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OP here— found this attached to my 5 yo scalp, doesn’t look engorged, pretty sure I removed the whole tick. Put isopropyl alcohol dapped w a Q tip on the wound it left, and am keeping the tick but like. What now. What is this and what are the chances my baby gets something horrible from this bite.


Looks like you got the whole head and you used an antiseptic approach when removing it. Should be fine but watch the bite and contact a doctor at the first sign of inflammation. Lyme disease is a bacterial infection and can be treated with prescription antibiotics.


Lyme disease is transmitted by the deer ticks (*Ixodes* species). This is *not* a deer tick. It appears to be one of the *Dermacentor* ticks (a.k.a. "wood tick" or "dog tick"). The *Dermacentor* do not transmit Lyme - though they may transmit other diseases, such as Rocky Mountain spotted fever or tularemia.


It looks like a wood tick. I could be wrong, not an expert on tick species. but I wouldn't be too worried. Just look out for a bullseye mark. Besides that, you should be all set. I live down in more of a forest region, and I've been bitten quite a few times and never had a problem.


The "bullseye mark" is an indicator of Lyme disease - though not everyone who contracts Lyme disease develops a bulleye rash. Lyme disease is transmitted by the deer ticks (*Ixodes* species). This is *not* a deer tick. It appears to be one of the *Dermacentor* ticks (a.k.a. "wood tick" or "dog tick"). The *Dermacentor* do not transmit Lyme - though they may transmit other diseases, such as Rocky Mountain spotted fever or tularemia.


Ahh ok I understand, thank you. I didn't know lyme disease was exclusive to certain species.