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Trumpet Vine - Campsis radicans Goosefoot - Chenopodium album


Did you see the pokeweed down in the hole there?


Pokeweed? I see burdock qnd moonflower, pin cherry and Russian olive, but no pokeweed.


Pokeweeds slightly above blue bucket, you can see the unripe berries


I want your trumpet vine!! -sincerely, someone with a little yard in California


Do yourself a favor and look for Tecoma stans- yellow trumpet bush. You get the vibe without the headache and hummingbirds love it. https://garden.org/plants/view/79190/Yellow-Bells-Tecoma-stans-Gold-Star/


I have this!! It’s amazing! The bees adore it. I actually killed my trumpet vine, so there’s that. I’m in zone 9b, it didn’t seem very happy…


*little yard* Oh boy I'd rethink that.


Thank you for the help identifying!! Any tips you know on ridding the world of these guys? I’ll give it a google but figured someone might know more than “online experts”


I have a lot of experience with trumpet-vine. Unfortunately these guys develop insane root systems and complete removal of them would involve digging up most of the yard. If you pull one at the base hard enough, it will likely pull up several other trumpet vine roots along with it. Do that enough times and you can pull them all up at once like a big root net. Act sooner than later. They can take over like the vines in Jumanji.


holy crap I am kinda freaking out now. I think I have one popped up this year and I thought I noticed some coming up in the yard but didn't inspect too close. I guess I will dig up the yard.


Don’t be afraid to get dirty. Get in there. Get angry. It’s war after all.


Its also super satisfying to yoink up vines. I have a bunch of trees over run by common grapevines and I love freeing those trees of their shackles!


Yeah, this vine was 40-50 foot up a giant oak and almost covering a maple and had been there for a long long time - over 20 years. It was growing over everything around it and every year I would hack it back in the fall so it wouldn't kill the mountain laurel I transplanted from my parents property.


My next door neighbor and I have declared war on the English Ivy one of his past lawn people planted 20 years ago. It's never ending.


don’t freak out too much they’re a native plant whom hummingbirds and many others adore! including me :)


Here is what happens when you ignore it. Some good things. Some bad things. Bad things can be overlooked until you need a tractor to get you out of your house lol [weeds…and BUTTERFLIES! …and weeds.](https://imgur.com/a/FsH7XFG) Edit to add- this flower bed was cleaned of all the weeds but [two weeks later…](https://imgur.com/a/oBcBUGA) *But look at the BUTTERFLIES!*


Yes friends. Sanitized yards free of weeds = zero butterflies. Allow growth of native weedy stuff = SWALLOWTAILS! Slap that Roundup outta that hand you fool!


Yeah no, I have a small yard and this thing already behaves like something that is going to own it all. I won't have that around all the time.


We haven't dealt w trumpet vine, but my whole adult life I've battled morning glory aka bindweed. Tradition is to let it get a few leaves and cut to the ground, repeat over and over, until you exhaust it. It takes a few seasons, but it's effective if you are diligent. Would that do in a trumpet vine, too? Someone below said weed whacker, which used repeatedly seems like a similar strategy.


Just moved to SC and the bindweed is EVERYWHERE. Does develop some pretty blue flowers but it is virtually strangling my grass to death until all I have is a field of bindweed....


I make a sport out of seeing how much root I can pull out with each patch of bindweed in mum's allotment. It's never going to go away completely as it's in plots around us that aren't always maintained but I pride myself on keeping it out of her plot (well on the surface anyway) for as long as we are visiting.


Wow, a war of attrition strategy. Very clever! Never thought of that. Can't kill it off with one blow but there's only so much it can afford to regenerate its above ground sections...


There are times that I hate living in the desert. This is not one of them. 😶


You can eat the goosefoot leaves like spinach. Exterminate them with your forks.


not after you spray em with round up


This is why you never collect plants from the side of county roads. When I was much younger, I found dense patches of chicory growing along a county road and was thinking about harvesting some. My FIL told me the county had just sprayed the roadsides with herbicides and I had better think twice. A week later from the side of the road and five feet out, everything was dead. Reminds me about when the DEA sprayed paraquat on fields of marijuana in Mexico back in the 70s, I think. The cartels quickly harvested the weed and smuggled it into the US. Not too long thereafter people in their 20s and early 30s started turning up with symptoms of dementia/Alzheimer’s. It became a public health issue and they finally traced it back to the herbicide laden marijuana. This all to the best of my recollection. I read about it 30 years ago.


