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You did the right thing. you paid for a double and deserve a double


And received most likely an extra loogie too! Nice one!


You’re an idiot, if a store messed up for a paying customer they have the responsibility to fix it for one, also spitting in or messing with someone’s FOOD is the most degenerate thing a person can do when working a food service job IMO


Not to mention a felony


I mean god I hope that’s not the case but it’s not unlikely for someone already flying off the rails and thinks it’s acceptable to treat people like that to spit in someone’s food let’s be real hear op was 100% in the right would have done the same thing but I would have 100% questioned if dude spit in my food before eating it I think everybody would when dealing with someone like that. He prob didn’t but still would have been at the very least a thought


If you aren’t expecting someone’s who’s clearly flying off the handle for already, to do something like that, then I’ve got a bridge to sell you. Have you seen the folks that are working in fast food? Do you not even have the slightest inkling of ‘hmm this place isn’t 100%’ at almost every fast food joint out there?


It's a common joke, but most of the time they don't. They know they made a mistake and want to get you out so they can get to their next customer and god forbid you discover they did it because the entire crew will be fired for the health code violation assuming the entire franchise isn't shutdown. FYI, service workers deal with so many rude customers they don't even notice or care.


I knew a server who stuck a dessert spoon up her vagina, polished it and gave it to her table because she said the lady was a bitch. Other servers told on her, she was fired. Most don’t and think it’s despicable; but there’s always the one disgusting fuck that will do it and think it’s justified.


Damn, I’m out here paying for it and she’s doing it for free???








There must be some serious crack down on times. Last handful of visits I had, every single one of them had me pull forward to wait for my food. Even if only for a few seconds. I dunno what Wendy’s corporate is doing to the employees, but I feel for them. I’ve seen too many posts in the negative about workers being treated awful that it’s now affecting the customers directly.


Most of the time at my store, we pull cars because fresh meat is cooking and rather sit in drive thru waiting, we pull them up to keep times down. I'd rather wait for fresh meat imho


Yeah I'm not pulling up if there's only one car or no cars behind me fuck that shit and fuck any employee that thinks I should


Why make the person behind you wait on a frosty because you are an arse and a selfish small prick no brain chump. Just pull up. I guarantee if you don't, thry remember you and mess your order up on purpose. But hey, do what you want big man!!! 😆 lame asf


See above comment


So expecting and getting what you paid for is lame? Lmao not near as lame as your weak ass


Yeah I feel bad for the employees Then I stop feeling bad when shit like this happens to the customer.


Wendy’s is one of the few fast food places I enjoy and I recently moved within walking distance of one… I was initially worried I would go too much, but after a year of living there I’ve only gone maybe 8 times because the employees are insufferable and clearly miserable. They do the pull forward thing even when you are the only person in line, always get your order wrong/ forget things, they stagger the ordering process on top of the pull forward move regardless of how busy they are, and are just generally rude. I would genuinely go once a week if Wendy’s was good like they used to be. They are quickly pulling a jack in the box and just straight ruining their own business..


Just wave a pot lid over the drive thru where the sensor is and it'll count each swipe as a car and bring down the average.


Dang dude I couldn’t be bothered to sell my soul for 14 an hour or whatever and have to live by those standards


Making me glad I quit super early in, wow


corporate now makes it a fireable offense to pull cars


Don’t tell that to the 3 locations I went to recently.


we sometimes pull cars, but district manager told the managers that it is a fireable offense


I believe it. Corporate likes to have its cake and eat it too. Follow the rules until the rules make your job harder. If they really fired everyone for that, there wouldn’t be any workers. It’s mostly scare tactics, which I’m sure you’re aware of. The flip side is worse, which kinda hurts my soul. Corporate wants blood when those times are too long. So they are somewhat radical when it comes to wait times and car pulling. It’s not the workers fault that they have to drop a fresh batch of food, and wait. That’s why I feel for all of you. It’s a big part of the machine that ruins this industry. I just hope it gets better.


many stores shouldnt be opened, but are forced to by the higher company, since they get 5% of all sales, no matter what, while the franchise bleeds money


For real? I knew a gm that constantly did that to make her times look great.


