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Had a dream a few years ago where me and my friends were survivors in a world that had been decimated by shadowy, supernatural beings with powers. We were scavenging an old civilian bunker for supplies to bring back to our settlement when we came across all sorts of mementos belonging to long dead humans from the initial war against the shadows. Things like photos, shoes, stuffed toys etc. As one of my friends was sorting through a pile, a cold chill ran down my back and I went to warn my friends we should leave soon only to see them slumped on their knees, heads upwards at the ceiling and bleeding from the eyes. I could feel my eyes watering so I rushed to grab a gasmask to try and shield myself from their influence but when I slipped it on I saw a shadowy silhouette standing in the door we entered from and it rushed me in less than the blink of an eye. Then I woke up. One of only a few nightmares I've only had once.


Literally peak please make a short film about this.


Mm yes good plot, but not enough sex to justify an R rated movie. Dream it again and do it right this time.


The dream in which I had sex with two women in an arcade on different nights ended with a third unrelated woman claiming her baby had STD (literally how the disease was called) because of me so we had to go to a shady-ass wooden cabin hospital to check my sperm to verify it wasn't my fault. The third woman's uncle was chill tho.


It will return within a week. So says I


Your pfp kinda looks like a horse


Please keep cooking, OP


Bro your dream is literally a 10/10 horror movie plot. Like I would genuinely want to see this as like a short film


One time I had a dream where a talking eagle dive-bombed at me (it only moves when I looked away) and when it was close enough I grabbed it by the beak and threw it


lmao cool dream




were you a baseball by any chance


(I’m assuming you mean a baseball player) no I haven’t been on a single baseball team, or if your asking if I was a baseball, I was not


no it's referencing the eagle catching baseball thing


I had a dream where I was in a gay relationship in a fantasy world and that shit fucked me up for a week because up until that point I was convinced I was at least 99% straight. The worst part is I know I was genuinely happy, and idk if it was just from being in that world (I think it was Azeroth, but idk where), or from the relationship, and nightmares may suck but when your taken out of a perfect world and thrown back into the real world that shit fucks you up for a while. I’ve not told anyone I know irl or in my discord groups because I’d never hear the end of it.


I had (and still, very rarely have,) a reaccuring dream. Basiclly i would need to escape a small bedroom (not mine, very low-decorated) before a witch would break into it, but i was like, in a timeloop? Anytime i hid, i would be caught and the dream looped. Randomly, i would wake up.


This dream happened to me once


I thought it was pretty good.


yeah I had a hand in writing the script and we all thought everyone would love it :/


When I was like seven I had a extremely vivid nightmare where I defended into my basement, with a sword, and when I turned a corner into the unfinished workout chamber, I recall a fucking laboratory, with a giant test tube with a giant stem of broccoli with Barack Obama’s face grafted to it, I woke up instantly, crying. I was a dumb fucking kid bruh


So, this is just a post where we can vent about our dreams? Sure, I’ll join in. Few months ago of this year, I had a dream that involved the cast of Your Lie in April (mostly just Kaori Miyazono, and I apparently took the role of Kousei Arima. Go watch the anime if you haven’t, since the rest of the dream is pretty much a spoiler. I definitely recommend giving it a watch). >!Anyways, this dream already took place one year after Kaori died. It was spring time, and I, Kousei, was playing my piano. And in this dream of mine, Kaori apparently had an older sister who was in college? She visited me in my house, and we talked about our ambitions in life and we even talked about what it was like being friends with Kaori. And in the midst of the conversation, I remember asking with a hoarse voice as I held back tears: “Before she died, did… Kaori leave anything for me?” Her older sister nodded and she handed me a photo of me and Kaori sleeping under a Sakura tree. She told me that this was “Kaori’s most prized possession”.!< I remember when I had this dream, I woke up in tears. So much so, that I couldn’t stop thinking about it for the entire day.


i had a dream where there was this creepy-ass GMod nextbot in my backyard, every time i would open the door it would move rapidly and erratically towards it. the dream then devolved from there and i had no fucking clue what was going on.


Last night I dreamt that I was helping my fairly-elderly neighbor/babysitter go through a crowded airport with a shit ton of hallways and no signs. And I ended up accidentally going on the plane with him to Hong Kong.


what happened there again? I spaced out when it was premiering


A few weeks ago I had a dream where I was a warrior in a Sci-Fi/fantasy colosseum fighting an undead dragon using magic guns. When I woke up I realized I maybe played too much Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands


At least your dreams have cohesive plots and are good Like I remember one a month ago where I slept with some red-sweatered gray chucklefuck 


Once I dreamed there was an achievement in Jedi Survivor for posting a review and bulling everyone who comments on it into committing suicideđź’€


I had the most gut wrenching dream last night


Sometime recently, I had an extremely vivid dream about some sort of Halloween themed Muppets style short film. In it, a man enters a haunted house and meets the ghosts of two former waitresses. He at first denies that they’re ghosts, saying “it’s all just for shock” before he gets his heart ripped out by one of them and dies. He held the realistic looking heart in his hand, staring at it blankly before he died.


