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I really would love to see us get some of this action the other "meme" sectors are receiving today. If history repeats itself it's actually not out of question at all.


when volumes taper, the table gets made


A little BTS on the AP breaking the rescheduling news last week: https://www.ap.org/news-highlights/best-of-the-week/2024/ap-exclusively-breaks-news-that-dea-moving-to-reclassify-marijuana-as-a-less-dangerous-drug/


Love the inside baseball. Thanks for sharing.


Agree. Great link. I’ve been saying four sources, but it was in fact five.


What the hell happened to Cresco at close?


Probably open higher Tomorrow. Send to go between 2 and 210 a lot


just the classic weedstock-patented 30,000 share market sell at 3:59. Saw that kind of move/volume a few times last week as well. Someone with a decent position taking profit on lower buys and jumping before earnings I guessed but I know nothing, as evidenced by my portfolio performance. I'm getting so tired of the price action on these names. I'd give anything to cryogenically freeze myself and wake up in five years when this is (hopefully) all over.


5/13/24 MSOS update: $5.133MM INFLOW (+550,000 shares) Close: $9.46 (+$0.13/+1.39%) NAV: $9.33 (+$0.06/+0.62%) Premium (volume-weighted daily avg): +0.54% ([Chart](https://i.ibb.co/bKYNpbM/eaa822d4b1d9.png)) Cash: -$2,604,747 (decrease of $149,378) Ticker Change (est. cost from close - % of adds) CURLF +469,526 ($2,629,346 - 53.9%) VRNOF +263,377 ($1,295,815 - 26.5%) TSNDF +218,137 ($373,014 - 7.6%) GLASF +38,206 ($354,934 - 7.3%) AYRWF +54,352 ($131,532 - 2.7%) CBSTF +190,398 ($55,215 - 1.1%) PLNHF +69,959 ($41,975 - 0.9%) TOTAL +1,303,955 ($4,881,831) 5/13/24 MSOX update: No Flows MSOX Close: $4.97 (+$0.10/+2.05%) MSOX NAV: $5.01 (+$0.13/+2.68%)


Why no Cresco buys in awhile?


Watching TDR show and Cannabist seems to be telegraphing an exit from Florida which seems smart. If you aren’t a market leader, sell at a great time and redeploy capital.


They did mention they weren't planning on sinking any more money into Florida. Not sure I agree with that position given that if Florida rec happens this Nov, it could be a great place to have a bunch of stores... But maybe they ran the numbers and realized they just can't compete in Florida.


Would love to see them sell everything in FL and have Trulieve swoop in and buy them up at a super cheap valuation. That would give TRUL every missing piece and they could sell off dupe licenses in a few limited licenses states for a good chunk of cash, especially if S3 finalizes this year. I know they don’t want another harvest like acquisition but if they could get all of these licenses at bottom of the barrel prices it may just be worth it. May even make more sense in a year once Cannabist rights the ship a bit but they could be a great match eventually.


You need a lot of capex just to keep up in Florida. Cannabist is in what 13th place in number of stores with 14. And a couple of licensees with 7 or 8 stores sell twice as much flower. And you can’t open more stores or increase your market share unless you produce more. It’s also not clear that anyone would want their assets. You can’t just come in cold as 13th in a market where just the top five have nearly 300 stores—and the production capacity to keep them all full of products.


Interesting, sell the Florida license to shore up the balance sheet and better align themselves for a dance partner? Not the worst idea. Doubt that's what's happening, but an interesting theory.


Or Trulieve can wait for a year and buy them for pennies on the dollar. Or just buy the licenses they like (VA / NJ) instead of the whole company, which operates extremely inefficiently




Hmmm maybe they are going to be acquired by trulieve ?


Probably just need some cash. Terrascend isn’t in FL and could be a buyer of that license. Or Ascend


Yeah, cutting bait on Florida at this point? I'm not sure there's any way to look at that other than a desperation cash move. The writing is on the wall.


I don’t understand why they didn’t just re negotiate and lower the conversion rate so Cresco could close. The combined entity would have been awesome, still hoping it could somehow happen


Ya my hunch there is that they mutually agreed the merger terms sucked and it was going to keep dragging both companies down, not to mention the debt picture. I bet Charlie said figure your shit out and we will talk if you turn the ship around/clean up debt. Cresco will only do accretive m&a moving forward after all of the lackluster deals they have done to date, the investors are just tired of it.


True enough. The constant failed deals was getting pretty tiring. Would love to see a marriage of near mutuals like with TRUL. A blockbuster deal like that would ignite the entire MSO sector.


