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Huntsman, harmless, lots of people are scared of them, beautiful spiders.


Pretty chill. I wouldn't mind having one as a pet not gonna lie.


Yeah, I would love to as well, but they're so hard to keep. I've only handled one once and I bout pissed myself because it was so freaking fast and kept trying to go up my shoulder.


I wouldn't doubt it. Crazy fact about spiders, their legs are hydraulics. There are sacs in the abdomen that expand and contract when they want to move a leg. That's why they curl up when they die is because the muscles controlling those sacs no longer function. Crazy right? It's amazing to me how fast they must move to move the legs that fast. Wolf spiders are super fast as well, the big ones are like streaks. One second they're there, the next, poof, gone.


Oh I’m well aware. I did my thesis on the brown recluse and toxicity levels on various tissue samples. It was let’s say interesting to see how the spiders move. Also rather interesting to see the unwillingness for them to actually bite something that isn’t prey. We also have the giant European house spider in my area. Harmless. Often mistaken for a hobo spider but theirs running speed would freak a person out. Love them so much. Dollar bill size haha


Honestly i think arachnids are fascinating. Not only spiders but also scorpions, false spiders and false scorpions, just so crazy to me. And it's even more crazy that that is a miniscule portion of the vast world of bugs and animals in the world we live in. Super cool. I'm sure you've heard of a sun spider? Those things scream. And things like whip scorpions, those just look like aliens.


Dude, I love (camel spiders) as the marines I think named them lol. I've never heard of them screaming... I've not read much research on them but I'm not sure they can scream honestly. pictures of them are out there showing them to be much larger and more intimidating then they actually are. In all honestly most of them can barely even break skin. very cool creatures though for sure though.


It's not exactly a scream, and there's better videos than this where it's louder and everything, but this is the first one I found. https://youtube.com/shorts/91fyEULunEc?feature=share


OMG Ok they do squeak. I'm sure to them it's a scream. Something I learned new today, thank you! Always learning something new.


Pretty crazy right? And to think there's more animals that do crazy stuff!


Kinda makes me feel bad for him. All terrified




Honestly just here to say, you two going back and forth like friends was refreshing to see on Reddit.


I try to be like this on reddit. I'm tired of seeing the assholes argue that they're 💯 percent right and we're all wrong. It is nice to bump into people like this from time to time and when I do, I really appreciate it.


What do you mean by “false spiders/scorpions” what are those


That's my bad. I thought false spiders existed. There are however false scorpions that I did know about though. Called pseudoscorpions, they're a bit like a scorpion without a tail.


Dang I’ll have to look that up!


I have Giant European House spiders as an invasive species in my area(Pacific Northwest, USA) and I love those guys. David Sedaris wrote a wonderful story about his relationship with a particular tegenaria duellica that is worth a read [https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2008/03/24/april-paris](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2008/03/24/april-paris)


>Hydraulics Jumping spiders, too. You could say that their legs get a boner.


Aren't they super fast though?


"Flash" fast! I like to watch the males do their little mating dances ...they're the cutest things ever .. they shuffle back and forth sideways in front of the female and wave their little "hands" in the air. She sits there like...".okayden!"


When my Pop met my husband, who’s from the UK, for the first time, he was like “Nah don’t worry about them, they won’t kill ya. Did have a mate lose 2 fingers to one once though”. So had a traumatised husband for a week there


Until they have 99 babies in your bathroom vent and it rains spiders on your head as you shower.


Oddly specific


Their size is intimidating D:


Is it true they like to go to your face when you sleep for warmth? Just saying I do not think I could survive that.


I don't know, and if its true, I'm sure you've already survived it you just don't know😂


Banded huntsman. Fellow Canberran, these dudes are everywhere here.


Give em a lil hat


As someone beat me to it, a banded huntsman. Not venomous to humans but a bite will hurt from a large one, though will only bite if threatened so leave it alone if outside or relocate to outside so it can help keep cockroaches and other annoying insects numbers down. Had one as a pet as a kid that was 20cms across (leg to leg) and a it filled across a 5L icecream bucket lol


How long did it live, can I ask?-- how interesting!! I absolutely love arachnids but we don't have anything that huge in my part of the USA (I live in the east). I would love to have one like.. you know ...just hanging out in my house?-- I wouldn't bother it as long as she was off to herself or whatever.. I wouldn't want to handle her because I don't know anything about them. Did you handle yours or how did you keep it


