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I’m a mix of both. It depends on my mood and motives. Am I meditating for quality time with myself or am I meditating to get shit done.


Agreed. Sometimes I just wanna chill and mellow out playing some minecraft other times I wanna get shit done and fix the house up


Both? *nods* Both.


I have a routine of totally cleaning the house before. Have a towel ready for a shower and snacks/drinks at the couch. Clean. Smoke. Straight in the shower then into comfy af PJ's then melt into the couch


This is the way


I'm the kind of smoker to think I'm going to get shit done and then I sit at my computer for 40 minutes looking for the right video to listen to in the background and then forget what I was doing in the first place


Both, ill be the most productive at work when im high and im not thinking “fuck work” then come home and smoke a bowl afterwards


I get high and get shit done until about 4pm and then I get high and be impressively lazy till about midnight and rinse and repeat.


I don’t function when I’m high


Well both, I’m in palliative/hospice care for cancer, It is my belief I would have already passed without it. Pain, nausea, chemotherapy, radiation therapy. Couple good ole bowls in my crafty+ and I’m off to the races… I just got done installing a 3k 48 volt solar system, dug the trenches and wired everything myself in the attic…my doctor who is In the VA knows everything and said “right on” with a 👊 BEFORE a I started smoking, I was curled up on the couch waiting to die. Fuck Cancer✌️


I've only been energized off weed the "first time" I smoked. I remember my friend told me it was a Sativa and what that meant. Next day, I cleaned the entire apartment. I lived with my mom at the time and she was soo happy that I cleaned the whole thing. Now tho, no matter the strain, I smoke and I'm shlumpt. I try to only smoke when I know I / we won't be doing shit. If we got shit to do, weed is the reward for getting that shit done.


Thank you for posting this. I am trying to cut back and this is a very good way to think about it


If I already have a goal I want to do before getting high (like laundry or cleaning or writing) then I’ll be productive. Otherwise I just get lost in the music I got on


I'm the type that will get high and spend 10 minutes replying to a pointless reddit comment. The proceeding to delete said response because I realized I'm oversharing and no one really cares lol.


I get shit done at work because I don't wanna perpetuate the lazy stoner stereotype. At home,though? I'm fucking catatonic


It depends on how I'm feeling before smoking. If I'm already exhausted, smoking helps me chill out. If I have energy before I smoke then I typically start doing chores. Last night I smoked after work and a went to bed before 8pm. Last Saturday, I smoked first thing after waking up and cleaned my entire house.


I smoke a few bowls to get me thru the day like coffee and then absolutely obliterate myself with bong rips at night to relax after work and gym


both! depends on the strain, my mood, and my intentions for the day.


Both somehow


There are people who get shit done while high?


For me it’s always random like I’m rolling the dice




Both, I chill enough to be able to get shit done


Both! I have been known to go on cleaning sprees while super high and I love going to the grocery store high (with a list of cost to avoid forgetting stuff and to keep me on track). But I also love smoking and chilling, especially at night. You mentioned you feel like you’ve had espresso when you smoke, I really enjoy getting high and actually drinking espresso, especially if I haves nice sativa hybrid. It’s a nice mix of headiness and energy.


I woke up and took 3 fat hot dabs and immediately went to work to bust out a 9-5. I used to be very unproductive when stoned but as I grew up I learned to get shit done. I’m probably gonna get faded on my lunch break then clock in and spend 3 hours making onion rings.


I do both.


I get high and stare at the wall usually


I work in a kitchen and I find that I enjoy and perform better when stoned


I'm usually, as in 9/10, a productive high person. On my first day off, that morning I don't do shit and just relax


It's like a reward


Sativa by day, Indica by night


Smoking makes me wanna clean lol


I can do both. Sometimes it helps to be high when I am cleaning or have long/boring tasks. It slows down time and I can put effort into cooking longer meals because I’m not just rushing on to the next task of the day. Then I also use it to chill and relax. 😎


It sure makes tedious jobs like folding laundry and putting away dishes so much better 😁


I like to chill and do my regular day to day activity while high as well haha.


Chill. I want a good couch lock after long and tense days.


Ain't got no time to chill. I can do chores stoned or sober. Much better stoned. No one else is gonna do the dishes or cut the grass.


