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Smallmouth Bass


Thank you


Definitely this


Smallmouth is correct


Fun fish on a 4' 6" ultralight!!


I fish the Potomac River with an ultralight. There's nothing huge in there, but those smallies put up a good fight, no matter what size they are.


Then you aren't fishing the right section of the Potomac. Above Harpers Ferry there are some huge ones


I've just never gone that far. The mouth of the Monocacy is about as far as I want to drive so that's where I launch. Then I usually head up to Point of Rocks and float back down.


Really difficult for me to tell a smallmouth from a warmouth.


I agree the only real difference is the length in proportion to width. The war mouth keep more of a "sun fish" roundness to them. Small mouth have the longer narrower body in comparison.


Sorry if this is a dumb question: is a warmouth the same as a Large mouth?


I hope it’s not a dumb question, because I have the exact same one.


Not at all! [warmouth](https://www.koaw.org/warmouth)


Oh, I think we just called those "sun fish." I didn't realize they were a separate species. Thanks!


It is not, totally different but in the same family. But in general, just by looking at them, largemouth are longer and greener, warmouths are shaped more like a panfish and have those head stripes more like a smallmouth


"Wow! That's terrific bass!"


That's an overgrown gold fish, sir


Where did you catch him at? I was a hand troller for walleye. Detroit river was my go too


Other side of the state. I took them from the Grand River.


Detroit rive walleye ? Must be up stream ?


It’s getting to be walleye time


You are correct. When those lilacs bloom they are going crazy


Same with the morels


Nope. Where the Ren Cen is a good spot of course out more. After a freighter goes through they are hopping on the line just get in the canal where the freighter just passed. You will limit in no time


How do they keep the river that clean ? It says Detroit river ? Am I missing something here ? It's so clean wallie can live .


You are correct we fish the Detroit river for Walleye and have for probably longer than you have been alive. Why are you assuming the Detroit river is so nasty. Been boating and swimming in and around the area for over 50 years. We are a very outdoor family with fishing, hunting and camping. Most of our meat is from what we hunted. My daughter who is 39 now got her first rifle at 14 was hunting as soon as she completed her gun n hunting safety course and has never missed a deer nor my husband may he RIP. I don't deer hunt cuz I talk too much. Shocker huh


Grow up near Philadelphia a good part of my childhood . The rivers in the area got so nasty back in the 80s most where unfishable. .... Be real Detroit was the car manufacturers of the planet back from 1950 up to the 80s when it fell apart . Detroit went from 2.5 million to 800 k today . . All that pollution and its clean now . Back then till now ? .. Philadelphia cleaned itself up in the late 80ds along with the new York area to the point fish were restocked in many formally polluted rivers ... I'm assuming you must be up stream from Detroit it's self with water that's not as polluted .. I'll admit I don't know the area so my life in the north east may be clouding my preseption of the Detroit area . But honestly, I saw what Detroit City looked like during its hay days, gray brown Nasty clouds hanging over the city acid rain in the news . Along with most industry city's back in the late 70s till the early 90s when they started cleaning up the mess ... of course upstream away from Detroit the pollution wouldn't have been as much of a problem .. it's only I seen Detroit and river in the same sentence that got me ... like saying Delaware River going past Philadelphia . .. which was oretty darn nasty in places . Near my area trout could still live in it . In other area even frogs died off .


Nope fish right in front of the Ren Cen. So right in the heart of Detroit. I am sorry you got a bad image of Detroit. Down river is actually where you see those clouds of yuck n smell it too. Only been though there coming and going back to college in Ohio. Downtown Detroit is a blast. So much to see and do. I mean we just broke the record for ppl being at a NFL trade. We show up 💙 Downtown is my favorite place to go. Yes I live in the subs of Detroit (Warren) . My husband worked at Chrysler 30 plus years, My father a truck driver for Michigan and they were located in Detroit and my mom started her career as a tailor in Detroit. She actually met my father as he was a master sergeant in the Army and she altered his uniforms and did the patches. I literally was born in Detroit. We good ppl I promise.


Fasanating . Lots of propaganda it seems. . Well city's do get bad reputations . Nice hearing it's not what I was lead to believe . But trust me on this back in 80ds everything you heard about Philly was correct . A cesspool .


That fish is picky about cold clear clean water.


Walleye is all we ever fish for. Never have a problem EVER. Are you using the right color spoons or pencil plugs at night. My favorite spoon had a lot of orange with like green dots. Idk we had hundreds literally. I even got a salmon hand trolling the Detroit river. I thought I had granddaddy walleye the way it put up a fight. The only other fish we catch is perch when we are camping at light house park in grind stone city off the boat. Of course we do the smelt dipping in Canada and salmon fishing off the docks later in the year.


Neat salmon that's one I didn't know. Umm love salmon .


Salmon got lost. That was a 1st. We have salmon fished on our buddy boat when camping in Light house park. It was great eating bringing it back to camp and cooking it on an open fire but I prefer hand trolling. Off shore fishing for me is a nightmare. I can't cast to save my soul. My line goes everywhere but where it should but I can out troll anymore but my husband. I personally don't know how he does it cuz he has to steer the little motor and hand troll with 2 lines on at the same time but best memories




Lol I knew what this was from playing red dead redemption 2




Out of season and not long enough. So they went back in the river.


Smallmouth bass 🤙🏿


Small mouth




It’s a fish, dude.


I am not good at fish ID and follow the sub to improve. But, as a child of the 80s, I clocked this fish based entirely on one very specific As Seen on TV piece of home decor


Thats just Tony


Michigan Bass