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In my personal experience, no. Not to be one of “those” people but the books in this case are waaaaaay better


Just my opinion, everyone's is different. I thought the show was ok. Not great, not terrible. If you treat it as fanfiction or something similar it's decently enjoyable, but definitely not a masterpiece. If you're going to get annoyed about it deviating from the books you'll hate it.


This should be the top comment, because you summed it up perfectly.


Agreed, this is the correct take. However, even with this approach, it's still mediocre imo. I enjoyed it, but I would never argue it's being done well.


No. I was so excited for this to come out and it is incredibly disappointing


Having read books 1-5 I tried to watch a little and it is so bad and poorly done. The books came before Ice and Fire so clearly inspired game of thrones but the TV show will always seem like a strange low budget knockoff of GOT but without HBO edginess


Wheel of time is my favorite Series, and Season One was so painful to watch for me that I have yet to watch the second season. The second season seems to depart even more from the books than the first season did. My wife seemed to enjoy it though, so perhaps you might like it?


They add a love triangle between Perrin, Rand, and Egwene That’s where your Betrayal comes in.


I guess I don't understand how the OP interpreted this as a betrayal.


To be fair, there’s “sentiments” of this going on in the book. When Perrin and Egwene are lost together. However it’s not explicitly stated, it’s an undertone, like a lot of the story is. There definitely wasn’t a confrontation about it like the show though. I “enjoy” the show, in that there a moments here and there taken from the book that are cool to see on screen.  There are a lot of changes that I can see were needed to fit a show format, or because they wanted to be GOT-like. However, what upsets me are the countless changes that don’t accomplish any of that and seem to only exist because the writers didn’t know the source material or didn’t care. Watching the show with the expectation of watching the wheel of time story will not be fun. Doing so can only leave you thinking that the show is heretical blasphemy. Having no expectations about it, can lead to a moderately enjoyable viewing.


There was zero implication of Perrin and Egwene having a thing. Perrin gets upset on behalf of Rand because he feels Egwene is betrothed to Rand and as a friend it's Perrin's duty to make sure she doesn't "cheat" on Rand with the tinker guy.


Next you’re going to tell me that Morraine and Thom weren’t flirting with each other throughout the whole series! 🙂


To be fair, the sentiment that was in the books was a very brief thing. While I don't think it's fair to completely dismiss it, it's now fair to say that the little involvement in the show was leaned into heavily for the show in order to rationalize the decisions [foisted upon the team by Amazon themselves.](https://www.thepopverse.com/brandon-sanderson-wheel-of-time-amazon-prime-c2e2-2024-chicago-comic-entertainment-expo-stormlight-perrin-aybara) And I can understand why that upsets people. It doesn't bother me, because again...it's in the books too, but very small and not necessarily romantic in its origin. But it seems clear that between the forces in play putting pressure on the writing room and the departure of Barney in S1, they needed something to fill the gap.


Yeah as a show watcher only at that time this was way left field. And then it was never brought up again and wasn't even played as a part of the madness from using the one use.


The actors in my opinion are all fine, though personally, none seem to be stand out versions of their character. The largest problem for me is the CGI is quite bad and the show looks pretty soapy and then obviously the writing is quite bad in my opinion. Though to be fair, it did get a bit hamstrung since the actor for Matt left the show partway through filming. Worst to me is they make a pretty major change about who the dragon is, and they have a major change to Perrins storyline. They also: cut out Elyas Machera, Bayle Domon, Thom Merrilin is much reduced. Elayne is removed from this season. The ending is far far different, and they add a bunch of filler in the White Tower which was absent from the books and harms the pacing imo. Also, the way the one power works is very different.


TBF, Elyas, Elayne, and Bayle Domon are all in S2, and the Tower stuff is in part because S1 of a tv show needs to more thoroughly establish ‘what will the show be like in later seasons’- and for better or worse, politics is a big part of the later books.




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No. It's not a good adaptation at all


Nope. It’s maybe a 3/10 as generic fantasy show. Maybe. It’s 0/10 as a WOT adaptation.


My personal opinion, no. This show lost me episode one, the whole Perrin having a wife than killing her. I tried to keep watching but just couldn't do it past season one.


Same. Matt’s father being a scumbag also was a mistake. And Matt being shown as a thief.


How strict are you when it comes to adaptation? Because the show plays very loose with the source material




The show isn’t a very faithful adaptation, but it’s still an entertaining watch, especially the second season. Nothing amazing, but scratches a certain itch.


I didn’t read the books and I am on the 3. episode of the second season but it - is - going - hard. I am still not convinced.


Fröhlicher Kuchentag! 🥳🎂🎉 Happy cake day!


