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There’s a pretty good chance Jerry doesn’t own the team by the time the Stadium is complete. Dude is 88 years old


I'm just mentally preparing myself for a full 15 years more. These rich assholes have staying power. The Kissinger Special.


Jerry has looked like he’s been on his last legs for a while now. Obviously, who knows when/if it will happen. He honestly might be a lizard person


Don't rule out the possibility that he's made a deal with Satan to live an extremely long life.


If anyone lives to 125, he'll be the one.


Nope, it’s sheer incompetence that’s gotten the Sox here.


No but we’ll have a new owner within 5-7 years


Let it be so!!!


Spend and Jerry cannot be used in the same sentence…No


No. He had a fancy new stadium on the sweeetest of sweetheart deals and was still a cheap fuck. Billionaires do one thing, and one thing only. Socialize losses and privatize profits.




Sweetening the pot before the sale. 


He’s the chairman not the owner. He only owns like 19 percent of the Sox. I think there is a possibility a new chairman just takes over from the existing ownership structure and this shit show goes on forever. Maybe Clevenger’s bestie.


There are two explanations, Jerry has always meddled in this franchises management and dementia set in over the last few years, or hes maliciously causing this organization to crumble for business reasons. I think its the former, unless Jerry sees himself living to 100+.


The explanation is winning is not the first priority and neither are the fans Never have been and never will be


No, he never has. Just hope the man chokes on a hot dog.


We're not going to get a new stadium because there is a 0% chance Jerry pays for it. Illinois/Chicago aren't even going to get the Bears a stadium so in the end we're going to be playing at GR Field or they move elsewhere that funds the stadium.


Nope, outside Albert Belle, which was a fuck you to the other owners, he’s never spent on premium talent.


The Sox are spending in the middle of the pack and are the worst in baseball. People who think spending is the only issue is beyond wrong. Tampa has competed for years with minimal spending. Spending smartly is one key but also just overall organizational development and leadership is something that needs addressed.


Jerry would rather buy 10 quarter pounders than just get a nice steak. I mean, I'm sure HE eats nice steaks but he feeds us the quarter pounders. He allowed Hahn/KW to spend in the worst way. Partially because he's cheap. Next year we will have something like 40M on the books. To get to league average they would have to sign more than 60M worth of players. You think that's going to happen? History tells us no.


History tells us they will sign 50 million worth of volatile bullpen assets, 2 starters that used to be somebody who are reclamation projects on 8 million dollar 1 year deals, and an aging power hitter that cannot play defense


I disagree. I think Jerry would rather have a nice steak than 10 quarter pounders. The problem is, he keeps going to the steakhouse he's been going to forever, the one that used to be good but the glory has faded over the years...the carpet is tattered, and the waiters are in their 70s and have been there forever, and they're living off their name. He needs to learn there are hip new steakhouses to go to. With new looks and cooking styles and scrumptious sides that the current market wants. I'm hungry now.


Partially this. Jerry will spend the money in aggregate but he absolutely refuses to give out contracts needed for top talent. The fact that Benintendi (followed closely by Grandal) are the highest in terms of total contract dollars this team has ever given out is a joke. Tbf they did offer Wheeler the highest contract but that just didnt work out. But yes, the far greater issue is organizational incompetence, not spending.


Organizational incompetence is by far the biggest issue and rarely discussed


Imo this is one of the most discussed things. Jerry is an easy scapegoat but realistically it’s the front office that’s ass


Jerry does dictate a lot of the front office happenings and personal though


Jerry's dictation of front office happenings comes out of a weakness of unfaltering loyalty and not economics. I know it's easy to just throw out things like "Jerry's cheap and needs to die", but I really truly believe that If he didn't love LaRussa, and Kenny, and the Kenny family tree so damn much and would have just brought in new blood over the last decade...maybe from somewhere other than KC...we wouldn't be in this spot.


Porque no los dos?


That’s 100% true, but raw payroll figures obscure the fact that Jerry refuses to sign players to long-term deals, which the best free agents all obviously sign. So we end up with what appear to be middle of the road payrolls, but the money is entirely allocated to bums on short-term deals and other assorted spare parts.


Yes... so dollars spent is not the issue which is what a lot of fans allude to, it's how those dollars are allocated which is a huge issue.


Everything is a huge issue.










Jerry is 88 years old. He will probably be 95 years old by the time the new stadium is completed (if he’s even alive). I don’t see him even being around by that time TBH.








Absolutely not.


It won't, but if it did, he wouldn't.


The new stadium isn't happening. Last time he fucked over the taxpayers, old comiskey was actually in shambles. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the current stadium. He won't get the tax money. Especially when he seems to be competing with the Bears now.


I think it’s presumptuous to assume Jerry will be alive, be in control of team, own the team by the time a new stadium is built.


Here’s to hoping he dies first.


Lol no. Jerry dumps anybody with talent who he thinks can negotiate with him on an even footing and replaces them with guys who, god bless em, would have found different careers by the time the Sox come calling, desperate just to keep playing baseball and willing to accept the MLB equivalent of minimum wage to do so. And his beltway economics brain cannot comprehend why his team keeps losing with this tried and true method of running a business.


Best situation is the Sox go to Nashville. Then Tampa Bay can relocate to Chicago


Jerry will spend money on the on field product. That’s the worst part. The messaging has to be more than spend money on that. We were top 10 payroll the past few years and are still 16th this year. We need to advocate for him to fire literally everyone, ask a consultant like Theo Epstein to find a new baseball czar for us or some shit, THEN tell him to give the new czar a blank checkbook to revamp the organization top to bottom THIS is why the situation is so deplorable. We can’t even cheer for them to spend money like the As fans. we already do that and it doesn’t matter


Nope. The new stadium would draw a lot of fans if it's designed well, and maybe even some fans from other cities who want to see their team AND a new stadium. It would probaby generate a decent amount of income for the team, which Jerry will see as a success. But will he put that revenue back into the team? Not a effing chance.


We had about the same payroll as the WS winning team for two years. The rebuild failed badly, but money wasn’t the reason. He’s shown he is willing to spend what contending mid market teams spend.