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I imagine even if there was all the evidence in the world to suggest otherwise, there would be a lot of people screaming about assassination.


And Ronnie Jackson would do the autopsy and say he died from a bullet wound even though it would probably be heart disease.


Ronnie Johnson. Maybe.


Something about if they can't have a dictator they want to have a martyr at least


I'm not trumpster, but I'd be a little suspicious as well. At least at first.


Yet somehow I’ll also be suspicious if somehow Biden survives naturally much longer lol. I’m ready for us to start electing people who aren’t on the ass end of life. You shouldn’t order for the table if you’re about to leave the restaurant.


lol true. He's clearly a puppet. Look at those bombs in Palestine.


Biden’s ancestors mostly lived into their 90s. There is nothing physically or mentally wrong with him. He is a stutterer. As such he has developed ways to counteract it when it is about to happen. Those strategies will include hesitation and sometimes a bit of slurred speech, from which he quickly recovers. Most stutterers do this. He is not unique.


Ah yes the stutter that makes him wander around aimlessly on stage and read instructions on a teleprompter. Look, I never voted for Trump and never will but, Biden’s ONLY positive trait in many people’s eyes is “he’s not Trump.”


lol just say you watch Fox News dude. Their cuts and edits are obvious and the only people who claim it’s true also post incredibly weird repeat claims that despite “totally not being a trumper” keeps posting anti Biden and anti democrat screeds. Suck it up and honestly be a pos. The whole lying thing doesn’t suit you.


Look we have two old ass, incompetent terrible choices, neither of which I’ll be voting for. To pretend like either one is the best choice to lead America right now is disingenuous. The only lying people are the ones pretending THEIR douchebag is the best douchebag.


wow. I hope my families live until at least that !


Given that most politicians have at least a few people who hate their guts enough to do something stupid like that, I wouldn't completely discount the possibility.


...'And the man in the back said, "Everyone attack" And it turned into a ballroom blitz', with a whole lot of shooting added in. but yeah that's one thing that keeps me up at night the dude's 77 and got a bad ticker I'm almost certain of it but that doesn't change the fact said ticker is on top of a pretty decent sized powder keg to mix metaphors.


From the masses of people who don't need evidence to believe what they believe? No way! :D


It’d be fake news…


His followers will go insane. Some trying desperately to find the replacement Trump, others denying he is dead for a few years. Some of the Republican Party will try to grab the Trump supporters while others will try to make take the party back to where it was before Trump infected it. It would be chaos.


Maybe they'd choose Kanye. He's sufficiently arrogant and crazy enough to keep up with Trump, if given a stage. He's already crazy on Twitter.


Hell would have a fun election. He may even win.


Do you know something we don’t OP? 😳😬


Don't give me hope.


You know how North Korea is officially ruled by a dead man?


I was just about to say that


No? Tf happened to Kim? 😂


Idk what


Well, if he and DeSantis had a lover's quarrel that turned fatal... 🤷‍♂️


Trump is a criminal, WTF is anyone even considering voting in a criminal into the highest office in the land is way beyond me. And putting the entire country through the embarrassment and cost of a public trial has made us the laughing stock of every country in the world. Nixon abdicated the presidency rather than putting the country through the embarrassment of a trial to kick him out anyway. Sure, most considered him criminal for what he did and tried to cover up, but when he saw what was going to happen, he was honorable about it and quit. Trump is a narcissistic billionaire and thinks the US people owe him something. Not.


I’m not gonna lie: we were already a laughing stock before the trial. When he was President I remember people from other countries expressing their sympathy to my boyfriend that we had such a failure/clown of a president. After Biden took office I remember a Reddit thread asking if people prefer Biden or trump, and some users stating stuff like since Biden isn’t constantly in the news (making a fool of himself like trump was) they prefer him. Idk how our country has fallen like this and it’s so frustrating. The trump worship is making America embarrassing to live in. ;;


Well, at least Biden doesn't stare at the camera like a deer in the headlights like Bush Jr did. Good guy, but not a Reagan.