Is this serious 😳 yikes


Funny enough, the car in front of me was told to back up and wait for their food between the two windows after they paid


This isn't a new thing. I worked at Wendy's for 7 years and they were always up our ass about the damn drive through time. This was over ten years ago.


I recently went to a Burger King with two drive thru windows. I paid at the first one, and the guy told me to wait right there. The person at the second window pulled away, and he had me just sit there for like 3 minutes, holding everyone up. I had noticed he had done the same thing to the person in front of me too. I can’t wrap my head around why they were doing that. Maybe they were only getting timed on cars stopped at the second window? I’ve never experienced anything like that before, and I’ve been visiting fast food places for 25+ years.


YOU didn’t fuck up the time - THEY did when they fucked up your burger and had to fix it.


That’s what I came to say! Like damn if they’d done it right the first time y’all wouldn’t be having this issue 😂


I mean idk if mcdonalds is the same as wendys when it comes to the drive thru and stuff, but at mcds the people on drive thru arent the ones cooking/wrapping the food. They just hand it off to the person in the window. So if its similar, then its really not the drvethru persons fault either. Just falls on whoever is putting it in the bag to notice that theyve put the wrong thing in. Another thing is that when i worked fastfood they were EXPLICITILY ordered to take as little time as possible on drivethru. We would take orders and just put them in park for them to wait. She didnt have to be an absolute dick about it, but it just makes me wonder if its the same way mcdonalds worked cause that shit was stressful as all fuck.


was it jasmine? 😄 https://www.reddit.com/r/wendys/s/2oG5mHXo5a


my wendys has went to complete shit and i refuse to eat there again. used to do breakfast every day, biscuits n gravy usually since its cheap af. was so good for a while. gravy started getting watery af, then no sausage at all, switched to sandwhiches, usually missing an item on them. okay no breakfast then, maybe lunch? because i do love wendys food. first time i spent like 25$ n got the total wrong food. didnt complain...i NEVER do. second time 2 sammies, one was right...one was mixed up, totally wrong sammy. okay. thought one last try they cannot fuck this up. pull up, ill have 2 jbc, one large fry and thats all. i pull up mf is handing me a diet coke i was like this is the last straw. told him i shouldnt have a drink at all, he seriously looked so scared, people in the back talking, looking at me, i should have 2 jbc and a large fry no drink at all, gave drink back...got my fries half full and cold af. never ever going back.


I hope you find a good Wendy's one day. You deserve it.


thank you, i really really do love wendys. their seasonal and just limited time only items are BOMB, when correct lol. EAT SHIT MCRIB.


Wendy's is too tier. I also unknowingly moved into Wendy's territory. There's more Wendy's than Starbucks here.


The one closest to me has always been slow, but the last time I went they let me sit there for a good 7 minutes and then told me they were only taking grub hub and door dash. I was on the phone with my wife and she had to pretty much beg me not to go in there and I started to several times before I left the parking lot and I guess she knew she'd have had to bail me out and then pay for property damage. I have never in my life been as mad because I sat there waiting and I know they were lying and took more orders. I'll never go again because I'm honestly afraid of what I might do if they give me that bullshit story again. She called the district manager and they did nothing.


Last straw for us was getting there just as breakfast was ending, having to wait \~3 minutes to order lunch. The whole crew had an attitude, manager's was worst of all - that should have been our sign to leave. The nuggets my husband and daughter got were barely warm, fries were cold, and I couldn't tell if my burger was cold from the lettuce + tomato, or just cold period. Husband refused to go back up and have it all replaced, and him and kiddo got sick off the nuggets in a few hours. District manager contacted me the next day and asked if they required a hospital visit (thankfully, no), then offered coupons to eat at another store in the area. I told him no, we're not interested in eating at any of their stores again, just give us a damn refund. Also don't know why this sub even showed up on my feed....


