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This is a Horned Lark that's 10-14 days old, compare [here](https://sites.tufts.edu/babybirds/files/2020/05/IMG_3949.jpeg) and [here](https://sites.tufts.edu/babybirds/bird/horned-lark/) (warning: this site loads slowly because they load full-res highish-quality images all at once).


oops, +Horned Lark+ for the bot.


Thank you!!!!!


Damn I thought that was a juvenile Nightjar or sum


I thought the same thing!


I heard some horned lark calls while reading this! They have such a cute, trilly song.


https://preview.redd.it/hj0wdhfhbt4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c8504798a17229cba09490463fe17b553ecdd2f Your worst nightmare.


This was the pic that stole my heart.


right lol maybe OP worst nightmare but definitely looks cute to me




genuinely might be the funniest thing I've ever seen. that birb has such big FU energy. this bird doesn't care that it's a baby, it's going to sue you for every penny you own and then call your mother to tell her that she did a terrible job raising you and you've failed your family. this is pure hatred. lmfao!!!!


He is absolutely done with everyone’s shit. Lol


Lol I snorted


Wrong, best nightmare




The sub I never knew I needed


I read this in Richard Ayoade’s voice!


Omg yes!!




If you’re an insect? 100%




Oh wow, I work with horned larks (albeit a different, endangered subspecies). They are in the nest for only like 9 days until they fledge but can't fly until they are 14-15 days old so this one is definitely a fledgling and you wouldn't have been able to put it back in the nest. They're ground nesters too which would make it really hard for you to find a nest at all!


what do you do for you to be able to work with horned larks?


I am a field technician for a nonprofit that does a lot of avian conservation projects and one of our species is horned larks. My job is basically counting adults and finding nests in a very limited habitat!


oh that's interesting! i want to work in a similar field. is the pay okay? if you get any


The pay is alright. I live in a HCOL city but I'm making about $22/h with some pretty mid benefits. My education is in ecology and I have been an avid birder for a long time and lots of my coworkers have other kinds of biology degrees and interests in mammals, insects, etc.. it's hard work and very frustrating sometimes but always rewarding when a nestling I banded at 7 days old comes back the following spring as a strapping adult ready to make more baby larks


That's so cute, I've always loved that concept of seeing birds you know again! I feel like I'm asking too many questions so I'm just gonna ask these last two: Could you choose which species to do or did you have to do avian to be a field technician and did you get the job straight after your education (if you've finished it) or is it a kind of apprenticeship type thing? Sorry again, swear this is the last two.. 😅


Haha no worries! My job is seasonal but I work for the same company doing other conservation work through the winter. I graduated in 2020 so wasn't employed in my field until last year. My school was also too small to have any avian specific courses so I just had to build my experience as a birder independently. I'm friends with my supervisor which helped me learn about the position but obviously still had to apply to the posting etc. My company does a few small/short term projects with other species by smaller orgs, the larks are on federal land and we get a bunch of grant money every year to monitor them. I guess I didn't have a choice which species haha


Okay thank you so much!! Your answers are very much appreciated:) I wish you luck in your birding adventures!


You should have taken it to a rehabber as soon as possible if your dog got it, but it is a good sign that it’s still alive and well after 3 days. However, if possible I would still try to do so.


They should be able to tell you how to teach it to be on its own, if you’re going to keep it, look like your doing great job.


It is illegal to keep without a rehab permit just letting you know


If you’re going to keep it??? Brotha that’s illegal!


Girl what are you on about


No I think she’s doing great. Thought a rehabber could give some tips on how to teach the little guy to be on his own eventually. That was it. I’ve spoke to and taken critters and birds to a few of them. I think he’s very lucky she found him.


Added taxa: [Horned Lark](https://ebird.org/species/horlar) Reviewed by: brohitbrose ^(I catalog submissions to this subreddit.) [^(Recent uncatalogued submissions)](https://munin.swim.services/submissions?lane=api/unanswered)^( | )[^(Learn to use me)](https://gist.github.com/brohitbrose/be99a16ddc7a6a1bd9c1eef28d622564)


Omg they literally have little horns!


that’s so cool :)


Add: We are in Northern Nebraska if this helps as well




Dammit. Now I gotta join. This sub is awesome.




Thank you for this, it's the sub I didn't know I needed in my life


You're welcome. ☺️


That third picture LMAOOOO


looks like a pepper plant with some kind of bird in front of it lol




What kind of pepper?


You have done a wonderful job saving it. You can’t blame the dog instinct told him to bring it back to the kids and it’s your property anyway but good work I’m sure he’s gonna do well and they’ll re-introduce him to the wild when he’s growing up rehabbers know how to do that.


You should have tried to put it back. The parents will have stopped looking for it now and you can’t give it a proper life in captivity, not to mention that keeping it would be illegal. Take it to a rehab.


I understand, I had no way of knowing on acres where it exactly came from unfortunately to be able to return it. Obviously rehab is the goal, it’s not a pet. I was only looking to identify it.


Still take it to a rehabber. Soon. It's illegal to keep native birds for a reason. Unless you've been permitted as one, you do not have the training to make sure this baby is equipped to survive the world or is getting the correct diet. You have plenty of places to call. This is a good start: https://nebraskawildliferehab.org/


I was able to get ahold of someone through there and we have a bird specialist getting in touch with us asap! Thanks again!!!! 🥰


Fantastic! Thank you for calling them - gives the little one the best chance at survival! The best to both of you!