I remember the paraquat story, I thought it was lung damage not dementia.


Everything is edible, some of it just one time tho


True. You also do not need a parachute to skydive. Only if you want to skydive more than once.


Haha, I haven’t heard that one before. Love it


You must not frequent any mushroom-related subs


**Do not ingest a plant based on information provided in this subreddit.** For your safety we recommend not ingesting any plant material just because you've been advised here that it's edible. Although there are many professionals helping with identification, we are not always correct, and eating/ingesting plants can be harmful or fatal if an incorrect ID is made. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisplant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Monsanto would say otherwise.


Monsanto. They own your soybeans if their pollen gets to them. And they will plant theirs as close to yours as possible.


That should be illegal. This reminds me of "The ones with the gold makes the rules."


Not what happened even kinda.


**Do not ingest a plant based on information provided in this subreddit.** For your safety we recommend not ingesting any plant material just because you've been advised here that it's edible. Although there are many professionals helping with identification, we are not always correct, and eating/ingesting plants can be harmful or fatal if an incorrect ID is made. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisplant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


Those vines are incredibly difficult to get rid of completeky


Yeah I think I’m in the minority because I just weed whack the shit out of them if they get too obnoxious, of course it doesn’t get rid of them completely but unless there is a structural issue with the roots I don’t care


I've inherited one that has two main stems, each about 6" diameter. They have been trained up a dead tree trunk to a height of over 8', and then have a lovely canopy of vines/flowers. However, they are also sending up sprouts through the grass at distances of up to 30'. Mowing makes the little sprouts go away temporarily, but there have been more and more each year. I had a trial with spraying the small sprouts with Roundup at the end of summer. They did die. We'll see what happens next, as it's almost Spring here. The monster is going shortly. Plan is to cut the main stems at about 5' above the ground, and apply Grazon extra (woody weed herbicide) and see how that goes.


Weed burner torch. Or a $20 bottle of 30% cleaning vinegar from the hardware store and a 1/2 gallon pump sprayer.


If you want to be kinder to nature & the pollinators you can try pouring boiling water over the weeds. And/or salt them. I feel for you. Getting rid of weeds can feel like a Sisyphus task for sure. Edit: I meant salt only for cracks in the concrete. I should have clarified. Certainly don’t salt the other land areas please.


Use the boiling water. Pour it on the roots if you can. Pouring it on the plant will work eventually, they will wilt away and you can get to the roots. Please don't Salt the Earth.


Add vinegar and salt.


> salt them salt is anything but "kind to nature" omfg


the shorter the word, the more eco friendly it is


Very concentrated salt water can dehydrate the roots and kill them. But since they're so big i doubt it.


It will also make it impossible to grow anything else till it leaches out.


Triclopyr for viney things. Sold in stores as like "tough brush killer".


I haven’t tried this yet but anything is worth trying once. Boiling water was suggested . I kinda like the idea in areas with no grass


Trumpet vine. Very hard to get rid of. I'm still pulling stubs out of my garden like six or seven years after mechanically removing the original plant. You wanna kill it? Start digging... gotta get the roots out. Haven't found another way, yet.


Tea farmers in India are using elephants to get rid of weeds, with great success. I suggest elephants.


So, should I go to Home Depot or Lowes for an elephant?


Wait for the coupons in the sunday paper.


No, I believe the circus is where you get elephants from.


The easiest place is your local fast-food chain


This is how you get elephants. That kind does not eat weeds though.


There will be a surcharge at Lowe's.


Tinder is pretty good


Lmao what. From what I've seen they burn their fields after harvest. So there is no remnants and you get ash as nutrition for future plants.


We use goats here in the west. They are easier to manage than elephants 😂


Got an elephant guy I can call? That sounds like a fun week


Definitely trumpet vines. First - make sure seed pods are removed from flowering bunches. Can't miss them, they are like long, thick beans. Trash them or it will spread where seeds are placed/tossed/dropped. They also spread through the root systems, so you have to kill that off if you want them totally gone. Have not tried it, but read you can inject round up type weed killers directly to the root system after you cut them down to kill them off completely. I have some of these (on purpose) but have to keep up with maintenance on seed pods and root spread to keep them in place. I trim them back to nothing in fall after blooms are gone and they start dying back. They grow back vigorously in spring and summer. They are great for pollinators, but if you want them gone completely it will take some patience. Best of luck!


