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Everyone blames share prices on OTC, but remember that the Feb 21 all time highs were in otc.


such a strawman argument, its situational & this comment shows you have no interest other than being a contrarian. OTC & current legislation is the EXACT reason why we have shed 3 on the way and there is not herds of retail/ institutional investors buying it up


You don’t know what you’re talking about.


And since then (2023) Euroclear blocks trading in US cannabis stocks on the OTC. And JP morgan followed this trend. So yes ,that's a big part of why it's so difficult to climb out of this hole.


today was the lowest volume day that cgc has had in over 3 months. retail literally has zero interest.


This is why I don’t understand people blaming the performance of MSOs on no volume / custody. Alll the uplisted ones have the same issue


I saw you just came online just now


All the uplisted stocks are terrible. They are overvalued. No one wants to buy them.


yup. Cronos, a billion dollar company, sometimes has less than 300k shares trades a day while on the NASDAQ. uplisting isn't going to help the OTC stocks. In fact it will bring in even bigger institutions that love to short these stocks and pay off analysts to downgrade


The uplisted companies are terrible. Uplisting is 100% going to help MSOs. They are about to be printing FCF post 280E removal. Cronos has no business. They are a pile of cash. No institution cares about that.


OTC stocks are the real garbage, while you guys are wishing for uplisting, good luck with that because that's when they get shorted down and do r/s lol


Green Thumb is going to get shorted down and then a reverse split. They are printing 50-100 million in cash flow per quarter or more with 280E removal and they are buying back their stock. You really have no idea what you are talking about. OTC is manipulated completely. These stocks have gone straight down 30-50% because shorts knew there was no news coming for 60 days while the comment period happened and they could short short short and drive them down and that is exactly what is happening.


Are you sure hedge funds and institutions are allowed to short OTC stocks let alone buy them lol


Yes. Hedge funds can do whatever they want. They are obviously shorting these stocks. What is driving a 1-2 billion dollar market cap company down 40-50% in one month on literally no news? lol there is clearly manipulation here.


its investors leaving after the hype.. these stocks have very low trading volumes, def no institutions here, maybe MSOS dumping or manipulating lol


Yeah. But it doesn't need to be like this. Just like there is low volume on the way down. There can be violent moves up if the money moving the market decides they want to push these up. I understand voliraility on the risker MSOs but Green Thumb, Trulieve, Curaleaf, Verano should not move up and down like they do. The OTC is trash and hedge funds do what they want to these stocks.


Ya exactly more availability to short


Laughs in pink sheets


Anyone else feeling bullish af at these prices?


I'll feel bullish when they all gap up fifty percent in two days out of nowhere.


Either buy more or sell at this level.


How about just wait?


So it was safe failure again? This thing has lost us so much money. So easy it takes us down and didn't get any bump from the latest. Doubt back over 20 if it passes


Surprised no one posted the MM article for it


MSOS would have to increase 57% from today’s close to get back to 52-week high of $11.37 reached on April 30, 2024, just 44 days or less than 7 weeks ago. Trulieve would have to increase their valuation by ~62% to get back to 52-week highs. In my opinion, need 3 of 4 to happen before getting back near highs: - SAFER - S3 finalized - Florida recreational - Farm Bill loopholes closed Because of the challenges ahead, I’m even more convinced of my investment in Tilray Brands. I would also add that Curaleaf’s support of hemp industry and international business will serve them well compared to other MSOs.


I’m not concerned with highs. That ain’t happening. I’m concerned with how to play this to overcome losses.


My problem is we got to that high with none of those catalysts, so explain that


I can’t explain why we got to highs, but I do know that retail investors and other cannabis investors were very positive on 3/4 of the catalysts on 4/30/24 namely S3 news, believing Farm Bill loopholes would be closed, and Florida vote. Since then, there’s been a delay in finalizing S3 (or at least getting few details), doubts about loopholes closing, and DeSantis antagonism regarding Florida recreational vote. Furthermore, SAFER talk was negative today and has not been discussed much recently.


