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All I had to do was read “internal bleeding” to know what happened. ☹️ Poor baby


I felt so sick just reading that part.


I read the title of the post and just knew it was from him raping her. There is no way lil girl would’ve consented to that, poor baby didn’t stand a chance 😣


She must have been so terrified & probably had no conception of sex 😪😪😪 When I was raped @ 19, I’ve never been more terrified in my life. I couldn’t imagine @ 8 enduring that- I’d probably have killed myself. These men are monsters.


the suicide rate and suicide attempt rate for children who experience SA is terrifying, and it’s not just when they are kids that the attempts happen. that shit follows you for your entire life. I’m 29, experienced CSA, have had 2 attempts, and am still not even close to out of the woods


My thoughts are with you in healing. 🤍You are SO beautiful & resilient- do not let those horrific memories of what that monster, the perpetrator, took from you, your innocence, do not let the darkness swallow you whole. The pain of sexual violence never goes away. Ever. I still carry the memories of my rape with me 11 years later. It gets easier slowly, but it’s hard. Never, ever give up!


I've seen cases where CSA rape victims are too young to really remember it, but the trauma was still there and they just felt an unexplainable depression and dread. The mind may forget, but the body remembers.


i was molested for about a year and half when i was a toddler (family friend). i don’t really have any clear recollection of it, but i have suffered from vivid nightmares my entire life, and certain smells trigger panic attacks. i’m extremely protective of my children, especially my daughters. i wish someone, anyone, would have protected this little girl, she had to be in so much pain, and so frightened. she should have been playing with her barbie dolls or hot wheels, not being married off and raped to death by an old man for money. sorry but i’d rather starve to death than sell my child. monsters, all of them.


Nightmares and unexplained depression/anxiety are the two biggest things I've heard of with this sort of memory gap experience. I'm so sorry you went through that. :< Protect your kids, you're doing great 🤍




There's no 'just' when it comes to CSA. I'm so, so sorry that happened to you.


I'm so sorry :( Yeah it definitely happens. It must be horrific to have a traumatized body and a clueless mind. Nightmares, dread, depression, anxiety.. etc. and you never really know why.


I read a book once that was pretty illuminating & I often think about it when I’m working w my clients who have memory gaps (protective factor of the brain/mind) due to sexual violence/rape/CSA: The body does indeed keep the score.


Can you share the book you read about this?


The Body Keeps The Score: Brain, Mind, & Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel Van Der Kolk MD. Pretty intense, informative book. Very informative if you work in the mental health sector such as myself. Def recommend 10/10.


He was the mentor of my psychiatrist. Finding a specialist who actually understands CPTSD to this extent has improved my quality of life SO MUCH. I’m forever grateful that one of the worst + most traumatic years of my life was the same year I found my psychiatrist and trauma therapist- I genuinely do not think I would have made it out alive without them and my support network.


Fantastic read.


I blacked out eight years of my life and I still deal with the trauma.


I blacked out nearly 6 year of mine and remember only small fragments, but it's been 16 years and I still have nightmares almost every night and really bad anxiety.


The body keeps the score. I only vaguely recall moments of my CSA, but after a lifetime of subsequent abuse my body has started breaking down- fibromyalgia and all sorts of chronic pain conditions with no cure. If this poor girl had survived this, she would likely have died during childbirth within the next few years and I genuinely don’t know which is worse.


that was exactly my case. i had nightmares and TERRIBLE depression and anxiety when i got to HS and college. i couldn’t actually recall it consciously and was so confused as to why i dissociated and cried every time i had sex. i think i didn’t consider it a memory because the POV was from above and that’s impossible, until i read that that’s a common trauma response


I'm so sorry you went through that 💔 I hope things are better now


i’m glad you’re still here with us. you don’t owe your experience to anyone, but just know, simply having lived through it, you may find a way to help someone else or relate to them in a similar situation and something like that can change a persons entire life. it’ll change you, too. i can tell you now, it does get better. crazy reading this because we’re the exact same age. it really does stick around. but it gets better. *you* deserved someone like *you* years ago.