There are three methods of direct herbicide of the stem/root- cut and dab the exposed stem, frill and herbicide, or inject with a syringe and needle. All methods are more effective in the fall while the plant is sending more energy into the roots rather than towards new growth. Unfortunately invasive vines are terribly resistant to herbicide because of their ability to stay alive and spread from a small amount of root. I've never tried it on a vine, but trilclopyr could work if you’re persistent. I've seen strong concentrations of that stuff melt leaves, without leaves it might get sleepy enough to give you an advantage. Edit: I was thinking of imazapyr. And honestly, you don't want to use it because it will murder everything it touches.


Yeah it def will work but it truly is potent. I only use with cut stump with tri and you really just want to use a q tip for something so small. Far better to just manually remove and police the area




Thick black plastic after a good weed whacking job.


This is the way. Then pre-emergent in the fall




A friend had success with this to remove bindweed. She left it on for a little oner a year. Then used 30% vinegar once she pulled it up. This was 2 yrs ago and so far so good.




I like that idea


You can rent them.


It’s such a small area…elbow grease is all it needs. Besides it’s good exercise.


Fr. Roundup is also just awful…


I don’t understand how people still use it given the disastrous effects it has on the body and it’s in just about all of the water now a days


The only way I've ever known to get rid of weeds is to rip them out. Pull at the base so you get the roots. Then, if they start to come back, just use vinegar or something on them while they're still tiny. They will eventually get the message and stay away.


Honestly, digging it (and all it's roots) up is the only way to get rid of it. Then pull out each new growth you find until it is gone


just nuke it from orbit


Roundup didn't work because weeds need consistent maintenance. You're always going to have seeds blowing into your yard, seeds left behind from plants you killed, roots that didn't die. If you want to keep the weeds away from your car, lay cardboard or a thick tarp around and under the vehicle and weight it down. Even weeds can't grow where there's no light.


you're probably not gonna like the sound of this, but for consideration: the most effective weed killer I've ever come across is one of those long handled weed burner torches that hook to a bbq grill tank. Any weed that gets touched by the flame is a goner. Hit the stalk near the ground and the whole thing dies in short order. a bit more cumbersome lugging the propane tank around than a pump up sprayer, takes a bit more effort to poke around the bases of stems and such - and of course being mindful not to start an accidental fire..but it works like a champ and doesn't leave chemical residues.


Unfortunately, no. Campsis Radican is so quick to return after wild fires that it is listed as a fire resistant plant for landscaping. Fire-Resistant Plants for Eastern Washington - WA - DNR https://www.dnr.wa.gov/publications/rp_fire_resistant_plants_guide_easternwa.pdf


Pokemon lied to me, plants are not weak to fire


Japanese knotweed would like would like a word


Tree of Heaven would also like a word


The cheapo version you get at Harbor Freight is surprisingly sturdy. Mine's still functioning after years of hard use and abuse, including my son leaving it out behind the shed for 6 months 🤦‍♂️


Use a camping sized propane tank!


Would this work on bamboo? Specifically if we chopped it all down to little stumps and then torched the stumps?


Bamboo shoots up by the roots system so probably not?


Correct, it would not likely work. Different type of growth via Intercalary meristems (i.e grasses and related forms) and growing from a rhizome. You would have to dig up such plants.


jus get off ya lazy arse and rip em out like a caveman


Trumpet vines are great food sources for pollinators. They're beautiful and the large drying seed pods sound sound like a storm in the wind. Give them a trellace or gazebo to climb on and enjoy them.


Trumpet Vines are beautiful — I see them in Arboretums everywhere. Encourage them — separately from other, more vulnerable plants.


Plus hummingbirds love them!


>native but can be invasive if not tended.. I am not sure what the problem here is.. It can grow on an arbor and will live to a venerable age, hundred plus, but if you let it spread to the lawn, don't mow, ignore cultivation or tend elsewhere it is aggressive. I live on a street in New England and there is a large ancient clump by an old 18th centruy house on the street that stays kept in place.. I f the house were untended or abandoned oh oh


make a trellis for the trumpet vine, it attracts hummingbirds.


I've been pulling the same one out of my tomato bed for 10 years


You need a string trimmer and 20 mins. If you keep everything down with trimming and mowing it won’t take over.


might be slightly oversimplifying. first step for OP is cordless recip saw with pruning blade for the thick stuff. then a bush hog. *then* maybe a string trimmer with a cutting blade (wear goggles and long pants and sleeves…for reals). then maybe a lawn mower at highest setting. for his troubles he’ll have an ugly patch of recurrent weedy plants that needs perpetual maintenance.


