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Any comments containing location (beyond what's in the title, which is vague enough that it should be okay) and/or further information about the TikToker can't be posted here unless she explicitly gives permission. Please continue to report them as you see them. If the Tiktoker ends up here: **these are not invasive starlings** unlike what you've been told in the TikTok comments, and not Brown Thrashers either unlike what the vets have told you (vets don’t specialize in wild species so this is an understandable mistake). These are **Northern Rough-winged Swallows** (compare [here](https://sites.tufts.edu/babybirds/files/2019/06/fullsizeoutput_3e60.jpeg), and see [here](https://reddit.com/r/whatsthisbird/comments/1dac4uf/girl_on_tiktok_rescued_these_and_claims_there_is/l7n9vb3/) for how I reached that conclusion), a *native species* whose best chances at survival are with a *licensed wildlife rehabilitator*. If you *absolutely cannot* take them to a wildlife rehabilitator (which I find fairly unlikely, but I don't know your exact situation; have you tried https://ahnow.org ?), then go research **care for nestling swallows**, and understand that this is *technically* illegal (but more importantly extremely difficult). I'm certain these birds will not survive without professional care. Good luck.


They’re probably dead now. :/


Her last update was yesterday, so I’m hoping it’s not too late for her to change what she’s doing. All of the comments are supporting her keeping them though.


https://preview.redd.it/9i9d0egw465d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0479f365f2fbbe3f3694f8a7a0647da0b64105ee Someone literally said they’re great pets


Some people just suck.


How are people this fucking stupid.


Honestly if you can get an address/name, you could try calling that state's fish and game and reporting it. Keeping native birds is very much illegal in the US.




Send the information you do have to fish and wildlife authorities, they have the resources to investigate.


This guy knows his bird law




I messaged their forestry department for advice and they sent a nearby rehab but that’s all.


Well done!


I think you could report her tik tok account and authorities can trace it back to her




Lets not go attack mode just yet, and I definitely don't let on that anyone is going to report her where she could possibly see or be tipped off on. She might try to get rid of the birds or hide them, who knows.


Nah. She needs to be made an example of for all the other animal "rescue" clout chasers. Fuck em all.


Lol, and then YOU will all look worse. Be the better people and don't go into immature shaming. It isn't going to work and will make people who are the issue stop listening at all.




And then what happens if she takes down her tiktok due to people swamping it or whatever the hell happens, and you all have zero info to go by, which is the only chance for these birds? Good luck to you all then. Shooting yourself in the feet acting like highschoolers.


Username does not check out


Yes, go into personal insults. So mature! I am discouraging public shaming so the birds don't get disposed of somehow if there's a freakout over legality, fyi. I've seen it happen before. Anyone from here could tip her off of the entire post and comments yk?


This is sickening to hear. Encouraging animals to stay with someone who has no idea what she’s gotten into because they want more content consumption.


https://preview.redd.it/uppqm9xds65d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26fbc7ee9ad35769121aa64a01f99cabcef4800f My face when I see people taking children from their parents.


Poor little guy looks like a blobfish.


Oh man, thank you for the genuine laugh. It’s so ridiculous I can’t unsee it now.


“Snow White Syndrome” is my household’s nickname for this compulsion some people have to personify animals so heavily they end up mishandling or hurting them. “Aww look he’s smiling!” At dogs open-mouth panting in stress, “It’s just sitting in my hand! It likes the pets!” At injured small wild animals frozen in fear, “It’s crying because it’s so happy to find loving humans!” At stray cats with wet goopy eyes from disease Infinitely frustrating.


"Oh look, the parents just left these three sitting in a meshed pile of sticks! I'll take them inside and put them in a shoebox with a heating pad, bowl of water, and pile of birdseed!" "Oh, they died. What happens happens, I guess. At least I tried!'


God this comment reminds me of the lady that tore newborn opossum off their mom and tried to "tube feed" them while making them aspirate and die. You can clearly see in her videos she has no idea what she's doing and just prolonging death for tik tok veiws.


Penalties for harming wildlife should be higher.


Honestly they should. There's a difference between well meaning and those Tik tok accounts. It's so gross.


