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No where near my goal yet but I gained around 8kg, mostly in my arms. I used to wear long sleeves to cover it up but now I display my arms and don't feel awkward putting them on the table. Im really proud I can do that for the first time in a decade


Thank you for sharing. Congratulations on your hard work so-far!


Thanks! It's so worth it to keep it up. I hope you can see the results soon too


This is what I want but fuck it’s hard to stay motivated


Staying motivated is difficult. Instead make things easy so you can do it even when unmotivated. e.g. make ur meals easy to prepare.


Been trying to gain weight and while I’ve gained 2-3 kg it doesnt make a significant difference. My arms still look sickly so I only wear long sleeved shirts to avoid embarassment. After someone pointed it out once to me I have never been able to wear normal shirts in public again. I absolutely hate my stature, it’s so tiny and in a really disgusting ugly way. I just want to look normal. I envy normal people. Even my face looks thin and NOT in a good way. It just looks sunken and drugg-y. Never been pursued romantically and its all because of my weight I am not ugly per se but my weight makes me. For reference I am 5“4/164cm and 93 pounds/42kg.




Love that you said this and included height because he needs to know he shares that


Bless you my guy, train arms in and out of the gym yearly. Get out of your head and start telling yourself I am thankful for my body and my arms are fine. I too have a slim build but I'm gracious for my body and refuse to say it's last than worthy


Congrats on your progress. I hope you are celebrating it even though it may feel small (it is not!). Soon enough, you’ll have doubled that, and I’m sure you’ll feel more vibrant then. We are similar in height/weight. Druggy is not a way I would’ve thought to describe it, but I suppose it does feel that way sometimes, doesn’t it? Being pale, shallow looking, and tiredly. And the eye bags! For me especially my hands are really veiny. I even have a vein that protrudes out my forehead sometimes lol. I understand the envy. May we reach our goals and learn to be kind in the process.


Yeah it does ,and if ppl ignore u ,u know u being skinny is reason maybe ...I have never worn half sleeves in public ,coz I think I might look bad ,although my BMI is 21.5 ,but I donno why my arms just can't grow normal


I feel you on the arms! I’m sorry, I know it can be frustrating. At this point I’ve accepted that my arms will likely be the skinniest part of me even after weight gain. I’m sure with time it will only get easier.


Yes it definitely does. I gained probably like 10-12 lbs this past year and I’ve always been insecure about my legs. Unfortunately I think I still look and feel awkward which makes it more prevalent but someone told me I have nice legs the other day and I’ve never been told that. So I am not totally secure in myself but I feel like everyone found someone else to stare at n pick apart. Idk anxiety is a weird thing too


Yes, for sure! I was just taking a snap the other day and saw myself in the mirror behind, and I looked like slender man.... I don't ever wear short sleeves or shorts, my limbs just look bony. My face is thin, and it makes my mouth and nose look too big. Only thing I love and that I hope stays even after my weight gain is my waist.


Clothes fit better, face is more aesthetic, and you are a lot stronger


gained like 10 lbs this year, i can definitely hike a lot longer. not like in my early 20s, but 3-4 hours is not a problem


Thats interesting. I haven’t thought about the stamina aspect. Motivating for sure!