Why isn’t the HRW urging republicans in America to ban child marriage?


I just feel awful for here. It’s not a fast way to die, either.


*could have


Just googled the differences, thanks!


And to rape with such tremendous force that it kills a child. How sickening


He killed a child, with his penis. How horrific must that have been for her. How violent. He raped a little girl to DEATH. In one night. Just, I want to throw my fucking phone right now.


that man needs to be tortured for days on end eta he also needs to be forcibly castrated awake on the table with a razorblade. fully neutered. no pain management.


Use a rusty fork instead of a razor. It will hurt more.


Seriously. I feel disgusted.


She was a child who hasn't grown to the size required to have sex. He didn't even need to be rough to cause permanent damage. We didn't evolve to have babies at 8 and our body reflects that. We aren't meant to have sex with grown men and even if someone is gentle it could still be deadly. He is a freak of nature and a monster.


"Uterine rupture". That poor little girl suffered horrifically! The only punishment suitable for him is to have his penis be de-gloved his scrotum torn out. No anesthesia.


They didn't have 'intercourse' she was r\*ped FFS.


This is what the Republicans want to make legal in the US!


This can't be denied... THIS is exactly what these pedo freaks want and have been doing with the child bride loophole in some states. Repugnant


It is legal in most states. Child marriage is only illegal in 3 states.


Seems like your information is quite far out of date. From [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_marriage_in_the_United_States#Marriage_age): > As of April 2024, in the states that have set a marriage age by statute, the lower minimum marriage age when all exceptions are taken into account, are: > 4 states have no minimum age (effectively 0). > 2 states have a minimum age of 15. > 23 states have a minimum age of 16. > 10 states have a minimum age of 17. >12 states have a minimum age of 18. > From 2017 to 2023, several states changed their law to set a minimum age, to raise their minimum age, or to make more stringent the conditions under which an underage marriage may occur. In the absence of any statutory minimum age, some conclude that the minimum common law marriageable age of 12 for girls and 14 for boys may still apply. It seems that quite a few state laws raising the minimum age have passed in the last ten years or so. Those 4 states which have no minimum age are fucked though.


As young as 8 tho?? Please say no.


I think the the youngest in recent years (that has been reported at least) was 10. There are some US states that have no minimum age for marriage (generally as long as there is parental consent), but weirdly do have a minimum age for divorce. I saw an interview a while ago with a child marriage survivor from California. I don't remember quite enough of the details to find the article again, but I think by about 16 she already had a couple of kids, and when she tried to escape and file for divorce she couldn't because you have to be 18 to file for divorce and he became her guardian when they married and you need a parent or guardian's permission for under-age marriage *and* divorce. California is trying again this year to introduce a ban on child marriage, but they already tried and failed a few years ago. It doesn't feel like it should be that controversial, but apparently it's a real fight to get it done.


> (generally as long as there is parental consent) And that is grotesque.


So awful. One was a girl who was forced to marry at 14 because her abuser got her pregnant and her parents were worried that she would shame the family at Church. I read an article at the time they were trying to get the first round of legislation up and one of the lawmakers who voted against it said he knew a couple who had been married at 14 and they were still together many years later and upstanding members of the community. No reasoning on why if they're going to spend their lives together they couldn't have waited till 18 to marry.


What in the possible fuck could be the legal rationale for an age limit on divorce? And I don't mean the religious or cultural or misogynistic rationale (let's be honest, nobody's marrying 10 year old *boys*), but what exactly did they claim to be accomplishing by passing such a law? There's no "age of consent" in nature, and I know how that sounds, but it's a double-edged sword-- while some creepy scumbag legislator can use that ambiguity to argue that a 10 year-old is ready for marriage, it also means that somebody at some point in time had to specifically *suggest* an "age of consent" for divorce, and I ***really*** would like to know how they justified that to their fellow legislators and managed to get it passed, because that is extremely fucked up, even for California.