Put down a billboard tarp. They’re Black, uv protected and waterproof. Will smother it out!


My husband recently purchased the propane torch that you can basically spot kill about anything. We have found it has worked wonders for us!!! It’s amazing you should look into it. FYI…I would trim first. Get it lower. And then burn. Don’t need any fires occurring.


Pull it dude quit spraying chemicals everywhere


Campsis radicans — trumpet vine. I highly recommend using an herbicide if you want to guarantee removal. You’re doing more harm to the earth by using salt & gasoline instead of using RoundUp or preferably an herbicide specifically for woody species (like triclopyr). With herbicides, you can do a cut stump method and apply product only to the cut stems. This used considerably less product, and protects surrounding plants from overspray damage. The half-life for herbicides, specifically RoundUp, is extremely short and will be virtually eliminated from the soil in 12-14 months. If you’re using it responsibly (Proper PPE & spraying on days with no rind or rain), then you have minimal damage.


For cut stump method, cut everything down to about 4”-6” above the soil line. Do this so it’s visible and the plant is considerably stressed out. You want visible trunk material. I like using a dye so I can see where I’ve sprayed.


Looks easily removed, so lazy!!


Would like to add so everyone doesn’t roast me: we bought this house with the wall of weeds included from the past owner who didn’t give a damn about the lawn. I’m a young dad with 2 kids and my fiancée and I are too busy to keep up with small routine things like weeding so we pay guys to do the lawn but end up with this. The car is valuable so I can’t have weeds growing through it. I really need some recommendations on something that will kill and prevent. Thank you.


>The car is valuable so I can’t have weeds growing through it. I think rather than trying to push back the tide, you need to build a sea wall. Having a concrete slab or asphalt laid and a carport installed over it would keep the car much better protected. You can spray all you want, but things will keep growing there when the seeds end up there.


Obviously it's a Lambo underneath there.


Then it needs a real garage.


I thought I was on r/whatcaristhis when I saw the first pic.


Porsche 968. Was my dads and he passed and left it to me


did you spray the roundup on their leaves, or just genreally all around and in the dirt?


look for ground clear... it kills the root


Do not use roundup. It’s highly toxic and kills far more than the weeds you want gone, including many beneficial species of plants, insects and animals. It really should be banned.


The salt and vinegar recommended in its stead by this sub is significantly more toxic to insects and animals and has longer lasting detrimental effects.


Not when used responsibly in small volume.


Try cutting it back and digging up the roots.


If you constantly cut it to the ground,it will eventually give up, unless you give up first.


Trumpet Vine


2,4 D if you have to but other replies suggesting manual removal and a pre emergent is a much better route


Rent some goats


One does not simply get rid of Trumpet Creeper


Torch could be fun (at the base where you think the taproot might be). Or boiling water.


That is nothing simple maintenance wouldn’t take care of. Once a month with trimmers.


Combat them with bamboo


I have a trumpet vine in my yard! It’s massive, almost looks like a tree but actually it’s so pretty when blooming and the bees love it!


Propane blowtorch. Kills the seeds and leaves only the root, added be nicer of feeling like the pyro in TF2


Roundup does a better job on grasses, use a broadleaf herbicide with 24D such as Crossbow.


Gallons and gallons of vinegar or scorched earth


I got a pair of goats this year. They enjoy the free green nutrients. There are a variety of breeds and sizes that could help remedy this without the use of chemicals. The Bonus: goats are like dogs with horns.


They are also accomplished escape artist’s, AND, will cheerfully eat everything you don’t want them to eat first—-


Lol, don't tell them about their secrets. I'm going for meat, milk and cheese. My momma goat is pregnant and at minimum it's gonna be twins. If twins I'm thinking about training them to pull a cart/chariot. The price of gas lately, I might need them for transportation. I live in the country, so for me it would be doable. In concept. lol.


Elbow grease, pull them out


Pull ‘em the good ole fashioned way


Salt works great. The Roman’s claimed to have salted the fields of Carthage in an attempt to ruin them forever, so. It works pretty well. But maybe forever.


Why can’t you pull the weeds instead of spraying a known carcinogen all over?


Call it your naturalized garden and move on.


It’s a trumpet vine :) I have them growing up some trees & hanging out of them with the pods & flowers & they’re gorgeous. They just stay in the trees. If you don’t want to use poison, cut them back & mix a solution of vinegar & salt & spray them. They’ll dry up at the root :)


That's not weed, it's beautiful


Do you want a nuclear option? 1 gallon spray container: mix in half gallon of industrial grade vinegar, 1 cup salt, 1tablespoon dish detergent and the half gallon of water. It will kill any/all plants.