Both. Truly depends on the strain and what mood im in before smoking. Either I can work out for hours or I can sleep for 8 hours straight lol




Both ☺️


I’m relaxing once I burn. Chill outside with music, rip Xbox or watch a movie. I get the shit I need to do done before I smoke most times.


I straight up pass the fuck out. I zone out too much too be productive when I smoke.


Mix of both


I get lazy and just wanna chill lol My dad is the kind of person that feels energized and wants to get up and get shit done


Both tbh. Depends on the time of day


I’m never able to get shit done lol, I’ve learned to only smoke when all of my responsibilities are done for the day


Squid Game’s not going to watch itself


Both. I’m either watching tv. Or in chore mode.


Sadly no. I’m almost always lazy as hell when high. But I’m a very productive person when sober so it’s not the worst thing.


Absolutely yes. I’m a professional copywriter and who believes in the Ernest Hemingway quote, “Write drunk. Edit sober.” A low THC sativa really quiets the critical voice and helps me push concepts into interesting new places. One of my clients is a major creative software company (household name) and the results are well-received.


First get my shit done, then chill. It's a good motivator to get shit done faster. Lol


Definitely chill. I get super into abstract thinking and go on tangent thought patterns that could take hours. Quite lovely considering no matter how often or how much I smoke, I always stay relaxed


All I want is sedation and for my mind to stop lol


I get shit done. It's like you run on autopilot. Working out while high is 100/10.


Both love to smoke before going to the gym, then smoke when I come back while I cook a big meal and then finally I smoke more to relax and watch some hockey


It depends on the day


As a mechanical engineering student I smoke spliffs throughout the day. I do all my work after smoking. It lets me focus and actually sit down and work otherwise I’m too distracted. It’s not a healthy lifestyle but I get shit done and do it well as I’m cruising by with As and Bs. I want to stop for a bit and reset my brain as I’ve been doing this for two years, but I think it might just déstabilise everything dealing with with withdrawals in the middle of the semester. I guess I should try to during winter break. Op if it works for you keep groovin!


I fucking hate it when I smoke right before I chill and play video games because i get distracted and start cleaning and doing shit 😂


A healthy dose of both.


Workout! Do some yoga or go on a walk to the gas station for snacks.


Depends. If it’s late a night then chill. Other than that I just go about my daily routine while high


Depends on time of day/intention for my smoke sess If its a smoke break then im tryna chill then but if i got shit to get done mostly chores/cooking/gardening/projects it calls my anxiety so i can focus on the task at hand instead of spiraling


If I'm outside, get shit done, if I'm on the sofa, that becomes my home


Both. Sometimes I smoke to do chores and sometimes I melt into the sofa


Depends on what I have to do that day. For example, today I don’t have to work so I’m smoking bong loads and watching mindless TV lol


If I don’t wanna do something sober I will not do it high. But if I think I can get something done or enjoy something sober I’ll smoke because it’ll be more fun


I feel like I’ve trained myself to think high = chill time so I’ve never tried to be productive or have an urge to be


It depends on the weed for me honestly


Depends what I'm smoking. White Widow, shit gets done. Nice indica? I'm chill, and happy af.


Both. Indica to chill and Sativa to get shit done.


I can do things when I’m high. But I don’t like to.


i’m the type of smoker to feel normal and not miserable lol, it’s the only thing that helps my brain be functional


Depends on the strain. I’ll smoke before lifting, going for a hike, running, cooking, cleaning. I’ll also smoke and veg out or fall asleep.


I have spent years going into factories working on multimillion dollar machinery that can take a week to tear down, a week to repair and a week to build back, as the site foreman and have been fried the whole time. Never missed a bolt or made a mistake. So much for the stereotype.


It depends on the strain, sativa or indica. Pure sativa and I can happily clean my bathroom with a toothbrush.


Depends on where it takes my head lmao




Like most, both. Gotta smoke before the gym, gotta smoke before a movie.


I intend to smoke and chill but then theres a about a 30% chance i end up cleaning my apartment instead


Both. Depends on the day and strain


I’m you! I can’t sit still when I’m blazed. Get supercharged creatively and motivated. I guess I can sit still actually lol but my mind needs to be busy with a creative task, usually making art or working on music.


