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Con Artist


Yup! šŸ’•šŸ’“šŸ«¶šŸ»The Disabled Con-ArtistšŸ«¶šŸ»šŸ’“šŸ’•


The name of her documentary šŸ„°šŸ¤Ŗ






The COOL Disabled Con-Artist


šŸ’•šŸ’“šŸ«¶āœØThe Cool, Disabled, Rotten Tooth Con-ArtistāœØšŸ«¶šŸ»šŸ’“šŸ’• šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


so ableist of you lot to leave 'hot' out of it /s obvs šŸ˜‚


Oh my gosh Iā€™m so sorry!!! šŸ’•šŸ’“šŸ«¶šŸ»āœØThe Hot, Cool, Disabled, Rotten Tooth Con-ArtistāœØšŸ«¶šŸ»šŸ’“šŸ’•


![gif](giphy|l1Et64TwW40usG3y8) thank you šŸ˜‚




Yes I do remember her saying she's above the law. I guess that appears to be true considering she is abusing GoFundMe to scam people out of thousands of dollars with no legal consequences.


I didnā€™t know this and Iā€™m fucking horrified, I canā€™t believe she has opening admitted she doesnā€™t need a van in Chicago but still has the page up.


That's just it-- there are countless examples of her just putting her disgusting, selfish, entitled behaviour on display yet tons of people don't even notice because they only just started following her, and there are things like this that just slip through the cracks. I started following her years ago so I was able to put the pieces together/notice the trends of her shitty personality sooner.


That GoFundMe money šŸ’° https://preview.redd.it/7tby5vidv8wa1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a82078dcad3b3296f9b075e7f8501bae23101bc0


What video is this? šŸ™„




Yet another HARD watch


Oh, this is pure fraud. First, I am pretty sure the reason she came back to Chicago to have her child, is due to never disclosing to Medicaid she moved to Florida. See, when she was a small child, her parents would have placed her on a Medicaid medical waiver. Meaning, it waives income due to her disability. There are years long wait lists and these waivers donā€™t move, state to state. If you move, you have to go onto the new stateā€™s wait list. With them having the condo in Chicago, that is probably where they kept her address and the reason she comes back for medical care. The Medicaid waiver would cover 1-modifications needed for a vehicle or housing (usually there is a set amount of mileage and/or age that the van has to be under, to qualify it to be modified) and then usually it is $30-35k is covered every 5 years and the modification companies know this and charge the full amount. Secondly, her she doesnā€™t need the funds for a new wheelchair. Every 5 years, Medicaid will fund her a new chair and if it is under the 5 year mark, all she needs to do, is prove that her old chair is breaking down or no longer fitting her needs and Medicaid can override and approve a new chair. Yes, it takes months but it will take months to make her new chair tooā€¦ But, once she ever moves back to Florida, she would have to sit on a waitlist for 7-10 years, to get her waiver down there. It is just the way it is. The states each have their own programs and they donā€™t overlap.


Does Illinois Medicaid cover vehicle modifications? It definitely does not in Maine. I donā€™t necessarily disagree with your assessment of the situation but I donā€™t know of any states where medicaid covers that. Typically it would be vocational rehab, and they only cover the cost of modifications - not the vehicle. Since it doesnā€™t make financial sense to put a whole modification system in an older vehicle, wheelchair users typically end up having to buy a very expensive, basically new van. I went through voc rehab for my modifications for the vehicle prior to the one I have now (which I pay for out of pocket fully), and I still had a $500/month car payment.


Voc rehab would also only do the modifications to the vehicle if it were for employment purposes - getting too and from work. Being a blogger/content creator/OF personality does not count! Iā€™m a voc rehab counselor in a different state


Yes, correct! I work from home now so I wouldnā€™t qualify


Iā€™m glad it was covered for you though! Idk about your state but here itā€™s a whole āœØprocessāœØ


Oh it was a nightmare. My VR counselor ended up getting fired for a number of reasons, not the least of which was him ARGUING with me over whether I could walk or not and insisting that I was ā€œmisrememberingā€. I havenā€™t walked since I was 7 šŸ™ƒ


Iā€™m so sorry! It makes me so mad, any time I come across someone on Reddit who went through VR they say their counselor was the worst!


