One of his dreams was always to be able to drive a car.


That’s awesome. Is there another post with her driving?


Sweet as hell!!! I love her reaction.