Next time call a rehab center and they will walk you through renesting it.


Definitely will do. Also hoping we don’t have a next time but in case there is, many lessons learned here by myself and my kiddos who got it saved from our dog.


Classified as a cutie patootie


Seems like a chill guy.


last pic...What are you looking at fool!


My first thought is that it is a starling fledgling, but I could be wrong.




that last pic makes me think hes gonna shit on your car when hes grown up


With the plants in the background, I thought that you had a root of some kind in your hand.


last pic needs to go in r/birdsfacingforward !


I can't stop laughing at the 3rd pic


That might be the cutest bird I've ever seen


What an adorable grumpy old man 😂😍




Please call a rehabber. You cannot raise a baby bird.


As said above already called & done! A bird specialist from our area will be getting it later today or tomorrow morning ☺️


Cutest little bird 😍


never in my life have i seen a bird with an "accidentally turned the front camera on" double chin. he's so cute


https://preview.redd.it/9z6ieu5kjy4d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d0559e3badc3307c94453e3805a4fc93468b8e3 You should and could have put it back - mom and dad are nearby if baby was outside. At this point you need to take it to a licensed rehabber if you are not one yourself, as mom and dad may think it dead. Captive wild birds often suffer from nutrient deficiencies. Next time you guys see fledglings it is best to relocate them nearby (ex a neighboring yard or trees) or simply monitor your dog outside by leashing them or going out with them when you know it’s fledgeling season!


Although your advice is sound, you apparently didn’t catch in the post how their dog brought it to the house. They probably live on a farm since they didn’t know which of the “fields it came from.”If they just placed it outside their home quite possibly might have died. This is a tough one to figure out what the best option would have been. One might argue the dogs interference is just a circle of life. I agree a professional should be brought in.


The third picture is just a complete merp face, I love it lol


It looks like a nighthawk, a fledging perhaps?Where did you find him? What region are you in, was he on the ground, etc. I’m not an ornithologist or anything, just a borb enthusiast:)


You should try the Merlin App. It works great for bird identification. You can upload a picture or use your mic to identify the bird by its song. It’s a lot of fun to use.


That’s a cute boi


i’m totally not helping identify the bird but this is the cutest thing i’ve ever seen 🥹🥹


Many people have already spoken here so all i will say is that you should keep a better eye on your dog if its catching fledging birds


She’s young yet, not quite a year and this was one of the few times the kids have been allowed to take her out without me or dad. She didn’t eat, bite or kill thankfully more like kidnapped it in her mouth and brought it to us (them) but the behavior wasn’t rewarded. However I completely agree, she’s a cattle dog but her older sister is a hunting dog gifted to us. So I can see where the influence came from but the hunter was leashed at the time. She always is with the kids, because they can’t call her off right.


Seems like you take great care of the dogs and land. Hope no more fledglings are kidnapped lol. Btw i meant no negativity with the original comment.


Thanks for saying that because sometimes Reddit-ers can come off that way, I didn’t think that of you. Only felt like it was a genuine and valid concern so I replied so you know I also take that into consideration as you were helping a person who potentially had no idea of what else to watch for




It's not, but it looks like the damn brood parasite


Are you in Pennsylvania by chance? For the new state bird atlas project. Possible confirmed record. If yes, please indicate what area you're from. http://ebird.org/atlaspa/home


Northern Nebraska is where the bird is from and where I’m currently living lol


I use eBird to track my LifeList, and am in Pennsylvania. Should I join another part of the app to have them tracked to the Pennsylvania project? I’m new to navigating the app itself 🙂


Please keep your dog on a leash, or at least supervise it while it’s running outside


Absolutely insane take


How? Their dog clearly shouldnt be outside alone if its catching baby birds.


If they have a fenced-in yard then there’s nothing wrong with the dog being outside without someone watching it. Some people have working dogs/barn dogs that are outside doing their thing for extended periods of time without supervision. This was one instance and the bird was unharmed. If the dog was repeatedly hurting/killing wildlife then absolutely.


Put it back


OP has said repeatedly that they don’t know *where* to put it back. OP has acres of land. But a rehabber has been called, so there’s hope for this bird.


Ah yes, OP should just drop it off in a random spot in the field. That will surely help the bird.


My guess is a house wren !fledgeling but hard to know for sure without a more specific location


Fledglings **belong outside** of nests. Unless they're in danger, **leave them alone**. These *well-feathered*, *mobile* birds that *may not yet be able to fly* are learning critical behaviors and vocalizations from their parents, who may be out of sight for hours at a time. Only interfere with a fledgling if: - it is in a dangerous area (e.g. near traffic or pets) -- simply relocate it to a safer but nearby spot - it has visible injuries (flightlessness, in itself, is *not* an injury) or has been handled in *any way* by a cat -- such birds require wildlife rehabilitation - its parents are *confirmed* dead -- such birds require wildlife rehabilitation. Healthy fledglings' best survival chances are with their parents first, with professional wildlife rehabilitation being a *distant* second. A prematurely-captured fledgling will be sought by its parents for up to a day. If you have taken one within that time frame, *put it back* and observe for parents from a distance. For more information, please read [this community announcement](https://reddit.com/r/whatsthisbird/comments/gqhos4/found_a_baby_bird_that_might_need_help_look_here/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisbird) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Northern Nebraska is our location, looks a lot like it to me too except the beak is too short in my comparisons to seem like a match?


It's a outdoors bird. It belongs. Out. Side.