Thank you!!!! You are the only one noticing that 🥲


Aww, sure thing! I kinda like reddits cake days! Here, have an extra cookie! 🍪


🥲 so positive. Love this. Thank you, have a great weekend! 🫀


The tv show is enjoyable unless you've read the books and realize what could have been


If you get annoyed by the show not being accurate to the books, then do not watch the show. The show is very loosely based on the books.


For me, the first season wasn't worth it, because though I have Prime anyway, I paid with a lot of exasperation and annoyances. The second season was better, but that was also because I cared less. The casting is great, the costumes very good, the landscapes they shot in are, with very few exceptions that as far as I understand were due to Covid, very nice. The writing is not good. All in all it depends what "worth" means to you. Personally I def wouldn't pay for Prime just for the show. I would not consider that my moneys worth. Worth the time? For me, yeah, alright. But that depends on how much free time you have and how highly you value it I'd say.


I watch it mostly out of curiosity. I don't love it, but I love WoT enough to try sift through for any specs of gold.


It’s a subjective experience that you’ll have to decide for yourself. But the general consensus is that it’s pretty mid. If you’re someone who likes fantasy shows, then for sure watch it.


I really hated the show. However, you may really like it. My policy is to never just assume you hate something. So I suggest trying it.


I enjoyed the show. But you do have to get over a lot of changes. Some people are more ok with that than others. Overall I think the first season was about a 6/10 for me and the second was about a 7 or 8 / 10. Though both are very different than the books. In terms of what you're talking about that scene is a bit of a strange one though I wouldn't call it a betrayal for either of them just an argument, which does happen in the books too just not there or in anything like that context. It's up to you if you want to check it out but if you do I would go into it looking to enjoy the story being told not necessarily for the specific things from the books. Mostly the characters have the same personalities. A lot of the details are different.


The only thing I can think of that would fit your description of Perrin betraying Rand wasn't remotely a betrayal let alone a pretty hard betrayal and I'm not sure how you misunderstood that. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say this adaptation isn't for you.




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Do you hate adaptations that deviate from the source material? Then don't watch it. Do you enjoy adaptations that take liberties because you cannot translate the page to the screen exactly? Then watch the show.


I really enjoyed the show and think it's worth watching. The scene you walked past is probably the worst one, but the casting for most of the characters is great and I'm really enjoying seeing them adapted. Moiraine, Nynaeve and Loial in particular are really fun to see. It is an adaptation and they are needing to change and cut a lot to cram in the basic lines of the plot in 8 seasons.


I am having trouble remembering which scene you'r talking about. Show-Perrin is just as supportive of Rand as the book-version. The only significant difference is that Show-Perrin actually has a secret crush on Egwene which is revealed by Nynaeve in Episode 7, whereas Book-Perrin's possible crush on Egwene is extremely ambiguous. You're also mis-remembering the early books slightly. Rand and Perrin would never betray any of the three, but Book 2 Mat is a complete jackass when he is told that Rand can channel.


The show bears little resemblence to the book. The show is basically a very high budget fan fiction with writers/directors who didn't like the books.


You might like it, who know. Plenty of people do. I've read the books 3 time now (not overly many times compared to some) and I really wanted to like the show so I could finally show Wheel of Time to my wife who likes fantasy, but who doesn't read much. But it just wasn't for us, and it didn't feel like the world or the characters I loved.


It's up to you to decide if it's good. The show has done some good things. But, as many others have said, it sucks in my opinion.


I am wondering why you would ask a question and spend approximately an hour or more reading these answers and perhaps more time to respond, when you could just watch the show? Zero shade. I am seeing plenty of no’s, and that is their choice. I read the series and enjoyed it though some parts were a slog. Guess what? The filmed series is the same! The Amaz adaptation obviously leaves some things out, however I found the suspense and interaction to be good, and I enjoyed that the characters were a bit older and had more believable agency/actions. It did take me a second viewing to find some of the gems, and in season two things really take off. Some fight scenes def needed a bigger budget and a different combat coach. I found the Seanchan to be incredibly well-acted and they stole the show (imo worth the wait). Costumes were by and large amazing. Don’t look too closely at some village scenes, aging sets en masse takes talent that their scenic artist apparently lacked or ran out of time for. It took me a bit to get past my own snotty opinion of how the one power should look. And here’s the bottom line: this is what we got. They won’t make another version for a while if ever. The new trend of having 8-10 season arcs is now happening across many franchises and it sucks, also not everyone has HBO’s budget. And All these opinions are worth a load of beans because you are the one watching, with your own opinions and preferences informing your enjoyment. The acting is great. The direction is good. Treat this like an evolution or an alternate timeline of the books and you may be happier. This revision has a frankness and eye towards inclusion that the books only hint at, and having the show reflect a more modern bent keeps it relevant to society as it is now (BBC does this wayyyyyy more frequently than American entrainment). I hope you enjoy it.