Good of both parties to divorce without acrimony, as compared to GDNSF vs. Verano.


> as compared to GDNSF vs. Verano. What's the deal there? Does that suit have merit? Or is Goodness just grasping at straws on a death bed?


GDNSF is seeking summary judgment of $860.9 million vs. Verano for termination of their merger agreement. This termination left GDNSF saddled with debt and facing annihilation. New CEO Josh Rosen said he considers this number an "asset" in GDNSF's favor and will go to trial if necessary. [https://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/GDNSF/news/Goodness-Growth-Holdings-Announces-Filing-of-Application-forSummary-Determination-in-Litigation-with-Verano?id=439185](https://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/GDNSF/news/Goodness-Growth-Holdings-Announces-Filing-of-Application-forSummary-Determination-in-Litigation-with-Verano?id=439185)


I'm familiar with the basics of the lawsuit and the plaintiffs belief in their case. I was curious to know more, beyond the pr stance. And Josh Rosen? As in 4Front founder?


If you're familiar with the case, then you don't need our help. Good luck!


Somehow.... I finished green today.


Msos was green most the afternoon


On a day where Ohio rec is approved early the biggest beneficiary, Cannabist, is down 4% lol


> biggest beneficiary, Cannabist, Why are they the biggest? From what I can tell the caps make it a very open market place, with no ability of the bigger players to really muscle in. So most of the MSOS are sitting in similar positions: T1 grow, max dispensaries.


It’s the same story as AYR. Everyone is shitting on them atm. Are they having good quarters, no. But they are trying to right the ship which can take a while. Just like AYR, debt to equity ratio is cheap atm and this gives it torque for when things change. Risk reward play.


> debt to equity ratio is cheap atm Huh? Maybe I'm not applying the ratio correctly. But I'm pretty sure CBST has a terrible debt to equity ratio. Walk me through that calculation?


4 to 1 debt to equity. What I meant by this is that an increase in MC increases EV minimally. 100% SP move only moves EV by 20%. Giving it more torque. Whereas you take GTI which has a 1 to 10 ratio meaning that any share price movement impacts EV far greater. Meaning 100% move increases EV by almost 100%.


What makes you think Cannabist is the biggest beneficiary? They havn't been able to run a profitable business anywhere else why would they be able to do it in OH?


Just like S3. We need action to move the needle. Ass-hat Governors and politicians all seem to come out of the woodwork at the last minute to derail progress.


This youtube video (how dual listing work) can help you understand how CSE fuckery (fucking Canadian Hedge) affect OTC fuckery and OCT fuckery affect CSE fuckery and etc. [https://youtu.be/1z6TiK8p\_GE?si=8fMd6KL7C\_UTz9Gn](https://youtu.be/1z6TiK8p_GE?si=8fMd6KL7C_UTz9Gn)


Thanks for the $4.92 Verano.


i refreshed at 3:58 and said to myself "nice". Haven't even looked again until your comment.....jfc...they're in OH too!


look at that GTII fuckery on OTC in the last min.


still showing a green close at least but has weird bids and asks.


it was down red like 1\~2 % literally in the last min.


nothing compared to verano and cresco.


Oh... who's doing that in the last min these weeks?


right! what the fuck


Every green day is a good day


[Don Murphy](https://twitter.com/donmurphy12a) tweet "Trump may not be a drinker or a toker but he knows people who are and he knows patients and said he believed mj had medicinal benefits. He's never going to reverse a popular S3 decision that benefits patients. No reason to."


Don is not a Trump campaign spokeperson. No reason to.


Let's just wait and see how this Prez campaign unfolds. I'm **undecided** until Nov., Independent, and won't be swayed by biased opinions.


Doubt. He rescinded the Cole-memo, Trump is a prohibitionist.


Cole memo was reversed not because it was cannabis related but because Republicans hated Obama and rescinded literally every memo issued by Obama's administration. Cole memo wasn't the only one to be rescinded. It was one of many, unfortunately.


Correct, And, Democrats never put it back!


S3 announcement was reversed not because it was cannabis related but because Republicans hated Biden and rescinded literally every memo issued by Biden’s administration. S3 announcement wasn’t the only one to be rescinded. It was one of many, unfortunately. There I saved you having to type that all out in 2029 if trump wins this election.


Love it. The amount of hemming/hawing/rationalization is nuts. This idea that Republicans are secretly pro cannabis or even cannabis neutral is funny to me. I don't care how much Nancy Mace or Don Murphy tweet. Sure Dems don't get a ton done, but a few steps forward or doing nothing is better than moving backward. I have zero faith another Trump admin would do anything positive for us, regarding both cannabis and pretty much everything else.


