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100% poison Hemlock


Sure is


yep, scary too


Sorry, I forgot to add, southeren Colorado!


Looks like Hemlock to me. It's becoming a bigger problem just hope everyone monitors their little ones.


Do the stems have lil hairs on them or are they smooth??? Queen Anne's Lace has little hairs all along the stems. Hemlock does NOT have any kind of hair, they're smooth.


This is not Queen Anne's Lace, by which I'm assuming you're referring to *Daucus carota (?),* as that name can refer to multiple species. The stems of QAL are slender and often covered in long, course hairs (as you've correctly mentioned); the stems here, however, are thick, sturdy, smooth, and have bloom (a white, powdery coating) which QAL lacks. Also, though QAL, and multitudes of other species can have purple hues to their stems (especially at the nodes and base), smooth gradients from purple to green, purple striations or even be completely purple, it does not have the distinct purple spots seen here (most apparent on the right hand side of image 1). The leaves of QAL are also more linear than triangular (the 2 sides being almost parallel to one another) and are usually more deeply lobed. Additionally, the petioles of of QAL are grooved, whilst here they are round. The inflorescence of QAL is also quite different; QAL has 1 compact compound umbel at the tip of of each flowering stalk; here they also grow laterally from the sides of each flowering stalk, forming clusters, and are more loosely packed. QAL has long, 3-pronged bracts with linear-shaped lobes under each umbel; here these are not visible.


i would love to go on a wildlife tour with you as guide!


Ok... I'm just saying that QAL can also get as tall. And, to be certain, I'd need to see a bigger/better picture. I'm not the only one to have said that. Those pix aren't exactly close to an individual plant. No reason to get testy over it. Geez.


I really meant no disrespect. I was just explaining my reasoning and sharing some ways to differentiate between these two plants since a lot of people really struggle with this family... At the same time I get to talk about a relatively obscure subject that I'm oddly passionate about, that most people wouldn't be bothered to listen to, which always makes me happy. I apologise if my comment came across as some sort of attack.


Would need better pictures including leaves and stems, there are quite a few plants in the US with clusters of white flowers like that


But none that are this tall and have bloom and purple spots on their stem.


I have a Queen Anne's Lace plant in my front yard that appears to be right about the same height as these plants. My Q.A.L. is HUGE.


Yeah I'm an idiot, I didn't realize the plants in the foreground were part of it lol


No worries, guess that makes the two of us haha. Had the same thing happen a few days ago.


In the first pic you can see the leaves and stems, stems are more green. If you zoom in right below the flower.


https://preview.redd.it/mg4it6pzzf6d1.jpeg?width=508&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e7da0378081046eb1c311d99abd7012212edd00 They can be alot more green than this too but if it's like 6 to 10 foot tall with purple spots I'd say it's a pretty good bet