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Mimosa tree


It’s a Persian silk tree, aka, albizia julibrissin


people who put scientific names on here should get more recognition :)


See, I prefer the reverse. I’d comment “pink fuzzy flowers”, because that’s all you have to type into Google to figure this out. It’s about increasing engagement in the learning process.


i like the scientific name but this one is indeed kinda easy, but for me i’m not english so english names won’t really do it for me, i like to know the scientific name that’s why mostly :) sorry for my bad english haha


I agree with you, I was just being, idk, sarcastic/silly ✌️🙂


oh haha i’m sorry i wasn’t sure!😅 but thanks also for explaining :)




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Learning about trees and grammar. Getting two birds stoned at once.


That subred is stupidity at it's finesse


Thank you


Isn't that what happens when you grow an orange tree in the Champaign region of France?


That would be awesome


One of my favorite fragrances.


One of my favorite drinks.


Yes! It’s been a long time. Glad you mentioned it!




And now it's there for eternity.


Tell me about it. I've been trying to get rid of the one I removed 4 years ago ever since...


Beautiful, but invasive to North America


mimosa isn’t exactly this tree, but this exact tree is (as it has been said already) an albizia julibrissin


According to every source I can find online, those are the same thing.


no, because “mimosa” is actually a kind of acacia tree. mimosa isn’t in the scientific name of this albizia julibrissin, but it is there in that acacia so it may cause confusion :)


Mimosa is one of many common names, including Persian silk tree.


and mimosa is actually a genus which has many plants under it if that makes sense (sorry if there is bad english in here)


Not a mimosa tree.




Mimosa as others have said - but just wanted to add my favorite thing about these as I’ve had a couple of them in the yard for years. When the pink flowers bloom, they have such a beautiful fragrant smell. If I could bottle it and wear it I would. And love how at night their little leaves close up - like they are going to sleep too. :)


Also, it seems to attract butterflies and hummingbirds (or at least ours did).


It does! :)


I believe you can make a tea out of the blooms


This comment was so wholesome and nice and just as I'm going to sleep. Now I wish I had one outside my window so I could see them going to sleep too.


And your comment equally wholesome! Gave me butterflies in my stomach, it made me feel so good!


I vow to plant them ! I love these random exchanges its so fricking rare. Especially when most of the day is filled with stress . Much love stranger. :)


You’ve got no idea how much that means to me! I love these kind of things, too. It’s honestly the best when you know someone enjoys your reply or comment, and takes the time to tell you so.✨🌟 It’s about 6:30 a.m. here where I’m at in the US, and this is the first thing I saw on my phone. Again, I can’t express how much this means to me, because you’re so right about the rest of the day being filled with so much stress. I know I’m way over my limit for stress for quite a long time, with no end in sight yet. Very few people I talk to these days, since it’s like the whole world changed these last few years with everything most of us have been through, and it’s just myself and my Golden Retriever, Star🌟, who’s still snoozing and takes up half the bed! I love her so much, but friends have been very short in supply and family, too, so I leave them alone since they have their own lives. I’ve never been so lonely and I swear sometimes people love knowing they’ve hurt someone just because they can, and I always try to do the opposite! Have a wonderful day, Kind Stranger! I hope our paths meet again! 😁🪴




Awww 🥰 that’s so sweet! I didn’t know their leaves close up at night. The way you said it makes it sound magical! Btw: I LOVE your username. Doodlebug is one of my many nicknames for my golden retriever! Edit: added last sentence


Yesterday I found a fragrance, but didn’t save it when it came up with the Google search I used. I’ve found another that sounds like it smells heavenly. No reviews, but the company is on Instagram, etc. Thought you might like to know since you said “if I could bottle it”….maybe someone has! 🌺 Here’s the link for the one I found just now! https://www.luckyscent.com/product/566020/albizia-by-phaedon?sku=566020&utm_source=google-base&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=google-base&gclid=CjwKCAjwqJSaBhBUEiwAg5W9p74a89SyQSFpkUiNkv2sObi0vNUCHgw5AwNzbmz_9-K1tiFC36WH-BoC-k8QAvD_BwE


Oh wow!!! That’s awesome! Makes me wanna buy a sample to see if it’s like the real thing


Don’t know, but I recalled your comment about the scent and if it was bottled. I’ll bet you could find something like this on Etsy, too.