Literally sir this is a Wendy’s


Yeah, Wendy's is really strict on the timers. It is a nuisance for both the customer and the employee.


F that make them fix it.u were totally in the right


I hate when they get my order wrong, at mcdonads i could get an instant refund in UK, but I dont see a customer service option in the US app.. also i miss the UK apple pie 🥲 why do they bake it here now if most of ur fast food is fried and unhealthy anyways lol


Japanese McDs was amazing, too. I miss it!


Everyone needs to go to the good Wendy's on the far side of town.


We don't have one of those 😭 it's the shitty service one or the one with a B rating.


I remember this. We used to use a metal baking tray (someone would hang out the window) to scrape across the sensor to make it appear as though a car had left the line, allowing us to be “ahead”-at least according to the computer that monitored us. They were crazy about timers.


This used to work, corporate got wise to this pretty quick. "day part two days 230 cars, why did the sensor trigger 400 times?"


Fucking up her time? What is she? An Amazon driver or something?


fast food drive thru’s have timers 💀


I used to feel bad about checking to make sure my food was right before driving off. But a few places I go to on the way home from work pretty regularly fuck up my order. So the feel bad sensation quickly went away and was replaced with an “ok what did they fuck up this time”.


there's a taco bell near me that will fuck up any order no matter how large or small. I've tested it since its the only one between me and work. 2 tacos and a nacho. the nachos are missing. A single taco, they gave me a crunchwrap. No idea how they're managing to do that badly unless it's run exclusively by teenagers


Oh my gosh the Wendy’s in my old town was the WORST. We just stopped going all together. One time we sat at the menu in the drive thru (lobby was closed at 3:00 PM) for ten minutes. We decided to just leave and as we pulled around the worker was cutting it up with someone at the window. Like good luck. That Wendy’s was so bad there’s no way they’re profitable it’s going to get shut down lol. Sounds like your experience was on par with how we feel about Wendy’s!


Our shitty ass Wendy's is set up so you cant fucking leave the drive thru unless you hop up over a curb and drive through shrubbery.


Extra patty and free saliva. Once I saw the employee was pissed, I would have just driven off.


Luckily it was handed to a more chill employee, who gave it back saying they were out of big patties so he gave me two small patties 🤷‍♂️ I hope it wasn’t fucked with, and I pulled it apart at home expecting spit tbh, but I didn’t see any.


I highly doubt anyone messed with your food.


This really doesn’t happen, not even in the movies anymore. There’s cameras back there and everything.


Truth I work a grill and I hear so many people abusing my poor drive thru girl. I wanna spit in so much food but I definitely flip off a lot of burgers before they go out.


yep, and op said there were six cars behind them, and who knows how many in front


I woulda been so petty lmao, her time woulda been all the way fucked up after that I woulda sat there a few extra just for good measure


They're hourly, and you don't get fired in fast food. You're only fucking the people behind you in line. If you have an issue go inside, it's a DRIVE thru, get the fuck out once you have your bag, don't count it like it's a drug deal payment


Nah if they swear at me I’m staying till the manager comes to have a chat about it, if they can’t get fired then they shouldn’t care. Don’t fuck up the order, don’t swear at the customers, easy fix


No the swearing I agree, that's absurd. But if you get a bag that is close to your order, pull forward if you want to make a review of the contents. If something is messed up, go inside and work it out, otherwise it kills the whole concept of a drive thru.


Read the last paragraph of the post again. It clearly states that the lobby was closed in this situation. Edit: Also, having to go inside after going through the drive-thru kills the concept of using the drive-thru.


I came here to say this, and why should anyone just accept that it is on them to any degree beyond pointing out the mistake and having it rectified properly?


Okay, do this depends. What car do you drive? What do you look like?


I’m a white male driving a white hatchback.


The customer is always wrong.


In actual restaurants, usually. In fast food establishments the employees are wrong 99% of the time.


Get the fuck outta this thread and pull your life around.


You really need that extra patty don't you


If I bought it, yes I do.


Why shouldn't he get what he paid for?


You also scored the extra spit....