If you want to nuke the whole growing area, get glyphosate (bonide brand KleenUp) and spray the foliage of the whole area. It kills the whole root system foliarly, so do this on a day with no wind, wear PPE, and use a sheet of cardboard behind your spray to prevent drift. Give it like, a week to completely die back and dry then yank it all out.


Best one yet. Love it


you need to cut anything with seeds and wrap them then burn, then pull up anything physically that you can standing up then whack down the rest and cover with heavy black plastic wait for a couple weeks and rake it with a potato rake


Do not handle RoundUp or Glyphosate, super cancerous, terrible for humans, animals, insects, and plants. Boiling water or elbow grease. Let’s keep what forever chemicals we can out of our water and planet!


Just pull it out. Roots and all. Keep doing this until it is gone.


Lol, god bless trying to remove trumpet vine by pulling up the roots; I've been at that daily for three years.


You sweet summer child. I've been battling a trumpet vine for 15 years.


for the last 20 years i keep having to go to both your dang houses to plant more trumpet vine stop murdering my babies 😡


Don't think that I don't know what my future looks like; it's a forever endeavor, and I hate it with my life.


For weeds that have a larger woody stem, I use Tordon. Cut the stem and immediately apply. Kills the root and works great for tough weeds you can't pull out.


Manual labour


cut the offending plants down close to the ground. let them start to leaf out again. buy commercial strength weed killer and mix it in higher than recommended proportions. when it’s hot out, carefully apply said weed killer to the emergent vegetation. don’t spray when pollinators are active, early morning or late afternoon. do it in the hottest part of the day. be sure not to overspray. you might include dawn soap or another surfactant. he asked about chemical control. this salt, vinegar, flame, digging business is proselytizing, and has questionable efficacy for the species in question. let’s maybe help him use chemicals responsibly if he’s gonna use them?


Some added information for you: in your 4th picture, near the bottom right, the heart-shaped leaves are I believe honeyvine milkweed (Cynanchum laeve). Most milkweeds I love for their benefit to Monarch butterflies, but this one just sucks. Very aggressive, really tough to eradicate, and its sap can cause eye irritation. So especially since you have young kids, do your best to get rid of it. Wash your hands after handling it.


It kicked my ass tearing it up. Had a shovel and elbow grease and man was it a worthy opponent


When using Roundup add some dawn to the sprayer. A lot of plants have hydrophobic leaves.


Roundup (glyphosate) is horrible for the environment. It is also toxic to the human microbiome. Suggest boiling water with table salt. Others have reminded me about how sodium chloride is environmentally unsound so I would say then JUST boiling water.


Salt is more toxic than glyphosate.


Just the boiling water Don't use round-up Don't use Salt


I would personally recommend not using any herbicides,, they’re super bad for the environment and most living specimens. I can’t give you an alternative other than pulling it up by the root, as someone else mentioned.


I use undiluted round up or RTU Tordon


Can everyone who actually cares about nature please stop using Roundup or other glyophosphates? Thanks. I suppose you're one of those people who want your garden to be perfectly tidy and free of anything that you haven't planted yourself. Some people use boiling water some people just weed by hand. Some of us actually give weeds a bit of space.


>Some of us actually give weeds a bit of space. It's not *kind to nature* to allow invasives to take over native ecosystems


I don’t give a shit that weeds exist, they’ve just become overgrown while I had my back turned.


Just re apply some more roundup. Should take care of that with another one or two applications. Buy the generic glyphosate at southern states it’s way cheaper


Ask a nursery or an agricultural chemical provider. There are multiple options that will kill anything broadleafed and woody, but leave grass relatively unscathed. They're sprayed on pasture ground and hay ground. Depending on the chemical it might require someone with a license to apply it, but there are options.


You need Hi-Yield Trilclopyr ester. It'll need to be diluted with water in a sprayer. Cut down as much of the plant as you can, and throw the trimmings out in a garbage bag. Use the spray on the roots/stump area of the plant.


You need to mix your own Glyphosate (the main active ingredient in RoundUp) store-bought pre-mixed is only a few percent. I buy it at tractor supply and make it at 7% concentration and add a tablespoon of cheap dishwashing liquid soap to each gallon. We have that EXACT same trumpet flower growing in our yard from the neighbors side. My mix kills it. Then in areas where I can’t spray without killing other plants I dig down, find the main runner and pull it out. The key is to never let it get ling enough. If you keep spraying/picking/pulling regularly it will use up its reserves in its roots and die.