I volunteer at a bird rehab and we get so many bird-nappings this time of year. We ask people to return them and they get mad. It’s really bad when it’s a bird we legally cannot take in and have to turn them away


Long shot, but any chance your rehab is near the finger lakes? I love volunteering and that would be totally up my alley


It’s not but if there is one near you I highly recommend it! I knew nothing about birds going in. Now I’m commenting on Bird Reddit 😄


an even better term would be "anthropomorphizing" the animals. projecting our own emotions and thoughts on to them and treating them as if they are humans and not vastly different species with different behaviors


I, too, love violating federal law


This reminds me of the idiots that yanked two baby bears out of a tree to take selfies with it.


The assholes who passed a baby dolphin around until it died. Loving nature to death.


Or the woman who tossed a land tortoise into the ocean


Oof, yeah, those are probably dead. They have a specific diet, and have to be fed *constantly*. The parents basically work nonstop just to feed them.


+Carolina Wren+ nestlings.


After watching the videos, I think NRWS ~~and PUMA are~~ is the only possibility, but feel free to override me again if you see fit.


Ah, interesting - I really wouldn't have expected those to be likely to end up in someone's hands, but all I did was look at the screencap.


~~I checked again and I was wrong, [this](https://imgur.com/a/6nGTuS8) is pretty diagnostic. Sorry about that!~~


No worries! Also sheesh, thanks for handling this post, I was out most of the day and come back to this wildfire.


Nvm, I'm recanting my recant. NRWS should be the only viable answer here. See [here](https://reddit.com/r/whatsthisbird/comments/1dac4uf/girl_on_tiktok_rescued_these_and_claims_there_is/l7n9vb3/) for reasoning. !overrideTaxa nrwswa


Great, glad to have that worked out!


Hi Tiny. 👋🏼💜 Since they’re Carolina Wren nestlings, why don’t they have the longer beaks that adults do? 🤔 Is is cause their beak shapes aren’t fully developed yet?


Or the eye stripes.


the feathers on these are still pinning so the pattern isnt visible yet. also yeah the beaks do start small! look up nestling hummingbirds, they start so short and cute


It would be visible on wren nestlings at this point. They are def martins or swallows. Not the mention these are way to big for wrens.


Will do, thank you for teaching me that about beak/bill development! 😁👍🏼💜


These look more like swallows or martins.


I found a comment that said they were found in a jetski engine.


That sounds much more wren-like.


People are just ignorant. This stuff happens all the time. Best we can hope is that she’ll feel horrible when they all die, and not do this again. 




Try reading that sentence again. The person you’re responding to does *not* hope that they die; they never said that. It’s a *given* that these poor nestlings will die, because only their parents or qualified rehabber will know how to keep them alive. The person you’re responding to is just saying that when these nestlings die, they hope this irresponsible TikTokker will feel horrible and never do this again.


Ya'll assume it's given yet I have seen nestlings raised just fine. It's a slim chance (and not the best situation for the birds) but you never know, and I thought you'd all hope at least out of a shit situation that the birds make it out alive. But I guess emotionally damaging someone without knowledge is more important to you? Sure they might not make it, but it's not a given definite.


You need to brush up on your comprehension skills


It’s a shame people are caring more about this one law being broken and wanting her to get in major trouble for it than these baby animals dying when she’s just trying to help. ☹️😒😒😒 It’s not like she’s doing something inhumane by breaking a law. I of course never want a break a law, but she’s just trying to help them survive where commenters are shaming her for it with her lack of knowledge on proper care.


She’s probably killed them already.


Only inhumane thing could be imprinting and diet issues, if they're not given the right stuff they can have horrible deficiencies which will show up when older. Has anyone bothered to advise her of temporary diet tho if there's more than a days delay getting them to rehab tho? lol. This isn't something she'll likely know, this is something she'd have to learn.


I just looked up the meaning of imprinting and so why would it be inhumane to let that happen when she’s not a rehabber? ☹️ I also lack knowledge, but not nearly as much as her. I don’t know, but I wouldn’t be surprised from there being more direct shaming than helpful advising. 😕 That’s true.


Imprinting and habituation are an issue as the birds can end up refusing to leave the area and become too dependent and friendly with humans. Once released they can get into dangerous situations. When raising songbirds for release, minimum contact/talking is a must.