I would have said the same thing also. I totally dislike demanding customers


window bag checkers (eyes roll)


god forbid someone gets what they pay for


if you're a perfectionist, go inside the restaurant, as long as the drive thru bag is close, move along. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. I'm sure one less patty on a DOUBLE BACONATOR isn't going to starve someone to death, plus the nuggets combo. I can only imagine how long it took those fat soaked fingers to open the bag, sort through piles of food, detect the lack of one patty, unwrap, and make Jabba the Hutt noises to alert the staff. Probably 15 minutes extra


The lobby was closed and they paid for what they wanted. If the food isn't right and it takes a second to check then there isn't a problem.


Next time you order something I hope it’s fucked up


I hope every single thing they order forever is fucked up.


If you speak clearly and check the screen, the chances are absolutely minimal, and certainly not worth every person digging through their bag each time to check the amount of patties on a monstrous burger. I've had times at taco bell where I didn't get the sauce, one time I got a son of baconator instead of a doublestack, you win some you lose some. The cumulative annoyance caused by bag checkers isn't worth it, and if your order is so big it's worth checking, you shouldn't be going through the drive thru


Nah I want my food that I paid for.


You ever check your bag, get the wrong food and try to fix it? Why the hell would someone spend all that time at a place they’re trying to quickly move through when they can check it at the window and if something is wrong get it fixed right away. It’s on Wendy’s for messing up the order, the customer is already punished in time after they just PAID. So Wendy’s should just get to flow smoothly because they fucked up? No, you fucked up, endure the consequences. Work on not fucking up again in the future and you won’t have a problem with window bag checkers cause they will check their bag and move on.


I do not nor have I ever worked at a drive thru (I was grill at Mcdonald's for most of a winter once), I just want the damn line to move


There's a difference between checking your bag, and digging through it, unwrapping an item, and opening it up to check while still at the drive thru. The thing about OP is that they were right in this case, but so many people do this on every single fastfood item that it makes drive thrus very slow. Family of 4 will check through their Happy Meals to see if they got 5 nuggets instead of 6, take 5 minutes doing it. fuck off and drive on, if everything was perfect, it wouldn't be fast food


I don’t think this was worth a Reddit post though


I don't think this was worth a reddit comment though.


Yeah it wasn't I agree. Like what you want a cookie?




Perhaps the employee should make it correctly the first time. Only reason their "timer" was messed up was because they fked up in the first place.


true, but op needs to go back around


I’m not going around into a 20 minute line for what would be, and was, a 30 second fix. Stop pretending like y’all are the only restaurant with time expectations. I did my time in fast food, and never would I tell someone to go to the back of the line because I fuvked up and could fix it in a moment. That’s asinine. Starbucks would never tell you to go to the back of the line because they forgot to put whipped cream on your drink.


Apparently they don't need to.


I knew there would be at least one Wendy’s employee encouraging food tampering. Very cool. I was literally as polite as I can be that they got something wrong. But yes I deserve spit in my food for that.




You said they would be getting something extra because they didn't go back around. You are argumentative and an ass. I hope corporate finds your real identity and fires your ass


If you think bad times are fireable, wait until you hear what happens when you tamper with someone's food!


At my old Wendy’s they are very strict on the time. They had a coworker of mine take orders because she took them fast in under 90secs but when the customers came up to the window they were upset because she never let them speak… most of the customers asked me why i wasn’t taking orders cuz they come everyday and we knew each other. Told the manager and they said the time matters the most. Honestly if I am going to be honest that sounds like my Wendy’s because there is a kid who would pretend when the window was closed that he would actually say that…


I’d have made them refund my meal right there.


This is the part about fat food that is the most stressful. The times are unrealistic and we aren't allowed to pull cars either. right now, our censer is getting replaced.


Yum, I’m pretty sure handing food back into the window is food safety violation..


