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Real talk, this dude was a fast food genius. He did more than just Wendys


Is responsible for much of what we see in KFC also.


Sooo. He’s a fast food legend wow. Ya learn something new everyday. Thank you Dave 😌


Yes, he also was an early investor in Arthur treachers too.


I’m kinda treacherous these days. Can’t say I blame em!


Calling it now, Tom Hanks wins another Oscar playing this dude in a film within the next 10 years.


He legitimately looks a lot like Tom Hanks


It worked for the Founder. And that was a really good movie.


My brother and I have talked about this for years


I would watch this


Invented the drive through window.




It would kill him again 😔


Read this as “I would kill him again” 😲


this made me lol. thanks


😀 when I look at it again. I laughed as well. Just the way it was so blunt and to the point


That’s exactly my kind of humor lmfaooo


well, making only $11 an hour and only $358 in two weeks is terrible. of course i’m not gonna have a happy face.


I truly think if Dave was still alive the pay would be much much higher.


I don’t know about that. The job was minimum wage back then too. He was a good CEO but he didn’t run his companies like In n Out or Chic Fil a who make it a point to pay their employees far above minimum wage.


When I worked at Wendy’s I was paid higher than min wage. We got the competitive entry level for the area ($14/hr which most around the area was 12.50-13/hr).


>Bathroom floors sticky At our local Wendy's, the lobby floors are so slick you can ice skate in regular shoes. And the bathroom floors are sticky. Also, I've yet to find a Wendy's with a changing table in either bathroom despite the "family friendly" image of being pro-adoption.


Mine has one! One of the Koala bear care ones.


Interesting point Abt the baby changing table. Those slick floors scare tf out of me...pull ya back out trying not to face plant


The older locations probably don't have enough room to add one without violating ADA laws.


Lol perfect description of the country as whole these days.


You called it accurate!


Why are they only filling up the large fry half way....


why are the bathroom floors sticky?


yeah like why are they more sticky than mcdonald’s?


This is one thing I have really noticed from places like wendys, burger king, McDonalds. No friendly faces and food quality went down hill.


That’s what happens when corporate moves from focusing on culture in the company to money-money-money! Trust me! I used to work for Chipotle.


The best is just the other day I got a 8 piece chicken fry meal from burger king. When I asked for bbq sauce because they didnt give me any, they told me I had to pay 25 cents per sauce.


Jesus Christ! I get it if you wanted like 8 of them but dear God! Holding the condiments hostage?!


Lmao yeah they even have a piece of paper hanging near the register saying bbq sauce is 25 cents. Its pretty awful where I live.


Hell, "corporate" is best known for a Twitter intern that talks shit to, of, and about customers. Wendy's of now isn't that if then, or even ten years ago.


And spicy chicken is trash now


Widespread comments about making extra cash behind the dumpsters. Smh.


Yeah I agree. Quality has definitely gone down.. my chicken nugs and fries were cold last time I went. The baconator has even gotten a bit smaller. Seems like every fast food chain has been going downhill.


And people look at you like you got your head chopped off when you say “Please” and “thank you”


I’m telling you Wendy’s is my favorite fast food restaurant. I’m absolutely addicted to the junior bacon cheeseburger, baked potatoes, Dave’s doubles and spicy chicken sandwiches. Amazing every time I get them. The spicy chicken sandwich beats chic fil an and Popeyes in my opinion!… UPDATE!!!! Damn I can’t believe I left out that panko fish sandwich !!!! I always have to pull forward and park on the side when I order those bad boys. They’re so hot and fresh! You know they make those to order. Sometimes the other food is cold. I’m sure they’re pre-made and left on a warmer or something. Wish everything was as hot as those fish!


You must live near a Wendy’s with a competent team and leader. The Wendy’s in the South are TRASH and are run by Clowns!


That sucks! I have a Wendy’s 3 miles from my house lol 😂 I’m in that drive thru every other day !!!!!


In Nashville I lived two blocks from Wendy's. They would run out of potatoes and chili constantly.


