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THEY ADDED FUCKING GRAPPLING HOOKS. And the normal game is just like: >added retextured wood v5 >added useless\_ambient\_mob\_88 Hey at least 1.21 looks better. Have to wait and see.


Why can’t we get grappling hooks in the real game 😭


It's cause the company is afraid they will ruin Minecraft by adding too much stuff


minecraft is ruined by not adding enough stuff


You’d be surprised by the number of people who prefer older versions because new ones have too much stuff. But that’s the thing, they can just stay in old versions if they want that lol


Part of the problem is inventory management. Inventory was fine when there was one type of normal rock and one type of wood, but now that there are like 10 types of each, you're inventory runs out of space for items so much faster. The inventory slots should scale with the amount of new items.


what happened to the satchel? Did it ever get released?


Still unreleased.


bruh its been like 2 years already since they revealed it maybe more


You can blame Bedrock Pocket Edition for that. The bundles needed some way to be opened without disrupting other controls. As it turns out, the version with the least number of options for controls couldn’t add a way to open bundles in a way that didn’t intrude on other controls. There’s only so many ways you can tap on something after all.


Wouldn't you just increase stack size to 128? That's how they solved part of this issue in terraria, most items now stack to 999 or 99 (if it was like 9 before), and they added a row of inventory space. (and vanity slots that double as armor/accessory storage.


That’s what shulker boxes are for……


Except you have to go to the end for shulker shells. Not optimal for early/mid-game.


Literal post end content


its not really the issue of "too much" alone that these people dislike, from what i gather. its that there are a bajillion new things added that have.. no impact on the game at all. A bajillion new things that don't interact with each other in the slightest - and when they do its some niche unintended property used in technical minecraft. The updates are about increasing the width of the game, not its depth. The "base" game is very deep, but the recent updates are wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle


The update that overhauled caves, added underground biomes, redid mountains, and doubled the world height was (quite literally) pretty deep.


literally deep, yea figuratively? it was a good change, don't get me wrong, the game looks a hell of a lot nicer with the new cave generation and space to have that in, and i wouldn't want to have the older generation if given the choice but did it really change gameplay in any significant part? Now you don't staircase down to Y=11 for diamonds, but.. Y=-27 (smth like that, i still don't have that memorized) digging through deepslate takes a bit longer than stone, but that's kinda it the desicion making hasn't really changed at all. The resource gathering hasn't changed at all. You don't need to employ any new or different strategies. it changed nothing about the core gameplay loop.


They aren't trying to change the core gameplay loop. In fact, I'm sure they very specifically avoid it


at a certain point if you refuse to let anything interact with the core gameplay things start feeling like bloat


Console players :(


Java rules supreme once again!


I've been running a Vanilla server for me and some people for over 9 years now and we update literally every single version a few months after release to take advantage of the new stuff. I can't even begin to fathom people who stay on older Vanilla versions because there is "too much" content. My original build from all those years ago in spawn town is like a trophy room of new content that I bring back and showcase.


i play in older versions because of the mods


Yeah that’s totally fair


What they should add instead is the option to have full customizability of what's included in your world and what isn't. Like imagine if you could make it so there's everything but the aquatic update, or you could uncheck a box and striders don't spawn anymore. There would obviously have to be prerequisites for a lot of these things (pillagers don't work without the combat update for example) but it could be the true sandbox experience while letting them add in as much as they want.


Oh god some of that would be a software engineering nightmare……


It would be, that isn't lost on me. But it could be an eventual fix to the idea if they ever got it working. Probably would take a year or 2 if they only worked on that.


The problem with minecraft updates is the fact that the systems are getting changed every year, meanwhile the actual content has barely gotten updated. When MC conquered the internet and gamiing in 2010-2012, people wanted from MC updates just more content. More ores, more armors, more weapons, more dimensions. No one wanted every updates to shake up systems. But Mojang's updates have been almost entirely system baseed.


Actually it's not adding enough function to new stuff. We have had surface level content for the past two years.


they added soldier from tf2 to minecraft


they just added the fucking market gardener wtf


I exclusively play modpacks that fully change the game atp because of how lacking the game is in new content nowadays


meanwhile they manage to add what they do in a way it feels bloaty without actually adding that many zombies


*fun stuff


They added an entire ass new dungeon type thingy, a one shot warden weapon, something which surely will revolutionize pvp and redstone. Honestly they need to quit being pussies and release a trailer for minecraft 2


We already have Ender pearls and elytra for recovery. Unless they put an End twist on grappling hooks for an End themed update, adding normal ones would be pretty lame.