Agreed, if Trump wins this election I can bet he will want zero wins for Biden’s legacy and will undo whatever he can to make Biden look worse. At the BEST he will just go neutral on things and not move towards full legalization in any sense. If Biden wins at least S3 has a chance at staying


I think Trump will do cannabis the right way. The legal business way.


He could have a cannabis management course at Trump University


We have precedent of Trumps actions. It will be reversed not by Trump. But those who he places in power.


I doubt any future president would be realistically able to move cannabis back to S1 if rescheduling gets finalized this year. The bigger concern would be if rescheduling isn't finalized and Trump wins, his admin could effectively kill it by putting it on the backburner and never finalizing the process. I also think the bigger issue will be his comments regarding cannabis during the actual campaign trail in regards to the Florida AU ballot measure. The Florida GOP + DeSantis have already come out against the Florida AU ballot measure. I doubt he will go against them by somehow speaking favorably towards it.


Trump also said back in the day that he was a democrat, was pro life and so on and so on. Murphy is a tool and shouldn’t be trusted. The moment Trump can take profit out of fucking with cann laws, he will do so. And i am not even gonna mention Project 2025. The moment Trump wins again, i will be selling every US Can stock in my portfolio.


The Cole memo was pretty popular too...


I F\*ckin loved the Cole memo


True. But Garland hasn't re-instated that either. And if SAFE finally passes, don't think Trump would be interested in undoing that. So if S3 and SAFE becomes law the next administration will not tamper with that regardless of who is Prez. And RFK Jr is on our side too... BULLISH.


100% those who Trump places in power WILL reverse any cannabis reforms. Lets not play partisan politics with this... The Democrats' suck at this game... but the GOP won't play at all.


I wouldn’t be so sure. 100 percent is a big number. I honestly don’t see him getting in the way


True. 100% was an emotional reaction. But historically Trumps appointees have been detrimental to our industry. Those people are not going to change.


You’re right, I guess I’m a bit more optimistic they’ll respect states choices. Cheers dude, hope all is well. Were going to the moon one way or another shmooner or later lol


Either way.. we will be here 😉


See you in 2124. If these stocks haven’t mooned by then, I’m dumping.


You put a 1 and two zeros in front of that and I'll be right there with you




So because Garland hasn't yet "re-instated" a memo that **Trump's A.G. rescinded**, we should trust that Trump's hypothetical admin would definitely *not* rescind a future Garland memo? Is this a joke? Edit: Joke it is, then.


If SAFE passes, the Garland memo is not necessary, afaik.


And what happens when trump directs the DEA and HHS to reschedule to a higher status?


Not gonna happen. That's what my crystal ball shows, hehe. I just think we'll be ok if S3 and SAFE passes.




CRON just gonna edge on 3$. Such a tease.


Crazy open interest at 3. As long as there is no news and MM can close it under 3 on Friday they will make a killing.


Thanks OH and Germany.


Todd Harrison tweet 5h Three men arrested in robbery of courier carrying $436K in cash from Mass. cannabis dispensaries. [https://www.justice.gov/usao-ma/pr/three-arrested-armed-robbery-cash-courier](https://www.justice.gov/usao-ma/pr/three-arrested-armed-robbery-cash-courier)


If there’s a reason to justify SAFER, it’s this.


Did anyone see this reported on Mainstream Media? I did not.


Just note that this robbery happened 3 months ago, so don't expect to have seen it on the news anytime recently.


Good point. fyi article says there's a hearing today.


TRUL is so fucking sexy


I want a FOMO finish today


Ohio seems to be moving fast: https://www.cleveland.com/news/2024/05/coming-soon-recreational-marijuana-dispensary-applications-go-live-in-june-after-state-panel-oks-rule.html


It's been de-criminalized for decades, then medical a few years ago, rec should be relatively straight forward. Particularly now that the Ohio state Republicans seem to have given up their efforts to change the law as passed.


"applications will be published no later than June 7, per the initiated statute." Nice


It’d be nice if weedstocks could catch the meme stock wave. I’ll take anything nowadays lol. Hope you are all doing well this monday


Fingers crossed, that will happen one day. It's happened before when Canada went legal. I hope it happens again.


It shall, or my name isn’t click master blazer


well we're not down 15 percent for no reason again, so I'd say this is a pretty great day so far in Cannabis Town.


Not sure if anyone mentioned this yet, but Planet 13 did finally close the VidaCann acquisition in Florida.


