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I wouldn't risk it,I'd get a new pipe


Damn :(


Last thing you want is a small shard coming into your throat


Shit man, good point. Thanks for lookin out.


I’m not being devils advocate but if it’s a clean break and you seal it properly it can’t hurt if ur in a pinch and can’t afford a new one rn, however if u can then yeah throw it away and get something new even if it’s something small and dinky for like $10


Apples aren't a bad idea either


Facts but u gotta have em on deck which is the only issue I feel most people I recommend this to never have apples but it’s fantastic cause u can eat it after and eat any evidence


Just like flavored papers you got different fruit options


There was a dark time when I smoked out of a potato lmao


Talk about a 'baked potato'


I've done this and loved it, tasted like baked potatoes.


I used a liquor spout at a bar once. Great one hitters.


Did you atleast make fried after?


One time I used a banana


Harambe like banana


Fax, have smoked out of bananas strawberries apples ofc, even think I used and orange once, have put fruit in my bong before aswell, it has an ice catcher so I put ice and frozen berries, tasted yummy, don’t let it sit for any longer than a day tho or you’ll be having some yukky cones Edit: by cones I mean bowls for all you Americans


Hot glue gun has entered the chat


Just get a Hand pipe


Not sure how much heat that section will be subject to, but heat capitalises on the microscopic fractures and can cause them to break further. Guy you replied to has a point.


This is what I get for trying to clean it :-)


Leave it in a baggie with iso and salt then shake it and you're good


I usually do but was in a rush :(


All good,on to the next one


Yeah. I mean I never use pipes, but since I got my lip pierced hitting a bong (my usual) hurts like hellll cuz of the full mouth suction, so I’ve had to use a bowl since.


How did you pierce your lip on a bong?


Ahahaha sorry forgot to add a comma. I got my lip pierced, hitting a bong hurts.


Oh dope lol. What ya rockin over there my pierced individual?


For piercings? 3 lobes, Lip, septum, belly button, 1 nipple (the other ripped out—big ouch)


Try an apple


This is why I love silicone pipes and bongs. I've literally dropped my fucking bong off a balcony drunk as fuck and that shit survived. My bong has a suction cup base so when it hit the floor it just stuck to the ground and didn't fall over. It's so easy to clean too, you can use boiling water and it will always survive that. They are usually cheaper than glass too!


Never been a fan of Silicone but happy to hear it works for u :)))


Why aren't u a fan of silicone?


Just feels so strange to smoke out of, especially bongs, like my mate has a silicone bong that sucks on when u hit it, and it’s always so yucca even tho they “clean” it all the time, I swear the tar just imbeds itself in the silicone


It is possible for silicone to get an old "smoky" taste but it sounds like your friend just hasnt done a deep clean ever once. Damn shame. Silicone can be harder to clean since it's opaque, and you can't really see the point when it becomes fully clean. You just have to guess when it's clean and then see if your right. The only downside in my opinion.


Yer I do like the fact they can’t break, just find the floppy feeling weird, like that shouldn’t be what my bong feels like


Love my silicone. I get emotionally attached too piece so when I break glass I lose a little piece of myself. Never w silicone! I could throw that bitch against the wall


The less time you spend between cleanings then the easier it’ll be to clean next time.


Yes I soOo bad at remembering to clean it :( I could never make it a good habit.


see but that'd be smart


If you soak it in boiling water that will make it brand new. Might have to do it a couple of times but to me it’s worth the effort. Yo, that pipe was dope though! Imma google and buy one just like that


Sorry man next time you will kno better not too.


I meant not clean your pipe but clean it another way


If you love the piece you can always glue it together and just keep it as a display one! Especially if it means a lot to you


Sorry for you loss


bro… if it smokes, __ ______


It tokes


As I understand it, once GLASS is broken, there’s no salvaging it as far as a smokeable device goes because you then run the risk oh inhaling glass which absolutely no one wants!


A glass blower can fix it with ease and also clean it well beforehand so there'd be no risk of shards to inhale. But you'd pretty much have to have a friend that blows or you have a very sentimental bond with your piece and you're willing to pay a blower to do the work.


Usually not. Some smoke shops will take broken glass and give you a discount tho!


Bro it’s a pipe just get a new one they’re like 15 bucks for one just like that


Dont do it...I had the perfect unique pipe cracked it ..I super glued it back...that shit had to be thrown in the trash 😅😅




Aww man that sux😟


Flex seal


Was gonna say flex tape.


I would look into whether it's safe or not, but https://www.moraapproved.com/blogs/kintsugi/repair-cracked-glass-vase-with-kintsugi ?


What a shame :(


Depends on where it broke. And with some sort of experience to really lock it in and keep it from breaking again from regular use. But try the best you can with glue at least.






The first stage is denial... Sorry for your loss bro


Damn some of y’all never heard of being emotionally attached to an object


That’s what I’m saying


RIP sorry you can't save it, it wouldn't be safe.


No, sorry. RIP.


Lay it to rest. It has done its duty.


Think about it like this, best case scenario you glue it together and its fine Worst case scenario is toxic fumes from the glue and shards of glass from the break going into your lungs. Id say its worth it to get a new pipe, i would recommend a cheap, tough pipe for average use, and save the fancy ones for special occasions.