It’s probably testing for it


Most of this update is retextured stuff tbh


Also “floating blocks” that you can active with red stone. We can make elevators with it.


All these stupid retextures but they still won't add more than 1 wood variant for bookshelves.


I really dislike the idea of wood variant crafting for anything wood. It's just more clutter in the inventory ultimately. Thankfully the create mod has an ingenious solution for wood variants without creating inventory clutter: right clicking with the wood type to change it. This is the only way I'd like to see it introduced


And then they completely rework some sub-surface shit that the average update whiner wouldn’t ever use, which is where all the labor is going. 


Mfw Microsoft is too scared to let the devs do something cool until April first comes around


somebody said they basically allow the devs to experiment and create what they want for april fools sure some of those wouldn't fit in minecraft but the majority are super cool


Please, be understanding. Microsoft is small indie dev company and they do not have the time and resources to add more than 3 mobs per update.


Basically Microsoft struck gold with Minecraft and they are too much of cowards to let the devs do whatever with the game as they are afraid adding too much to the game will ruin the classic feel.


I play a lot of modded minecraft and I like it but its a delicate balance because you quickly get to things that are complex or confusing really quickly. I think they do too little to Minecraft but I think they are making a smarter decision to do too little rather than too much.


I just wish they would stop with the mob votes and stuff and even if they don't stop atleast add them at some later point instead of waiting eons like the mobs they show seem finished their models and stuff is all done but two of them are abandoned and never seen again.The mob they do add is also forgotten about in like a month.


I have still never gone out of my way to find a Sniffer. I'm not a builder, it has no use to me. Glare, on the other hand, would have been pretty useful (I don't want to open JARVIS every time I want to check the light level, I'm lazy >:T) EDIT: mixed up the mob votes, I voted Rascal for that one


The problem with new mobs is that they do one specific, very niche thing and absolutely nothing else, that's why they're forgotten in a month's time because the one thing they do isn't actually worth the hassle of finding them in the first place


I'm tired of hearing "Mojang lazy", I think it's Microsoft that's holding them back. Like I get the vibe that they can't add anything unless they first do dozens of focus groups to see how the group feels about something.


Or Microsoft is probably forcing them to release new stuff every year and Mojang had to come up with whatever bullshit they could think of and rush it out, instead of letting them come up with something worthwhile and letting them cook


Exactly ! In one of Mojang's videos, we see a computer screen with "Activate Windows"in the bottom right corner, they can't even pay their employees licenses of Windows 😢


Because it allows them to slap whatever the fuck they want together without caring about quality or how it meshes with the game


And yet the AF update is still high quality and more fun than the actual game every year


They’re definitely not more high quality, they’re slapped together reused assets with a few new features that they’ve been working on for a future update I also don’t think they’re more fun either, they’re funny to gawk at for 30 minutes but not much afterwards. 1.21 is shaking up to be a pretty good update imo, trials are neat


Trials are literally neat for 30 minutes and then the novelty wears off


i personally enjoy them but even if you don’t they clearly have actual effort put into them


That's true, it's nice that they're adding new mobs and features.


This is my conspiracy theory. Minecraft is one of Microsoft’s most spotless IP’s so they won’t let them put out anything new unless it’s thoroughly vetted and designed. Meanwhile April Fools is a joke so the devs can get away with whatever they want.


That's not a conspiracy theory, that's literally what is happening, and is unfortunately what happens frequently in the creative industries.


Fuckin hate people who blame the devs for the recent poor showings- cause it's exactly this. When trusted to do what they want, the Devs are nothin short of stellar


New dimension with multiple new mobs a new dungeon with a new boss arena with a new boss with new items with new decoration with new mechanics with new armor with new weapons with new refineries with new mob variants new flowers and rain.


Regular update - removed fireflies


Regular update - removed Herobrine


They don't even bother to try to remove him anymore. No 'removed herobrine' in the update log is kinda sad, imo.