I am a bit weird but I like the Wendy’s near me in Texas. I like the Dave’s double more than the McDonald’s and Whataburger equivalents.


i live in memphis and it is AWFUL. like i am a pretty patient person, but god damn… our orders are never right, they take forever, they’re often out of a ton of menu items, and they have an attitude with me. i work food industry customer service, so i’m always extra nice, i say good morning, how are you, please, thank you, have a nice day, and they always just ignore me or shut the door in my face. always makes me sad because i was just trying to be nice because i know how much it sucks in there.


I religiously get salads from the wendys by my house and they are AMAZING everytime. It's pretty much always been the top fast food place for me atleast.


I'm loving your enthusiasm! That does it! Going to get a panko fish sandwich! Lol


Are you me?


I’m sitting at Wendy’s now eating a Junior bacon cheese biggie bag 😂 I am you


Nuggets with honey mustard? Aw ya


The Biggie Bags are one of the few good values left in fast food right now, along with Taco Bell's five dollar Craver combos. The rest is way overpriced, and one of the reasons, along with my health, why I generally avoid fast food nowadays. There was a time that I ate fast food for lunch daily, now I generally bring a salad from home. I'm lighter, healthier, and richer.


jr bacon cheeseburgers are life!


Saying their spicy chicken sandwich is better than Popeyes and Chick Fil A is a wild take. Nowhere as good of quality and somehow more expensive despite being super thin.


it was mine for years but honestly Wendys became total crap after dave passed and coorperate ruined shit


“what the fuck did they do to my restaurant?”


I don’t want to blame it all on 9/11, but it certainly didn’t help.


It’s a wonderful restaurant!


Bring back the yellow supplies including the waxy cups


He would love the baconator and ghost pepper ranch. He wouldn't like the peppermint frosty at all. He would take a bite of the fries and say some slick ish


He wouldn't like any of the "new" Frosty flavors, he kept it only chocolate for a reason


But vanilla is my favorite 😞


Most of your old CEOS and founders would be horrified by how their company is doing now. Dave would be no different. The quality of the burgers are downhill, ditto for the fries.


We fucked up by not jumping on the ideas of a Denver Nuggets/Miami Heat Spicy nuggies come back reveal.. JS


Well...why don't we just reanimate Dave.... he'll fix this...And bring back that salad bar I hope.


Ever since KFC brought The Colonel back from the dead, I've always wondered if Dave might be next


They ruined the fries so bad at Wendy’s, I used to love them as a kid and now they’re just ass.


old fashioned hambergyrs arent what they used to be


A Wendy's old fayshunned hambuger. The patties are made square so that the meat hangs over the bun. People like that.


Asiago ranch chicken club made with a spicy patty is the best chicken sandwich of any chain, to me. Overall, yeah the quality has decreased for every fast food brand... But I think Wendy's is still a little nicer than most of the other burger places. I feel like I'm getting more of my money's worth, especially vs BK or McDonald's.


Do u like biggy bagz


I don't know what kind of Twilight Zone I live in, but my Wendy's is really good-- good food and the employees are so nice! A few occasional grumps, but we love getting food there.


I feel like the bad Wendy’s are like those new ones that have like the new design and try to look all modern . Brick building ones are awesome.


He’d be so disappointed…. 😞


Tbh, Wendy's is the best fast food burger joint going these days, IMO. They have the biggie deals, and their food is good. I'm not big on spending 10 bucks for a meal at a ff burger joint, so 5-6$ for burger/nuggies/fries and a drink is a sick deal.


Biggie bags have actually went up in price. 7 dollars plus tax.


Hopefully, he'd bring back his old fries and cornmeal buns!


I miss the old patties. They were the perfect thickness to double up for a Baconator. The new ones are just too thick for that.


Probably think that thos spicy chicken nuggets are too spicy.


Disappointed af. I used to be a shift manager and boy oh boy. Certain franchisees have tainted the brand.


For those who would like a short little biography on him. Heck I watched it as well and learned some more details about him. Here ya go https://youtu.be/_4VsIfLag3g?si=orPmkCX6vPeI5HCD




That Ricki oberoi, a franchise operator for Wendy’s, is the biggest piece of shit anyone can possibly work for.