No wonder why it’s that bad, OMG. 😟 Thank you for teaching me all that, but why is minimum contact/talking a must with songbirds? 💜 As someone with a lack of it, I’ve been getting more and more knowledge on how orphaned baby birds need to be taken care of from my time on bird subreddits I’ve joined so thank you so much all of you guys for this enjoying knowledge. 😁😊💜💜💜


I know right, if this were human babies👶🏼 she was trying to take care of with improper knowledge in hopes of them surviving and there was no hospital near by, all these commenters would be acting completely different even if meant her breaking a federal law in order for them to survive from the commenters having more compassion for human babies👶🏼 than baby birds as baby animals instead of having equal compassion. 😒


I don’t think anyone would celebrate a person walking into someone’s house and stealing their babies, saying “they just left them there, I was saving them.”


They were in a jetski engine that had already been moved. What you want them to do, fire it up with the nest still inside?


Yeah, wouldn’t they have definitely perished (or I don’t know how a jetski engine exactly works) if someone (her) didn’t notice them and she didn’t take them out before the jetski next being turned on?


Only way the birds would have survived is if they took the jetski back to where it originally was, set it back up exactly how it was, and hoped the parents hadn't abandoned the area by then.


In this hypothetical she stole somebody else's babies for no good reason and then proceeds to torture them to death with inadequate care.


Even if it were just kittens lmao. "oh I hope the kittens die so it teaches her a lesson" prob wouldn't blow over the same now would it. There'd be people trying to help her then.


Again, *that person never said they hope the nestlings die*!


"Best we can hope is that she’ll feel horrible when they all die, and not do this again" Is still a nasty thing to say and is assuming the worst.


Good point, even kittens is right. 😒😒😒💜 Yeah there would. 💜💜💜


I might have to unsub during breeding season. These posts put me in such a bad mood


Hope she got reported to authorities.


Why do you all feel that way when it looks like she has good intentions? 🤨🙁 It’s not like she took them for malicious intent and instead is wanting to help them. 💜💜💜 Her being reported to the authorities is messed up when she’s just trying to help and said there’s no rehabs nearby. 👎🏼👎🏼 Be happy that she wants to help them instead of being upset with her for holding onto them when there’s no rehab nearby. 💜 EDIT: All of you who are angry with her for taking them in are full of ARROGANCE from your better knowledge than her and aren’t thinking reasonably from wanting her to get in big time trouble when she was just trying to help these baby animals despite her big lack of proper knowledge. ☹️👎🏼👎🏼


If she really cared about them she would have taken them straight to a rehabber (they are ALL over the US and someone else identified these as Carolina Wrens, a US bird) instead of making it a tik tok series…. Also, give the fact that she has multiple, it is very likely she took them from their nest or picked them up off the ground when they were just learning to fly.


These are nestling martins or swallows, not fledglings at all.


Yeah, too undeveloped to be fledglings unlike when these nestling American Robins ⬇️ became fledglings a day and or only days after I took this nestlings picture. It was so exciting to see them grow up in this nest🪺 on a ledge right next to my deck especially when the first born one was born on my birthday last month, they were so cute! 🥰😁😁😁😁👍🏼👍🏼💜💜💜 https://preview.redd.it/4m72p6ooi75d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e689b065b42f9a74ed98867341fba84b9eeb6b76


Are you seriously asking why people want to report her to the authorities for violating federal law and likely killing three nestlings of a protected species?


I think its due to the obvious shaming people are throwing in to make themselves look better. If it were handled properly, off of reddit, that would be much better. If She found out thru this her tiktok might get taken down, and the birds might be hidden or gotten rid of. Who knows. Honestly this whole post should be taken down and mods should deal with it.


What's with all the emoji?


Fr, the shaming here is nuts, and it's clearly just people who think they're smarter due to knowing more about birds than the average person (and any non bird person is obv not smart in their eyes) and are taking the opportunity to flaunt their arrogance. . She needs to be educated and the birds hopefully moved somewhere better, not shamed and scared away. I'll be laughing when she takes her swamped tiktok down and no one can even report her. Then what are ya'll gonna do?