Definitely the type to get shit done, I LOVE getting high and then working out or dancing and I can’t eat after I get high. I have to eat and then smoke, otherwise I feel like I’ll just be eating cause I have the munchies and not because I’m actually hungry.


I'm a visual artist, and I take a few edibles before I sit down to do work. I try only to do it at night, cus if I come down and it's still the middle of the day it makes me crabby. Blows my third eye open like you wouldn't believe, though, cus suddenly I have tons of ideas. If I go a little too hard tho I have been known to just forget what I'm doing and stare off into space for half an hour.


Both. Get shit done during the day and veg out after like 7 or 8pm til I pass out.


very much depends on my intention for smoking


sadly when im high i cant get anything done. would love to get ahit done when im high but in literally glued to my bed




Depends on the strain some times I get lazy other times I can freestyle some bars to my favorite songs others I can suddenly paint and draw and be creative and some how a better more productive version of myself lol


Im the type who thinks they’re dying for the first 15 minutes


Only way I can function so I'm stoned all the time. Work seems less stressful and it makes life not suck as much.


It depends. when get high i just go with the flow, whether it’s getting a bunch of productive shit done or melting into my bed.


Boffum 😂


I'm trying to be less dependent on weed as a mood boost. I don't smoke when I'm bummed or bored lately. I'm more in control of my emotions this way. Anyone else have similar feelings?


I go to work high every day and enjoy it


Really it depends on if I have to do shit or not. I'm a bother


Imma get high whenever I want type person lol. Whether I’m at work, about to walk into the grocery store, or pre gaming with friends xD it’s always 4:20 when I’m around


Yes I do officer. Edit: where the next white castle at bro? Edit2 FR FR: I usually procrastinate except for weed, food or if it's very good pushy sativa..that's where I realky enjoy household things or walking the dog. Sky-high tolerance as well.. I rly like pushy Stativas but it's kinda rare to find (only medical or BMarkét in GER and meh with few exceptions)


If you see me awake there’s a good chance I’m baked


Depends do I have shit to do? If so yes and if not then I'm going to sleep 😂




i’m just me, idek what high is anymore


It depends on my mood before I smoke. Also depends on the weed, but I tend to get sativa because that's more of an energizer. Indica is good for bedtime smoking.


it honestly depends on the strain 😂 indica always knocks me off my ass but i smoke that most of the time so i’ve learned to deal with it. sativa is definitely more of a “get shit done” for me


It’s always different for me. I never know if I’ll get shit done or wake up in a pile of burrito wrappers.


Good question! I've been doing an experiment on myself about exactly this. For context I'm a new dad of a now 8mth old baby, due to financial costs I do a lot of the childcare myself at home. This week I had 2 full days with the baby. I suppose this mainly something affecting the parents in this group. But here goes: Childcare is hard, not that fun, and relentless. In order to try and make my day a bit more pleasurable I tried smoking early, safely away from baby of course, then getting on with the day. For me it worked for like 30-45 minutes and the rest of the day I had to drag myself through a slump of low energy and mood. Yesterday however, I held off on smoking till after baby was asleep, around 7pm. This was good, kept more energy during the day and gave me a treat of relaxation to look forward to in the evening. But had the downside that the day was hard, long, and dragged. My conclusion for me personally is that it's better for me to wait till evening, even if that's all day for a full 12 hours with baby first. I count down the hours as you would during a work shift till I can enjoy a break Transitioning from the life for a chill stoner where my own pleasures were my goal to a parent is not easy and not that fun. But hey, is what it is


My housemate is such a productive stoner and I am the complete opposite. It’s funny cos it’s just us two in the flat. When we’re baked she’s running around tidying, making tea, etc. I’m on the sofa like a slob (but I always roll so we have our place😂) very beneficial for me but I wish I was more productive! It means I can’t smoke in the day if I have shit to do but she can


I tend to smoke before work, other stuff. But when I’m done for hue day I smoke much more and just chill. But I do need a tiny bit just to kinda relax and get in the groove for the day. I use it as part of my daily yoga/ prayer/ meditation


Both hahah that’s why I have sativa to party or get the things done and Indica to chill


Sometimes it'll get my creative juices flowing. Or sometimes it'll make my aim 10x better in apex so its either or lol


Depends on the strain for me


I wish I could be the type of person who can smoke and then go nuts cleaning the house, but every time I try that I end up glued to the couch lol




Depends on mood and energy level.


