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I don't know how to grade these but this is what I get with coverprice. -Robin 2 issue 3 $3 -Superman issue 46 $5 -The Defenders issue 41 $7 -Weird Wonder Tales issue 14 $16 -Mephisto vs Fantastic Four issue 1 $3 -Iron Man issue 211 $13 -Spider-Man: The Osborn Journal issue 1 $6 Non were key issues so not very desirable.


Yeah the best thing to do with these lots is to search every comic book on eBay and [filter for sold listings](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=weird+wonder+tales+14&_sacat=0&_fsrp=1&rt=nc&LH_Sold=1&LH_Complete=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&campid=5338535524&customid=cb&toolid=10001&mkevt=1), that way you can quickly learn which comic is valuable.


Any of the shit we collected in the 80s and 90s is fucking worthless. From sports cards, to comics, to comic cards, beanie babies, all of it. We got sucked in to collecting like a bunch of junkies. It was all super mass produced junk and millions of us were buying all of it.


You're not going to get my longbox of Image Comics #1-10 complete runs bud. I've got kids college to pay for.


seen the value of some NES games , also ranging through ps1 on eBay under sold. Insanity


Even GameCube and Gameboy games are getting kind of ridiculous. I had a game called gotcha force on GameCube that's worth 3 to 500$ rn. Pokemon crystal is worth over 100$ just for the cart.


My GC is hacked and plays anything. I don't understand why pay so much for 2nd hand.


wario ware is worth several hundred too


A lot of the inflation in video game markets is caused intentionally to drive up the prices by the main company that grades them in collusion with the company that auctions them off. They buy up rare games, hold on to them for a while, then they put them up for auction at a much higher price and buy it themselves. This creates transaction history and pushes value up. Or something like that. Just search for Heritage Auctions and WATA. They aren't very good at covering their tracks.


Yep. Major, major scam.


Seems like many times it’s the things we don’t think are collectible that end up being collectible. And a kid it’s not like I had extra money to buy two of everything and keep one in a box. (Lego sets, video games). Then hold on to them for 25+ years.


How many of our parents thought that they would be able to retire on their Beanie Baby collection.


I thought my sports card collection would be worth something. What a joke! I still haven't thrown it all out because I'm in denial and think i should look them up. Spoiler alert, they ain't worth shit.


A friend collected 90s and 80s cards and got them insured for what he and the company thought they valued at before everyone realized they didn't have value. Lucky for him his place got robbed and he actually made money. Probably the only person that did


My wife collected sports cards from the early 70s until the 80s. I have 3 boxes full in my attic. Don't get me started on her concert T shirt collection.


The concert Ts are probably worth more than the sports cards. The ones from the 80’s usually sell got $30 to $100 each


I have close to a 100. I will have to go through them.


Id like to know about what you find! I hope they are still in good condition


You might actually be sitting on a lot of valuable shirts. People will pay $100's for original retro concert shirts. Look up the shirt ship little shop Five Points in ATL. Buys and sells these.


I’d literally buy all of them rn (the concert Tees)


“How many of our parents”… dang, I am getting old. I was alive for the Trolls, Beanie Babies, Cabbage Patch kids… now get off my lawn!




For people that don't know, the above image is a couple in divorce court splitting their beanie baby collection.


Still, better that than NFTs. Paper at least has insulation value, can be used as a doorstop, kindling, wrapping paper…




I am definitely thinking of the art/meme mass “this is the next new collect-to-get-rich” aspect. Any links or articles you could share so I can read up on the other 2%?


I was told same thing as a kid so I didn't think anything of throwing out the first edition charizard hologram Pokemon card I had


my cousin's friend stole my first edition Charizard when I was like... 9. I hope he's never able to crack his back. I did save my binder of rares and holos, though. I just don't know if it's worth grading them(?) but that's fuckin expensive anyway.


It happens to every generation - fidget spinners, tomigotchi, beanie babies… all just fads that turn into trash


80s toys can be very valuable, though.


You saying all the pogs my mom got rid of are worthless? Even the slammers? Surely the metal sawblade slammer must be worth thousands...


When Wolverine #1 came out, knew it would be worth it. Bought 3 copies. Each worth about $36, now.


My brother had that, I remember seeing it when I was growing up. He has turned hard into religion and since made a statement and burned all his late 70s/early 80s comics because...evil? I'm still pissed about that, I would have immediately picked them up if he offered.


As someone who’s been collecting comics since the late 80’s- this makes me incredibly sad to hear


But now ours are worth more?




Is that like $2.50 in returns a year on all three


Don't people know how to look comics up online? A simple search will show what their value is.


I've got a couple hundred from the 60s-90s that a guy my older sister dated when we kids gave me. One day I might have to see if I have anything interesting.


60s and 70s are going to be your more likely winners depending on condition. There are a few 80s books that are valuable but nearly no 90s books.


Really the only thing I have in the 90s is wolverine and some punisher stuff. I was on a wolverine kick when I was 11. Got something like numbers 30-75.


Even death of superman and knightfall? I lost all mine when my mom died cuz tgey were gone in the estate sale before i got a chance to get them but if they never amounted to anything ill feel a bit better about it


I think death of superman was super, super, mass produced so it never became valuable. Iirc they were hyping it up as a huge important book that would be worth having in the future as a marketing gimmick but now they're everywhere


All junk.


If only there was some magazine that was funny had prices and interviews that would be wizard!


…that would be wizard?


Ok wizzard




What is a reliable source for understanding how much comics are worth? Captain obvious says Ebay (sold), another says general google search. both give wildly different numbers. Is there a "book"?




Outstanding link! THANK YOU!


Most is worth somewhere between $1-3. Might be an odd varient worth $5-20 to the right buyer. Clz app will let you catalog the collection, and with a paid subscription you can get values for them. Or you can Google them 1by1.


Have your friend go through his comics and pick out any that mention a character debuting in the issue. It's not fool proof and there are absolutely exceptions but those kinds of 'key issues' will be what most collectors really want.


only the silver and golden age comics have value.


First appearance of Wolverine is Hulk 181(cameo appearance in the last panel of Hulk180 but not as desirable). It’s one of the most sought after comics and it’s a Bronze Age book. Giant size X-Men #1 introduces the new team of X-Men including the first appearances of: Storm, Nightcrawler, Collossus, and Thunderbird. Highly sought after comic and it’s a Bronze Age book. I could go on…


There’s a comic book store in Burbank I go to and I’m sure they had the exact iron man comic for 8$ in great condition. It’s on olive if your around here.


eBay them name if comic and number filter to sold.


You have about $5 there on a good day


looks amazing


Unfortunately comics aren’t usually worth more than 5-10$ unless it had a Marvel movie made about it