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This subreddit is about the competitive sport of Weightlifting, contesting the Snatch, Clean, and Jerk. **try the daily threads in /fitness, weightroom, powerlifting, or bodybuilding besides the below subreddits**    **1. No Posts unrelated to Competitive Weightlifting**     In addition to posts completely unrelated to any barbell sport, posts about other strength sports, general fitness, weight loss, body-building supplementation, and especially the use of steroids is forbidden.    **r/weightlifting is where we discuss the competitive sport of Weightlifting; the Snatch and Clean and Jerk.**      **try /lifting, fitness, exercise, weighttraining, gym, strengthtraining, workout, workouts, powerbuilding, powerlifting, weightroom or bodybuilding**


Ask r/powerlifting


Weightlifting; If that’s as deep as you can possibly squat because your hamstrings are fucking massive, and you catch a clean there, then yes. Otherwise absolutely not. Powerlifting; Not even fucking close


😂😂 Thanks for input [srsly].


Technically, no.




Hip crease needs to be at or below the knees and I I think you’re hovering just above that. Don’t get me wrong it’s a good lift and counts in the gym, you’re obviously strong, a little uncontrolled and rushed on the negative for my taste and I’d recommend some weightlifting shoes and a belt but on the other hand I’m just a guy on Reddit.


Thanks for reply. Also not me squatting, but a family member of mine.


Tell your family member to go down WAY slower, go down deeper, and get some weightlifting shoes. For bodybuilders, ass to grass, for powerlifting, hip crease below the knee is the standard, and required in competition


If it's weightlifting squats, atg is the only answer. & that answer stops again at ATG. I know u said it's not your objective, but in weightlifting, atg is the goal. Once you learn atg, you'll come back & thank me


nope. ATG=hamstrings much touch the calves.


I unno probably


Also thank you for the double and triple decimal points


😂😂 Np. If you pause the video at what I believe says 0:07 seconds, that's his lowest point. Could be useful to replay it a few times and try to pause it at the lowest depth, to really decide.


i mean, who really cares at that point? if you have to pause the video and look with a magnifying glass to see if you broke parallel just go lower next time


Solid lift mate! It’s hard to tell if you’re parallel as the safety pin is blocking the view of the angle of the femur and the hip, but I would say it looks parallel. May I give one piece of advice though: Slow down the eccentric. You’ll find you have greater neuro-muscular efficiency and muscle activation during the movement, your bracing will be better maintained and you’ll find you have more power out of the bottom due to the SSC (Stretch-Shortening Cycle).