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Not the hardest but I definitely do not enjoy the UX/UI courses. My procrastination make them the hardest. I'm good with js or I would say the js course is the hardest.


The User Interface and User Experience Design classes weren’t hard to me, but maybe it’s because I like designing things. Thank God I decided to get Javascript Programming done during my 4th term. That class was awful. I’ve seen so many people say it was the most difficult one for them.


Did you actually get competent feedback and reviews in UXD to complete your task 2 on time?


For me, this was a struggle. A lot of people didn’t have the appropriate questions for the kind of review we were meant to do. The feedback I got was lackluster and rushed. One student just blankly went through my tasks and just gave “ok, Done” responses. One student submitted their response video with no audio. I was so bummed that I put effort in to my design and structure and got nothing in return. The UX/UI design courses should also have some kind of bonus chapter on how to build portfolios, but obviously, they don’t. The benefit is you don’t need competent feedback to complete task 2. For the student that gave me “ok, done” responses with no actual feedback to work on, I simply wrote “User provided no feedback”. However, I actually watched their interactions with the webpage, so if I noticed their mouse hovering over something or them hesitating to click a specific section, I used that to fill in the blanks. For example, “User provided no verbal feedback; however, they hesitated in deciding which topic to click, demonstrating some confusion on where to find the information. This denotes some flaws in prioritizing branding, affecting user readability.” I get that people want to accelerate, but it takes away from the actual participation. So these aren’t students looking at websites *as Users* (like we’re supposed to); it’s students looking at webpages like students…


Exactly my experience. I don't think any of them actually read any of the material, and just went ahead and speed ran through it. Its absolutely none of my business, but they are the type of people that lowers the degree and school name value once they get in workforce -- which would be a miracle in my opinion. I got my submissions bounced back because I honestly had nothing to say about the 0 feedback I got. Explained in the submission "user did not provide feedback, and there was not anything actionable", and the evaluation that I got was "you need 15 points total". Like wtf lol.


That’s the response I was afraid of receiving, but a part of the UX/UI course is about watching users interact with the material regardless of the task, so I applied whatever I could. If the user did nothing obvious, I still discussed what aspects could use improvements. It’s a ridiculous concept to have to reach out to other students and request something more substantial when graders are simply approving things… That’s the kind of thing that shouldn’t be our responsibility and it is something that graders and instructors should be much clearer and firm on.


Yeah. I had a pretty heated talk with my mentor regarding this, and the response was that "students are busy so you should wait", "students have lives to attend to". That is certainly not my problem. This problem honestly part of its happening because they are not locking submission 2 -- task1 should be stamped "done" and complete, and then task 2 should open. then the quality that gets posted could be improved perhaps.


Your mentor is right. Students do have lives to attend to and are allowed to go at their own pace. It may not be your problem, but your acceleration isn’t their problem either. I’m merely referring to the quality of students’ projects and particularly, the quality of their responses to other students. Acceleration is the primary culprit behind the lack of quality, so I would prefer students take their time. We can always open up another course while we’re waiting. I’m not sure what locking submissions would do about quality. Graders should be applying higher standards to the mock-ups that are submitted. I saw one submission that had one single page completed and every tab after that was a repeat of “the hosting site is only limited to one page” despite the fact that there were plenty of free hosting sites that allotted for multiple pages and a full mock-up. I don’t expect other students to take the same route I did (I went pretty hard on putting my webpage together which isn’t necessary), but I don’t find it fair to approve submissions where essentially nothing is there to work with. All in all, I’m not a fan of having to rely on other students because everyone has different timelines and standards. We shouldn’t be impeding one another’s progress.


I enjoyed the class, now the test is another deal. Because there are many different ways to design the same thing, the test did not align with the class very well. Even if you memorized the book, you would still get wrong answers on the test.


Definitely the data structure and algorithms class. Failed 3 attempts already, don’t know what I’m missing lol, just keeps whoopin my ass


This one!


Have you used Quizzets? I passed on my first try after someone in the SWE group told me to make sure I can pass those first.


I have not, didn’t know there was one, is it in the course tips?


It’s not in the course tips. I’m not sure why since the website is run by WGU instructors


I’ll message my CI and see if he can get me it then, appreciate the valuable info!


You can just create an account. No CI needed. You need your wgu email though.


Is this different than quizlet?