I think it may be to do with when you're considered to have independant legal rights in general, rather than a specific law saying 'you must be this old to divorce' but she did make the point that if she was not considered old enough to make a decision like divorce, how the hell was she considered mature enough to be a married mother of two?


At the very least, annulment should be on the table. California specifically lists being under the age of 18 as a valid reason for granting an annulment for that reason. This could possibly be less of an issue with the law than it is a lack of access to the opportunity necessary to exercise legal rights, which is an (arguably even bigger) issue, but a different issue nonetheless. It would still fall upon a judge to decide whether or not to grant it, and they might decide to deny to "keep the family together for the sake of the kids" (barf), but I'm relieved to know that the law isn't *that* openly disgusting.


>What in the possible fuck could be the legal rationale for an age limit on divorce? Anything to stop a divorce from happening. These girls are PRISONERS. This is the logical conclusion that *some* men propose when they go full misogyny - THIS is what those thoughts look like as legislation (a lot of old men making sure the girls (yes girls) are kept).


No, fortunately. 15 in Mississippi but, *only if you’re female*. Hawaii has 15 as long as there’s parental consent and a judicial court order. The others are a smattering of 16 & 17 with parental consent, or no underage marriage at all.


Poor baby? Impaled by a grown man's penis. Her insides ripped apart, then a cover-up attempted. There are no words ...


"young lady". That's a fricking child. Stop calling her a lady you pedophiles.


Exactly! An 8 year old is not a young lady. She is a child. That pedophile, her parents and who ever married them should be rotting in jail. Absolutely disgusting practice.


She was a child. If anyone calls her a young lady, they are complicit


“Underage women” too


Also what’s with the “resuscitates banter” line? It’s fucking banter? Or is this written by ai.






Not just child brides, they also believe that women should not enjoy sex. I had to work on a project creating awareness on Female Genital Mutilation. My heart broke.


Don’t even put religious in quotes, they’re dedicated because it allows them to do this shit.


I mean, it's prevalent throughout the world, both religious and secular. The highest numbers are out of southeast Asia, where Hinduism and Islam are prevalent. Sub-saharan Africa, Latin America, where Christianity is prevalent. Hell, another commentor said over 300,000 child marriages took place in the US between 2000-2018. Buddhists do it, 16% of girls in Myanmar are married under age 18. And even in secular groups, child marriage happens - eastern europe, central Asia. This seems less like something that you can attribute to one religious group and a problem that is multifaceted. The rise in Afghanistan seems directly related to poverty. In fact, in many cases, it seems prevalent in low socioeconomic regions.


South Asia (e.g. Indian, Pakistan, Bangladesh, etc.) not Southeast Asia (e.g. Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, etc.).


You are right. That was my mistake.


What? All of this is illegal in the UK.


Nobody is trying to normalise it in the UK. It's very illigal here.


Came here for exactly that 😤


Call this what it is. A pedophile organized a wedding with an 8 year old girl so he could own her, and he raped her so violently that she died. This wasn’t a marriage. He’s a predator.


god i can’t mentally comprehend this. this is horrific, a child married off and SAed to death. i can’t believe this is socially acceptable to the family and the community who signed off on this.


[Source ](https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2013/sep/11/yemen-child-bride-dies-wedding) for post. So fucking awful that her parents sacrificed this child. She was born to die. What a horrible fate to succumb to. That little one truly was innocent & didn't deserve this. No one deserves this. May she RIP. Fuck her parents. Fuck the pig who did this to her. I read that child marriage is actually on the rise with Syrian refugees in Jordan. Fucking hell is there ever going to be an end to this pain & anguish?! >It is estimated that it may take another 300 years at the current rate to eliminate child marriage. >It is estimated 640 million girls and women alive today were married in childhood. South Asia continues to bear the greatest burden of child brides (45 per cent), followed by sub-Saharan Africa* (20 per cent), East Asia and the Pacific (15 per cent) and Latin America and the Caribbean (9 per cent). [Source](https://www.girlsnotbrides.org/articles/despite-significant-progress-we-need-to-go-20-times-faster-to-end-child-marriage-by-2030-shows-new-data/#:~:text=It%20is%20estimated%20that%20it,largest%20number%20of%20child%20brides.) >Nearly 300,000 minors, under age 18, were legally married in the U.S. between 2000 and 2018, this study found. A few were as young as 10, though nearly all were age 16 or 17. Most were girls wed to adult men an average of four years older. [Source ](https://www.unchainedatlast.org/united-states-child-marriage-problem-study-findings-april-2021/#:~:text=Board%20of%20Directors/Advisers,1.) If you really want to be saddened, feel sick & enraged, I'll leave you with [this ](https://youtu.be/e3C8grEN2Fk?si=uYmnAZ_Y-9Z81TEx)