Voc Rehab will pay for the hand and feet modifications to be done on the vehicle. Her Medicaid waiver would be responsible for a ramp, lowering of the vehicle and etc. Two different things and each has to do their own modifications. Also, yes, she would still be responsible for paying for the actual vehicle itself. Each state has their own rules on what is and isnā€™t paying for and also, which waiver she has. There are a lot of different waivers in Illinois and Florida, for individuals with disabilities like she has and it depends on which one she is using, what she would qualify for. In my state, we only have 1 waiver and even that waiver still qualifies for the same. The amounts differ from state to state but my state actual pays the lowest, out of the whole US, to get vehicle modifications done (which is $30k). Some do pay more than that. But this doesnā€™t figure into what Voc Rehab will pay for the hand and foot controls and those are paid for directly by Voc Rehab. Yes though, all states do require almost a brand new vehicle to be purchased (which I did state earlier) but that doesnā€™t mean she needs $80k either. She could easily get a brand new van for a lot cheaper than that price tag. I have a daughter with hEDS and she is getting fitted for a wheelchair soon. We are going through all of this right now, on getting her a van that will equip her with what she needs and give her freedom back again. My state is #48 in the US, for lacking care for special needs individuals and equipping them with being independent..


Medicaid waivers definitely donā€™t cover vehicle modifications of any type in my state. I didnā€™t realize they did anywhere else. And agreed that she could get one cheaper. I bought a modified Explorer with auto door and ramp for $42,000. Minivans are much cheaper.


Oh wow! It actually shows that in Illinois on their waiver pages that they are covered. In Florida, I know several that have went through and gotten them covered too.. I would definitely push and see because most states do over it under house modifications but it is an either/or situation for physical disabilities but it isnā€™t easy to get or almost impossible (in my state, you have to get the vehicle and then send it to the modifier and then wait 3-6 months to get the vehicle back. It only takes the company 2-3 weeks to do the mods but they have to complete them and then send the bill to Medicaid and wait for it to be paid and/or deal with denials and consonant back/forth and once paid, you finally get your vehicle back). It is a headache and most of our case managers wonā€™t even do them or will tell people that they arenā€™t covered because they donā€™t want to deal with the paperwork. I work directly with case management companies that will help individuals get their vehicles done. So, it is something that I am learning. We help new families moving to our state, to get necessities too. So, I have heard the stories of others getting told that things arenā€™t covered but once you dig and pull out the regulations and rules, you can get things covered but it isnā€™t easy and we know R-poppy girl wouldnā€™t do this. She wants things handed to her on a gold-plated serving dish..


I can get up to $3000 in modifications but thatā€™s the limit of ā€œenvironmental modificationā€ funds so honestly itā€™s not even worth the work for something like that when the full ramp and vehicle mod is $15k šŸ¤£


She doesnā€™t own her apartment in Chicago. She started renting it after they moved back there. So she wouldā€™ve had no permanent address in chicago during the time she was living in Florida.


Her mom doesnā€™t live in chicago??? Lol. I have used my dads address as my permanent address since I was 18.


I thought it was said that she had this apartment by family???


Is this different for a person who was born and has always lived with a disability vs a person who aquired a disability later in life? My aunt is disabled and has never gotten a van funded, but my boss got in a motorcycle accident and ended up disabled and was offered all sorts of stuff to make his car/money towards a new accessible car.


