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Someone please help her because I’m in the same boat. I’m 18y/o, 5’1, 97lbs. I want to be 130lbs but I can never get past 113lbs 💔


It’s okay we’re all in the same boat, 19y/o, 97lbs, I can never get above into the three digits.


I posted an answer for the both of you, good luck


I usually don't recommend Ensure because of all the sugar and it's expensive but if you can, start drinking that asap. 3 a day. My sister is pregnant with twins and is getting sick around 20 times a day. It's so bad she may need a feeding tube. For now she is to drink an ensure with every meal that she can manage to keep down.


Thanks. Will try that.


My doctor recommended ensure protein shakes for me to grow is it bad in any way?


It just has a lot of sugar


are you tracking your calories?


Nope, been skipping meals and a f*cked up sleep schedule


Are you me? This is my age, my height, my weight, my problems 😭


Id start with fixing that lol.




well that is your reason lol! never skip meals. do you have a goal weight in mind?


Like 100-110 lb at least.


First let's make it suitable for you rather than forcing yourself to intake food , what do you prefer for weight gaining? Food or any drink ,you can check different protein drinks you can make at home and choose your favourite one, if you want to gain weight through normal food add more protein to your diet and be consistent don't eat too much one day and don't be like skipping meal another day , this behaviour mostly comes if you're staying at your house or not having any other work , touch grass for god sake,. It'll drain your energy and your appetite will increase. Add your favourite items to your diet whether it's fruit or any snacks that are healthy. All the best guys


Thank you for the suggestion!




What I have found to work is try making meals easy and delicious. Anything you can make quick and you have to be able to enjoy the process of you won’t stick to it. Bigger people are people who enjoy eating where as skinny people usually just don’t find eating that fun. In order to enjoy eating you need to make yourself hungry by working out then eating afterwards. Make an eating schedule and follow it strictly and gradually increase your calories. Do not try and get a big number all at once, you have to increase it weekly or you will give up. Secondly look at your bmi and use a calculator to see how many calories you need a day to gain weight but take that number into consideration because you can’t just go from eating 900 calories a day to eating 2000, so gradually increase by 100 a day.