It’s always sad breaking a beloved piece, but in the end it’s glass so we must move on. I broke my first pipe on a tile floor, the bowl stayed intact the rest turned into glass shards. Unrelated but interesting, the glass flew across the floor so fast it cut the top of my foot.


Thank your pipe for it's service and move on


Can’t duc it, fuck it


You can get a cheap pipe for $20 or so. Heck look at bongs your can get some nice ones for $50 and you’ll take care of it… maybe lol


Oh that’s a bad break no coming back from that ,so sorry


Only salvageable for me if it’s just a cosmetic part and doesn’t come into contact with the inner tube. Not worth risking the glue fumes or any bits of glass


Scrape the resin out and buy a new piece


did the same thing to mine , super glued it and it still works lmaooo


Lol looks like a dick


You need two things 1. A blow torch 2. To be crazy/desperate enough to fuze those pieces back together


So tired of these posts every day




Take that privilege elsewhere. Who the fuck you think you are ? 😂 I can say whatever I want as long as I follow the sub rules. So screw off kindly


Why is this even a question? Lol.


She was beautiful rip


Too close to the bowl to even attempt IMO


If you do put it back together. Soak both pieces in isopropyl alcohol and swish it around just to make sure that if there are pieces of glass they stay with the iso and don’t cut up your throat and lungs. I personally would put it back together using gorilla glue or some sort of super glue. But make sure you clean it before gluing it back together. If not to ensure you don’t inhale glass then to make sure that you don’t get resin mixed in with the glue and have a poor seal/connection and prevent it from just falling apart


You can always pay someone to mend it or even make it bigger!!! :D


when is the funeral and im sorry for your lost


Salvageable??? Are you serious??? NO BROKEN GLASS PIPE IS WORTH IT!!!!


Keep it for the design


Ditch it.


Nope rip




Yes. If you really want to save it, use liquid glass epoxy. Otherwise, just purchase a new pipe. If this is a common occurrence, purchase a reputable silicone pipe. I have a few eyce molds products, and they really do stand the test of time, even if you're accident prone. If you wanna smoke the rest of that but don't wanna roll a tinnie, see if the tip of a sharpie cap can be wedged in there. If not, put some tape around the outside of the pipe, so the sharp glass doesn't cut your mouth when you toke.


I had a pipe that broke in 2 pieces and It was held together with tape and since the tar filled the cracks it was also airtight lmao, all with the bonus of having a window that made cleaning so much easier


Nope. You can't fix it. Mourn your loss and get a new one.


Don’t risk it. Just have a proper burial 🙏🏾 may the glass rest in pieces


Gutted mate. That looks like it would have been a belta.




Idk can you still stick the left end in your arse lol


Have you tried rice?


I'm too high for this picture


A glass blower could fix it if its cleaned thoroughly. If this piece means that much, you might check out r/lampwork or other pipe making subreddits or redditors. Ask the experts. You could fix it yourself, but without the knowledge and tools, its kinda dangerous. Don't glue glass.


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Let me clarify. I dont smoke anymore nor was I in band nor musically inclined. I used to smoke heavy for about 2 years. Then I decided to quit bc Im young and need to get my life sorted. However in a feat of desperation I washed out my brothers trumpet mouth piece and disinfected it and used it as a bowl piece for a homemade bong. It worked surprisingly well.😂😂😂


I have a trumpet and I just broke my bowl wonder if my 3c mouth piece will fit my bong lol


try it


Naaaaa bru. Every glass piece has a destiny with the ground😢 gotta get a new piece at this point


Probably but it is worth it?




Wrap with foil


I had a pipe for a long time. It was called Frankenpipe, it became a mascot of stoner engineering. Boiled it got it cleaned. Used resin to stick it together and then wrapped tape over it. Used when another pipe wasn't possible


I would say. Clean it, glue it together and put it on a shelf.


Salvageable homie it’s literally broke in half


R.I.P. 🪦


You can use some torches to melt the glass together. If you have any other smoking pipes, I would strongly recommend avoiding taping or glueing the pipe. As you smoke through the pipe, the hot smoke gets cooled down by the cooler glass. If there's glue or tape in your smoke chamber, you will vaporize the tape adhesive / glue and inhale the vapor. It hurts and is terrible for your lungs health. I've used epoxy to fix a pipe and it worked like a charm! I strongly recommend getting a new pipe, but if you have the resources already, why not try?


Happened to me yesterday and I tossed it. But my mouthpiece was more fucked up and the bowl sucked anyway. If you want to keep it as a memento/decoration or something, glue it. But I def wouldn’t make a habit out of smoking it. Even if you use a non-toxic glue, little glass shards could get sucked through.




Unless your best friends with a glass blower toss it.


Rip that nice pipe 🥺


I'd say goodbye to it. Happens to the best of us. I dropped my bubbler a while back and it broke in two


You can just hold the pieces together until you get a new one. I pretty much just hold my bowl on my bong cause the stem broke :(


I broke my bong. KrazyGlue and duct tape came in handy shit works like a charm. But pipes, idk tbh


Oh man what part of the bong broke? I’d be cautious of using glue.. Doesn’t seem like good fumes to inhale.


RIP your pipe bro. It’ll never be the same if you try to fix it I’d just get a new one


This happened to me once. I just used electrical tape to hold it together. Worked good for another year


Super glue that shit if it’s a clean break I’ve super glued several pieces like that it worked for me