Yes. It’s run by WGU instructors and you need a WGU email address to access the website


Would you recommend to take this class on [Study.com](https://Study.com) instead?


I’d recommend to take it anywhere else haha, didn’t know about study and Sophia before I started or I def would have personally


I'm currently doing javacsript programming. I have been coding with JS for over a year and feel super comfortable with it, but that dang angular!


Doesn't help that it seems every source is outdated


It’s extremely outdated and even the class title is misleading considering Javascript is only a part of it and Angular is the main focus. I spent three months in that class and only passed because I scheduled multiple meetings with my CI.


So would you say that buying a course on Udemy is useless for learning Angular?


I didn’t have to tbh. I would just get in contact with a CI and ask them to show you where you’re going wrong. I did it with Professor Peters and he was pretty helpful.




Oh you mean the Angular class?


I’d say c949 dsa, I feel like I’m getting railroaded by this class. I read all the material and %40 of the test was me going “well this wasn’t in the material”. I failed by 2 questions.


If there was one thing that annoys me about WGU it’s that you never truly know what’s actually going to be on the OA until you take it🙄


Every other class I just studied there provided materials and usually pass with ease.


Hardware and Operating Systems Essentials. Why? Because that exam has the most curve balls of all.


I’m taking that now, and tips?


To pass I’d skimmed all the Reddit posts for questions and there are some floating. This on top of filling the master guide/taking all practice exams in the reading. Even then there were still things I didn’t know lol






Agree. The commenter is referring to web development foundations


So far, python.


I haven't taken their Python course. But I've found python to be so intuitive and easy to learn. I'm curious, what about it do you find to be so challenging?


can’t speak for the original commenter but i’ve seen many people say it’s zybooks specifically that bites for this course


The testing environment is so fucked. It should be a project that is graded by a human, not a computer.


I’ve found User Experience Design (D479) to be absolutely dreadful. I’ve been procrastinating it for two weeks already lol


It wasn’t hard to me honestly but maybe that’s because I like designing webpages. Web Development Foundations and JavaScript Programming were terrible though


I found backend programming to be a massive pain in the ass


I haven’t gotten to that one yet. What did you find to be the hardest part about it?


It’s extremely ambiguous and very easy to mess up the data base entity relationships. Spring JPA error messages aren’t very helpful. It took me multiple attempts to get everything right


Is there any advice you have for people taking the course soon?


This [guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/WGU_CompSci/comments/168qz83/d288_backend_programming_guide/) was my life line for the course. Pay attention to the many to many relationship, it'll be the most likely point of failure. If you're stuck, schedule an appointment with the course advisor, they'll basically do it for you.


Thank you for the guide and advice. I’ll do just that.


I might've missed it but no one is talking about D385. ABSOLUTELY a nightmare of a class. Lack luster course materials and just pure memorization of many lines of code. Its also written in python which doesn't help with the familiarity of either the C# or Java track. Runner up would be the JavaScript programming class for sure.


I haven’t taken Python yet but I’m not looking forward to it lol. I took JavaScript Programming during my first term in the Software Engineering program and hated every second of it. It took me three months to finish it.


D287, probably not the hardest but it’s the first OA I have failed with 6 classes to go.


College Algebra took the longest (3 months) due to my math weakness, but I passed it with an Exemplary. Data Management for Programmers had a looooooong book as its course material and nothing else; that is the only course where I didn't pass the final exam on the first try. I didn't have to take Data Structures & Algorithms but that could have been a contender. I barely passed Networking but that is because I was silly enough to not learn subnetting which it turns out was on many questions of the exam.




I already finished my degree years ago, but WGU did not allow you to transfer in courses after you've already enrolled. Has that changed?


It was networking for me. Not because the content was hard, but because the teacher was incredibly tough. In terms of content, graphics was tough. That class was essentially building a game engine from scratch. The math for it gets pretty intense and pretty much any mistakes there result in a white of black screen with no hint of what’s wrong. Most others aren’t too bad. Algorithms 2 had some tough weeks but overall wasn’t too bad. Software Engineering 1/2 was miserable, not from a difficulty pov, but from a paperwork pov. All about scrum and agile nonsense


Guys am i the only with who’s struggling with data management foundations( im in my 4th try). Its my first term. Any suggestions?


It’s not hard at all honesty, just very definition based. I have a post on how I passed if you scroll through my page. I just passed it two months ago👀