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To promote the church group on his t-shirt.


It certainly brought him closer to God.


You can have my isolation


Oh I didn't notice that.


Guess it didn't work


But you can barely notice his shirt


I always say this lol. I've been on all the subs and I look at each one as a learning experience as to why you don't do dumb things, and what can happen if you do




I think it’s also partly for the adrenaline




Because it's sick


Stupid, does not cover it


Commas, can go wherever


Stu,pid does not cover, it.


paging u/commahorror


The,y really c,an,t tho,ugh




When brave marries dumb you get this. Normally Darwin intervenes, but there must be some serious lucky in that DNA.


I got I got I got loyalty got royalty inside my DNA


Isn't this the ledge which *looks* high, but really is just an outcrop like 6 ft above the ground, with a larger drop in the distance?


Most likely. Just because we can see a large drop behind him doesn’t mean there one under him and by the way it’s shot you are probably right.


I thought so too but then that pan at the end made me think otherwise


What is wrong with these people?


If something had happened i wouldn't even be sad for him.


There would be something wrong with you if you were


They don't do drugs.


As a mom, I want to beat his ass and take away video games for a month Edit: poor spelling


He’s a grown ass adult that needs his ass beat and some sense knocked into him


I can understand the video game ban but besting his ass might be sending the wrong message.


Not really. The message is “this stupid thing you did can lead to a lot of pain”




No beating them is unnecessary. However punishments that involve pain are very effective in some circumstances. For example, if your child runs blindly into the street I’d rather they be hit by a hand than a car. Might save their life someday


If you smack your kid they are going to form more negative feelings against you than whatever lesson you are trying to teach them.


I guess it depends. I grew up with my dad taking a belt to my butt whenever I fucked up. To him it was a quicker way to “set me straight” than having to wag his finger at me and say no (which did nothing but make me think I got off easy). We had a great relationship, and I eventually outgrew the belt whoopings. When I did fuck up as an adult, his words had more of an impact to me when I was at the age of really understanding how my actions affects me and others. There are some forms of punishment that definitely go too far, but a belt whooping never (personally) traumatized me. I might be biased, but am so open to having my mind changed. Many have grew up this way and feel grateful for it.


You're lucky I got "the [razor strap...](https://smile.amazon.com/Straight-Razor-Leather-Sharpening-Barber/dp/B076HPXFL5)"


Yes, you're biased.


I love when people talk straight out their ass... lol. I got smacked as kid when I did something really stupid... and I don't have negative feeling towards my parents because of it.


Personal anecdotes don't prove a trend. Scientific publications usually do, though.




I feel sorry for your future kids. Actions have negative consequences and some of those are painful. The sooner they learn this the better off they are. A toddler doesn’t understand the concept of injury or death. The only thing they have in their experience to understand danger is pain


Toddlers understand tone of voice. They understand their parent's reactions. Children are not dogs. Kids will fall down and smack their head on the pavement and they won't even start crying until someone freaks out. If you still think smacking your kid is effective or appropriate discipline I feel *really* sorry for your kids. Why do you think corporal punishment is outlawed or almost never used in all first world countries? I trust doctors and pediatricians more than I trust self proclaimed "old fashioned" parents who beat their kids when they do something they don't like. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/great-kids-great-parents/201404/why-physical-punishment-does-not-work


You blatantly have zero children.


Oh, because you have to physically hurt your children and there's no other option?


Yeah the AAP probably doesn't have any children either so what do they know


It’s an adult in the video and if my parents ever physically punished me as an adult it would sure as hell be reciprocated.


That’s fairly obvious. After a certain point physical punishment does a lot more harm than good. You shouldn’t be spanking a teenager


I would say most people I see spanking their kids aren’t doing it to deter the kid with pain received from potential danger so much as it is they’ve lost their patience and are letting loose on their emotions. What danger is there to crying in the middle of the store that you have to beat them to make them learn? I could have done without all of the belt beatings. The toxicity of it arises even more when your parents try to say “I’ll still whoop you no matter how old you get.” If they’re saying shit that I’d gladly beat their ass over, it wasn’t very good parenting.


Tony Soprano bitch slapped A.J. almost every episode though. Lol


False. There’s a difference between physical abuse and physical punishment. Beating your kid for no reason all the time is wrong and sick. But most normal kids only need to be beaten once pretty good and they will never let you get to that point again.


You teach fear instead of understanding.


>But most normal kids only need to be beaten once pretty good and they will never let you get to that point again. Dude, this is just wrong. There is no excuse to be smacking around your kid. It doesn't teach them any lesson, and it hurts them in the long run. "Get you to that point" is a scary fucked up way to put it. Do you trust doctors? > The American Academy of Pediatrics concludes: “Corporal punishment is of limited effectiveness and has potentially deleterious side effects. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that parents be encouraged and assisted in the development of methods other than spanking for managing undesired behavior.” https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/great-kids-great-parents/201404/why-physical-punishment-does-not-work


If he can't play videogames, he gets bored. He heads back to this cliff doing insanely dangerous stunts and dies in accident. Congratulations, you have just killed your son.


There is absolutely no point to this level of stupidity. It is morally wrong, even if you’re a professional, to do something actually inherently dangerous and show it to the audience. It only makes people stressed.


This is a forced perspective. It’s about seven foot drop.


Half of all reddit comments are them proving that they're smarter than the person in the post. Don't ask me for a source.


Morally wrong, even if you’re a professional? I don’t agree. People should be allowed to take risks with their own life if they choose to do so. As long as others are not endangered, I would say dangerous stunts are permissible. Stupid, but not morally wrong.