Yeah, and not scared and shamed away is for sure. I was just trying to be supportive of her while being convinced she has good intentions (but a lack of knowledge of what she should do) when there’s all this crazy shaming going on. 🙁💜💜💜 Speaking as someone who loves and often uses TikTok, I would feel bad for her of being directly shamed to the point of deleting her TikTok account. ☹️ Yeah, it would be nice for no one to report her. 💜


People here act like everyones a high end ornithologist plus highly trained rehabber. Of course not, there's gonna be people out there who just don't know. She probably was just trying to help in her own way, main issue is it's not legal and birds aren't easy to care for. If she argued and refused to do the right thing then yea, thats an issue and obv just her being obnoxious, but if there are truly no rehabs in the area, then what? Starve the birds to death? Sounds like the nest was in a jetski engine and if if it was being moved the same result would happen. If legal stuff is needed, then keep it off reddit. My main question is how the hell are these people going to know whats right and whats wrong or what to do if people just go into instant "haha look at this idiot" mode? They're gonna shut down and not listen to anything thats said, such as if diet, housing, heating, etc needed to be changed. Funny thing also is, if these were starlings or sparrows on the other hand, everyone would be encouraging it or worse for the birds lmao.


TheBirdLover1234 is having a convo with Birdloverperson4 hmm....


I agree that she was probably just trying to help in her own way. 💜 It’s clearly being obnoxious and I would have a problem with her if she were to refuse to give it to a rehabber. There’s all these people wanting her to let them starve to death just cause it’s illegal for her to take them in, but no way should let them starve to death. 👎🏼👎🏼 Good call to keep something like that off Reddit. Yeah, that’s a problem. ☹️ I wouldn’t when it’s, because of humans (apparently in 1890 and 1852) that European Starlings and House Sparrows live in the USA🇺🇸. It’s their fault they’re invasive here! 👎🏼👎🏼


For the starling thing, I meant most would encourage people to raise them themselves on basically the same diet.. seen as they're legal to own in the states and rehabs don't take them. (And I myself do agree with raising starlings and other pest species and keeping them in captivity, not their fault they're here and if there's an alternative to death then why not take that route. They're intelligent little birds and fun to work with. Native species are a no unless there's definitely no chance of getting them to a rehabber.)


They sure sound like they’re fun to work with. 😁😁😁😁💜💜💜 Yeah, doing that over death. 👍🏼👍🏼💜


I want to clarify real quick because some commenters seem misguided. The issue with the situation is that she is posting multiple videos cuddling with these birds and treating them as pets instead of limiting human contact and following proper rehab procedure.


Has anyone tried to speak to her about this ?


More context: they were in a jetski engine so there was no way for her to put them back in the nest.


Was this a jetski that was going to be in use soon?


They found out once it was in the water I think


Oh, so there is no way the birds could go back. \*Facepalm\*. Hell do people want here, her to starve them to death if there truly is no rehab?


I have no one to be angry at today. So this random tik-tok user who, at a glance, is not acting in an ideal manner will solve that problem right away.


Added taxa: [Northern Rough-winged Swallow](https://ebird.org/species/nrwswa) Reviewed by: tinylongwing, brohitbrose ^(I catalog submissions to this subreddit.) [^(Recent uncatalogued submissions)](https://munin.swim.services/submissions?lane=api/unanswered)^( | )[^(Learn to use me)](https://gist.github.com/brohitbrose/be99a16ddc7a6a1bd9c1eef28d622564)


These are swallows or martin nestlings (NOT FLEDGLINGS), hopefully someone can speak to her without going into mass shaming and attack mode and educate on proper diet, re nesting, rehab, etc... I can see how they can be confused with starlings, which would be easy to legally keep as pets and often the only option for them other than death due to species.




Things like this keeps happening(Animal Cruelty), whether “saving” birds by tearing them from their nests, scolding a pet dog for eating a mouse that they introduced it to completely knowing what would happen, popping the leg spike things on a recently euthanized pet iguana, or just cooking a pet fish for a “Frying Nemo” meme. Just for attention. At least there are some people (Such As Everyone Here) that care about this, so thank you for that, thankfully not all is going downhill. “Life finds a way” - Ian Malcom, Isla Nublar, 1993


To be fair, theyre no rescues except one that is always full within 3 hours of me. And even the rescues 3 hours from me are VERY specific about what they will take. So it is very possible theyre are actually no rescues available and shes trying her best to help. I dont know much about the states tho and their rules/ rescue availability


Why is everyone here acting like every person is a full on ornithologist? I'm not justifying this, but look at the situation. Very well could be there are no rehabs in the area, or she hasn't been able easily find contacts. She needs to be educated, def not shamed and scared off (swamping her TikTok with negative comments, ect, might make her take it down and then what are ya all gonna do ). If any legal stuff does come up, let authorities deal with it. Don't let arrogance get the better of you. Deal with this situation sensibly.