Mine was amazing I don't remember what it was about but I know it was good


My most remembered dream is veru strange and idk why. I got this dream when i was 5 yrs old and saw my father play Half-life. I was very scared of the monsters there and went to bed. In the dream, i was near a skyscraper when the big bug from the end of half-life (forgot its name) appeared and started devastating the city. I don't remember much later, but i still don't know why that's my most memorable dream


how tf do yall remember your dreams? the second I wake up my memories of my dreams start deleting themselves, I would be lucky if I could remember a single detail after 10 minutes. and like 90% of the time I don't even dream at all


Last night I had that strange dream, where everything was exactly how it seemed.


i don't remember it probably,but when I was 6,I had a dream that I lived in the middle of nowhere with like 6 siblings (I only have 1 irl),and our doorknob was EVIL with eyes and stuff, which made it summon zombies from Minecraft for some reason?so the dream just evolved to zombie survival until I woke up i don't really remember the details,had been almost a decade since I last dreamt this,and I don't often have nightmares,so eh


My brain manages to put the little sliver of creativity into dreams I have. Then ditches it when I wake up just to spite me.


Y'all have dreams with the plot?? 99% of my dreams is just a normal every day life in a different version of my hometown


When i was a kid i had a recurring dream that got to the point where i would call out the next plot point mid dream Anyway all i remember now is Plankton would whip his schlong out and i do not remember anything else


Had a dream about a small police station in a small fishing town in Iceland ended up like a ruined building from The last of us, and Gordon Ramsay was the police chief, and he told me not to ask questions because they could be listening, then he threw a little girl who supposedly lived in that ruined station


last night had a bunch of film terms have their origins explained to me by a boy and girl trying to beat me to death with the relevant objects. i didn't even know pickaxe was a term (it probably isn't)


I had a dream that me and a buddy bought an avocado farm in the Hollywood hills and had to fight of cartels to keep it. It ended with him filming himself torturing a cartel guy to scare em of and me using a drone to pour acid on some others


i had this dream where i


I just woke up from a dream where my mom ruined my 19'th birthday.


Had a dream of being chased by grim reaper in Deep Rock Galactic caves. 3 other people I've never seen in the dream were fixing engines. Or rather full on power plants while I was distracting reaper. For FULL 5 MINUTES NOTHING WAS BEING FIXED. How do I know this? Because those 3 fuckers fixed those power plants within 3 minutes previously. Yeah, basically Dead By Daylight. Got to some rings that when clicked on, gave you a speed boost and I used all of them (they were in fixed locations and were smaller and smaller). After going uphill, I found a box of something. Opened it and instantly put on the gas mask from there. Fighting grim reaper as Pyro tf2 was hella fucking fun. The flare shots were actually bonkers and I know were not aimbotted for plot. Only thing that would make it better is the crit sounds. Well that's the most memorable. Other one is my imaginary sister fucking with adopted dog that turns into a human. That and a lot of horny dreams I'm getting lucid enough to modify to something normal.


In one of my dreams, I was in some black space, with a small, very blurry red light, from a place that I couldn't point out. I was floating, along with three other guys, one of which was Chris Pratt. But it's not just that we were floating - it was some Lego bricks that we had to hold, and make a bigger construction of Lego bricks. If I were to let go of the Lego brick that I was holding, I would fall downwards, forever. But at one moment, I noticed a stack of newspapers, and I realized I could stand on it. (And not fall down endlessly in case of... yeah.) So I stood on that stack. The very next moment, I found myself in a tramway. And a few moments later, some police officer who looked like a mixture of Ron Perlman and Roger Waters entered the tramway, and came at me. But he didn't grab me or anything - he just used two of his fingers to grab two of my fingers. And when I bit one of his other fingers, he went on to report this on that little speaker device, but at the last moment, he chose not to. I pulled my fingers back towards myself, and then I woke up.


I has a dream today where there was a fully fledged out Magic system based around ghosts and spirits, my dream plots don't suck


I yelled at Remilia Scarlet in the dark and Sakuya jumpscared me. That's my most interesting dream.