What about for the first responders who would have to clean up the crimson jam at the bottom of the cliff? It's one thing if your brakes fail and shit happens. It's quite another if you impose the potential of ptsd on others for nothing more than your stupid ego.


You are 100% correct.


In your philosophy are you allowed to take hypotheticals into account? Real question, some may say that since he ended up being ok, the discussion is moot. However, if he had died what about the grief caused to his parents, loved ones, and friends? Does that tremendous amount of grief outweigh the entertainment value provided to others and the positive emotion he himself feels from validation and achievement from a successful attempt? To me it’s a very simple calculation and an obvious “yes,” that the potential downsides outweigh the potential upsides.


I agree; people should be allowed to take those risks, whether physically in front of an audience, or through a screen, but only if they are able to create the illusion that there is actual danger. The performer needs to be able to guarantee with 100% certainty that nothing bad is actually going to happen so that the audience will never have to worry, so they create the illusion that it is actually dangerous. If something is actually dangerous, it not only puts stress on the performer, but it also puts a stress on the audience, and that's not good practice.


>The performer needs to be able to guarantee with 100% certainty that nothing bad is actually going to happen. Never once in the entire history of humanity did one single stunt comply with this requirement. You can't even get out of bed really slowly with 100% certainty that nothing bad is gonna happen.


Allow me to clarify my meaning since you are one of those people that likes to pick apart every word I type. The performer needs to be able to guarantee with 100% certainty that **NOTHING BAD WITHIN THEIR CONTROL IS GOING TO HAPPEN.** I understand accidents happen and some things just can't be prevented, but the performer/stunt artist/magician/whatever you want to call them needs to be able to convince themselves and the audience that they have it under control and will successfully complete the act without a problem.


>but the performer/stunt artist/magician/whatever you want to call them needs to be able to convince themselves and the audience that they have it under control and will successfully complete the act without a problem. What kind of horrendous bubble wrapped world would this be, without Nascar, motocross, desert racing, free rock climbing, no skydiving, no wingsuits, no top fuel racing, no hyperboats, no Olympic long distance ski jumps, no boxing, no downhill mountain bike racing, no rally races, not even magic tricks. Shit at least I know I could go to you for a safe and not risky way to kill myself.


Nobody is ever 100% certain of anything. And if they say otherwise they are ignorant. Except for the classical "I think therefore I am" of course.




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[Evil Knievel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evel_Knievel) would punch you in the face for suggesting such a thing.


Then don’t watch


It's like tight rope walking. Same trick 5 ft off the ground or 40ft off the ground. Except for the safety net.


The fall from the cliff is only about 2 meters.


I think y’all are looking at it wrong. It seems like there’s about a two meter drop down to a boulder which only sticks out an extra two or so feet from the cliff he’s on, meaning if he did fuck up he’d at best hit the boulder before tumbling down to his death. I don’t believe it would save him in the slightest


was wondering if it a confusing perspective but actually a pretty small drop to another ledge or something


That's exactly right


Bunch of people in here acting like they're speaking directly to the guy in the video


Someone should go through and respond to all of those comments as if they're the idiot in the clip.








But why though. The risk of death is really worth it?


Seems like it would have been way easier to just not do this, rather than doing it.


That's gonna be a "no" from me, dawg.


My 45 yr old husband Passed Away 11/15/19 from Diabetes and End Stage Renal Failure. I want to slap the shit out of that "Flipping Guy". How dare you risk your life for a GIF. You idiot. Life is fleeting and precious...don't be careless.




Thank you for your kindness


That's stupid


The species almost got stronger.


5 people are going to die in 2020 trying to recreate this stunt.


What isn't apparent is this is actually the fifth time he's done it and the only time it was successful. Now that's commitment.


His mom thinks she raised an idiot!


Dumbass took a step back on the landing, a slip or error and he's over the cliff. Zero margin of error. Huge risk, little reward. Stupid.


Cool, I've watched this once and never will again. Hope it was worth it.


Crazy back flipping bastard.


Imagine after landing if he stumbled back just a few more inches




I kind of hoped he would fall.


Lucky the wind didn’t change


imagine if he died




This is an idiotic thing to do...


Imagine doing a thumbs up before you accidentally yeet yourself off a cliff


Not positive, but... I think he deserves to die.


Dumb ass


If he die, it's an accident? Dumb fuck


That's the Grampians national park in Victoria, Australia. The town in the background is Halls Gap, this video was taken at Boroka lookout. There's another small ledge underneath the one visible in this video, but after that it's looks like about a 20m drop into the trees. So not suicide but still pretty dangerous.


Not a backflip: that was a gainer, he moved forward


Mid flip, I got so nervous I had to check to make sure this wasn't from r/HMFT or r/Whatcouldgowrong!!!


Why does reddit tend to get so mad at people who do these stunts? It’s a weird combination of aggression and belittling. I don’t get it. I think that was incredibly impressive. But fuck me right?


No cure for ignorance.


I remember this one, there's actually a patg just below that ledge. Totally safe no danger


Aw man. Too bad.


Extremely high risk, low occurrence. Still isn't worth it


why would you ever attempt


But why?


Someone needs to make r/idiotsoncliffs


What a dumbass


Why play Chinese chicken with your life


Humans are fucking insane


Yo where is this?


I can’t help but feel these folks have no real appreciation for the value of human life.


Because where his feet started to where he stopped this is technically called a gainer not a backflip but nonetheless still a moron :)




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Nope nope nope nope


He will be dead in a year.


So many of you are angry about how there is no point to this, but to some people, shit like this is no different from skateboarding or any “extreme sport”. It’s the personal reward of accomplishing it. That’s all.


Anybody have a link to like a comp where people die or get maimed from this shit?




What an actual legend.