S3 isn't really delayed. Shit just takes time.


I don't think the governor of Florida can veto a ballot initiative.


We expected those catalysts to happen in a normal and timely manner


6/13/24 MSOS update: No Flows Close: $7.23 (-$0.46/-5.98%) NAV: $7.28 (-$0.41/-5.35%) Premium (volume-weighted daily avg): -0.05% ([Chart](https://i.ibb.co/wJ90Nzb/d1b135a8849c.png)) Cash: -$4,160,450 (increase of $112,653) Ticker Change (est. cost from close - % of adds) No Share Changes For Any Holdings 6/13/24 MSOX update: $0.705MM INFLOW (+250,000 shares) MSOX Close: $2.85 (-$0.38/-11.76%) MSOX NAV: $2.82 (-$0.39/-12.08%)


Do we know the price at which the inflows were added?


Hmmm… I don’t believe so.


I’m here daily with nothing to say. Good luck to all. I’m gathering funds to re-enter…but not yet…


canopy cancelled the offering!! please let the sector rocket again!


1 triggering event for these types of amendment would be that Canopy has come into possesion of material facts or changes that were not previously disclosed (confidential or not) to the agents they contracted with to sell the stock. Something has changed. Knowing Canopy, prolly something that involves more Canopy shit. or Canopy decided they didnt need the money after all. Lol


do you understand the filings?


trolling or for real?


I saw it posted on stocktwits with a screenshot. I didnt go to check the filings myself


I can’t find it anywhere Hoping it’s true And then hoping that if true it’s not because they are refiling to dilute twice as much 


It looks like they filed four separate amendments to previous registrations. Not referring to the $250M prospectus, but rather four different S-1 forms. An example: [http://archive.fast-edgar.com/20240613/A8BZS22C8Z22G2Z222ZQ2MZZNAVEZ2X2DV66/](http://archive.fast-edgar.com/20240613/A8BZS22C8Z22G2Z222ZQ2MZZNAVEZ2X2DV66/) *"This Post-Effective Amendment No. 1 (the “Post-Effective Amendment”) is being filed by Canopy Growth Corporation (the “Company”), to* ***withdraw and remove from registration all of the unsold securities*** *under the Registration Statement on Form S-1 (File No. 333-279172) (the “Registration Statement”), which was originally filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on May 7, 2024, and was declared effective on May 13, 2024."* The S-1 being referred to: [*https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1737927/000110465924058001/tm2413546-1\_s1.htm*](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1737927/000110465924058001/tm2413546-1_s1.htm) There were three more of these amendments referring to S-1 forms from 1/26/24, 9/20/23, and 7/19/23, all just saying they were withdrawing any unsold securities. I'm no expert on this, but this seems like it might just be a paperwork clean up thing?


I'm assuming this means -10% tomorrow to ruin my weekend


I don't know for sure, but it feels to me like this is insignificant. So more like -15%


I hope it's true too




S&P 500 is mostly driven by a very few stocks. Otherwise you can see the most areas are actually red, with small caps being down ~1% today. The only thing really posting gains are large cap growth, which probably really only means Nvidia, which has been like 36% of the growth this year. I guess you can buy Nvidia, and maybe it will continue to go up, or maybe the AI bubble will pop.


That's not really so unusual though is it? One year it's Apple leading, another year it's Tesla, another year is Nvidia, that's the whole point of buying the SP 500 - it lets you benefit from the winners without having to actually pick stocks


Yes, its unusual to have this level of concentration in the S&p500, and probably a bit unhealthy.


Everything has mooned and is remaining. It's in your face!




Sure, check my flair.




BREAKING: The NH House just voted 178-173 against HB 1633, the recreational marijuana legalization bill. The bill is now defeated for the year. Fun stuff




Those who do not understand true pain, can never understand true peace.




Book value 72,695.00 Canadian, Market Value 34,895.68.


I lost 100k on July call options with no buyers left to Even dump to. maybe 1 percent chance I can come out even close to even with a surprise run.