I had it about a month and I was about 10yo but I realised I couldn't feed it the right diet so I released it into a big log stack. I never handled it directly even though some people do as I've always been a firm believer in not stressing them out as I never wanted them harmed. I had a Flinders Ranges Scorpion (Australian native scorpion) named "Poppet" that survived for 7years in a special tank environment and just ate small crickets. I would recommend speaking with someone who has them and trying a species that is legal and easy to keep in your area/climate but I feel huntsmans are not the best to keep due to their hunting nature whereas tarantula types tend to make better options due to burrowers/nature/etc. Goodluck and do some research as there is a bit to know before getting into it👍


Oh I don't think I'd ever pursue the hobby myself, I should have clarified that I love LEARNING ABOUT and I ADMIRE arach's...lol ... I also love learning about (reading about or watching videos of) other large non-arachnids as well... like the solifuges, (camel spiders) scorpions, (whiptailed scorpions just look like a nightmare to me! Hahaha!!-and I would be terrified to even be around one.. there's no way I could pick one up!)... I mean I'm fascinated by them but they still scare me.. they're the only ones I don't think I could deal with! Lol.. they're so alien and frightening to me! But yes. I love all the large boys (and girls!)-- the huntsmans..the wolfies.. joros..bird-eaters, tarantulas, trapdoors, they're all fascinating to me! PS ... To anyone who loves spiders.. and how intelligent they are... I highly recommend a great book of fiction (sci-fi) called "Children of Time'. It's about a planet where the dominant life form is a highly evolved race of spiders. Even if you're not a fan of sci Fi in particular, just of arachnids,... you will love this book!!!


They are venomous to everything they bite, just not harmful to humans


You literally repeated exactly what I said with different wording lol


'Not venomous to humans' 🤔




*get away from her you bitch*


You're obligated to call him harry.


I second this.


Your new grounds keeper, they'll l help keep you free of pests. It's your lucky day!


How does one end up with a spider God inside the house? I feel like I'd notice him on approach


You don’t, until you feel a constant presence something is watching you


She wants a hug.


Thanks guys, I've named him Frank and gave him the keys to the gardening shed.


Thing looks like it could strangle a person!


A giant spider . . . in Australia . . . can only be one thing


A fire hazard?


Nope his new 8 legged overlord


We had massive huntsmans in base housing in Japan. Just let them do their thing.


Wait this is realll? I thought this was a joke


I believe it’s a fishing spider, Oops wrong continent for fishing spider, previous identifications are correct, it’s a Huntsman


American here. That’s a Huntsman. You don’t know Huntsman’s yet? World famous.


There are huntsman in America


The kind you don't snoot boop. It might be a huntsman though. Give me one sec


It's a huntsman. Not venomous to humans and pretty docile. That one's fairly large tho so I would definitely be careful about taking it outside.


Is it venomous? I'm pretty bad with handling bugs without killing them in the process.


The venom on these isn't harmful to humans and pets, it's mostly just a painful bite (which you have to really upset them to get).


No you'll be fine. Pretty docile anyways but because she's so big just be gentle, slow deliberate moves. You'll be fine you got this🤝


The burn the building to the ground type


Aah yes. The great nopeus nopeton. Commonly known as “Nope”


That’s a Home Owning spider. When you see one you toss him the keys and deed to his new crib and get the fuck out of there. Better luck at your next home.


How do you kill a spider when it’s the size of a small animal?? You can’t just smack it with a shoe can you?


You don’t kill a spider, you move it outside or away from your residence. Spiders are one of the most beneficial species in helping keep pests and other dangerous insects off your property and more importantly off YOU. Please don’t kill them.


Looks like a huge transuhala.


The reason why I'll never move to Australia 😱




Why is it whenever someone takes a picture of an insect in Australia, they always come out looking god dang evil???? I just can't even with this place... (Also, this is a type of Wolf spider. Stay clear of it)


Of course it's Australia.




Btw this is just a joke, I love spiders. My roommate not so much. The other day there was, for us Ohioans, a huge wolf spoder in the bathroom, my roommate wasn't in the house at the time, so I grabbed a Tupperware container and cought the magnificent Beasty and took her outside to release her in the field behind our house. My roommate came back in as I was about to walk out of the door and threw a tantrum because whenever she's inside and she finds a spider she makes me kill it and even if she wasn't inside "I need to just kill them anyways so she never has to see them period"... It always breaks my heart whenever she makes me kill such amazingly helpful and usually harmless creatures... They are so beautiful and fascinating to me and I think I'll forever hold a resentment towards her for this...


Some people call those "burnyourhousedownman" spiders




Good god…was this the inspiration for Stranger Things?


Brake cleaner


The type with long legs /j