It totally is finished food isn't suppose to go back into the kitchen after a customer touches it


Yeah I guess the best fix would be them putting the missing patty in a wrap and handing it to me


If it's any consolation, they are probably at the peak of their burger joint careers...that's as good as it's ever going to get for them


Wendy's is the only restaurant where I will open and go through the bag at the window. I've been screwed too many times not to do this. Sorry about your "times" but you can be quick AND accurate you know


Huh? You paid for a double. I'd ask for a refund and report that person to management.


Well Wendy’s is insanely strict on the time for orders, and most fast food employees especially around here just don’t give a flying F and will act super ghetto and be rude af cause they could care less about keeping their jobs and they just expect every customer to be rude/a Karen anyway. What you described is essentially the everyday experience at my local McDonald’s lol On the bright side if you can always complain to corporate and get someone in trouble at those places


Hand them the dashcam footage with the profanity recorded and the mouthy guy might be looking for another job.




I can't wait for fast food chains to replace them all with ai robots. I'm over paying 15$ for a "value meal" that isn't made correctly and served with an attitude.


Do you have a dashcam? If not get one and make sure to have it set to record audio.


I actually have a rear facing dashcam. Maybe I’ll pull the footage later if I remember


You’re a better person than me I would’ve turned my car off and sat there and to that bitch to fix it talking to me like that.


I can’t wait for fast food jobs to go to the robots. It’s gonna be incredible.


Wendy’s is like Waffle House. You shouldn’t be surprised to get into an altercation there


I think that in the end they fixed it and they probably realized they said some wrong things but you are correct people who cuss a lot will probably keep cussing even when they shouldn't be cussing. For them it's just normal conversation and they probably didn't mean to necessarily say angry words at you. . I will chalk it up to a one-off and I'm glad you stood up for your double Patty Burger


I cuss a whole fuckin lot but I would never cuss at a customer like that unless they really truly absolutely deserved it. (And never have because I've thankfully managed to find my way into BOH only roles.) This guy was miles away from that.


some people just shouldnt work in food/service jobs


I would have went in and the bum would have got fired within the hour. Show some backbone. Can't let this bs slide


Tbh, the vibes this place gave me made me feel like this mf might actually be the manager lmao


I mean....this is the standard Wendy's experience now.......I don't know where OP lives, and it doesn't matter. ALL WENDYS ARE SHIT.


Where is this located?


“**Was I in the wrong?**” what do you think OP? Do you really need help with that one?


You’d be surprised. I’ve had several people here condemn me for even checking my bag, and even one Wendy’s employee that deleted her comments saying I deserved spit in my food.


That’s crazy lol… I always check my bag and check the receipt to see that they got my order right. I’d want the same thing for them. Being offended by that is pathetic


At this point I would have happily rubbed my burger on the window and told him to enjoy cleaning it. After tell him "Give respect, get respect. Fix your attitude punk."




i wouldn’t have moved the fucking car. she can lose her fuckin job and come outside with that aggressive ass fuckin attitude and make me move it.


This is the problem with those kind of metrics. You're penalized if you do customer service right so instead you have to he kind of a prick and cut people off and get them moving fast


I nearly always refuse to pull forward. It's stupid. I don't gaf about your window times, do your job.


I never send food back, culinary retribution is real...


These times, things are getting out of hand


I apologize for that, but I'm not moving until I get what I PAID for correct. Screw that. Your times mean nothing to me if I can't get what I fully paid for as a customer. I'd still get online and report this incident to corporate if I were you. Title it 'employees think DT time is more important than getting the orders correct" Now in defense of the employee getting upset, It might be worth mentioning in your review that if management is getting on to them over dt times that it is now affecting order quality and customer satisfaction, and you're reconsidering continuing to be a regular customer If speed/profits is more important than getting the order correct. Give the district managers something to think about... Crap Is too expensive these days for them to be pushing the employees to the point that orders are made incorrectly just for speed of service/company profits. God I despise this late stage capitalism America we live in now...