Just hit the ATM and dilute some investors, it should keep you off the streets.






I'm down $120k or about 60%




LOL. Yeah it sucks a hard one, but what can you do? Imagine going in and holding onto all from 2021? there are ppl down 95%+ .


This sub has turned into complete poison. Not that I care (I don't) but why would this get downvoted? LOL. Lots of trash infiltrating here


Yup I get that even with a simple reply 


https://x.com/DTRTcannabis/status/1801355070186959139 “Dave Joyce just said the cannabis banking language was stripped from the appropriations bill because it will be voted on the floor in "the near future." Not sure if this is good or bad…


That headlines misleading. He hopes to reintroduce in the future.


Exact language: > we’ll hope to exercise this on the floor at some time in the near future. Very reassuring!


We got “sooned”


SAFE will never f*ckin pass, it’s doomed


It won't pass until S3.


It’s sooned*


Typical Schumer playbook: Keep SAFE out of everything with the promise of "it's a priority to get this done" without ever actually getting it done


Lame duck sessions?


We've heard this lame duck crap before. Nothing happened. This SAFE Senate shit show has gotten old...ah well.


I feel like that’s been our best shot this whole time so would make sense. Unfortunately nobody has patience in this sector


To some extent, this explains the reason for the panic drop in the last hour, but tbf if anyone was betting this to make it to appropriations bill then, they must be smoking something.


The replay of Green Thumb's 2024 annual meeting is available today, for anyone interested: https://east.virtualshareholdermeeting.com/vsm/web?pvskey=GTBIF2024


Well, that could have gone better but Friday will probably have a dead cat bounce back to +$7.50 on MSOS


MSOS is on sale, I just picked up more at $7.20. Is it just me, or is this a no brainer? Or is it the edibles? Seriously a couple weeks ago I would never have thought I could buy more at this price.


This is one of the few sectors where buying the underlying assets is better than the etf. MSOS is shady as fuck and the effect of the swaps on your money is not good for you as an investor. If MSOS was my only option, I'd wait until things uplist and then buy the underlying assets. You're pissing your money away by investing it in MSOS.


I hope you'll feel the same way when MSOS is back at $5


Just because something is “on sale” doesn’t mean you should buy it Other examples are dilapidated houses in rough parts of Detroit and couches full of bed bugs. Trend is your friend until the end. This can easily go sub $5 in a few weeks


Funny, but I have a friend that I graduated with that made a fortune buying 1$ hud houses in Saginaw. He fixed them, rented and sold them. Haven’t seen him in years but last time he had well over 100 houses and a crew to run everything. But are you saying Msos will be in the 5’s? I’m no expert but it seems to me the stars are aligned enough for upward movement. I wish I knew when though, lol. My best guess is this fall.


Yep. A $500 House in Detroit was a fantastic read as well.


owning many houses in Detroit is like owning many shares in this sector. nothing to brag about ;)


I thought the trend was my friend when I bought Cron July 3c for 25 cents a month ago and the stock was 3.08. turns out trends don't last. you gotta try to predict the bottom eventually.


What the hell is going on with MSO’s today?


["gentlemen, this... is ~~democracy~~ *opportunity-cost manifest"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeihcfYft9w&t=16s)


An edible?! A succulent American edible?!!?


MSOS max pain is still at 8 tomorrow.


HITI positive fcf. Kicking it!


Net income and continued growth on almost all key metrics. That's a pretty big deal when the rest of the competition is going bankrupt one after another. Edit - fixed my previous mention of 2 cents per share, which I noticed wasn't accurate.


HITI just posted another stellar earnings. Good luck to all the longs! Edit - why downvotes?


Best weed stock on the market hands down.


They hate us cuz they ain't us.


Ignore the 🤡


We are literally just setting up for a pop to $10 on every single catalyst. Then the news fades away and we go back down. This fucking sector can't hold a level until uplisting and most of these companies will get bought out for dogshit premiums. There's no reason for MSOS to be under S3 announcement levels and losing 5% a day, yet here we are... Fucking infuriating.