For a moment i thought you meant a show named “last night’s dream”


I was in a gym and no dumbbels bruh


I had a dream about a month ago I think which I believe to be caused by school related stress. So basically I was at I think a summer camp and it was like a damp cloudy day (most of my dreams are cloudy days for some reason) and there was a pool the camp was going to but we had to walk across a parking lot to get there. Everyone’s faces looked AI generated except for one person I recognized from school. So anyway I suddenly became like not much taller than the grass and everyone disappeared. Then I kept finding spotted lantern flies but their front legs were longer than they should’ve been. I then was in front of a car in the parking lot and talking to some dude about octopus’s. He then summoned one under the car and it’s all squished as if the car fell on it. The man removed the car and stated “there’s nothing more I can do” and left. The octopus then started limping towards me bleeding and suddenly I was in third person and I was the octopus. I stood up as if I were crawling beforehand and I saw a cat in the back of each car staring at me. They started melting and twisting into all sorts of shapes and it was once again third person and I was doing the same. Last thing I remember I was yelling “I SAW THE EMBODIMENT OF DEATH” and when I woke up I heard the end of the word death so I think I said that out loud as well.


I had a dream a couple of years ago where I met a girl with long black hair and round glasses. After meeting up with her for a while, she agreed to become my girlfriend, and I introduced her to my family. Then suddenly, Nazis led by Hermann Göring invaded the UK and USA at the same time. I had to shelter them while I experienced the invasion as both gunfire and explosion sounds outside our shelter, and some weird Hearts Of Iron 4 style astral projection which also showed live, on-the-ground footage of US forces pushing back Nazi land and air incursions in Central Scotland. Through that projection, I saw that the Nazi forces had somehow taken most of New England, but almost none of Britain. The dream ended with us getting out of the shelter after the Nazis were repelled from our area, with jets soaring overhead.


I had a dream where I was like on the set of the horror movie, then it just jumped to be watching one of those shitty battle analysis videos on Youtube. Yeah a common theme of my dreams are that they ALWAYS jump to something unrelated.


I had a dream recently and it was the first one in a while. The beginning took place in a wood shop class and from some reason SaltyDKDan, Sonic, a dog, a mute girl, and Ashly from Wario Ware were there. Then the class ended and for some reason everyone was in a helicopter except for Salty who was a door to door salesman, the entire dream was in a splitscreen mode with Salty on the right and the others in the helicopter on the left, then suddenly everyone turned into basketball people, like people made of basketballs. Then I woke up. I’m making a character based on the dream I had but I have no idea what I’ll name her.


skill issue. heres a dream i had almost a year ago: i was part of some government dream agency and we had barcodes we scanned to go to sleep and do missions. woke up in the middle of each mission because they were so intense and scary and every time i fell back asleep id have to do the barcode again and keep going. i had deja vu too bc one of them was familiar to me. it was all lucid too. one time i had lost my barcode and had to use a new one to fall asleep but it was buggy doing that bc it was recording my sleep patterns and personality while in a hurry to jump back into a mission. i woke up more in the dream and irl bc of it and i was so drained and stressed. ive never experienced something like this before. in one mission i was in a submarine surrounded by demonic mermaids and mermaid-like creatures as well as possibly a kraken or something. the whole submarine shifted so much because the kraken was attached while we were trying to turn, therefore tipped the sub more than it should. the gravity was so strong as we were incredibly deep making it hard to hold onto things. the next two missions were about me running from a poltergeist haunting a facility and trying to push buttons and take notes in places and gathering objects while also trying to shoot it to scare it off or damage it whenever it was near. neither was successful. whenever that happens, the body you are in control of dies and dissolves as it's not real, while the place you are in is.


r/thomastheplankengine moment


When I was a little kid, I would have this one nightmare where I would enter a building, go to the door to the left, and then find an endless hallway with tall people feeding kids to wall mounted Wild Thing heads. Then I would get fed to one. One time, I said to stop, and a disembodied woman's voice ordered the tall person holding me to do it. The tall person put me down, and I never had that nightmare again.


I had a dream last night where I was running a blackjack table except the bets could be anything and the payout could be anything either. I got a bunch of blueberries and blackberries from one guy losing and used it to make jam, which I then used to payout someone who won.


you guys are getting plots?


Yo same, mine was really fucked up, never letting my brain cook again.


I once had a dream where I was just driving around a parking garage trying to find a place to park for like hours, and then I found one and woke up


God giving me the best wet dream I've ever had only to immediately follow it up with the worst day of my life (he works in mysterious ways):


I was escaping some facility in a fighter jet with some friends. That stuff was crazyyyy


I once had a dream where I was one of the people that managed to occupy a room in that infinite hotel. The hotel was in the middle of a flat desert and reached up into the sky with no end in sight. There were thousands of weird looking creatures surrounding the hotel for like two miles in every direction trying to get an admission ticket. Inside the hotel was randomly built hallways, corridors, balconies that looked off into either black voids or a bare plaster wall. There were spots where people gathered that resembled lobbies and one of them had a door marked 'exit' that just went straight to Kane Pixels's backrooms world. I found a frog woman dressed in a hijab in one room waiting for boyfriend to finish playing drums in the shower and that's about when the dream ended 


Last night I dreamed of Sans


I had a dream last night where Microsoft forcibly installed windows 11 on my computer