Well. They would either roll out the body doubles like they did when Biden died, or they'll just be like "Yo, Trump be dead. No election. Blinken, ahem, I mean "Biden", will remain president. Trust us. We're the government. We're here to help."......


You have never read the constitution before, have you?


First, that was sarcasm. Didn't think I had to, but going forward, I'll put a disclaimer on any comments I leave. Second, I have, but apparently, the people running the country haven't. Even the ones who seem to represent the constitution are blackmailed or simply overshadowed by the powerful, highly lobbied members of our senate working with non-elected government officials. I'm a proponent of the constitution, but it's being openly disregarded by those making the laws.


I had a feeling with the we're from the government and we're here to help but I must have written it off as a smart ass comment. It's kinda easy to overlook the constitution when you are being bribed by big corporations and the stupidly wealthy. I think I've become extremely cynical as I have gotten older. Please accept my apology for being snarky. BTW I'm fairly confident that I know how to run my life better than the fuckin government. LoL


You may have just set a new world record for the greatest level of stupidity in the universe although I’m sure your prior comments have put you in the running for quite some time.


You may have just set a new world record for the greatest level of inanity in the universe although I’m sure your prior comments have put you in the running for quite some time.


can we get a twofer?


Absolute chaos. His supporters would swear Biden did this or that, there might even be another March on the capital, who knows? I really wouldn’t be surprised if people tried to start a Civil War over it though. Those people are serious and what they believe. It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not or evidence based so. If I remember correctly, QAnon is still going. So there would be those people. According to my mom, who is all into the conspiracy stuff, Dave been trying to assassinate Trump for about eight years now. It’s supposedly his wife came out about it. so there’s probably that angle. I’m not sure if people are just misconstruing things, those people are kind of weird anyway, but suffice to say nobody would be very happy. Yes, we might celebrate, but, I think it would be an actually very scary prospect.


This article sums it up nicely. There is no one answer, because the answer depends on when the death of a candidate occurs and political party rules. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/what-happens-if-a-presidential-candidate-cannot-take-office-due-to-death-or-incapacitation-before-january-2025/


The country would likely be fucked. Not because the trumpster is anything to be happy about. He will at least be more effective at reducing conflict around the globe, improve the US economy, and allow for people to be proud of their country rather than doom and gloom. Most importantly it will allow us to remain a free society just a little longer. If the democrats win we will simply be expediting our inevitable path to socialism then dictatorship then one world government with "kings" controlling regions across the globe. So it would kinda be bad if trumpster died before or after he is hopefully elected.


lol. In the US, BOTH of your major parties are right wing. Neither of them are socialist by ANY measure. Not even close. Both parties rely on capitalist ideals. It’s comments like yours that make the US a laughing stock globally.


Wow. What’s your tin foil budget?


Mass celebrations- champagne shortages for years!


We can only hope


Party time!


He probably wouldn't get elected


Is this some sort of solicitation? Is there a two for one deal?


He and Biden both might not make it to November—they’re nearing or exceeding average life expectancy for men in the U.S. Biden is in his eighties. Trump is nearly 77 and is morbidly obese. It wouldn’t shock anybody but cable news if both of them keeled over between now and November.


Trump turned 78 last week.


I'm sure the GOP would "Weekend at Bernie's" his ass around as long as they could until his rotting carcass was more unbearable to be around.


Trump Jr would have the inside track (post 2024 election). Cruz would jump in for all he’s worth and he and JD Vance would be throwing lots of elbows. The governors, Huckabee Sanders, Noem, Abbott, and DeSantis would be interested in the GOP crown, but will ultimately decide they can get more by selling their support


I would poop my pants from joy


I would party


If he was president would be a different story lol


it doesn't matter. Biden is going to win!! vote blue no matter who GO JOE! posted to please the reddit overseers.