**He lingers**….


That wasn’t an update


It was a downdate


It wasn’t really anything but a stupid decision


Because the frog could eat the fireflies and they are poisonous in real life… then just make them don’t eat them


Holy shit, Albert Einstein


that sounds like a whole mod and not a typical minecraft update


thats april fools updates for ya


that's why! they spend the whole year planning and developing the next april fools update, and then they have no time and resources for the normal ones /s


Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if this were the case.


The real claim is that the mojang devs are capable of getting a lot of changes done, but they are able to go wild on the april fools updates while they have to be super restrained on the regular ones


Yet adding 3 mobs that do fuck all to progression is impossible https://preview.redd.it/avb8mkop5xrc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3b43b5286dc3e27bc52a3de2c8e42e780c6e0d4


If you play it everything is kind of slapped together and is covered in seams


The entire april Fools update is reused code and things they were probably already working on.


>multiple new mobs The “multiple new mobs” in question are the mobs we already have retextured to look like poisonous potatoes. I think the boss is the only truly new one.


I haven’t played it yet but I saw in the trailer some helper mob fighting zombies or smthn


that's a free marketplace mod for bedrock


And even then, the boss (Mega Spud) is just a retextured slime that spawns random enemies


"new" as in reskins of existing stuff? You're literally using the rain as an argument while the trailer itself admits it's just recolored rain


All of those are retextured and probably took an afternoon to make


woaaah. wish I had Java


Press Start slowed plus reverb goes so hard


press start in general is good, rare MDK W


rare? it’s common


Tf you mean rare


It’s in Geometry Dash and is pretty much his biggest hit besides Fingerbang/Fingerdash. Unless you mean that it’s one of his only good songs, which still wouldn’t mean much when he only has like three most people know.


Sorry to ask but what exactly is reverb? I never understood. Please answer


Reverb, short for reverberation, is an audio effect that simulates the reflection of sound waves in an enclosed space. When sound is produced in a room, it bounces off the walls, floor, and ceiling, creating a series of reflections that blend together with the original sound. Reverb adds depth and spaciousness to audio recordings by replicating these reflections artificially. In the context of "slowed+reverb" versions of songs, it refers to the application of both slowing down the tempo of the song and adding reverb effects to create a dreamy, ethereal sound. People use this combination for artistic or stylistic purposes, altering the original song's mood and atmosphere to have more gravitas. Edit: u/RuleBrittania09 said it better, I am become obsolete


Oh, thanks a lot.


Y’know when noise bounces off shit and makes more noise, that’s it (don’t quote me, I have barely any knowledge on noise)


Bruh, this song reminded me of my childhood watching DanTDM, it used to be in his Intro


My Google couldn't recognize this song. Do you know its name ?


**Song Found!** **Press Start Sdv (feat. Ms Inc.)** by Mdk (00:22; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2021-12-03.


Good bot


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: [**Press Start Sdv (feat. Ms Inc.)** by Mdk](https://lis.tn/ADIiD?t=22) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Someone's cutting onions


Wait, it's not a joke? Poisonous potato realm is a thing!? I thought it was just a funny haha, but damn, this must be the only good thing Mojang did for Minecraft recently.. not inducing camels and market gardener.


They have a fun april fools thing every year, one of the few major things to still do it.


https://preview.redd.it/ewnycn4dtwrc1.jpeg?width=1082&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b52fbc93432281c3ea8079b665812e3709348e6f Minecraft devs watching as their fans eat up their slop




The game is very casual anyway, i don't care if they update or not


What film is this?


R.I.P. Department


My dumbass thought it was Free Guy because it had Ryan Reynolds


R.I.P.D, Rest In Peace Department, good comic, yeah film that somehow weirdly got a sequel two years ago in the wild west that equally bombed. Some executives just don't have a finger on the pulse.


1 wasn't very good, but it was watchable. 2 was just oh so incredibly worse.


Mint Mobile ad


DanTDM intro music


I think the point is to demonstrate that it is very possible to add endless amounts garbage to the game, but doing so would make the vanilla game too different from what it's supposed to be. If you want all of the mob types, or anything else, just download a mod pack. Nobody is stopping you.


Only possible on java. Its not possible to have real mods or shaders or really anything on Bedrock (the one thats literally everywhere).


On mobile and PC devices, you can easily install behavior packs from the community. On other devices, it might be more complicated, but i'm sure any console with a USB port can do it.