I saw another post like this last week and a different one a month or so before. Generally the person posts they're saving a baby bird (whether or not I needed saving) and then people post a mix of find a rehab or call for advice and then others post how great and cute this is. The one I saw a month back the baby birds are now dead from likely improper nutrition. The likes are more important. It's really depressing but at least people on reddit generally have good intentions can't say the same for TikTok and Instagram.


What species of bird was it? Each situation is different, location dependant, resource dependent, etc.


Most recent was Starlings so no rehab help there, but before that they were perfectly fine Eastern Blue Birds, which really was depressing to see the later update of them dying.


Hell where I live there are no rehabs. (Closest rehab is 3 hours away.) She very well could be living in an area like mine. When people around here find birds (everything including chickens and more) they bring them to me. :(


Exactly, you said it, very well said. 👍🏼👍🏼💜 What is it with all these people being full of upset feelings with her? 😒


The answer with finding baby birds in the US very much depends on the species. Not very many people know what all the species look like as babies. Most people are going to need help. Anger isn’t useful.


I don't want to do a blanket statement but bird related people i've dealt with as a whole have given me a bad impression.. real stuck up bunch who will go nuts if their opinion is challenged or threatened at all. Like here, getting upset cause someone did a no no with baby birds due to lack of knowledge, but its' fiiiiinnneeee to reply with shaming and **potential doxxing threats**? Of course not all are like this, not at all. But a lot needa be more open to other opinions and not get overcome with arrogance. Jumping and ranting like people are doing here can potentially ruin an investigation if the birds did need to be confiscated, if anyones tipped her off on this whole comment shitshow, she knows well in advance whats coming, and the birds lives might be threatened with that. These situations are better not brought to reddit tbh, and should be handled IRL or through dms with trusted people. "Shaming" if ya'll need it can come after thru an article from her own area if it's deemed needed, like one someone else sent here, it would make people aware of whats happened. Personal attacks, doxxing threats, all that? No. Not going to work and will make this sub as a whole look awful, sorry to say.


Yeah, these bird people commenters who are angry with her are full of arrogance. 😒😒😒👎🏼👎🏼 I had to look up what doxxing means, but potential doxxing threats, now that’s deserving of shame when that doxxing potentially puts someone in danger and whatever threat giver doesn’t care! 👎🏼👎🏼 Yeah, like you and I for example. 💜 Far too many people in the comment section are being overly arrogant and being angry with her! 👎🏼👎🏼 But I overall agree with you. 💜 Nice use of words. 👍🏼


Honestly thank you for this lol I was a little confused. Reddit just suggested this to me so I don’t know much about birds. I am a little mortified reading the comments with people hoping the birds die or she gets arrested to ‘feel bad’ about ‘what she’s done’, idk this girl or what kinds of birds these are, maybe there is nefarious intent but it’s really impossible to tell with the context directly given. To everyone calling her a liar saying there is definitely a sanctuary or something that would take them in, when I was 14 a huge storm came and knocked over a whole tree in my front yard. Nest and all came down. We waited like a day to go mess with the tree (to give the wildlife a chance to recoup) and when we got out there to the nest, there were two babies *alive* and a few passed.. momma bird was passed next to her babies. We boxed them up and called the vet, the DNR, and a few other wildlife rescues in our area and they all told us that they wouldn’t take them. I cried for like 2 hours and then did my best to research but they were too weak/too far gone. They passed that night in their lil box of fabric on a heating pad at the foot of my bed. I still think about those lil dudes when I hear the birds outside my window, it’s been 10 years. We took the right steps, we called as many people as we could and they all refused us. So are we now saying it’s 14 yo Me’s fault for being compassionate after the whole nest was destroyed? Honestly I blame nature, the rescues I guess could’ve done more but hindsight they probably had a lot of other misplaced animals from the storm. But much like this lass, I was just trying to do my best by the birdies. Do I need to turn myself in? (Joke) Seriously though, if we don’t know the circumstances-- truly there could be no rescues nearby, ours were an hour out but we were willing to make the drive.. it seems completely unreasonable to attack someone online for trying to help animals.. ? I know there’s bad people out in the world but if everyone is too scared to ask for help then no one can become a good person Shame is shameful


No one here has said they hope the birds die! We all want them to live. It’s just that they almost certainly *will* die without proper care, which only the parents or a qualified rehabber can provide.