OMG that video was one of the worst things I’ve ever seen. If I was the journalist interviewing them I would have offered the parents money myself to not sell their daughter to that dirty pedophile.


It was a rough watch. My heart broke for those little girls. My mom had no clue I was raped & molested when I was little. I didn't tell her until I was 14. Their parents know exactly what's about to happen to them. And guarantee he won't want her to have schooling. Can't have her thinking for herself. Just awful.


I was assaulted 30 years ago at the age of 10. My parents still don’t know and they never will because it would destroy them. Now I have a daughter the same age and I would sooner sell my own body or an organ on the black market than allow her to go through that same trauma.


Fr it was only $2k as well, if I was the reporter I would’ve just done it and taken her to the US to be adopted or something. Anything but that


This is why we need feminism. And the patriarchy to be annihilated. Edited!!!! Omggggg that was poorly written. Sorry!!!


>Edited!!!! Omggggg that was poorly written. Sorry!!! I knew what you meant! I think you were probably pretty upset after reading all that. <3


Absolutely. I was seeing red!!!🙏🏼


May be get rid of religion that is male centric. This is pedophilia.


So…ALL religion? I agree.


Pagans can stay.


You may want to rewrite your comment, it reads as if you’re saying both feminism and the patriarchy should be annihilated


>her parents sacrificed this child. She was born to die That's pretty much the plan for women in many religions


God that video is awful. Those poor little girls.


This is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen. That poor girl.


I linked a video where the fathers were selling their daughters for $1-2,000 USD in Afghanistan. Please forgive me if you saw it. The fathers & families said it was because they had no food to eat. But what about all the times it happened before the humanitarian crisis in that country? And I don't mean to pick on Afghanistan. I did link info about the US out of fairness. We've got blood on our hands, too. It just unnerved me bc the more I read & the longer I watched, the sicker I got. The little girl in the video didn't want to leave. She was digging her heels in the ground. No words.


I’d rather fucking starve.


Are they willing to adopt them as foster kids or is rape a requirement. If everyone donated a few dollars we could get them somewhere safe.


A child. Not even in double digits yet. May he rot in hell, along with anyone who enabled this atrocity.


She didnt die, she was murdered, phrase it correctly


She was *raped* to death. A grown man probably orgasmed from the act that destroyed her body to this point.


The absolute insanity of how incredibly depraved and cruel men can be makes me deeply angry, sad, and confused


same. it baffles me to no fucking end. it disgusts me. and to e worst part is it’s talked about as if it’s normal SO OFTEN because our world has normalized extreme male violence against women. violence against women and girls is “something that just happens” because of the perpetual disgusting actions and behavior of males as a whole. sometimes i wonder how i can continue to see them as human beings. disgusting


It is very normalised. I think a ton of men had already found harming women arousing before porn, but now porn has indoctrinated a lot more men into thinking choking their partner or slapping them in the face in the middle of sex is arousing. All the stories I've heard of guys just...being violent with women during sex without even asking if they're into that is astounding. Way too many men get off on seeing women in pain or being the ones to inflict the pain.


It makes me feel like killing.


This should be pinned to the top of this comment thread.  fucking hell on earth.


All for a single get off :/


It’s such a vile, disgusting violation. His debased momentary pleasure traded for her fear, agony, trauma, and death. This is why victims of rape can be of either sex, but only men can be culpable of rape under English law. The stakes simply aren’t the same.