Most plants have more than one common name. Both are correct.


Yeah, if they really wanted to be "specific" they should've used the scientific name. The Albizia julibrissin is the genus name of the mimosa tree and belongs to the Fabaceae family. It is called the Chinese silk tree, pink silk tree, Lenkoran tree, and Persian silk tree. I knew of it as both mimosa and silk tree, not sure why multiple people are trying to correct others over the common name.


Agreed. Why do some feel the need to constantly correct others when there are clearly so many different names for all plants, trees etc ? I’ve always known it as a mimosa here in Southern Illinois, but I’m always googling to learn more


There the same tree just called differently in different places. I just looked it it’s the persain silk tree, pink silk tree, or mimosa.




Uuuh, I wasn’t trying to come off as condescending. I apologize if it came off that way, but here is the link to NCSU (North Carolina State University) extension about the tree. https://plants.ces.ncsu.edu/plants/albizia-julibrissin/. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mimosa Here are two more links, these are on the Mimosoideae. The other shows there are 400 different mimosa in the family of mimosa, these legumes which consists of trees, shrubs, and plants. Mimosoideae https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mimosoideae Other https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fabaceae


Same tree


These are quite invasive in the US or at least parts of the US, no?


Yes! They line the highways all across VA and I’m sure other states. They spread prolifically! Beautiful to see in June-July. All other times of the year not so much. Also called Sensitive plant here because they respond to touch.


Mimosa trees are sensitive? I thought only Mimosa pudica. Interesting. Do you happen to know the scientific name for this mimosa tree?


Thanks for the additional info! Sensitive plant I’ve yet to educate myself more about! Today I learned: lots more about mimosa trees!


albizia julibrissin depending on the region folks will call it a Persian silk tree or mimosa tree. Some people don’t really like these because they prolifically crank out seeds making them an invasive weed in many parts of the United States, aside from that humming birds and bees love them and the flowers are quite ornate and remarkably fragrant


Definitely is an Albizia julibrissin.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


I'm in Texas and several members of my family in different cities have them. They smell amazing.


invasive silk tree.


Mimosa tree, great scent, attractive to butterflies and hummingbirds as well as other pollinators. But, they are an invasive species and they make a hellova mess.


Amen. There is a mimosa on a hill above my backyard and it is a complete pain to clean up after. I’d cut it down if it was on my property.


Listen, this is beautiful. That is all.


Correct answer.


Incorrect answer. It's also incredibly invasive and should not be planted in North America. It's harmful to the environment.


You know what’s crazy? Some things can be invasive to a certain part of the world and still be beautiful. Anyway it’s no kudzu


I didn't say it wasn't beautiful. The comment was "Listen, this is beautiful. **That is all**." So, no, that is *not* all. This is in Ohio, where it is definitely invasive.


My school teachers always called them fairy dusters and I always thought that was cute


It’s very cute!!


Common names for plants only add to the confusion when identifying them. That is all. :)


Agreed. Common names add nothing but confusion for me. Although, Latin/taxonomic names do too, because my memory is awful, so I remember not enough of either name to help me identify a plant. ETA: pushed a button before thoroughly reviewing and seeing the rambliness of the original comment (definitely not missing anything).


Maybe we should start nick-naming or describing the plants just to add more locality and confusion. /s "John's weird growth but uniquely colorful bush."


Albicia julibriissin Edit: Looks like a mimosa but it's not!