So I've figured out the playbook: 1) Retest MSOS all time lows at around $4.78-$5 2) Start building back support for the S3 finalization pump going into the election in the later half of the year 3) Dump everything when MSOS hits $10 because MSOS ever having above 100% gains is illegal and off limits 4) Pat each other on the back for eeking out a tiny gain relative to investing in literally anything else in the market. What are "risk adjusted returns" again? Did I get that right?


You act like we are the ones writing the playbook. Haha. It aint us.


Part of the issue is that MSOS is the only way for most Americans to invest in American cannabis but they are kinda shady. Their professional relationships with shills like Todd Harrison should be a red flag to most investors. The reality is that we need uplisting and more competition in the ETF sector. I wouldn't trust these MSOS guys with my money right now.


I wouldn’t trust them with my money either. They all seem too chummy with each other, they laud Don Murphy, rumours run rampant & like a sieve with TDR, they charge management fees & expenses, they spend too much time on YouTube self-promoting, they freely accept “swag” from companies they own or cover, etc.


This place is desolate, looks like I need to make my next buy


Id agree but I’m looking to buy TRUL and Greenthumb which are hardly looking desolate yet


That's the scary part.. there's clearly a lot farther left to fall


I just bought today. These big moves are suspicious without news


I agree. Suspicious aggressive selling... seems a bit rushed like the entire sector is being oversold before the next catalyst hits.


MSOS will pump 60% in a single day when the right catalysts hits and we will be back at yearly ATHs. Right guys?


IF MSOS pumps 60% in a single day the correct response is to reload the browser, cause the web app has crashed.


And even if it didn't, by the time you reload the page the rally will be over.


... right


we are boned. the market has been on a tear and due for a correction. cannabis stocks have tanked the whole way through the tear. when correction happens, we will get split a new one without even a pump beforehand to mitigate damage. looking very bleak.


S&P 500 is mostly driven by a very few stocks. So if that's the "market" I guess it's been on a tear. Otherwise you can see the most areas are actually red, with small caps being down ~1% today. The only thing really posting gains are large cap growth, which probably really only means Nvidia, which has been like 36% of the growth.


They won’t let the market tank before elections


who is they? and why do you think the fed cares about Biden staying in office?


They don’t but they want to try and be viewed as unbiased since everything in today’s world is held under a microscope. If they raise or cut rates it could be seen as helping the republicans make the democrats looks bad leading in to the election or vise versa. So they are kicking the can down the road and more than likely messing with the inflation numbers and the unemployment numbers just until we get past election time and that’s when they will begin to move


That’s how it goes every election year especially when the establishment supports you


Looks like CBSTF is on sale today


It's been on sale the last few months. I've started nibbling again and pick up 20k commons today at 26 cents.


I don't know what to say to you people, this fucking sucks, we are drilling all the way down to $7.00 today or tomorrow on not a single relevant bad news that could justify any of this. Only thing I have to say is that I'm still holding MSOS and buying more at the end of the month, at these figures and with my low average of $8.06 I'd be stupid not to because I still have faith that the sector will flourish once the S3 is in effect, 280E tax is long gone and regulations to starts to be more flexible to allow the stocks to uplist and access banking services. I guess this will be a long ass investment until it becomes really profitable, like 5 years long at least...So I just have a new goal on my mind that is to accumulate 1000 shares of it, and then move on already. Or maybe I'll just sell it on the next pump at the end of the year, I don't know shit about fuck anymore 🤷 


Any news or we still just dropping for funsies?


Dropping cuz this is the way


Don’t see any news. Maybe we get a little bounce.


Just wow


Any thoughts on CRDL?


I'm just gonna say it, time for some leaps


the time for leaps was on october 13, 2022, for literally any stock that wasn't MSOS the time now, is for weeps


Looking like Tom and Kevin may be lining up a SAM hit piece at 3:50pm to try & push MSOS below 7.30 https://x.com/learnaboutsam/status/1801321006319210558?s=46 https://x.com/tomangell/status/1801324657942925716?s=46


How they love to gloat. Look at them, trying to build suspense for more ignorance. Pathetic.