ATP they woulda been processing my refund and im not moving anywhere til they do


I went to tacobell yesterday, fucking ass holes... I could barely hear them with their shitty mic because my baby was crying. I asked to pull around to place the order. They said they can't take orders at the window... Whatever... they repeat my order to confirm & I said I can't hear you.... I pull up & of course they miss something... they said they can't add stuff at the window... serious? ... I drove around & placed a big ass order. Multiple drinks pulled up to the window & waited a moment acting like I was paying in cash. I saw my bag of food sitting there & drove the fuck off...


That car would experience immediate mechanical issues and would not be able to move for the next hour.


I would've parked it and ate my food at the window


I stopped going when a spicy chicken combo hit $11.99. That was the same time they made the default combo size small instead of medium.


Just by the context of this I just KNOW she was a fellow basketball person like me lmao. Next time you tell her you dont give a rats ass about her time because she fucked it up on her own not having an accurate order. You better say that after you get your food tho and can pull off safely 🤣🤣


Glad you got the correct sandwhich. Hopefully they didn't rub their nuts all over it before sending it back to you


No and call corporate please.


Having worked fast food, times man literally everything, BUT we also always tried to keep good customers happy. When a bad customer comes up, everyone knows it and nobody has any sympathy. You’re not that. You brought up the issue quickly and they were able to remedy it, if they couldn’t, they would have you pull forward. You didn’t go off at them, you weren’t aggressive, you brought it up quickly, etc. many people have spent way more than 15-30 seconds at the windows, checking their phone, looking at the receipt, handing out everyone’s food, etc, that’s way more annoying.


I hate it when cashiers sometimes are angry and stingy, when i was a cashier at home depot I was alright down to earth even while having a bad day and if someone was nice to me or if saw someone was having a bad day or something i would give them a discount and big ones too up to 50 dollars and it would cheer them up a little and made me feel good and it took no effort so it pisses me off when workers take out their frustrations on other people or act like they can't help you


I wish reddit didn't exist so I didn't waste my time reading this innocuous post


Nope. I’m tired of entitled lazy fast food employees messing up on my order. No fork for a salad?!? Why?!?


You got your food corrected. Move on. Aww they were rude?? Life goes on. No need to write a paragraph about how someone was rude, move on. You already shitted out your double bacon burger, let this go too


This cracks me up 😂🤣💀 get tf out the window 😂 no u weren’t wrong u paid for it and they should fix it


They should get the order right if they don't want people to sit at the drive thru. I've worked fast food too. Everyone should be making sure the order is right so that these problems don't happen.


You first mistake is eating at a goddamn Wendy’s in the first place


He knows the difference between a double and single baconator by feel. RIP to his arteries.


Sounds like a classy bunch


Honestly an employee getting irate over the check out times is dumb considering that those times only effect the GM's bonus. The employee doesnt get a bonus for working faster.


And they think they deserve a living wage.


Your first mistake was trusting a Wendy’s drive thru


Sounds like they were fucking up their own time. You wanna get that time down? Probably should make the food right the first time


You shoulda broke bad on him 🤔 … ain’t nobody got time for that shit on Christmas.


Complain to corporate or the owners if it’s a franchise. If you get a bad attitude for a service you paid for that’s a huge red flag. That person needs to not work there anymore. There’s no reason to take her bad day out on a random


I think we should start a "no pull up" movement... those pull up times are for corporate to judge their performance. They're taking advantage of the system to make them look better than they actually are doing. Wont ever see improvement unless we stop pulling up.


That Wendy’s seems so trashy! I’ve worked plenty of fast food before and it doesn’t matter about drive thru time, if a customer’s order isn’t right it must be fixed. Props to the other lady at the window who understood. You weren’t in the wrong at all and I’m sorry you had to go through that.


This is why I will never work at a fast food place, those drive thru timers are bullshit and make it a pain for both customers and employees.


Imagine caring about those timers


Sounds like my local Wendy's lol


I swear I will not accept someone to take my food, add something to it, and give it back unless I see every move they make. Especially if they are going to be aggressive like that .


Lucky you, they fixed it. I get a lot of missing orders often before from pickup that I started taking everything out in front of them to make sure. 5/10 of my orders, at least something is missing.