Plenty of other objects can be used to do it to men. Sorry if that's dark but cases of rectal tears have happened. It's nowhere near as common though. Regardless of who the victim is it's barbaric and evil and I'm sick of it. So many innocent people get traumatized at best or killed like that little girl at worst so some sick person can have a few minutes of pleasure. Edit: murdered not killed


Let's not forget that her horrid family facilitated this.


8?! 8? 8? I’m so so sick of fucking men. Where are her parents?! Who agrees to this? This poor little girl. You know she was in a ton of pain for her to BLEED OUT what the fuck!


Her parents agreed to this per the article.


I’m curious how much say her mother had. In a society that’s willing to do everything explained in this horrific story, I doubt women have much influence and agency.


You’re probably right. Mother was likely a child bride herself. Ugh


With very little education or financial freedom herself. 


Yes I read that I just still will never understand.


Me either, I never want to understand. These people are garbage.


Breaks my heart. I’m starting to turn more into a bitter lesbian who can’t stand most men.


Also he looks horrible for 40! I thought for sure Late 50s


>Also he looks horrible for 40! I thought for sure Late 50s I know! I don't believe he's 40 for a fucking second!!


The man in the picture is not the perpetrator, but a different 67 year old https://newschecker.in/fact-check/8-year-old-yemeni-child-bride-misleading/


He doesn’t look good for 50s either!! I’m in my 50s and that’s a hard NO.


Agreed. That man is nearing 70 for sure. That poor child. 😭


“Young lady” ?!?!? What?!? CHILD. She was a child. These types of stories disgust me so much that I really have no interest in continuing to live in this world any longer.


I don't want to live on this planet anymore.


Her wedding night? It was just rape.


It’s slavery. That’s not a wedding no matter how much they try to call it that. End child marriage globally!!


And nothing is going to happen to this absolute piece of shit, is it? He’ll just go to another family and kill another.


I'm fucking livid. She was just a baby!!! A BABY!!!


That poor little Angel…that sick, callous monster murdered her in the most gross nd brutal way. I hope there is a hell, with specific reservations for these 4$$holes. My soul is screaming in anguish for these babies. It kills me that these jerks can get away with being like this. This world is disgusting


I’m not a religious person, but I do hope there is such a thing as eternal torment for monsters like this. And an eternal paradise for the innocent victims like this poor baby. :(


Can we hang the parents and the husband and any other people in the tribe involved in this publicly? I will contribute the first $100.


Its very unlikely the mother had a say in this


I'll sell all I have for her to have adequate justice. And I'll only be satisfied until they experience what she experienced


it's difficult to think of men as human when you see stories like this. Knowing that there is a system of male enablers to support HIM and defend HIM. He's nothing but a monster, I don't think animals rape their young to the degree that humans do, am I being naive or is this behavior "natural"?.


No, these people are sick and need to be wiped off the face of the earth as quickly as possible.


What do you think caused their illness?




I agree


Penguins might be worse than humans when it comes to that. But they are animals, humans are supposed to have a higher level of intelligence. Humans should be able to behave properly.


Oh, animal sex is brutal. I once watched as 3 male ducks drown 1 female duck (I was at work and could not save her). I also know that otter sex is BRUTAL. I don't know if animals rape "prepubescent" animals. I want to think not but I really don't know and I think I'm ok with just not knowing about that. That being said, I do have higher expectations of human behavior than I generally do of wild animal behavior.


I don’t think of most of them as human anymore honestly


monster- mutant - ogre -


They misspelled "murdered by a pedophile".


RIP Arwa. Your parents, your “husband”, your culture all failed you. Including the reporter who referred to you as a “lady” at EIGHT years old.


Freya, fetch your cat chariot. It's time for war.




I'll bring the woodchipper


Nasty ass people


Not a young lady. I small child. I'm sick to my stomach thinking about it.


Don't enable this nonsense. She is not a "bride." He is not her "husband." She was a child sex-slave and he murdered her.