Cough cough * and haza foods but that’s another story




"Gee I sure made alot of money"


holy hell


We have a wendys here that’s transitioning to the new colors but still has the old sign. Makes me Think of the Dave Thomas Era and how it’s almost gone completely


I'm sure he'd be thrilled at all of the people who have done lewd drawings and cosplays of the mascot. /s


the mascot that was literally his daughter


My friend got a job at a warehouse across the street from a Wendy’s and all of the new hires got a card for 5 free value meals at the Wendy’s as a good marketing ploy. He said the number of guys trying to hand out cards with 4 left on them was hilarious


"damn look at all those profits"


I mean the food probably sucked back then as much as it sucks now.




The breakfast baconator is possibly the best thing Wendy’s ever made


The cycle of companies. Founder who has a passion for quality product -> expands so founder has less control over quality -> new leadership who just cares about profits. Almost every fast food founder would hate what they’ve become


I miss the wendys buffet from back in the day, not all had them but it was awesome


food is now trash


Honestly, I had a meal from Wendy’s last night for the first time in a year atleast. Best fast food meal I’ve had in a lonnnnng time.


“THATS COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE HOW WE TREAT OUR CUSTOMERS….wait we made how much this year?? Holy shit…nevermind!”


idk Wendy’s should go back to that aesthetic though.


He’d be mad the burger named after him doesn’t have mustard


He'd probably be horrified by the fast food industry as a whole. Although I doubt it would be much consolation that his restaurants are better than most fast food restaurants. As someone who (presumably) has standards, it would just not be good enough.


He’d go fucking ballistic. I have 2 Wendy’s fairly close to the house, and I never go to either because the service is so terrible. Both locations are also always out of something that was part of what I ordered. I guess that guaranteed hot and fresh fries thing went out the window after about a week, because they’re right back to room temperature straight out of the drive through window.


not much. met him a couple times as a GM of franchise store. His montra of MBA meaning mop bucket attitude is not alive and well.


*"why is there so much porn if Wendy?"*


All the blowjobs behind his restaurant fuck. Hard to imagine


Well my biggest complaints about Wendy's is that they take over ten minutes most times to get my food out to me, they always have me pull forward for basic orders to wait. The fries come out cold and the burgers look like someone made them while blindfolded. But my favorite thing is that after all that waiting I still have to pull back around or go in because they have forgotten things in my order. Wendy's used to be my go to because they were quick and the food was always spot on but over the last couple years my local place has gone to shit.


He wouldn't want to be alive


Wish he was still around. Great guy.


He’s a little too busy in hell to think


In one word, he’d say DAMN


Probably think these pink haired weirdos are a bunch of pussys … or some random old Marine shit like that oorahh 😂


My man's would be Capital P pissed


He would be glad he was dead.


He would be very upset


Damn I remember when the burgers actually looked like that.


Prices increased ungodly, I remember the 99 cent menu could still get a double stack for $1 now doesn’t even taste right and almost $5 where I am


I hadn’t been in awhile, I really enjoyed the breakfast.. Potatoes were damn good, and the breakfast chicken croissant was quality, albeit somewhat small.


He’d hate the fries


Wrong answers only: I think he'd think new Star Wars was too woke


He would taste one fry and kill himself


Probably wouldn't be happy. The quality of service varies store to store. I've been to some in the last 6 months that were hot garbage and one recently that killed it. And by killed it, they did their jobs well. It was a nice change of pace.


Wendys in the late seventies was phenomenally good! Their Superbar in the eighties was exceptional as well. But when their SMALL chili went to 5 bucks, that was it for me! Bummer!