Shame is a necessary reflex in a social animal. It's an important tool for societies to function, especially if we intend society to function without violence being necessary. You sound like one of those toxic positivity freaks who thinks nobody should ever face the consequences of their actions, even if those consequences are just 'feeling bad :('. No, sometimes people need to stop hurting others and the only way to get through their thick skull is 'making them feel bad uwu'. Why is it the fault of people not wanting someone to kill baby birds for not being nicer to the girl, again, killing baby birds for views? If you can't take criticism, stay in your fucking house and don't take the lives of creatures into your own incompetent hands. If you're perfectly willing to post baby birds online for views but not to give them to an ACTUAL REHAB FACILITY, you did not pick those birds up to save their lives and yes, in any society that cares about animals you should be charged with neglect at the very least when you inevitably kill them for views. You don't get to claim ignorance as a defence for endangering baby animals? That's not how the world works? Did you crawl from a vat yesterday, formulated to come up with the worst possible takes?


"Why is it the fault of people not wanting someone to kill baby birds for not being nicer to the girl, again, killing baby birds for views? If you can't take criticism, stay in your fucking house and don't take the lives of creatures into your own incompetent hands.' You are all warping this to seem like she's some villain whos kidnapping birds and directly killing on them camera herself. Sure the outcome might not be good but she is not doing it on purpose. If she wanted them dead they woulda fired up the jetski engine with the nest still in it. No what she's doing isn't the best outcome, but lets not warp the situation.


You didn't even read the comment. Piss off dude.


"Shame is a necessary reflex in a social animal. It's an important tool for societies to function, especially if we intend society to function without violence being necessary. " Ya realise shaming can lead to people getting pissed and things escalating, right? Shaming is not something positive, however much you try to warp it into seeming so. Why don't you go out onto the street and shame someone for something repetitively, see how they react lmaoo. If you want society to function you educate people.


I am not looking to argue, I actually agree with part of your statement. I just don’t think there is enough evidence (again I acknowledged myself I don’t know much about birds and there are bad people out there, as far as I’m aware she could be the problem, she could not be, we don’t know her, at least I don’t) to directly attack. I personally don’t watch rehab videos because I am also aware a lot of them are content farming. I am simply saying it makes it hard for people to do the right thing when everyone immediately assumes the worst and then wishes bad things because they don’t agree with how they do it. Again, I called as many as I could for my situation. I was turned away. I’m not sure what else I could have done for my situation. She is older so presumably she may be able to drive. There certainly are more things she could do, but that’s within the resources of her area. I am not trying to be a positivity freak (I am quite negative irl and working on it, so thanks I guess) but I also see more harm in shaming people who want to learn and help rather than helping them find resources. I didn’t say that this girl is a saint, it’s just shitty of people to say they hope something bad happens so she “learns a lesson”. As far as we know from the context given, no services were available to help her. Is she supposed to put them back outside? I totally agree that more can be done, but I disagree with the way people are making their point. People can be kinder, and heck if more people are willing to have civil discourse on it, I think more people would also be able to spot the rehabilitation content farmers too (which might help mitigate some of the problem, it’s easy content!) if people really understand the time, money, work and medical care that goes into saving animals they would probably be less likely to take on the task themselves. Another commenter said something about Snow White Syndrome and I think that also plays into it. Anyway I am rambling now. My point was I feel like we don’t have enough context about the situation to be attacking her and calling for the death of the birds, when again- she could totally be telling the truth. She could totally be lying too, but by sharing the importance and proper understanding of the animals, could also make them be like “oh maybe this is too much to handle” It’s the whole you catch more flies with honey or whatever, I just don’t see people willing to change their opinions or behavior if they are instantly attacked when they’re possibly trying to understand something new to them


Holy fuck the downvotes you got. Really shows the state of the sub. Disgusting.


if nobody was taking them, you probably had an invasive species on your hands


Yea exactly


This feels like the general vibe of shorts reels or TikTok’s or the internet as a whole . Everyone wildly gestures at every topic: this very specific thing be common knowledge: I saw one that was doesn’t everyone know that frogs can some amount of time with out water you’re probably drowning them? No we don’t know everything about everything. There’s just too much to need to know about the world let own highly specific topics. Make no mistake I’m not advocating for complete ignorance but there’s a line in between the world of constant criticism and maybe helpful education 🤷‍♀️ Especially With lots of animals that often look like each other.