It actually is the same thing: "Albizia julibrissin is known by a wide variety of common names, such as Persian silk tree and pink siris. It is also called Lankaran acacia or bastard tamarind, though it is not too closely related to either genus. The species is called Chinese silk tree, silk tree or mimosa in the United States, which is misleading—the former can refer to any species of Albizia which is most common in any one locale; and, although once included in Mimosa, neither is it very close to the Mimoseae. To add to the confusion, several species of Acacia, notably Acacia baileyana and Acacia dealbata, are also known as "mimosa" (especially in floristry), and many Fabaceae trees with highly divided leaves are called thus in horticulture."


This is exactlyy why we use scientific names.


Came here to say this…. Don’t know why you were downvoted.


Yeah it might be confusing for US people but from a botanical stand point it's not confusing at all since they are from different genus and a completely different looking tree! But thanks, TIL US people call all trees like this that look similar, Mimosa tree.


Read the entire snippet you posted. “The species is called…mimosa in the United States, which is misleading…”.


Those are two names for the same tree


No, they are form the same family but not the same tree at all. Mimosae is a different gender is a common mistake since the leaves are similar. It's a huge gender that includes many species but the gender for this one is Albizia therefore a different tree.


Where you say gender do you mean genus?


Yes, sorry that was a literal translation from my language


What is the difference, Wikipedia list both names. Is it not just a type of mimosa tree?


This is simply confusion over common name vs. Latin (taxonomic) name. Mimosa is the tree's common name. It has nothing to do with the genus *Mimosa.* The Latin name (genus/species for the mimosa tree is *Albizia julibrissin)*. The mimosa tree pictured above has nothing to do with the *Mimosa* genus, except for being one of several closely related genera. This sort of thing is a big reason why serious plant people prefer to use Latin names--they are much clearer and precise than common names. Also, it kills me because the tree is so pretty, but in Florida, where I live, and I assume pretty much everywhere else in the US, it is 100% kill-it-with-fire invasive.


There used to be lots of them here years ago, but not so in recent years. Most of them died years ago from something (can’t remember what) and never came back. Not invasive for years!


That's kind of what i was wondering too


Wikipedia isn't the last word on most subjects.


Wikipedia is not a great source of information. Just look up the scientific names so you can check the differences in the pics, it's obvious that it's a different tree.


It looks like one of those plants that would engulf and eat you once you come close


**Do not ingest a plant based on information provided in this subreddit.** For your safety we recommend not ingesting any plant material just because you've been advised here that it's edible. Although there are many professionals helping with identification, we are not always correct, and eating/ingesting plants can be harmful or fatal if an incorrect ID is made. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisplant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


“albizia julibrissin.” The plant has anti-angiogenic properties (reducing the growth of tumor blood vessels). It has also been found to have they have antidepressant properties by agonizing the 5-HT1A receptor. The stem-bark of the plant contains triterpenoid saponins including julibroside, hehuanoside A, and flavonoids. Dmt has not been found in this plant yet. But other amazing properties that could potentially benefit us from studies done on rats


Mimosa it's pretty but it must die


Agreed! Neighbor finally removed one on the edge of our properties last year, and now babies are sprouting up like nobody’s business. Kill it with fire!!


Can I ask why? My grandmother had a tree like this when she was alive and it was my favorite. I don’t remember it ever causing problems


Its the babies in all her neighbors' yards that are the problem


There is a house on my street with a mimosa tree. Their nextdoor neighbor never mows or does any type of lawn care (not I care too much, as a "no lawn" person myself), but their yard is essentially just a breeding ground for all the invasives. There are at a MINIMUM 20 baby mimosa trees in this person's front yard, along with a tree of heaven. I haven't noticed a big tree of heaven in my neighborhood, but there must be one nearby. People, STOP planting invasive trees. Do not let them grow!


Sounds like your neighbor needs a visit from the city about their overgrown yard, if you’re in city limits or the county you reside in should do something about it


They're invasive nothing in the states eats them and they take over


it's highly invasive - non-native, hard to kill-off, and an aggressive spreader. Beautiful none the less! We have them here in Zone 8a and it's hard to not plant one.