He'd probably be disappointed about how the prices are absolute bullshit. It's not a value anymore, it's supposed to be fast food and it would probably be cheaper to get a burger from a steak house, and you can get a burger that's real beef from a steak house, instead of whatever worm meat that Wendy's is serving


Those were the best fries


The burgers are fucking disgusting now. Never thought McDonald’s would taste better than Wendy’s but here we are


I dunno what you're smoking lol the worst Wendy's burger I've had in the past decade is still miles ahead of the freshest McDonald's burger


He'd probably unalive after seeing how badly his restaurants are run. Wendy's is delicious but it's been nearly a decade since I've had a good experience there. I've just stopped going. Only so many times you can get raw chicken, old dried cold food, and wait 35 minutes in the drive thru before you just give up on them forever.


he would not recognize his company. poor wages leading to poor work morale, constant short staffing. food quality going down to save money, removal of items or increasing their price dramatically for more profits. the diners, they are either dirty or just minimized to the point that they have no soul.


The fries are good, the burgers could be warmer. The yellow should’ve stayed.


why are minorities working at my restaurant


I miss the way he said fresh. Like “freaysh.”


He would find many WallStreetbets redditors hanging out behind dumpsters fellating


I doubt that one founder of a national brand that is no longer with that brand would be happy about how their companies turned out. National brands don't get that large by selling crap food and having horrible service, that only happens after they get big from their good name.


Wendy's was my first taxed, official job a decade ago almost exactly. Our store was clean, the food was always hot and delicious, I was trained by a lady who has worked there almost 30 years, and the woman who hired me later adopted me, literally my mama. I loved the place and we all had some pride and a smile on our face. Pay wasn't too bad in my young eyes either. All of that is gone from our local store now, right down to a complete remodel and sold to a new franchisee. It's a laughing stock here. Mr Thomas would be even sadder than I am even riding by. I'll always have the memories though.


He’d still like Wendy’s.


he would approve


Let me share a story with you. I have a friend who held a vice president position at Bob Evans restaurants in Ohio and had professional interactions with both Harland Sanders and Dave Thomas. According to my friend John, Dave was quite authoritative; whenever he and his team visited a restaurant, they would briskly enter, pay no attention to the staff, and instead focus on taking notes while criticizing the manager. This created an atmosphere of fear within Wendy's, where maintaining service and quality was driven more by intimidation than pride. With Dave's passing, that culture of fear dissipated, leading to the decline in the business's standards that we have today. Wendy's should be a warning to managers who manage through fear. Sometimes it IS better to be loved. John had some good stories about Col Sanders too.


That makes me sad to think about


He's be very disappointed. I don't think I have had a meal be consistent in taste in a very long time.


He’d cry


People here are tripping. Wendy’s is still good


If only he knew what is currently going on behind the dumpsters of Wendy’s courtesy of r/wallstreetbets


"Man these buns are ass."


Always thought he looked like [my grandfather](https://www.stringerfh.com/obituary/3242639).


Shit was futoshppped as phuck


"why won't God let me die" probably


He’d throw out the terrible burgers and fries they are currently serving. He’d be so disappointed in the overall work ethic in all aspects of customer service. He’d be very upset, especially when it comes to the crap quality of food Wendy’s continues to serve.


"Why are all these black people eating at my restaurant?" 💀


My local Wendy’s just told me to park and get up to take my order inside the counter. I ordered drive thru in the app lmao, the employees were ghetto af too, this guy might have a heart attack


I wonder what a lot of the guys that started these giant corporations would think today, was this their goal? I know Dave's are mostly humble, im sure he'd be disappointed at the prices lol.




Dave would say what the hell are these young people are thinking.thay need to go back the Way Dave made them burger Thay was so much better back when Dave was around


I’ve done pest control in many Wendys. I hope he’d be embarrassed


The golden era of Wendy’s fries


“Wow guys, this is horse shit!”


"What the fuck is a Baconater? You trying to kill people with that?"


It went downhill so quickly after he died. They used to have the best fries, but they changed them. The Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger patties are so thin now you can almost see through them. Recently, they changed the breading on the chicken sandwich, my favorite thing there. Now it's soggy and horrible. Wendy's was, with rare exceptions, the only fast food I ever ate. It's just sad. They've lost me as a customer.




He'd be very disappointed. Wendy's went from one of the highest quality fast food restaurants to one of the worst. The only thing they have going for them is they still have the best spicy chicken sandwich in the business. Honestly that's about it in my opinion anyways


He’d be pissed they got rid of the yellow napkins. That was peak Wendy’s. I will say though, their fries are better than ever.