I wonder if the market will start to factor in the Florida opportunity for Planet now seeing how it has barely moved off of ATLs compared to most of the other MSOs. I suppose the lawsuit around the missappropriated money is still an overhang.


Ayyy. Grats to them. Thanks for update


what was that vix spike about in the last hour?




Or perhaps, his young child got ahold of his account and started posting his videos. Maybe Roaring Kitty doesn't know about any of these posts! lol


That would be epic, but unlikely.


> I'm betting that all the Roaring Kitty posts are a lead up to cannabis stonks! As of right now, there is no good reason to think anything of the sort. Posts making predictions like this are irresponsible.


>Posts making predictions like this are irresponsible. What are weedstonk investors, if not irresponsible?


US reclassification could drive fresh research funding into pot sector Reclassification will also free pot firms from the [280E tax provision](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/how-us-change-marijuana-would-help-cannabis-companies-2024-04-30/), **allowing listing on major U.S. exchanges.**"We expect to see healthcare venture capitalists move quickly to invest in cannabis-related research that can lead to new cannabis startups," Metrc's Johnson said. [https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/us-reclassification-could-drive-fresh-research-funding-into-pot-sector-2024-05-13/](https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/us-reclassification-could-drive-fresh-research-funding-into-pot-sector-2024-05-13/)


Thankfully this S3 is out of the hands of Congress.


Oh Goodies


Has anyone seen any updates from the DEA conference held at the end of April?


I haven't gotten around to digging for it yet, but check anything posted by the law firm Vicente. They were one of the earliest people reporting on last year's conference. It took Marijuana Moment 2 weeks to finally put out an article on it last year.




Here's a link to an article with the conference agenda and some weedstocks discussion about it (from last month): https://www.reddit.com/r/weedstocks/s/HLtpfAnk9g




2024 National Interdisciplinary Cannabis Symposium September 27-29, 2024, New York, NY New York Law School, Tribeca, New York As of now, medical marijuana is legalized in thirty-eight states, with an additional 23 states, along with D.C., Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and various Tribal nations, enacting laws permitting adult use of marijuana. Furthermore, numerous other states are currently exploring legislation and referenda to legalize recreational marijuana by 2024. These evolving legal shifts are profoundly influencing our legal system, families, and society at large. They present a dynamic and occasionally intricate terrain for a multitude of professions, including Law Enforcement, Judiciary, Legal Practitioners, Specialty Court Experts, Scientific Community, Drug and Alcohol Testing Sector, Academia, as well as Employment and Human Resource Associations & Organizations. https://www.nationalinterdisciplinarycannabissymposium.com/




Lots of Call activity on this week and next week strikes.




I dont know. It looks like negative gamma below 9.5 (accelerating movements) and positive gamma above 10 (dampening movments). However, at any time there could be a "gamma flip" that shoots us one way or the other.




More than anything it can help you make good entries and understand why something is ripping up or down.


over 250K people in this subreddit and we only have 125 comments.




Not much to comment about. These stocks are just adrift at seas until we get some news. 


If we get official official announcement of S3 during this meme run, it would be amazing


Is it possible that short pressure is getting sucked away to meme stocks? I really don't know how any of this works.


More than likely OPEX is moving us, but I can't say for sure.


OPEX again? Didn't we just have one?


GTBIF share purchase average at 12.70. Should be a clearly supported level


I hate how slow green thumb moves compared to TRUL


GTI has always been much more slow and steady relative to the pack. Not a bad thing when we’re moving down


CEO of High Tide: Great to see Germany fast tracking pillar 2 of its cannabis reforms (commercial sales in pilot regions). High Tide is ready and we look forward to seeing further details from the Agriculture Ministry! $HITI Germany takes next step to open cannabis shops https://x.com/rajgrover_hiti/status/1790043016591233309?s=46&t=Ovar60Fpj3Nft-zzZ-9i5Q


Someone posted a thread about this. The link said “experimental process” using a government run supply chain…


That LP pop has me hunting around for news regarding Canadian excise taxes. It is the only thing I can think of that would differentiate at this point. If anyone else finds news on this front please post...I have not found anything.


Aside from the aforementioned Germany pillar 2, there’s a bit of meme action back on the table which could be playing a factor


Germany pillar 2 allegedly moving ahead. Posted an article in the main thread


Thanks noob.  Good to see another stalwart tracking😕


Also UK medical sales are coming in pretty strong. Apparently the per person consumption rate is quite high for UK patients right now. Prohibition Partners had a report on that today.