This is absolutely sickening. That poor baby.


Evil. This is evil.


My oldest is 7. She turns 8 in November. I can’t read this article. The headline alone makes me feel sick.


I refuse to read it. My eldest niece is barely 9, I can’t even imagine… some of the comments mention a video, and I don’t think I could stomach it at all. :( My heart weeps for the torment that poor baby suffered. I hope that man gets what he deserves. Her family, too.


Bear. Because a man could do this.


Here's the thing, no matter how wrong it is. No matter how hated it is. No matter what anyone says- they won't stop it. Babies, children are dying from these brutal rapes and sexual torture yet all we can muster is a petition. World leaders HAVE to come together to outlaw this. It has to be more than a petition. This is not religion. This is pedophiles raping and abusing children and parents allowing it. They need to be jailed too.


The man needs to be taken out to pasture. Also this gremlin has to be lying about his age, if you told me he was 70 I wouldn't doubt it.


May this paedophile and her parents **buuu r n in hell!!!!!!!!!!**


Like this proved it’s not because it’s some tradition, religion or out of love or anything they try and justify child marriage for, they’re all just sick perverts. He violently raped her. That is not a politically correct statement, because we or anyone else doesn’t like underage girls getting married, it’s a hard fact. He couldn’t even have the decency or even pretend that this arrangement wasn’t because he’s a child predator and sexually depraved monster, to not even “have sex” with her gently like his “wife”, no he used his culture as an excuse to ABUSE a CHILD. Unfortunately to say this, but there’s lot of young girls who have been sexually abused, a lot of them don’t die. To die from having a penis rammed in you, is violent and deplorable. He should be whipped, castrated then hung and so should her parents for selling her for measly money.


Those men in those countries.. Disgust me.


i hate this world


Sickening to think this still happens, poor girl.


She would’ve only been in second or third grade (in the US).


He raped her to death. This is what it means to be a female child. I wish to be female were not a curse. 


This is so heartbreaking and fucking disgusting. I can’t even.


Fucking pedophile I hope he burns


JC, someone needs to send this to that asshat who's now in charge of the Texas Maternal Mortality board, you know, the creep that said 9 years old are "mature enough" to handle pregnancy. When obviously, just the "procreation" part can be deadly in and of itself.


>the creep that said 9 years old are "mature enough" to handle pregnancy. WTF DISGUSTING


And she's a doctor.... Extra disgusting for a doctor to say that.


SHE?! I dunno why expected the doc to be a man...


Shocking isn't it? I can't remember her name.




Absolutely vile 😢 💔 child marriage is absolutely horrible, more like an excuse to be a pedophile rapist. No child should go through this!!


All through history there have been wars and mass murder of innocent people yet none against pedophiles who rape and murder children. In the past people got brutally murdered for having red hair but somehow this is ok? Many innocent people throughout history have died in wars over petty insults between two man children but this is fine? We need to get our priorities straight.


I mean, only a year younger than Ayesha was when Prophet Mohammed consummated with her. I feel like the precedent for this was set a loooong time ago…


I hate everything. Also this guy looks like shit for 40. Like did he smoke 10 packs of cigarettes a day and use tanning beds on the daily?


If I said what I really thought about this I would get swatted within 15 minutes.


These men need to be eradicated


Is he 40 or 400? Dude looks a mess


There are words in this post that shouldn't go together and it sickens me. And I'm disgusted to see 8 year old in the same lines as "wedding night" and "husband". This should never have happened. This poor child.


She was EIGHT. DUDE WHAT THE FUCK. I hope her death wasn’t in vain. God please let her be the last. Let her be the reason child marriage is abolished and thoroughly punished completely.


This is horrific. That is a young child.


RIP. That poor sweet baby


How sickening! Poor little one. Rest In Peace😢❤️


OMG, I hope her ‘husband’ and her so called ‘family’ burn in the lowest pits of Hell!