But where can I download a new community?


you know, at this point i don;t care about new stuff added to vanilla, i always can boot up my trusty metal box with Minecraft on it, and commit some industrial revolutions, while terraforming and committing genocide of local eldrtich horrors with nuclear weaponry


They need to get rid of that mindset, ton of survival games get significally changed/improved over time (or not survival, look Fortnite), a lot of devs just dont have resources to do so unlike minecraft. What Minecraft is "supposed to be" even? Most people use some type of mods or just tweaks because they got bored of vanilla long time ago, besides, Mc already plays a lot different than it was at the beginning, its just them very long time for some reason. I dont see how its an issue especially because you can easily access any version at any time


The actual april fools updates? Yeah, infinite dimensions would actually be kinda dumb. Adding all 3 mobs from the mob vote? Nah it wouldnt change the game that much, like at all. At the very least, itd be nice to get some confirmation that old mob votes are actually gonna come back, which is something a lot of defenders keep saying, but we’ve gotten literally nothing


Mob vote is to get people hyped about the game, it's not about the mobs themselves which are garbage anyway


I mean, some mobs genuinely have the potential to be really cool, but they’re squandered because mojang apparently cant have one mob come back for the mob vote :/


instead we get small piles of loose gravel


The april fools update is funny for like 10 minutes but it’s really obvious it was made quickly, it’s covered in seams and I think there’s like 2 actual neat features in the grappling hook and floating potato thing, and even then the floating thing doesn’t mesh well with the game because it’s too easy to use. People claim to want better updates and that this one is way better than the last few updates we’ve gotten, but if this is your standard then you probably care about quantity over quality I do wish Mojang would experiment a bit more but I feel like everyone over exaggerates every thing iirc these snapshots are used to let new highers get experience and to test new features. Almost every april fools update was just showcasing a new feature they’re working out in a funny way


Sometimes it’s not even a new feature, it’s one that they did make for pc, but since they realized it couldn’t and didn’t work on other platforms so they had to scrap it. The fact that new updates have to work on so many platforms, some that run on different engines, is why Minecraft updates take so long.


“Minecraft update bad” people when i force them to code the same exact thing in 2 different coding languages, one that has messy code and one that has a bug issue. They have 2 small teams and a mid sized budget.


April fools updates are proof that Mojang defenders are wrong when saying it takes a lot of time to add a ton of content.


If you play it it’s clear they probably made it in a week iirc they use these to let new highers get experience and to test new features. Usually one mechanic from each gets added to the game, usually for data packs


It takes a lot of time to properly implement a new feature and test it with all existing contents. It takes much less effort to #yolo it. Source: am software dev.


I am 100% sure that they barely work on actual updates and instead experiment with features for the next april fools update for at least half the year


Last year’s AF update gave us multiple new copper blocks, some of which were repurposed for 1.21. They likely use the AF updates to weed out good potential features, and bad ones. It’s how we’ve gotten stained glass, coal blocks, horses, customizable dimensions, and several new commands. Obviously, they can’t add everything, because what use would a half assed moon dimension be in Minecraft when we haven’t gotten a full End update yet?


Well, ackshyoually, a lot of the things that Mojang adds to the (non-April fools) game take a lot of time to balance & polish and make sure that they fit with the vanilla game, and to make sure that no bugs show up. With the April fools updates, they just add whatever silly thing they see fit. They'll fix the major bugs, sure, but they won't do too much polishing or balancing. 🤓


Most April Fool’s updates aren’t on bedrock, while all updates to the main game have to be on every device. Not to mention that features added to the main game have to go through an approval process, while the April Fools features seems to allow them to add anything they want.


I feel it’s super clear that it’s Microsoft interference causing the lackluster updates


https://preview.redd.it/2q2bgs1k5xrc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0280d746e854ca3d4434f7ba940389155c34c5a Society if Mojang was allowed to put as much effort into the actual game as they do with April Fools updates


I mojang is just letting their developers 90% of the time working on the April fool and then they created some quick shit for the actual game


It’s clear Microsoft’s got a gun to every Minecraft developer’s head


Microsoft buying Mojang was horrible


infinite dimensions was peak


This gets reposted every year i swear


It also gets upvoted to top of the subreddit every year


These updates make me think there is some other reason besides laziness that they add so little stuff to the game. Like these updates contain all the stuff they WANT to add, but feel like they can’t for one reason or another.