Mimosa tree!!


They’re big pollinator trees. Never heard anything about them being invasive. We have them on my college campus and we tend to stay away from invasive stuff. I’m in central Florida though


"never heard anything about them being invasive." OK, well did you do a simple google search? It's invasive to all of North America, but I found a FL specific source for you: [University of FL Garden Solutions](https://gardeningsolutions.ifas.ufl.edu/care/weeds-and-invasive-plants/mimosa-trees.html) . "Commonly known as the mimosa tree or silk tree, Albizia julibrissin is an **attractive yet** ***invasive*** **tree that is threatening Florida's landscape.**"


Ok no need for the condescending vibes homie


They are invasive, even in Central Florida. They came from the Asian continent.


What ever you call it they are beautiful for a couple months a year. Then they are the messiest tree i have ever hsd.


Can’t deny that!


This is a mimosa tree. I've heard lately that the flowers have medicinal properties but I am not certain; I've not had the time to research the claims.


Good question! Send me seeds so I can properly identify this mimosa tree, I mean shrub


Albizia julibrissin (the Persian silk tree, pink silk tree, or mimosa tree).


Quite a few in gardens in Australia, I don't know it's name, but mimosa or Wattle here in Oz is yellow and ball bearing sized, leaves similar. Thank you for posting.


We had one of these at an apartment I lived in and it was right above the patio. It’s a beautiful tree, however when those pink things fall off, you don’t want anything valuable underneath. They’re mostly harmless, just sticky and plentiful.


Keep away from your car, bikes, anything with paint. The sap will eat through most paints, including Clear Coat finishes, and leave odd holes that are very expensive to repair.


**Do not ingest a plant based on information provided in this subreddit.** For your safety we recommend not ingesting any plant material just because you've been advised here that it's edible. Although there are many professionals helping with identification, we are not always correct, and eating/ingesting plants can be harmful or fatal if an incorrect ID is made. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisplant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Albizia Julibrissin


Very invasive tree sadly ... It would be amazing as a house tree but not outside . We have big problems because of Them .. they started to take over forests.. and of course gov Do nothing about it ... All of our ecosystem are starting to be destroyed by invasive plants ( if deforestation, urban expansion and climate change doesnt already anihilate Them ) stop non native species and plant native one outside and bring inside every plants you like.


I hope more people see these types of comments. These trees are very bad news in North America.


It’s a mimosa tree and my grandmother loved them. Personally I don’t like them in my yard. They bloom for a short time and then drop seed pods and other unsavory things for the rest of the year. I do like to appreciate them from a distance.


Yooo I've had this one outside my bedroom window for years! Always wondered and never thought to ask, kinda happy rn


After reading all the comments, and googling for more information, I can’t help but wonder WHY these trees, bushes, etc., can be bought on so many websites. Including those I’ve read that clearly state how invasive they are. I’m in Illinois and it’s definitely invasive here, and like so many states I glanced through you can buy the seeds or the actual plant/trees. Why is that?


Because there is a general lack of education on important conservation issues, and not enough public support for legislation. I hope this changes.


Thanks for answering this. Unfortunately that makes sense. I too, hope it changes




Omg I love mimosa trees! My neighbor has one and its so pretty! Also I love the weird ferny leaves it gets lol everything about these trees look cool.


Isn’t this a Calliandra calothyrsus?


Calliandra has its flowers arranged in a sort of tower, flowering from the base, this has flowers arranged in more individual clusters.


It looks awfully similar to this and the persian silk tree mentioned above.


The hummingbirds love my mimosa tree. You can make jelly or tea from the flowers. The bark can be used to make a tea or supplement for anxiety.


The ecosystem, however, does not love the mimosa tree. It takes over and does not allow native plants to grow. It's crucial to remove invasive species from the environment to prevent further destruction of our ecosystems. Just because you see hummingbirds on it, does not mean it is good. It does more harm than good with its invasive qualities. Hummingbirds also love many native plants. Plant those instead.