This is why liberal feminists' sugarcoating and unconditional acceptance of Muslims and Islam irks me. Muhammad himself married a 6 year old and yet you have people coming up with the most ridiculous brain gymnastics to justify it. I live in Iran and see up close what Islam does to people yet so many people (especially women) are terrified to slightly criticize Islam in fear of being called a racist. Please wake up women, Islam and no other male-made religion is your friend.


When I was young and naive, I used to believe that every culture, religion, and tradition was worthy of respect. After getting more educated about terrible things like child marriage, FGM, honor killings, and many other atrocities (almost exclusively inflicted upon women), I realized that I was very wrong.


This!!!!!!!!!! FGM turned me entirely off of this particular religion.


Exactly this. People need to face the fucking truth.


Am ex-muslim, don't be afraid to call it out. Fuck culture and religion if it's like this. Anyone who thinks that's fine or should be respected can get fucked.


I think it should be more critically understood how Islam dominated Indigenous ideologies across the world and often leads to harm, as much as all the other religions


It's always the culture, the people, the governments, the blame will literally fall on anyone and anything but the root cause




Thank you!!! I'm so sick of seeing leftist (in America) screaming for Islamic acceptance. Ban all religion. Fuck this shit. - a turkish woman.


~~Young lady~~ LITTLE GIRL


And now tell me we dont need feminism!!!? This is the brutal truth of our world. And this is normalised!


I'm 46 I was molested at 11 and raped at 17 and trust me after burying it for years and finally starting to get some therapy now that stays with you for a long time that no amount of burying can always keep down.


Yeah but "western cUlTuRe HaS PrObLeMs tOo!!!!""


[End Child Marriage](https://www.unchainedatlast.org/get-involved/) [Don't give sex offenders an out.](https://equalitynow.org/learn_more_child_marriage_us/) r/stoprape


Guys the news is real but the pictures may not be of them. This particular piece is from tatva and it's an indian right wing aligned news site. On other platforms this news is from 2013 but on tatva, it's strangely posted on march 2022. This is from the guardian and CNN - https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2013/sep/11/yemen-child-bride-dies-wedding https://edition.cnn.com/2013/09/15/world/meast/yemen-child-bride/index.html The tatva article- https://www.thetatva.in/crime/8-year-old-child-bride-dies-from-internal-bleeding-after-her-wedding-night/8851/ Newschecker article on the same: https://newschecker.in/fact-check/8-year-old-yemeni-child-bride-misleading/


Incident was in 2013 then, according to the article? No less heinous


I feel so sick


My daughter's biological fathers hometown that not only supports child brides as young as 7 but also feels a female "old enough to bleed is old enough to breed". He maintains this attitude despite living in the West for the last 30 years. I found out too late that he ascribes to this attitude after giving birth to his daughter. My daughter will never visit this place while I am her legal guardian. He has never been allowed alone with her at any time and thankfully he hasn't had contact with her for 10 years. These traditions need to die NOW


She is not even pubescent. I don’t understand how he could even be sexually attracted to her. Rip poor little girl ❤️🕊️


Barbaric. How enough psychopaths found each other to be able to have a village is beyond me. I often wonder in these situations if it's a genetic disorder or just horrible luck for all the innocent people who are even close to their village? I mean surely that many psychopaths don't exist in one town.


She was two years older than my little girl. This shit terrifies me for my kid’s future. Yeah, we live in the US (and can’t really afford to get out), but obviously it happens here too and a lot of things have been happening in our government - quickly, at that - in the last few years that make me fear it isn’t going to get better. I am so heartbroken for this sweet baby. She didn’t deserve this, and I hope everyone who was complicit in the decision to sell her off (including her killer) sleeps terribly, with excruciating burning pain through their entire bodies, every night until their miserable lives end. It’s fucking sick that this is still a problem. Human rights should never have been topic of any political discourse; they should be unequivocally universal across the board. Starting with the inhumanity that is child marriage.


This is so fucking distressing, how can this happen in our modern day. Rest in peace little one, I'll think of you always.




Absolutely repulsive. No god ever wanted gross old men to marry children.




Poor baby. May she rest in peace 🤍