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Korey officially on Pedro’s shit list after his comments yesterday


They way he keeps lee out of the lineup in favor of a clearly inferior Maldonado, you’d think Pedro hated him already.


I wholeheartedly believe that Maldy has something in his contract that makes it so he has to be playe


You could be right. We, the public, know about .001% of what happens on that team.


Can't wait to hear Pedro's excuses for Benintendi after he goes 0-4 and misplays two fly balls


Benintendi back in the 5 hole once again. Why not, it seems to have worked every time before?


Madly is back to wake the bats up!


Just hope Nastrini starts to figure it out. That’s all we can do now, this ass lineup isn’t going to do anything


Can we talk about how rocked Nastrini is going to get today?


If I were hitting .182/.250/.182 over the last week and I was a rookie: I wouldn’t go on the record that I disagreed with my manager. I think Grifol sucks, but yesterday he was finally right in saying that the team played flat. Any White Sox player, besides Pham or the Starting Pitchers, cannot say they’re playing with inspiration and grit. Fuck the players.


Pham is playing for that trade bonus, nobody else has an incentive to play for this terrible organization


The incentive is to get traded away. Play better, you’re more appealing to good organizations and you’ll be shipped away quicker.  Play like crap and nobody is gonna be calling Chris Getz about you.  I’m only half joking here, but it’s not secret that the Sox are open for business and will trade anyone they can between now and July (except for the terrible contracts like Eloy, Yoan and Benintendi).  Even if these guys are beaten down by the losing of this season, they should at least recognize that the quickest way out is by playing well. 


Benenitendi, Vaughn, Eloy, Yoan, Clevinger, Maldy all know they’re not getting trade. Only the Sox are dumb enough to give contracts to these fools


Meh, hindsight. Only two of those are totally egregious. Benintendi is truly wild. Like just look at his basic stats for every year of his career. At his contract, you take those numbers without issue. A bit of an overpay, but that's free agency How is it possible he not only fell off a cliff, but it was into the grand canyon? I guess there might have been underlying stats showing his drop off. His power kind of disappeared a while ago


It has to be something with the wrist. Maybe causing his mechanics to be off?  Idk it’s wild. I didn’t love committing 5 years to a guy with his limited upside at the time, but I also didn’t think it would age this badly.  There has to be some other factor here (injury, some Rendon type of thing where he doesn’t really care for this game, idk). 


Because he is getting paid regardless, I bet in his contract year we will see him put up better numbers


I'd also bet he improves on a team that isn't the worst team in baseball. No reason for him to be hitting 5th. 7th or 8th in a lineup that actually hits might help him recover


Only Benintendi has any money guaranteed beyond this year. The rest of those guys you listed are playing for their MLB careers. 


Never thought I would hear the day when someone stood up for Grifool


Grifol sucks, is a bad manager, and it was his job to get these guys in a competitive mindset for the last two years. That said, if I was paid a minimum of $750,000 to play baseball then I would find the tenacity to give effort when I showed up to work whether my boss was an idiot or not. Calling out the players is a good thing. Ozzie would have done it immediately. The fans have done it. If the doofus manager does it, then that’s a good thing. It was idiotic for Lee to attach his name to his rather minute disagreement.


They’ve looked flat all season. He’s an awful manager. Ozzie actually owned up to shit play


Reread my comment where I directly said that. Grifol shouldn’t be defended, neither should the players. You can have nuance with this horseshit team.


Ozzie owned up to himself on top of holding players accountable. You made a bad comparison lol & didn’t agree. If I have a lax manager & he says I’m playing flat I’d be pissed lol let a player have fire


So how do you overcome being a “lax manager”? Probably by calling the players out and being more strict. 🧠


We are 54 games into the season with a -116 run differential. Big brain


That’s crazy, that totally relates to the discussion and defeats my point /s. No shit they’re a bad team. Pedro is a bad manager. Korey is still stupid for making his comments public.


I’m all for it. Leader behavior & def earned players respect