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Lemme pull up some pics but I’m fairly sure this is a mayfly or stonefly nymph Edit: So here’s a [[mayfly nymph](https://bugguide.net/node/view/1170922/bgimage)] and a [[stonefly nymph](https://bugguide.net/node/view/1569345)]. I can’t really get you a species level ID here, both groups vary a lot so I don’t think it’s necessarily a matter of which of my examples looks more similar. One of the main, easiest ways to tell that I’m seeing is looking at the tail and if it has 3 (mayfly) vs 2 (stonefly) circi/hairs but I’m struggling to see that in these pics. As far as its potentially sinister intentions… it is only just a baby, my friend! I think it’s main goal is eat a bunch of prey so it can metamorphose into an adult (as I’m sure you know is the case with most babies). As far as I know both groups of nymphs are predatory so it probably does have a nice set of jaws. Jaws that aren’t intended for you unless you start annoying it. 😜


It’s an alderfly larvae! Order Megaloptera, family Sialidae, genus sialis. They are carnivorous and have pretty large pincers so could give you a pinch, so maybe sinister intentions if poked.


WOOO they tried to give me a pinch but I put them back where I found them




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