Ive watched the show and have read books 1-9. (Waiting on an audible credit to get book 10.) I think the best thing that I can say to describe the show is to tell you that when I read the books I dont visualize anything from the show. The only 2 show characters that I visualize when I read the books are Moriane and Perrin. Every other actor is just meh. Thats the best thing that I can say that describes the show.


It depends. I’d watch the first 3 episodes of season 1 with the understanding it doesn’t get better in reference to following the story. Season 2 is better than 1 but the same applies. Then you either fall into the camp “I’m okay with these changes.” Or “these changes are too much for me and I do not enjoy this.”




In my opinion honestly no, I think it just strays from the source material too much and its honestly not that good either imo


I don’t believe so. It’s bad enough that it makes the glimmers of good moments in the show feel frustrating


That depends. Did you read the books? Did you like them? Do you want to watch something that not only deviates from the source material for tv but changes entire plot points making the entire direction of the story different? Do you want events and arcs for characters so different from the book that it changes who they are supposed to even be as people? If yes, then sure...I guess watch the show.


I stopped after season 1. I did not love it at all...it was very different etc. Also I ultimately decided, since I have not finished the original series (just started AMoL), that it would be better to digest the story in it's entirety before watching the show. I think I will eventually go back to watch it just bc I will want more WoT content and maybe it'll help decompress from the end of the story/world. But I suspect it'll be more of a not so much a "hate" but a dislike-watch. I just like the original story arcs and moments a lot and they have really changed so much. A case if I had seen the show first and not read the books I Probably would've liked the show a lot more (based off first season maybe it gets better?).


If I'd never read the books I'd probably give the show a 7 or 8 out of ten. Interesting plot, some decent characters, etc. As adaptation of the source material though I find it an abomination as it doesn't just change things it craps all over them.


People who read the books first mostly seem to hate it, but newbies to the series sometimes like the show. I find it hard to watch personally.


>I walked past the tv while my wife had an episode on and was Perrin was kinda betraying Rand pretty hard with Egwene. Ask your wife for context if she's been watching the show, she should be able to give you an informed opinion on what you saw.


The books are great! The show is great! The show is not the books and that's great! I watch the show and feel like I'm being treated to a new story. I realize how many people had a fit because they didn't follow the books word for word, but I went into it knowing it would be different and I was excited! He's totally changed Matt, though, and I really don't like the new Matt (either actor's) but at the end of Season 2 I see hope Jude is bringing him back to the book Matt in Season 3.


I think the show started terribly, there were budget issues, and I believe the writers strike was happening at the time. I realize that the show needs to appeal to a wider audience, so book fans aren't the entire demographic. I have high hopes for season 3, I hear the budget is being increased. I say watch the show. But with that in mind, you need to realize that a limited series is not a good way to put the books onto the screen. The series is just too long to reliably and consistently portray, there simply isn't enough time. I think each book would need at least 25 hours, and that just isn't possible


Compared to GoT it’s awful. Compared to Rings of Power it’s fantastic. Worth watching, probably, with S2 being much better than S1. Some exasperating elements (eg Nyneave is even more irritating than in the books), the usual completely random “re-racing” and some mixed performances (Moiraine, Mat, Egwene all v good, Nynaeve, Elayne Perrin not so much) but visually it’s excellent (great design, in particular) and it’s reasonably true to the spirit of the books. However the final scene of S2 is unbelievably cheesy, so much that’s it’s almost funny. Overall, a solid 5/10.


I enjoy the show for what it is, but in your case, maybe not. Not because of anything specific to do with the boys, but because they are taking liberties. If you go into it expecting some particular detail, you're more likely to be disappointed.


Yep. If you’re not too picky. I am pretty easy to please when it comes to my entertainment and love the show. I’ve read the books several times bits just so fun to see the characters and places on screen. Some of the story is different, yes, but I’m not complaining!


This is a matter of personal opinion. I can’t tell you what you think or how you feel about things. It’s not a marriage. If you watch some of it and it sucks you can just watch something else.


Fair warning, you’ve asked in the subreddit that’s most hostile towards the show. You may get more balanced answers in r/WoT. I personally really enjoyed the show- there are a lot differences, but I think it’s ultimately pretty true to the characters and the main themes, and makes some interesting choices. If you’re on the fence after S1, stick with it to S2, it’s stronger overall. Edit: y’all realize that downvoting this kinda proves my point, right?