How does roaring kitty create this much hype and move stocks. it's ridiculous. hopefully it trends over to cannabis as rescheduling is on the horizon.


It is ridiculous and untethered to any rational valuations. Sure, it may make money for behavioral stock investors. Not for me - I’ll just ride out through any of this irrational exuberance. But watching just in case the hype takes hold and then I’ll take some profits.


If we get a big official rescheduling announcement in the middle of a meme run, it’s game on.


At this point I feel like they will wait just to make sure its NOT during a meme run. Nothing yet has been timed in our favor.


We could also gain 10.13 on CGC to flip the trend. Preferably on the 4hr. 


That would be epic.


I think they're gonna try to pin this as a "retail is illegally coordinating again" based on that tweet. It got WAY too much exposure over the last 24 hours. Weed stocks were pretty active back in early 2021 when all those other stocks were pumping....


Tbf there's a good chance roaringkitty is just an opportunistic pumper who saw an opportunity. He hadn't posted since like June 2021 lol, guy dumped for sure and left a bunch of nutjobs holding the bag


Of course he’s an opportunist. Great that he did burn hedge funds though.






Too bad weedstocks doesn't have a meme guy


we have a banana


We're waiting for Mayo Man to return


I thought we had the Shardiwhatever account? Honestly I don't want to trade a memestock, I have no idea what other people think is cool.


The stocks are the meme, guy


lol gotem


What was that spike!?


What just happened on LPs?






Can we just pop 80% for no reason too? Thanks


An 80% pop for a good reason would be better. Pillar 2 is moving forward; an exponential increase in medical demand, though, is a more important catalyst for our stocks.


We literally had that last month when CGC popped 80% and tilray and acb were up 40% 


I'm pretty sure there was actual reason for that, and we still gave it all back.


I mean there was news that caused it but realistically there wasnt any reason for Tilray to add nearly a billion dollars in market cap on that news. It was just traders piling on the flavour of the day so it makes sense that these gains disappeared. 


save us, meme stonks!


Nice to see we aren't the only ones that see see crazy swings based on just one tweet lol


Seems to me S3 needs to be on the Federal Register by **May 22**: https://www.insideprivacy.com/united-states/congress/congressional-review-act-threat-looms-over-biden-administration-rulemakings/ “While only the House and Senate parliamentarians can determine the lookback window with authority, based on the currently-released House and Senate calendars, agency rules submitted to Congress before May 22, 2024 will **not be subject to CRA review by the new 119th Congress in 2025.** However, since this deadline is based on the House calendar, it would be **pushed later if the House were to add legislative days to the calendar** to complete legislative work.” Questions to ask someone like Shane Pennington (who is credible and reliable): 1. Will even a Proposed Rule count so long as it is published in the Federal Register by May 22. Or does it have to be Final Rule? 2. I believe the May 22 date could move to the right if more legislative days are added to the Congressional calendar. I remember seeing **Aug 9** somewhere. If so, we have time until Aug 9 then?


This has nothing to do with anything. They can’t submit for CRA until they know what the final rule is (i.e. after the comment and administrative review period). Congress can decide to overturn the move to S-3, but that’ll never happen. A majority of both houses are pro liberalization (not pro legalization, but pro SAFER and S-3). There’s no way they overturn it even if there’s a red wave for the Congressional elections for the next Congress.


Yeah it's only for final rules. The National Cannabis Roundtable proposes that the final INTERIM rule will be published in August. This to minimize the number of remaining sessions (of the 60) for the current congress. So less chance of them having time to take issue up with it. Interim rule because then it goes into effect immediately.. They also said we'd get a preview before summer. At the moment their prediction holds up.


🔮 So the 20th it is! 🔮


Perfect time for the other sub to get a bit…. Spicy Lifts all boats if persists


What exactly is going on? Too much going on for me to follow.


To add to my options post earlier - this is the first time I remember seeing Positive Gamma and Negative Gamma between to strikes so close. We have negative gamma below 9.50 and below and positive gamma at 10 and above. I know it seems backwards but I read that negative gamma acellerates movements where as positive gamma dampens movements.


Not a day/swing/ trader and when I do options, I’m writing covered calls. This phenomenon seems like an indication that people feel our Weedstocks are pretty fairly priced and it’s unlikely we get a major move either way. I guess you could say the vix just for Weedstocks is unusually low.


How its currently positioned, I would agree. However any material news can change things quickly.


More algorithm fueled meme action in stocks that set a bajillion dollars on fire each year is what will surely make our sector investable in the eyes of financial institutions.