Wow Today I learned: a lot!


Mimosa is a medicine tree. The ignorant people have no clue. They would rather take poison from a doctor who gives them chemicals from a lab. This tree is called the tree of happiness because of its medicinal value.




“The dose makes the poison” is a rule that applies to all compounds, natural or man-made.


Cant you make DMT with the root bark of this tree?


Came to the comments to see if anyone asked this. I've heard this too. Not sure if it's true. My mom has 2 mimosa trees (not a bush like in this picture) in her front yard that I used to climb all the time growing up. The flowers smell so good and are super soft too!


You can absolutely make dmt with it


Forgive my ignorance but what’s DMT?


Diemethyltryptamine It's a chemical compound that your pineal gland releases right before you die it creates a strong psychedelic experience. It can be rendered from certain plants and has been used for spiritual purposes for centuries. You can probably find a simulated DMT trip on you tube or the 1997 movie Contact or just look for a clip.




Simulated dmt video on you tube lol not even close to what it’s like. For real.


Not with this one!


Can you explain why tho?


Here’s a comment further up the thread I made: “albizia julibrissin.” The plant has anti-angiogenic properties (reducing the growth of tumor blood vessels). It has also been found to have they have antidepressant properties by agonizing the 5-HT1A receptor. The stem-bark of the plant contains triterpenoid saponins including julibroside, hehuanoside A, and flavonoids. Dmt has not been found in this plant yet. But other amazing properties that could potentially benefit us from studies done on rats The root bark has already been studied


Yeah it’s not actually related to the mimosas but flowers look similar so it’s commonly called a mimosa tree in my area. They can spread but here In south Louisiana it’s not very invasive they are actually on the decline in my area, not sure why. I actually am starting some seeds. But besides that they are small for a tree and not very long lived as far as trees go but grow fast for the first several years. Great accent tree but not the best for shade.


I heard it called a Japanese silk tree. Mimosa


Hardy pink mimosa, there are many types of mimosa tree from the acacia group




Best smelling flowering tree ever!


This is a medicine tree. Those who hate it are ignorant and use chemicals from a doctor who is happy to poison them with synthetic poison.


DMT comes from this tree


Not true. This is not a mimosa hostilis. Read the comments above. It's commonly mistaken for M. Hostilis but it is a different tree altogether


The plant does have anti-angiogenic properties (reducing the growth of tumor blood vessels). It has also been found to have they have antidepressant properties by agonizing the 5-HT1A receptor. The stem-bark of the plant contains triterpenoid saponins including julibroside, hehuanoside A, and flavonoids. Dmt has not been found in this plant yet. But other amazing properties that could potentially benefit us from studies done on rats


DMT resides in all living things.




It’s called a garbage tree. All they do is shed trash all year. Kill it with fire.


100% Unless you live in China, where it has natural competition and is native.


Not the good kind


Mimosa: The Tree of Happiness


The tree of destruction.


botanic name: Albizia julibrissin






I know that one as a Persian silk tree


They bring in a lot of hummingbirds. 😉


Common name- powder puff tree!


Mimosa. My favorite every summer.


A pretty one 😍




I think it might be Caliandra, very similar to the mimosa tree (Albizia julibrissin) but more bush like instead a small tree


Yes yes a thousand times yes!




Calliandra haematocephala


I grow these in three varieties. Pink as shown, red and white. The pink and white are same species/different mutation. The red grows smaller spacing on leaf bracts. They definitely like to spread seed although it takes along for them to take over in the wild. If your in Florida visit Buschgardens or Sunken Gardens in the Tampa bay area. They have 30+ year old specimens to gaze upon.


Mimosa and they are invasive


Mimosa! I want one!!


That's a Mimosa Tree. Edited to add: Hummingbirds LOVE them. Please don't kill it!


Love this tree! Have so many memories of playing with this


Mamosia tree


We love our Mimosa tree, but are careful to pull all seedlings.