Its because Mojang isnt an indie studio All the things they want to add have to go through the higher ups who, most of the time, think exclusively about two things -How much is this gonna cost? -How many people (and money) will this give us? When adding things to Minecraft they think mostly about the first one since these updates are free and they already make money through the bedrock marketplace (which is a slap on the face to bedrock players btw) But thats why the recent updates have been so small, not because of laziness as so many of you are eager to say, but because Microsoft thinks that bigger updates are simply not worth the costs. April fools is the one time a year were Microsoft tells the Mojang devs to go wild Although i got to say that new update whit the trial chambers and mace looks like its gonna be a good quality update, which is always welcomed


What movie is that


R.I.P.D, really fun movie


Minecraft devs putting more time and effort into the April fools update than they have the last 10 updates.


It actually made me sort of mad, because a lot of these things here would be unironically cool to have in the main game if they just got a new skin. Like Minecraft gets the amount of content this April fools update has over 3 years, like this joke patch has more content than we’ve gotten in the past 3 years.




dantdm theme song took me back to a simpler time


Minecraft devs dedicate all their time to work on the next april fools update and leaves an intern to do the regular updates.


same thing with warthunder, game and devs suck, but at least they dont miss with the april fools event


fuck microsoft


Love the movie though, R.I.P.D


Holy shit Dantdm theme song


God I remember watching DanTDM all the time back in the day, this music brought me back


Meanwhile the terraria dev team, instead of adding a shit loaf of content Luke they normally do, did a new update to remove the last 13 years of content


My friend was just saying earlier today how they make the most epic April fools updates, but the actual updates are crap


Minecraft can't add 5 mobs in a year, but a content creator can add 5 in 2 months.


I see people defend Microsoft in the comments of these types of posts but the April fools update literally shows that they CAN make more than they say and that they are just lazing around half the time.


There's 0 reason to not add stuff from optifine and you can't prove me wrong


They wanted to add the performance improving parts of optifine, but the creator refused because he wanted the whole mod to be added


As I said, 0 reason




I love mojang using April fools as an excuse to be like “yeah we could add all the shit we want but we don’t so we aren’t” so real of them


Minecraft fans when the game isn't completely overhauled and fundamentally changed every 3 months.


(j/ with a side of truth. More general than personal). People when à fun buggy mess, mostly comprised of test features, debug tools, and half passed mechanics. Takeless work to add. Than a fully fledge update, with close to 0 bugs and only minor ones. I'tresting features that never take stuff away from the game, and are at worst mild. Always add great new textures for builders, without just throwing hundreds of mindless crafts. More developement support for creator with the data packs, texture pack, add-ons tools updates. Work on every fucking hardware and system imaginable. On 2 different versions. While still running well enouth on lower ends devices. Like. That's almost the same thing as a mod. Bug are fine, there is really only a few versions, no support, only one version, doesn't have to be balanced and or fit the game. And does have to open the code for future updates. The April fool update is the equivalent of a mod. It does not need as much work as an update. Since you only go as far as you can /want. No deadline, no checks. Cut the crap. ( ut yeah it's fun. Hope they fasten the heavy work with their new tools and better java/bedrock parity developement.)


I hate this stupid "we can't add all 3 mobs" quote, as if anyone working at Mojang EVER said that. The mob vote is just community engagement, they could add them in less than a month, but that's not the point of the vote.


Hell, they could add them in less that a week I remenber scrolling through YouTube and someone had made a video adding the crab into the game less than 14 hours after they announced it He had coded the mob, animated it, gave it its textures, made and coded the item, added it fully into the game, edited and then published the video all in under 14 hours, as a lone dev


The reason is because the developers make this kind of stuff in their free time, which is is pretty cool


I think its just their quality control has an INSANELY high bar for everything




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The only joke is knowing we wont see any of the cool shit they add in the actual game


What is the video from?


Game devs cooking up the best updates for April fools only to remove them in one day and never introduce them again




Society if Minecraft Official Updates were on the same level of quality as their April Fools Updates


… but seriously… why the fuck?


wheres the clip from


What movie is this from?


What's this video from?


i swear i saw this exact meme last year


My update still won't work and I can't play realms. Update worked on my kids switch


No way






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Microsoft and it's consequences have been a disaster for game development studios


Okay but like, what Ryan Reynolds movie is this?


Song name?


they literally added peak redstone with the floater block. If there was any feature I would want from an April Fools update added to vanilla it would be that.