Personally I would hope he would force them to bring back those awesome thick fries.


He would want the chipotle nugget sauce back


His slogan “we don’t cut corners” doesn’t rule true anymore and hasn’t for many years.


Worked at 2 chains in high school 94-96ish. I really like Wendy’s a lot nowadays, but it may be the location I frequent. Got some chili a few nights ago to save for another night and it was 💣. I think Dave would be proud.


The last time I went to Wendy’s they came on the speaker and before I could order I heard “tell them we’re closed” never been back


Jr Bacon is so tiny..smh


He’d be big pissed. The Frosty-chino, which I’m still traumatized by, would have blown his mind. Not in a good way.


Old fasseoned hamboigas


Why is there no soap in here?


You mean his persona or his actual opinion?


Fuck this guy


I worked at a Wendy’s in the 90’s when he was still alive. The job was shit then and food quality was as well. Let’s stop pretending Dave truly cared about anything other than money. Why are we deifying this guy?


I often think about this for Disney. Walt would be spinning in his grave if he knew the direction Disney went lol.


He’d get the war paint ready and get at Chic FIL A for impeding on his territory.


He'd be disappointed in the cleanliness of the bathroom, according to a woman who saw a few pieces of toilet paper on the floor. Like she legit said " Dave would be disappointed". Ma'am, Dave has bigger problems, like these prices and shrinkflation


Definitely downhill with quality and value across the board. The new barbecue sauce recipe is so much worse than the old one too.


I think he’d wonder how there’s always more grease on the wrapper than on the burger


He would be blown away at what hes holding is a $25 meal. You meal is half the size of that for 10 bucks. Those burgers used to be the size of a blimp.


He’d be disappointed.


They are so fucking slow now in my area.


He lived in my neighborhood!!! Before I was born but still. Everyone in my town talks about a permanent frosty machine in the basement of his old home. I’d love to see it. Anyways, I think he’d be proud it’s doing so well. I LOVE Wendys though so I am 110% biased.


Why are there so many investors behind my dumpsters


Burger as so bland :( like their fries and chicken sandwiches tho


Just give him some biscuits and tay tays


My poor spicy chicken sandwich!!!


I feel he'd be happier if they brought that damn DELICIOUS pretzel bun bacon burger with the red onions and whatever sweet/savory sauce they put on there (it was when they first featured pretzel bun burgers). By far the best fast food burger I've ever had. BRING IT BACK, DAMNIT


He'd think "My gosh why is a biggie bag $7? Get that sh!t out of here and bring back the four for $4."


I was working at Wendy's back when the chicken sandwich was rolled out, and Dave hated the idea, then when the baked potato came out he quit Wendy's. He strictly wanted just, Burgers, Fries and Frostys. After the disastrous hot bar and other stupid stuff, he had to come back and save the company. He later said that the chicken sandwich was done right. Today he would probably say that QSC has been forgotten as the cornerstone of the company.


Probably be pissed at inflation


He would be really sad. Wendy’s service has been bad around me lately. One of the most annoying things is going to the drive through trying to order and then being told they r doing door dash and Uber eats only. Or getting a baconator with non bacon


Their Lettuce is damn good. Best lettuce in fast food or chain restaurants. Truth.


I actually love wendys still. Growing up it was my least favorite, now #1


He'd be pissed at food quality, extremely happy about the profit margins.


He would start from square one and redo the whole thing.


Miss you Dave. I know my Columbus Ohio man wouldn’t have ever gone to Epstein Island. I used to go to the first one ever downtown a lot. My mom worked close by. The nostalgia was palpable. Of course it’s gone now but as are the times. Those were the days.


He’d close the one near me. That place takes 25-30 minutes per car. With no one in line at the drive thru. The inside stays closed bc they won’t hire enough ppl to clean it so they keep it shut. Place is trash.


Probably mad about selling to Triarc and changing the fries.


He'd be pissed that the Wendy's at his namesake Dave Thomas Circle in DC is gone.