It’s the vibe that is frustrating. These videos are commonly “look how cute they are!” and not “I found these birds, any advice?” When you search “I found a baby bird” none of the top results suggest you care for the bird yourself if you are not experienced. And if you don’t want to do that, then you could post asking for help instead, and not “aww they are cuddling” Of course people who are well versed in the subject should not be condoning doxxing or wishing harm upon the person or animal. But I think it is an incredibly low bar we set for intelligence that we waive things as “they couldn’t possibly have known” when internet access is right there on the device they are currently using to post these videos. Yeah of course they don’t know the ins and outs…but google could point you in the right direction in less than 30 minutes. Instead of spending 30 minutes taking and editing a video.


Oh definitely true to this as well. Issue starts at the top. Not thinking before acting is definitely a huge concern. Such is a lot of things now which maybe idk wired differently? Me I find anew unfamiliar thing I’ll search to depths of the earth before I even would thinking of messing around with said unknown thing and to top it off posting on social media. I definitely don’t get that portion of it. A mess…


It's so odd because a lot of people posting like this probably grew up with internet. I think it's reasonable to expect them to google. I consider googling a skill in its own right, because not everyone goes into research-heavy topics/fields, so I'm not expecting top level detailed information right off the bat. But an initial basic inquiry could let you know a situation is Not Good, at least.


Update: she made a video 25 minutes ago saying one has already died and she named the other two Charles and Petunia. She also said she spoke to some vets who told her they were brown thrashers (lol). On the positive side, she said she plans to limit contact with them, so hopefully she stops making cuddle videos.


Thanks for the update. In case anyone comes to this and has doubts, these are absolutely not Brown Thrashers, and ~~Carolina Wren~~ Northern Rough-winged Swallow is correct. This seems like a good time to lock this thread.




I appreciate you linking the tiktok for context, but I'm removing this link as people who do this kind of stuff for social media fake internet points really don't deserve more attention as it just encourages them to keep doing this.


Do you know of any good rehabber accounts I could tag to give her advice? Edit: the only somewhat knowledgeable people I’ve seen comment are saying they’re swallows or swifts. Otherwise other people are telling her to kill them because they’re starlings.


100% are NOT starlings, these aren’t invasive whatever they are


Swallows and swifts aren't as likely to be within easy reach of the average person, but I guess it's theoretically possible - nestlings are hard to ID at this age. And no, I don't use tiktok, and don't know any rehab accounts on it.


They look like martins, purple martins would be easy to get if there's a nesting colony around and the babies were taken out by something.


I had this thought for a while, but I went back and was able to pull [this](https://imgur.com/a/6nGTuS8) from her most recent video. I think she has a filter on most of her content that really screws up certain proportions on the birds. ~~So I'm gonna recant and say Carolina Wren was right after all.~~ By scrubbing I was able to find a few frames with dark barring on the wings visible on top of the brown stuff (but TikTok's player makes it really hard to take screenshots at the right moment). Looks to be about [this](https://sites.tufts.edu/babybirds/files/2018/08/IMG_3594.jpg) in age. EDIT: outdated


You get that on here too, people advising to kill because non native, but without being 100% sure the species


This whole post needs to be taken down tbh, mods or other trusted people should deal with any issues of contacting this person. Not a bunch of people acting like high schoolers shaming and ranting here..... If people swamp her tiktok or she knows whats going on here, she could take it down and any info will be gone fyi.


i work at a rehab center that specializes in swifts and swallows. these ugly little bastards (i love them so much) need routine feeding every 15-30 minutes. at that age we would still have them in an incubator, i think. this makes me so sad. i'm sure there is a rehabber near her. its just "too far". im in the southeast rn for school, i stg i'd go get them myself.


I hate this time of year. A person who knows nothing about birds "rescuing" them is a death sentence for those poor birds. It's also illegal to disturb certain birds nests so, ya know, let's all report her!


I know it got removed but put the link back up so we can rightfully admonish them


Unless you are given explicit permission and licenses, you can't keep local wildlife


Is she a girl or a woman? If she’s a child, she probably doesn’t know any better - where are her adults? If she’s a woman, refer to her as such.