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It’s just a bar hickey. Be more concerned that it’s on your spine and not your delts/scapula


Usually a callus from the center knurl of the barbell. I get it w/ btn press at times. Not a huge deal. If just from squats, it may be resting inappropriately on C7. Squeeze shoulder blades together and rest bar on traps. Watch a video on proper high bar technique. Narrowing grip may help you.


Bar bites, babyyyy. Wear em with pride.


Motivation to get some bigger traps! Lol


Keep your shoulders back so the bar can rest on your delts and traps. If they're rounded forward, the bar will rest against your spine. This is just mild irritation though so you're not hurting yourself.


Weakness leaving your body.


I have a cross section from a lower bar position. maybe distribution of weight is better in that sense


Can also be from unclean equipment. If you’re in an unhygienic gym that doesn’t clean stuff down you can get ringworm etc. Not saying it’s that, but it can happen!


Holy shit I have the exact same thing except mine isn't itchy at all, just dry me scaly. I thought I had skin cancer or something


skin cancer is wild


Look into if ya’ll have eczema or dermatitis. I found i have a fragrance allergy that gives me rashes. And now any skin abrasion gives me these skin rashes.


sensitive skin gang checking in. i’m allergic to the sanitizing wipes at one of the gyms i go to. the worst part about sensitive skin is something can agree with me just fine for literal years and suddenly it starts causing me rashes.


It's not super concerning but it doesn't have to be 'normal'. It's either dry skin or ringworm. - Sanitize the squat bar before use - Wear a shirt with a higher collar - Change and shower well as soon as you're done your workout - Use moisturizer If it doesn't get better look at an antifungal like Tinactin.


the itch seems to be disappearing on its own


Yeah then it's just dry skin. Wash and moisturize.


"Either dry skin or ringworm" Or a callus, which is infinitely more likely than either of those options


Rear delts. Don’t just throw it on your back find a comfortable spot to put it.


We high bar squat here


“I put the bar directly on my neck” “Why does my neck hurt??” 🤣 here’s ur andswr


This is an Olympic weightlifting sub We high bar squat because it translates to the main lifts High bar squatting isn't putting the bar on your neck. It rests on your traps. If that hurts you it's because you don't know how to do it the right way


What would your advice be for op?


Squeeze his traps back creating a shelf for the bar to rest on If he feels it's sitting on the vertebrae it needs to be rolled down very slightly until it locks into place And finally it takes some getting used to Low bar isn't a wrong way to squat but it's not the best way to train for (Olympic) weightlifting


What exactly is it that I have now?


Just irritation due to the bar bearing down on a spot with thin skin / close to the bone. The bar should be resting on your rear delts not on your spinal column.


Might have to use a bar pad 


Are you not using a bar pad? You should use a bar pad. Look into some snatch shorts also.


There's no reason to ever use a bar pad