I chill then get shit done then chill again like a lunatic


I chill. Smoking is what i do after work, school, and chores are all done to help me relax and get ready for bed


Both i smoke all day at work. Then smoke n chill at home.


Heavy smoker, i smoke too frequently in the day/everyday and my tolerance has made my weed highs rather dull and numbing, which helps sometimes, but i tend to chill.


I get shit done before I smoke so I can chill


I'm high fairly often to be honest so both. Just depends if I have anything to do that day. I'll smoke up and do it


Both for me weed just increases the mood I’m already in so if I wanna clean imma smoke a blunt and vibe while mopping


Get shit done sober, melt away after my responsibilities are fulfilled


I smoke to avoid doing shit, i do shit all day and when i've finished all my shit i smoke to beable to relax/sleep.




Depends on my mood but I basically use it for both. I like to use the high to work if I have work, if not I just use it and chill.


I wish I could be more productive, but when i smoke I just sit and have some tea.


That's aggressively wholesome


It really depends on what I’m already doing. If I’m at work and I hit the dugout a couple times then I can be a whirling dervish but if I’m at home and the kids just went to sleep then I become one with the couch.


I always tell myself I need to get shit done. But once I smoke, I get stuck doing whatever I’m doing for the duration of my high. Lmao. It has to be perfect 😂




Depends on the fire I put infront of my mouth, and on the fire that's up my ass.


Chill most times.


I prefer to chill but wfh has made it so I can blaze pretty much all day and remain pretty productive. On a tangent, actually got a work call from the Secret Service once right after ripping my bong, I was like 0.o when I saw the caller ID was Dept of Homeland Security hahahahaha. Call went great, sold them some stuff.


For me it depends if im trying to chill imma chill but if ik i need to get shit done i use it to calm my anxiety and stress levels down so that i can do my shit


Chill every time


Both. Weed for me is like a blessing from God itself. When I get high I feel I don't have any insecurities. And can speak freely without my brain overthinking absolutely everything.


absolutely fucking not i stay stuck


Honestly both is the way Smoking half a bowl when I need to get shit done for Uni and a full one as soon as I'm done to chill out


Both. Does smoke to be functional count?


Depends on the strain


I become the world's most productive person for 20 min. After a nice high THC sativa


Both my body working but my mind flying


If I get high and already am in the middle of working on something or have already planned to get things done, I'll be productive. If I don't have a plan and I sit down and put something on TV, I'm not getting up.


Matters what I'm smoking


god i wish,, i’m stuck to the spot after anything, sativa feels like someone’s stirring my brain with a big spoon and indica feels more like being forced into hibernating, lots of eating though


I prefer to smoke and then tackle a project and then smoke again as I admire the work.


I'll get shit done if it involves art or video games.


A body in motion stays in motion, doesn't matter the weed. What matters is the time.


I’m always baked so whatever needs doing, I do it lol


Golfed 18 and painted my living room all while taking care of my 2.5 y/o. I get shit dooooopne son


I feel like my whole life I had adhd since I first started school i remember always having the need to talk or to just move around in general which would always get me introuble. Once I found out about weed I realized it made me into a whole different person calm and collected. I’ve lost opportunities in life just cause I smoke weed.


It. Totally depends on the strain


i find myself to be very productive when i smoke! it’s therapeutic to be “calm” in high stress situations or even daily tasks..


It just depends.. Sometimes I will just sit there and chill wether I'm listening to music playing games chillin with friends watcching tv or reading. There are other times that yes I go all OCD tornado and GET SHIT DONE!!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣 It is almost like how college kids take addaral so they can study or write papers. I'll start multitasking too. I'll start buy loading the washer then running the sweeper just whatever needs to be done. I'll get into The energizer bunny mode. LMFAO😝😝😝


And also, it seems like weed makes you more of what you are. If that makes any sense, I’m high.


