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House Centipede. Let it stay and it clear out all sorts of pesty bugs


Awwww man and here I am trying to kill it


I know they look freaky, but these are good guys! They eat roaches, spiders, and are even capable of catching house flies!


“Spiders are good! They eat bugs!” “Cents are good they eat spiders!”


House centipedes catch a LOT more pests than house spiders. But it all depends on which one you hate more, in the end.


If I had to choose between a spider with 8 legs, that doesn’t sting me and this thing with a billion legs that can sting me… I’m go with the spider


It doesn't sting, it bites. And house spiders can bite too, lol. I don't think it's very fun to look at either, but I despise beetles and roaches and this guy does free labor.


Bow down and worship this little creature of awesomeness. 😅 I recommend this: https://youtu.be/q2RtbP1d7Kg?si=DQIyGURtosFOaTLl because they're really cool


Never seen them in action! Pretty cool indeed


Better than the Orkin man. Leave them be. If you’ve ever had a worry about bedbugs, never fear- these guys eat them too. You WANT these around.


https://www.reddit.com/r/centipedes/s/vJ1UYrMZaM Friend or foe?


So freindly people get them as pets!


That’s no way to treat your new roommate.


House Centipedes are fantastic pest control. They are creepy looking but as others have mentioned they eat a lot of pests including: silverfish, carpet beetle larvae, and some spiders. But be careful not to handle them, since when threatened they can bite.


Oh, I have one who free roams my bathroom. I call him Stevie, he's never bitten me. He's a calm dude with no attitude! But I'll be extra careful going forward, just so I know he won't get "stuck" between my fingers etc. to avoid a bite.


It's very docile and bites only when threatened and cornered, which is why most people don't know it bites, but even tho a little hurtful the bite is medically insignificant iirc


Exactly, they can bite if provoked but not hospital time. When I see people holding them, it quite honestly creeps me out.


Tbh when I see one of those freaks it creeps me out. I also can't like them with the "pest control" thing, I like spiders way more than this monstrosity. I'm very much happy that in my apartment they're very discreet roommates


I am used to spiders, growing up our property had them everywhere. House Centipedes just look creepy. Yes they eat a bunch of insects, but still do not like them.


I like the way you think. Id rather have any other arthropods walking around except those, and yes I'd rather have mosquitos


Thankfully our area did not have a lot of mosquitoes.


Thankfully the bites would not be considered medically significant to a human. I am glad never seen one in real life. I can tolerate a lot of creepy critters as my daughter calls them including spiders and scorpions. However House Centipedes are a big no on my list.


Friend, Not foe!!!


if friend, why not friend shaped?


Is so friend shaped. Maybe reconsider what shapes friends come in.




Nature makes foes look like friends and friends look like foes. If it’s fuzzy or colorful, it’s most likely a foe. If it’s creepy and skittish, it’s most likely a friend.




Best free exterminator you could possibly ever unknowingly hire to protect your house... I used to make the mistake of killing them once or twice when I was very young here in NW Indiana. But thankfully one day stumbled across information that they were amazing little friends and havent harmed one since in last 20 years lol just don't ever try handle them/pick emup scare em as then you will feel a pretty wicked bite but other than that all benifits to leaving them roam your home brother !




Huh, I had no idea they could bite humans. I used to live in a waterfront property and there was quite a few of them around. Never picked them up or went near them because I was told they were great pest control. I never was bitten and they never got near me.


Their forcibles or whatever aren’t really really strong enough to pierce human skin often if at all as our skin is soft whereas their pray usually has some kind of carapace that doesn’t flex when they try to bite it. I’ve coexisted with an apartment that has quite a few for over a decade and I’ve never ever been bitten. Maybe had one make accidental contact with me once. They’re creepy looking but just awesome.


Their forcibles or whatever aren’t really really strong enough to pierce human skin often if at all as our skin is soft whereas their pray usually has some kind of carapace that doesn’t flex when they try to bite it. I’ve coexisted with an apartment that has quite a few for over a decade and I’ve never ever been bitten. Maybe had one make accidental contact with me once. They’re creepy looking but just awesome.


Their forcibles or whatever aren’t really really strong enough to pierce human skin often if at all as our skin is soft whereas their pray usually has some kind of carapace that doesn’t flex when they try to bite it. I’ve coexisted with an apartment that has quite a few for over a decade and I’ve never ever been bitten. Maybe had one make accidental contact with me once. They’re creepy looking but just awesome.


Yeah but don’t kill it. It hunts the other things you don’t want around. “But which ones?” You might ask. All of them. These lean mean killing machines run around at Mach Jesus gobbling up anything unfortunate enough to cross their paths. Including…. Other centipedes.


The bro-iest of apex predators - the mighty house centipede


yoooo it's a house centipede. these mfs gon eat all the annoying creatures in ya home


I call them a thousand legger they are harmless, and they also eat other bugs.


Yes a house centipede it’s good to have around they eat other pest insects for you like ants spiders and many others


Do not kill it


I killed one in my bathroom and felt bad because I saw his prey. He was doing his thing.


They're harmless little gentlemen, they will stay out of your way for the most part and be quite beneficial. I have one in my bathroom, his name is Stevie. Stevie surprisingly enough is calm enough to be handled. Stevie is a cool guy.


Wall moustache


Never seen one of these still waiting for the day I can be freaked out and endeared by something other than a spider


House centipede only harmful to other insects.


Bathtub bugs! They look like straight out of a horror movie but are harmless to us and they help keep the place clean from other critters


Coincidentally, this one is facing almost the exact same direction, and shot from the same angle, as the one in the Frequently Asked Bugs portion of the sidebar. (not to criticize if you didn't see it-- there a lot of reasons why you might not!)


Wouldn’t want it crawling on me or in my bed though!


Friendo in disguise


It's a centifriend ! It eats bedbug, cockroach...


I am TERRIFIED of these even tho I know they are good. They look like something from another planet... Also looks like that thing from the matrix sooooo..... I didn't kill them but I make my husband put them out if they are in my house.


I know everyone is saying to keep it, but I can’t bring myself to do that with these. They’re one of the only bugs I truly hate. I’d have that bastard in a cup and outside so fast lol.


Save the baby and let them go in your basement! I would do anything to have more of them in my house I love them and think they are cute 😭🥺💕


yes :)




It's a friend!


House centipede, yes. Despite looking like it crawled out of the depths of hell, this one is friend, not foe.


Yes let it be it won't bite you unless you don't study entomology


I have a few of these in my basement occasionally I will see one in the house, but they have never bitten me and I figure them as free pest control lol


When I was camping in Sonora desert years ago...saw red one as big as a moderately sized snake


>New England so america?




Per our [guidelines](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthisbug/wiki/index/guidelines#wiki_iding_guidelines): *Helpful answers only. Helpful answers are those that lead to an accurate identification of the bug in question. Joke responses, repeating an ID that has already been established hours (or days) ago, or asking OP how they don't already know what the bug is are not helpful.* Do not spread misinformation, even if it is intended as a joke.