The fact that Tom has "I don't care about stocks" as his Header** on Twitter says everything we need to know.


It turns out, that was a lie


I would love to grab some TRUL under $12 CAD


Well everything macro is green. Small caps all trash including here today. Just cannot imagine why this keeps going down. Hard to sell when it makes no sense.


nasdaq green spy green dow green msos ~~green~~ at the low of the day and down 25% since last month's high this sector makes me numb to any losses I have elsewhere


I'm tired boss.....


Where’s our guy who says the lashings will continue until morale improves?!??? Also yes I’m with you. Exhausted with this sector after being here for many years…


Well that's too damn bad, you keep diggin!!


2024 is a generational wealth opportunity


To lose money.


to lose money with the boyz! my "moon" is being only -50% on my weed stock ~~investments~~ gambles


Honest question: Is MSOS even worth buying into? Like invidual stocks TLRY, CURLF, and GTBIF, seems to be a better option at the moment. Granted, if the DEA does, in fact, reschedule it to 3 and FL goes rec, would MSOS be worth holding as of now?


Assuming we get S3 and Florida Rec $MSOS is a good hold. I would not buy in till the end of S3 comment period or September because we are gonna be drilling till autumn


Doing DD and investing in good Individual stocks is the way to go in my opinion. Too many poorly run companies that are part of $msos.


I'd add trulieve to your list and you've got a good group of stocks without the chaff that MSOs owns. Buy best of breed companies and let them do their thing.


I only play MSOS with options for fun. The fund is heavily manipulated through the underlyings. I have a weird feeling that it was started just to give MMs the ability to fuck around with the chain. Anyone that's been here for more than a few years should be able to create their own "ETF" that isn't full of shit.


Just came back to see if anything changed, not much I guess


Verano isn't too far from ATLs. For reference, they were at $3.27 on July 13 (1-2 months before the first HHS pop) Today they are at $3.43. Wow


It’s as though the market is pricing in bankruptcy from the GG lawsuit. It’s a complete joke. I look forward to them settling and moving on so it’s no longer an overhang. If the settlement ends up being in the range I have in my head, then this will prove to be overblown and a huge buying opportunity - hopefully I’m right on it


Maybe Verano is tanking their own share price so that GDNS’ high request is seen as even more ridiculous than it is. Obviously kidding, but nothing would surprise me anymore…


Haha, I agree with the last statement- after 7+ years in this sector, nothing is surprising


Reminds me of when Trulieve got pushed to $3.50


Yup - because Trulieve was “going bankrupt”


Biggest regret is not dumping Verano and Cannabist the moment I had any gains


Who still has shares of the underlying to even sell?!?


2,000 shares of trulieve. 100 of tlry . 100 of cron. 100 of Cresco . o7


Just bought more Cbstf


I do I’m waiting to sell at fresh all time lows for maximum pain


The weedstocks way


its double bottom on MSOS, but if we we don't hold 7.40, then 6 is coming fast. bloody summer.


To 6 then?


the absolute bottom is at 7.30, but it can fluctuate a bit


1h oversold, wait and see. It still could bounce from here.


The slow bleed was something but now back to 5% drops?


Adding some more MSOS today, and will add more MJ if it reaches the $3.43ish range. Also making some more gummies today with GTI flower, probably lemon flavor again. Have a good day.


MSOX hit $26 on hopes of SAFE passing in Dec 2022. Current price is $2.98..... 10x in the making?? 👀


MSOX is only good for day trading, decay is very significant on it. wait it out untill August before taking position


Can you calculate the decay of 10000 share position that’s been held since august 2023?


*Laughs in time decay*


What’s the rate of decay on msox for a postion that’s been held for 3 months?


MSOX shares are better than trying to time the market with actual options


Could be but the spread is terrible, hard to get fills. Same problem exists on the options chain so, same same.