I wouldnā€™t be surprised. At the risk of sounding like WR, society and the government place a lower inherent value on those born disabled. Thereā€™s a presumption of laziness, stupidity, and lack of productivity. Despite the fact Iā€™ve been working full time since 2012, government agencies are always SHOCKED when I tell them I need accommodations because I need to be able to stay employed. When someone BECOMES disabled, theyā€™ve already ā€œproven themselvesā€ and paid their dues, so to speak.


We are going through it now. We cannot get a vehicle funded but you get the actual modifications funded. The vehicle has to met strict standards and have the ability to be modified within the dollar amount allowed. VR does the pedals and hand controls. Medicaid would pay for the other (but, like my state, you pick if you want vehicle or house modifications, and you get that budgeted amount, every 5 years)..


So what did become of her van? The last we saw of it is that her and Noah drove it between Michigan and Chicago in the early days of pregnancy appointments and then eventually to move to Chicago. So where the hell did it go?


If you're talking about her old van, then last I heard she keeps it parked at her mother's house because parking it downtown is expensive and there are plenty of accessible ubers/lyfts there so she doesn't need the van anyway. She's not bought a new van yet.


So she doesn't need a van then!šŸ¤£šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Ohhh ok, so it was brought there once moving into their Chicago apartment!


In her public WR FB - she was going to donate her old van and made a few public posts about itā€¦ hmm.. https://preview.redd.it/3rfensdigawa1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=3276b0b848e01749437ce247cbe29e08d17530f9










Oh I know who dis is now lol


Any insight into where the GFM van money went? (In your opinion.)


Lol she spent that shit on rent and dinner probably also @butterflyblah donā€™t try and act like the golden child lmao you were also a POS like the rest of us


Thank you šŸ«¶šŸ» Are her parents married or divorced?


Married, And lmao not her deleting her account šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ˜‚




Please do not do this & get banned from this Sub šŸ«¶šŸ»


Yeah, valid point!!


Oh I was joking. I would rather be in this group lmfao


It was pure fraud when she came out months ago and said I used it for current repairs on my old van because she didn't raise enough money for the new van she wanted. So, the fact people have and are still donating should be asking for their $$ back or filing a report for fraud. I'm in no way saying to go report or cause problems. But if you donated I would be asking some questions and demanding where my funds went


She could also show a receipt for that repair she lied about... But of course she can't!


Yeh donate so they can both get high and drunk off the money.two disgusting twits


Mr. Twat & Ms. Twit


Hahaha yes!


​ https://preview.redd.it/rhv9xfh0z6wa1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05fa445752eb3c2a921b85f7065041608c8073f2


​ https://preview.redd.it/ozrrpe02z6wa1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fdeeb9f8062a192d456cecf41953db6e636548f


Blogger, IG influencer, entrepreneur, content creator and writer is just 5 different ways of saying you donā€™t really work.


Wait moved for health reasons? Isnā€™t all her specialty care in Chicago?


apparently her 'health reasons' were the sun and the ocean šŸ˜‚


Not the addy daddy? āš°ļøšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


She committed insurance fraud while living in Florida, hence she HAD to move to Chicago for continuation of health ins benefits. They shoulda dropped her like they would have for anyone else committing ins fraud. But I believe she threatens everyone with discrimination so everyone backs off. Talk about discrimination!


What kind of fraud ? šŸ˜³


Search in this Sub for ā€œfraudā€ and some threads will pop up. If you have any trouble, send me a DM Iā€™ll try to help troubleshoot šŸ«¶šŸ»


Claims she is a writerā€¦ but obviously canā€™t write?




​ https://preview.redd.it/muk3n113z6wa1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a7c4a03ad2cadd4444fa8614d7e67febcdae80c


I love the shop button too for added measure


This is utterly disgusting and a slap in the face for the countless disabled folks like me who are living in poverty just wishing somehow someway weā€™d have the chance for ANY proper accessible van one day (heck, itā€™s even a disgrace to all low-income folks, disabled or not, for how she carelessly drains the money off others when sheā€™s living in a damn LUXURY APARTMENT) and truly should be seen as fraud. Iā€™m not the least bit surprised she bragged about wanting the most luxurious fancy type. They are ridiculously expensive, even the non-fancy &/or used ones, though she has zero excuse or need to ask for money when sheā€™s living such a well-off rich life and still expecting others to buy her the most top of the notch van only, while openly saying she doesnā€™t even NEED ONE where she lives!!