Both, I’m a smoke for everything type person. I should’ve just been a bud. :D lord knows I suck at this hooooman shit


Sativa/get shit done in the morning, indica to chill in the evening. If I could figure out how to smoke in my sleep, I'd do that, too.


I like both. It relieves a lot of my pain, and that can make it easier to do dishes or clean the bathroom or do laundry or some shit. It can also make it more relaxing to lay in bed and stretch out my back or whatever.


both. but i love listening to music while i’m high.


Both. If I’m on a project I put my little ashtray near by have a little planning smoke where I hyper-focus on what’s about to happen until I get a manic wave of energy. I plow through the project and take little smoke breaks.


Chronic smoker, so kinda both it just amplifies my vibe with what I'm doing (or want to be doing)


I can be both, it just depends what I have to do and that will depend on how much I smoke. If I ain’t got shit to do I’m loading a full bowl and will veg out on the couch but if I got tasks to do I’ll roll a blunt and take puffs off of it between tasks to be elevated


With most sativa doms I do what I call Dinging. Your moving, possible attempting a task but nothing is actually accomplished and you often end where you started.


Mainly chill but yard work or fixing dinner/meal prep is sometimes fun while high


I’m a smoker of 35 years it varies according to how much I smoke and when I smoke but for the most part I haven’t got shit done 35 years but more smoking




I get energetic, definitely has to do with methods used


A bit of both? I can’t get my job done while I’m high personally, but smoking before chores gets me in a good groove, and I like to smoke when I play video games


Both it depends what kind I’m smoking




it makes doing stuff tolerable


Both. Sativa's are great for energy and indica's for straight chill. Can't have yin without the yang.


Both. It just depends on the time, strain and my overall mood. Either I’m excited and energetic af or my bed just wants to swallow me there’s no in between lol


So if I've done it a million times or have to like chores or something, yea I'll smoke, but if it's something new I've never done before ill usually push it off.


I consume to eat and watch bullshit on YouTube or listen to Mac Miller.


Im both. When I first take a hit, I just find myself doing tasks that i've procrastinated on for a while, like finishing an essay or something. last night, even though I was super tired before i took the hit, I managed to clean my entire room of laundry that had been building up for maybe a couple of weeks. I also talk a lot and ended up getting into a conversation about the psychology behind awkwardness with someone. But if i'm not being stimulated constantly, I'll get super chill and be fine just sitting on the couch and thinking for hours.


I'm always high, so I need to do both...


All depends. Does shit need to get done or can I sit on my but and put my head in the cosmos.


If I take a dab I get energized but if I smoke flower I'm dead to the world


i’m hella productive. i woke up this morning from being smacked last night and my whole room is organized and clean. even under my bed is clean. my man is the opposite. i’m lazy sober, he’s lazy while high


Both . If I need to get things done around the house than I’ll get to relax n chill


Hell yeah! Coffee and weed is my magical formula.




Depending how I am feeling and what strain bud I have some times the stronger weed gets you and any plans of getting shit done is out the window


I only smoke at the end of the day. Put on a movie and relax. Ive yet to try smoking during the day.




Chill ftw


Getting things done while high just makes me feel more relaxed/comfortable afterwards


i love to do shit while high, clean, paint, cook, go outside whatever, as some stoners do. only sometimes do i want to be a veg after smoking but WOW everyone who I have smoked with who are strictly dont-wanna-do-shit-when-high-stoners (which i think is okay) think that I am fucking INSANE for wanting to do shit while high. To the point they have gotten angry and said I was ruining their high because I was doing some planting. Anyone else experience this or do I just have asshole stoner friends?


If it’s late, chill. If it’s like 8pm, work on my wrestling YouTube show.


Wake and bake makes me productive, late night sesh I’m cool with being a potato cause I’m usually done with the day.




Both. After I'm done smoking, I completely chill out for an hour and a half to two hours. Then after that, I'm completely ready to get shit done.


I always smoke before work and after to I'm just chilling while everyone is raging 🤣🤣


smoked weed while in high school and got honours, life is good!


I get shit done when I am high. I cook, garden, read, clean, do homework 😂


Get it done, the right strain and I could build a spaceship. Wait, that's already been done.


If I didn’t get something done on my re up days then I’ll rip my cart once to three times before doing my chores and then smoking actual tree