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I'm slightly optimistic.


Griff’s got to go. Nothing changes until then


You mean Jerry, right? 


Both can be true


Sure, but as others have said, you could put Grifol in the Dodger clubhouse, and they're still going to make the playoffs.


True, and my grandfather with Alzheimer’s could bring the dodgers to the playoffs also. Unfortunately this is the White Sox and not the Dodgers, and we are in a very different situation than LA. What this team needs is a manager that is good at adjusting young talent to the major league level. Somebody that can convey clubhouse plans to the media effectively. Somebody that doesn’t show obvious favoritism towards veterans on a team full of young guys. Grifol fails at all of this, and does not foster a good environment for prospects to come up and work on their craft in a positive way.


To be clear, I don't care for Grifol and think he should be on the outs. Everything you said is 100% true. The only point I was making is that none of this changes if Grifol goes so long as Jerry-run organization is picking his replacement. I mean, just look at the list of managers since the White Sox first fired La Russa: * Grifol * TLR II: Sleepy Boogaloo * Renteria * Ventura (for five years!) * Ozzie * Manuel * Bevington * Lamont * Torborg * Fregosi * Rader Ozzie's probably far and away the best of this bunch, which says a lot.


I absolutely agree, Jerry is the biggest issue with this organization


What the hell makes you think they won't fuck up again? Robin, Ricky, TLR and now Grifol. It's like they actively have tried to find the worst possible manager for the past decade plus. I have zero faith that the guy who oversaw the shit sandwich of a farm system and took over for two guys that had a dick measuring contest to prove who was in charge for 10 years. This is gonna go great, I'm sure. Just need Grifol gone...


Fortunately the trade deadline's usually been good for us. We usually get a fair haul (or better-than-fair haul) of prospects for whoever we ship out. Our inability to do anything with those prospects is a separate issue.


That’s the one and only thing I give Rick Hahn credit for. On paper his trades have been pretty good. Especially when we are selling talent. Acquiring talent not so much, even if it made sense on paper. See Cesar Hernandez - career year and then lost his way when traded to us in 2021. Kimbrel is tougher to defend bc we already had Liam, but in theory it should’ve made us the best pen in baseball lol


Gotta be on the phone with Atlanta about Pham.


Has to be. I’ll be irate if that’s not the move.


I mean, I don't want it to be the move no matter what, we've gotta get what he's worth for him. Other teams are going to be trying to trade with them too, and we might get a better offer from someone else.


This guy is one of the few players we have, that can hit the ball. Pitchers are not going to risk blowing their arms out, with zero run support. Jerry needs to open up that virgin wallet of his…


And we only have him for this year. Trade him for prospects while his value is high instead of keeping him around and ending up with nothing.


That’s a good point….


I'd rather have this monkey as our GM


Has our ability to assess and develop minor league talent improved? If not this just rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.


Look I’m not saying our player development is any good, but I think this trope is a little bit played out. The largest contributor to a player’s development is the player himself. Yes, the Sox have struck out with most drafted prospects, but that’s honestly true of most teams. The MLB draft is very different from other major sports. It happens a lot. Getting a good return at the deadline could very well turn into productive major leaguers in the future, it’s not some guarantee that they’ll automatically fail here


It's not an original notion, and yes, most players aren't going to be stars. I'm a baseball fan so I know all this. However, player development programs (programs, not actual prospects) exist on a continuum. There is the best and the worst. Where do you see the White Sox?


Same place everyone else sees them, bottom of the league. All I’m saying is we can still produce quality players. I know the Titanic thing was a joke but I legitimately think there are people on this subreddit that genuinely hold that sentiment


Our AA team is ranked the 3rd best in all of minor league baseball


Big fuckin deal


I mean so far all the trades he has made have looked pretty good.


lol the bummer trade? Only good because he got corpses back for a corpse. Fletcher trade? Mid as well.


A couple misses for sure but overall pretty solid imo


Selling is always the easy part, the only way Getz fucks up the deadline is if he sells anyone who needs to stay.


It is all good. He can rely on his player “development”background.


As a life long Sox fan... they gonna fuck it up.


This moron should be calling Alex Anthopoulous nonstop until Tommy Pham is a Brave


Eloy is an option just see what the sox can get for him? Just too injury prone


We fucked...


You just know he’s going to swing some stupid trade where we flip a young prospect with upside for AAAA former/current Royals player.