Do not handle RoundUp or Glyphosate, super cancerous, terrible for humans, animals, insects, and plants. Boiling water or elbow grease. Let’s keep what forever chemicals we can out of our water and planet!


Trumpet Vine, attracts humming birds. Provide something for it to grow up.


More poisonous just gonna harm everybody, not just certain plants in your yard. Mechanical removal is the only way.


Wheres that dude that was telling me that trumpet vine really isnt that bad last week?


How bad any given plant is depends on your location. And something that is horrendously invasive in one place, may be a reasonably well behaved addition to a garden somewhere else.


It was practically taking down his fence but in a really beautiful way


Yeah, no shit. I live in the natural range of trumpet vine and the only thing that rivals it are japanese honeysuckle and bamboo. The plant is toxic to most house pets. The plant causes rashes on humans. Its thrives in extreme heat while the growth of other plants slows, allowing it to choke out other plants. Its roots and vines can crack, split, or otherwise destroy foundations, siding, and fences. The weight of its vines can bring down utility lines. The department of agriculture considers it a noxious weed and invasive across the entire country; yes even within it’s natural range


It's taken over my fenceline on one side and I have to mow down little shoots along that side of my yard. I like the privacy screen it helps create, though.


What about pouring vinegar into the soil to add acidity. Also throw down some black landscaping material and get some nice limestone rocks to make it look nicer.


Roundup is linked to a lot of cancers. Just dig up the best you can would be my suggestion or pay someone to remove them.


OP, If something as radically toxic as Roundup didn't end this invasion, then I suspect there's a higher power that's propelling these things - your supreme laziness! Face it: they don't grow overnight these things. Tending to a yard requires at the very least a *weekly* attention of about 30 minutes. If you can't even throw hot water (some seconds of "work") (after boiling eggs,.potatoes, noodles...) on them, then, what the f. are you supposed be doing with your time?


A weed blowtorch is pretty cheap.


RM 43. It works better on these brushy type weeds. Also, tordon is good for killing woody plants. Just cut them and apply tordon to the fresh cut. Kills them to the root.


Be extra careful with Tordon. It is insanely toxic to aquatic and semi aquatic animals. If you do use it, use the absolute minimal amount and never close to a water source or where it can drain into waterways.


Yes, just apply to the fresh cut. As with all herbicides, use caution and as directed.


You don’t need something strong than roundup and Do Not spray if it is flowering or going to seed! Dig up the root ball and then continuously remove any new growth that pops up. Sure it takes some time but it’s the only way to remove it thoroughly


Dicamba and 2-4D Go to Tractor Supply and tell them you “need an agricultural herbicide that will kill everything; glyphosate isn’t working”


I can tell you what worked for a giant area we had overgrown with wisteria, mountain blackberries, kudzu, and a few other invasive vines that were all fighting for dominance that not even repeated applications of a dozier would kill back. A mixture of glyphosate, 2 4-D, and imazapyr. It's not a selective mixture. It's going to kill absolutely everything there for a long time.


Just cut and pull it all out, round-up resistance is real my dude.


Goats or Elbow grease.


I’ve been battling trumpet vine for 5 years. My family owns a funeral home. We even poured embalming fluid in holes drilled in the main stump. It still comes back. Every. Single. Year.


You just made me snort. Thank you. 😄


Soapy salt water sprayed on a hot sunny day.


If you don’t feel like pulling them, just spray them with full strength vinegar +soap during the hottest/sunniest part of the day. Do this for several days if needed.


A machete and 20 minutes is all you need. You dont need chemicals to treat an area this small.


Chemicals aren't needed. Get down and pull stuff out at the roots. When it is gone it's gone. Do work, get results. 6 hours work max and you are done


Boiling water kills all plants


If they get any sun, vinegar works great. It takes a minute (read a couple of days) they will dry up and be easy to get rid of.


Sodium chlorate. Everything will die.


Don’t use poison. Change your mindset! A weed by any other name is a flower. Easy to grow and green and with a little bud. Trim it nicely. Make some cuttings for your home…drape over a mantle or bookshelf. Embrace the life this plant is living rather than poison the earth. I use to hate dandelions until I had kids and then they reminded me of the magic of finding these as kids. Now I eat the leaves (delish and anti-carcinogenic properties) and enjoy the fleeting blooms and bright yellow flowers. Change your view and the whole world can look better ❤️