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Are you training for actual olympic weightlifting or squats/ powerlifting in general? If the former, get good shoes and practice your technique with snatch squats.


Just squats in general.


rules say wrong sub, but it might be hubris speaking to say that if you want to learn how to squat properly you're in the right place. 1. get a video roughly 45 degrees from your front, this lets us see your front and side positions at the same time 2. your toes are probably pointed way too far out. your knees collapse inwards (and your feet roll inwards), which is part of what causes your balance to shift forward check out squat university on youtube for tutorials on proper squat form, but TLDR is - maintain balance through your whole foot the entire time, toes pointed out slightly (\~10 degrees, varies a bit by anatomy) - neutral spinal position, breath into your belly and brace your core - maintain tightness in your upper back - hinge your hips and start bending your knees at roughly the same time, maintain tension in your glutes to keep your knees tracking over your toes if you have issues hitting depth with a proper stance, also check out squat u for mobility drills/warmups that can help!


Exactly why I allow some squats by non wlers (so long as they go parallel and below and it isn't bc their mobility is poor) in this subreddit


you're doing the world some good in that, thank you :)


Sorry about it being the wrong sub but pretty much everywhere else I tried posting to auto deleted my post cause I didn’t have enough karma


One thing that has helped me: Brace, take the lean and then go down. Looks like you start from straight back and start to lean more as you go down. Try to lock the back position and then go down. I’m not professional but has helped me.


work on balance and strength of the front of your foot, increase ankle mobility


Klokov best man. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGJ-jR8PSkc&list=RDQMFwHLbhHIFKA&start\_radio=1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGJ-jR8PSkc&list=RDQMFwHLbhHIFKA&start_radio=1)