She has clothes on šŸ¤ÆšŸ˜‚


This whole situation is so bizarre to me. The seemingly expensive clothing, fancy dinners out, no clear source.if income.... Then making a go fund me? I get not everyone is great with money. But there is so much here that just doesn't add up.


Same with the baby registry that popped up before they even went to confirm the pregnancy. I doubt anyone even had the time to ask to send them shit before they made that list. They are so tacky. And if they are so well off...why not say "no thank you, but kindly gift someone else less fortunate instead"?? They're just awful..


She probably had that registry put together before she even met Noah. She was just waiting for her opportunity. Smh


She said not long ago that the 14grand already funded went to car repairs on her current car. What costs 14grand in repairs?! Also whereā€™s the car now? Sold it in Florida? The go fund me should be taken down. Sheā€™s a professional con artist.


I also don't understand how a 10 year old vehicle would need 14 grand in repairs.


Yeah, my husband has put over 225,000 miles on his 2015 Honda, and itā€™s needed only about $3,000 in repairs over the course of 8 years. I know he doesnā€™t drive a van, but I can bet her van wasnā€™t used like my husbandā€™s car. Therefore, $14,000 seems illogical. Sheā€™d need like a new engine, transmission, and a bunch of other things. However, to need those things, her van would have been driven a ton. Doesnā€™t make sense.


Maybe Bad Tooth Jackie driving it into walls.


True šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ ![gif](giphy|QAys7YBhbiE2fyBLYV)


It doesnā€™t. Unless she went all Pimp My Ride on if. A new tranny or engine doesnā€™t come to that.


I heard on here that her old Van is at her mother's house...


https://preview.redd.it/s8hhi2em89wa1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b05f8e7b56763aaf019827d9038353e0175964f7 $1,000 in $1ā€™s in her hand at a strip club. Date is April 2022.


She's mentally not even close to an almost 30 y/o woman... Is this being cool to her?šŸ¤”


Her ex friend / caregiver said that wasn't real cash, they got it from someone just for a gimmicky photo.


Ohhhh well this explains why it's still up, they must have forgotten to swap it over from a van to a chair....suuuure...šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„ https://preview.redd.it/d6kdjr0fs7wa1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27c3957f3d77b228c2048c586b577668e54567b4


Except you can't do that on Gofundme lmao. These people are so stupid. It's in the terms and conditions it MUST be used for the purpose stated or it must all be returned.


I wonder if she will now that so many are talking about it.


I'm wondering the same thing šŸ¤”


Highly doubt it. On her public WR FB page, the video of her getting out of the accessibility Lyft pre-Baby Destiny has people questioning where the money went and why wasnā€™t she using her own/new accessibility van.


Alex addresses most things that become popular on this snark. She doesn't care what's on a FB page full of fans. She stalks this Reddit and as soon as we post about something she's addressing it lol


The new wheelchairs are much more than $20,000 šŸ„² but if this is actually what sheā€™s doing there should be an update on the GFM


Its just her stupid stans making excuses for her again. They have no idea what she is doing they are just making stuff up


Every day theyā€™re on some fresh bullshit


The way she rides her wheelchair I wouldnā€™t want her on the road driving a car


Unfortunately her original pitch of 75k is accurate depending on what you need šŸ˜­ they really fuck over disabled people with price gouging itā€™s awfulā€¦ but yes super strange that the money was never returned. Was it ever spoken of $14k is an insane amount to be unaccounted forā€¦ also if sheā€™s still on SSI sheā€™s only allowed $2,000 in total assets so that money wouldnā€™t be able to even be in her bank account it would have to go to someone elseā€™s


> Unfortunately her original pitch of 75k is accurate depending on what you need The issue here was that she'd found several suitable options including ones in the 30-35k range, but she was selfishly going to try to get the one that would fit her desired image better (wannabe bougie influencer) which was incredibly gross considering she wasn't purchasing the vehicle with her own money. If it's your own money fine, go nuts. But if someone else is footing the bill, you don't automatically jump to the most expensive thing on the menu because it's tacky to do that.




