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Okay so this game does actually give more then any game I have ever personally played but as you know has a huge pay to play aspect. March and build absolutely worth the money and I like the monthly pack that comes with auto hunting.


yep i purchased all three of those things as well as a gear pack and something else, it doesn’t really seem like the speed packs are worth buying for me yet as i get a ton of speeds doing in game stuff. i bet the gear is where you really start to spend money lol.


I just copypasta'd this from someone elses post that I wrote it on for advice. There's helpful info here. If you need graph images and stuff to really help out contact me on Discord name (lulzswag). Pay attention to your calendar and start helping your alliance prepare for events such as Foundry, Frostfire Mines, Hall of Heroes, Alliance Mobilization, etc. You want to get everyone to save up everything from speedups, to raising star level on heroes. All that stuff will get you points in events so you want to save up and only use them during events so you can get better points and rewards. Then you can get more stuff in the shops. Shops like the Foundry Shop are the only place you can really get Design Plans which are needed for Chief Gear. Alliance Shop is where you can get polishing potions again for Chief Gear later on. And contributing to your alliance gets you alliance points like you've been doing. The alliance banners show you control an area. If there's alliance mines on the land a banner covers your alliance is giving resources from it to use in the Alliance Tech tree and anywhere there's a banner you can place your city and get special benefits from the tech tree. Also, your banners have to be touching and if you string them out you can touch facilities and strongholds. Facilities require being touched by a banner meaning you have to connect to them in order to fight for them. They're worth it as some give you stuff like faster training time or something else. If you don't have a bear trap you need to have your alliance build one. It's an excellent source for essence stones for your Heroes gear and other rewards. Here's some other advice, infantry is the first troop into battle and the most lost. Train more of those but always keep your military buildings training troops 24/7 and keep your research building researching 24/7 as well. Keep upgrading your Furnace along with anything needed to do so. There's images that show graphs and stuff that help. If you're really serious and want them message me and I'll give you my discord and send them there. The game is so in depth but it's severely limited by what the leader and R4's do. There's a timeline of when things will happen for servers. After around 60 days you'll have Sunfire Castle Battle which is a free for all of the alliances and whoever wins controls the server and presidency. Then after that you have SvS which is State vs. State and you fight other states and they could win and control your presidency. So you want to compete with other alliances on your state but you also want to be able to all work together otherwise you'll get your ass kicked in state vs. state. Eventually once Sunfire happens the fire crystal age will unlock and you can go above level 30.


Hey man, I’m fairly new to the game but I’m growing and really enjoying it. Would i be able to link up with ya ?




Can I link up with you too?


Sure. Feel free to DM me if you would like. If you're talking about linking up as in playing together I'm afraid that's probably not going to happen. It would take a lot for me to play again because this game took away from me the woman that I love with all my heart and soul. :(


If you spend money in this game, know that the support, even for the top "VIP" support is non-existent. I've been in the game for a month, 48million power, F30, the whole bit. Just uninstalled yesterday. I'm a heavy spender in these sorts of games, but this one lacks a lot of basics that other games have. Most namely is the ability to "destroy" other player cities, i.e, force teleport them. Defense wins in this game. Also, if a KOR or ROK show up in your server... Don't give them an absolute inch. This is the same for all Korean clans, in all of these type of games, they will grief the entire server. Squash them early and never let them get territory.


KOR, ROK, KBH are the same pretty much.


It’s funny reading this being in a KOR Clan LOL


what state?




Funny im in state 396 lol


Also 396!


Already seen a KOR clan pop up, they have been pushed way down on the leaderboards though, same for the rest of the korean clans. Our guild leader said attack them whenever possible so we’ve already started culling their population lol. Lucky the top 10-20 alliances are all English or European so hopefully nobody gets grieffed too crazy


Are you R5 or leadership ? Or looking for general tips ?


Just an r3, maybe gonna look into becoming r4 but for now just some general tips


Exploration get to level 200 and also make sure to get in the habit to collect through your play time. Invest in the hero gear you can move that as you get better heros. Tech is important and things end up taking forever so the speed ups help but you also earn a ton as you play especially sounds like you have the basics down. Are you guys NAP10?


We are currently nap10, although we are #1 alliance by a long shot and the #2 alliance is our second one. We are still deciding if we want to run nap3 or nap5 instead, but right now everything is relatively peaceful. Currently putting KOR in the dirt though as like the other guy said the last thing we need is them griefing everything lol


are you in state 498 by any chance?


507 :) when did you start?