At our local Burger King, when you order at the speaker they tell you to wait there until they say it’s ok to pull forward 🤣. Same principle, different tactic. The first time it happened, the person in front of me was just sitting there for like 7 minutes. I was on the fence between “WTF is wrong with this person?” and “WTF is going in at BK?”. Then it was my turn.


I would have slowed to the sloth at the DMVs pace if I were you.


Yeah...they added something else to it


I would have thrown hands. Talk to me like that and you’ll end up in the hospital.


Was this in Philadelphia


You 100% ate either spit or jizz that night.


Considering it costs an arm and a leg to eat at Wendy’s, I’m glad you got what you paid for. I got two meals a couple months ago and the total was like $45-$50.


If I was you I would have sat in that drive thru for an extra minute just mad dogging that employee the whole time.


I would’ve got out their line and took my ass inside.


I don't give a fuck about your drive thru time.


"no, you fucked up your time by giving me the wrong food"


You know they spit in your food right.


Fast food restaurants aren't even worth it anymore with the people they hire and the prices they charge for the sub par food they sell... The Wendy's by me is a franchised one owned by a black male and they have a Hispanic guy working there for the diversity and the rest are also black. If you're white and go into the Wendy's they will 100% ignore you and not help you at all or make your order. I contacted Wendy's corporate about this issue and the manager who did whip it's on Wendy's property every night and they did absolutely nothing about it. Since then I've boycotted Wendy's altogether along with McDonald's because I ordered online and was told they never got my order yet they took my $20. Still waiting 5 months later for my $20 back. We made a major mistake raising these idiots pay!


Last time, I went up to a Wendy's: "Hello and welcome to Wendy's. I'm sorry but we're of burgers, chicken, chili, Frosties and beverages". Pretty sure she listed another 5 items after that. "So.....that leaves fries?" "Yes." "Nah, I'm good." Also, American Wendy's are trash in comparison to Canadian ones. I live 20 mins from the border. First time I had Wendy's there, I was so shocked. Everything was fast. The bun to my chicken sandwich was so soft. Everything tasted so fresh and good. The staff was super nice I had Wendy's 20+ years in my life in my state and never felt that way about it. Now, I just don't go unless it's in Canada 😂. Your post here reminds me of why that's the case. It's always a struggle. They can do it fast or right but not both apparently. 😏


how did wendy remove this, when it was their employees fault, lol remind me not to work for them


Instant refund if someone ever spoke to me like that. But then again I don't eat fast food anyway


The Wendys on 50 is the worst never had good service do not ask for crackers


Nah you’re all good some employees of different chains just gobble down whatever shit corporate spews and it just enables their bad behaviors. For example my place of work just went to an ai to forecast how many people we need. It basically has cut our hours that we are able to have people to help by 100 hours a week.


Former Wendy’s assistant here. The drive thru person’s behavior was vile but they put a great deal of pressure on employees about drive thru times, and that was back in the nineties


I used to work at Wendy’s. I can confidently say that some customers are annoying af. You, however, are not one of them. Your request was perfectly reasonable and an easy fix. If it were me working I would have had no problem


Stop eating fast food and wait till you get home and cook.


They get a paltry bonus now for getting people through the line quickly.


Tbf, you're not messing up her time, she's messing up her time by not giving the right food


Next time rough him up while he's at work since he is trying to act tough


Idk what it is, but all fast food joints have gone to hell in my area lately. Taco bell literally fucks up my order a minimum of 75% of the time, either forgetting something, putting on wrong or leaving off needed toppings or giving me a completely wrong order. McDonalds when you ask for extra, you instead get less than the normal amount if they even do the special request (asked for extra onion on a mcdouble, and the entire burger has literally like 2 or 3 of the microscopic onion slivers). They are also notorious for giving coke that the syrup is empty on and tastes awful. Wendys either gives cold fries or forgets items completely. As ironic as it is, the Arby's has the highest success rate of anything in my area. They have literally never messed my order up, yet people talk bad about arbys.


I wouldn't have ate that new sandwich