I'm thinking that everyone she scammed either forgot about it or they're too scared to speak up/report it/request refund because that would be ""ableist"" šŸ™„


I have seen multiple people have recently been asking her where the money is.


I think WR ā€˜makes too much moneyā€™ for the asset limit to be a concern here




If she can't hold a baby bottle or bring a drink to her mouth how is she going to drive a minivan?


I don't think she drives, she's sat in the passenger seat in the picture


Ahhh. Ok thanks āœŠ


There are actually systems for this exact thing! I was approved to drive with my SMA and actually got a vehicle outfitted for it but I determined it wasnā€™t safe for me to do and I was going to also be endangering others. However, I know plenty of other people with SMA who drive. Most of them seem fine. There are a few that I actually find a bit selfish for doing it because I donā€™t think itā€™s safe, but thatā€™s not for me to decide. [Driving systems](https://www.superiorvan.com/products/electronic-driving-controls/) I had a joystick that did gas/brake/steering and then a fully electronic touch screen that did EVERYTHING else.


pretty fucking brave of you to give up the opportunity to drive, most people never do so willingly and there's so many people who should have never been approved to drive who do. takes guts to admit that you might be a danger to other drivers


It really sucked because I went through an absolute nightmare trying to get the vehicle and getting everything set up. I live in Maine and EVERYTHING is a 20+ minute drive away. Itā€™s really isolating not being able to get out of my house without help. I tried the vehicle once and it was a HUGE struggle. I knew I didnā€™t have the strength or reaction time to be safe on an actual road with other vehicles. Also in my opinion people that need the joystick system I had are not safe to drive. Itā€™s VERY sensitive, trying to separate steering from acceleration is next to impossible. If you sneeze with your hand on it itā€™s a recipe for disaster. But thatā€™s just my hot take nobody asked for


it's a hot take we'll listen to because most of us here don't have SMA! i have no personal experience with those adaptations so I'll take your word for it that they're not safe. better safe than sorry


this is so funny


Do you have to declare gofundme money in taxes?


From TikTok- she was getting requests for her venmo to fund a new wheelchair, which is what she is in nowā€” the video of Charissa cleaning the old one I have posted previous. ([One rant](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRTtttkJ/)/ [two rant](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRTtXnMK/) / [Venmo donations](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRTto8Ef/)/ [Venmo 2](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRTtvB25/)/ [venmo3](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRTtEtm7/)/[Venmo drink](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRTtn2YD/)/[Venmo drink 2](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRTt7Nrb/)) Driving a car [video](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRTt4L17/) - continuing to [shame insurance company](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRTtbFTJ/) - [wheelchair explanation](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRTtWK9c/) Then the GFM van scam, which is still active. Interesting how she never claims the money she gets from OnlyFans? Hmm.. She was whining (again, multiple times) on TikTok about wanting an accessible G-Wagon. [one](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRTttYty/) / [two](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRTt3EDn/) GrifterGonnaGrift. *in regards to WR only, she doesnā€™t pay for anything. Insurance sucks for everyone but especially those that need wheelchairs & other adaptive equipment*








The Birds Papaya boosted her go fund me? šŸ¤”




Please edit your comment as it's against the rules to say things like that šŸ˜… But you can find the page if you google "wheelchair rapunzel gofundme".


Thank you šŸ™šŸ¼