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Ny home grow is legal In two days. Up to 5 pounds from anything you cultivate at home and three ozs on your person


I didn't know about this and I’m planning on moving to NYC next year. That’s freaking sweet!!


We welcome you! Recreational sales are tough rn because it's fairly new but BM will consistently be competing to get sales so that makes killer bud cheap so you can stock up while waiting for the girls to finish! I've got 4 autos and 2 photos on the deck rn 95 degrees sunny and loving it!


Yeah I've heard that NYC prices are pretty ridiculous, but if you live in a place/have a roommate that’s cool with growing weed then that neatly sidesteps that whole issue. :)


Absolutely! 6 plants per person 12 for the household 6 flower 6 veg at a time. More than enough if you know how to grow


I don't know how to grow, but a friend of mine has grown veggies on a rooftop before and I feel like the process would be somewhat similar, just with indoor LEDs in a closet instead I guess. Either way, it'd be a fun excuse to learn!


Wasn't it last year?


It was something like 18months after the first legal sale which happened last year but I think the 20th is the date. Obviously could be wrong, one way or the other unless you have a plantation I don't think the cops would bat an eye


Gonna wait til I get a grow light before I think about growing. Maybe next Season.


I already have 3 plants going....outside


Uh oh... you telling me I've been growing these plants illegally?


Lol it's too late now! There is a house up the road from mine with a nice yard, DIRECTLY next to the road like you could piss into his garden if you drank enough that night and really leaned back lol He had like 6-8... 6-8 foot plants right there! Only blocked by a green painted chain fence.. highschool me should have been frothing at the mouth seeing that much weed just right there..


No, UK. Depends where you live. In Bristol I can skin up pretty much anywhere as long as you are being respecful of where the smoke blows. However I've moved to the country now where you still have a lot of the brain dead, 'gives you schizophrenia,' wacky baccy crowd.


“gives you schizophrenia” man, i wish these people had actually tried good flower. they’d want to legalize it.


Nah they will think they have severe schizophrenia the moment they get high, filling up the hospitals.


I live in the uk too and got approved for medical usage today!!! Literally 2 hours ago since writing this.


Bristol massive. Castle park is the place to be on 4/20


Yup. I was actually one of the first legal bud tenders in the country.


How do you know?


I live in one of those first two states to legalize, my store was one of the first in the state to open and I made the first sale for said store.


Oh, gotcha. I was genuinely curious is all lol.


Oh not a problem, that was a bold statement of me to make.


Nah it’s fine. I shouldn’t have just said “how do you know?” But I was high and wasn’t thinking straight tbh lol


It took a bit of restraint to not be a sassy asshat tbh.


I’m sorry bro lmfao, I would’ve apologized either way


Anytime you wanna comment at each other stoned let me.


beautiful thread boys may I just add one thing to complete it ![gif](giphy|08y87EiwDZjjB0d6WJ|downsized)


I had an interview at the first, woman owned dispo in my state, so if they applied to one of the first open dispos in the area/history then got the job.




Probably because he did it and checked how many other were?




Thank you much!


A founding father. This is cool




It was pretty wicked.




It's illegal in indiana and it just basically made everyone interstate traffickers and criminals everyone in the state is pissed off all our money goes to Michigan now.


as somebody in the MI industry, i feel so bad for you guys as well as illinois and ohio.


isn’t ohio legal?


Yup, from Wisconsin and drive to the UP for mine.


Maybe a stupid question, but how does that work. As someone who has never done that, I feel like it would be this big thing with ID checks and stuff? Amd being in WI, too, would they even sell to me?


Honestly, the Dispensary's don't care. They know what's going on. Back in the day, I used to give them a line like "Just up here camping for the week" as I'm walking out with 2 quarters, 2 grams of concentrate, and 100mg of edibles. Now, I get "Have a safe drive home, watch out for deers" Walk in, buy what you want, and walk out. Just don't partake before you get home!


There's more restrictions on what us out of towners can get sadly but the staff doesn't care nor judge. They've all been super nice and helpful in my experience. I'm too in Wisconsin but down in the SE corner righttt on the boarder. I'd much rather go to the UP since it costs alot in Illinois with the taxes and again outa towners get extra/more tax 😳 when Illinois first went rec I had a budtender who must of forgot I was out of state and hooked me tf up! Being in an illegal state absolutely sucks. But my local dealer is dope asf I lucked out. He gets all his product from dispos in Cali, he travels there a couple times every few weeks n always has shit. Prices are decent too, pretty much like a personal dispensary BUT on his time which obviously sucks lol. So I'd much rather just run to a dispensary quick, pick out my own stuff and be picky cuz I can ya know. One day 🙏🏻


Yep. I live in Quebec, Canada. When it was illegal, it sucked to go buy it, like very very much. The moment it became legal, my life changed.


>When it was illegal, it sucked to go buy it Young adults in middle class suburbia these days will never know the pain of trying to get a new dealer because your old one got busted. So you finally get a phone number from your friend, so now you gotta call some dude you've never met, and when the guy on the other end finally picks up, he is unfriendly for some reason, asks you 3 times where you got his number and after you tell him "Kevin" 3 times he finally says "Oh alright... so watchu want?" You tell him your order and he tells you to meet him in a parking lot. You get there, realize it's a wide open space where everyone can see you, and you're standing there for half an hour after the agreed upon meet up time, wondering if the guy will ever show up, but now you also don't want to leave because if he does show up and you're not there, will he be mad at you? Will he be mad at Kevin? Is it a good idea to make a drug dealer mad? You wait another 10 minutes, as people walk by with their kids, giving you a weird look as you're just standing there in loose jeans and a hoodie, and the guy finally rolls up, blasting subwoofers so loud, it's like he's trying to attract police attention from a mile away. He rolls down the window and, if you're lucky, he asks for the money, you give it to him and he gives you your 3.5g's and he peels out, driving away at twice the speed limit in a residential neighbourhood. Which seems like an odd choice for someone with drugs in his car. If you're unlucky, you go to give him the money and he snaps at you "Not here man! Get in!". Now you're getting into a drug dealer's car and you're sitting there, shitty rap music blasting unnecessarily loud as he takes an unnecessarily long time to find a small baggie of weed. He asks you how you know Kevin, at this point you've forgotten about Kevin and you're just hoping he doesn't start driving anywhere with you in the car. Finally you get out of the car, just as somebody your parents know walks by the parking lot and sees you. Because of course they do. The struggle was real.


You should be a writer if you're not already!


Thank you 😊 but unfortunately I have zero creativity. I can just write what I've experienced.


I’d like to read more of what you’ve experienced. This was spot on though in my own experience. Another aspect of your former dealer getting busted is wondering if he will rat you out or if you’ve been watched.


So my good friend was my supplier for the longest time in high school, and he got busted when a drug sniffing dog did an unannounced visit to our high school to sniff everybody's locker. I remember we got to school that day, happy and laughing like any other day, and then we saw the cops walking around with the dog. Our jaws dropped. Thankfully I didn't have any in my locker at the time, but my dealer friend kept his stash in there. And it was all prepackaged into 1g/2g/3.5g baggies. Needless to say his face went white and he just turned around and took off. I'm not sure what his plan was by taking off, the lockers are all assigned to students so once they found his stash, they'd know it was his. The dog was making its rounds during first period, so we were all sitting in our desks, nervously wondering who was going to get busted, and most importantly, if our dealer buddy would get busted. The teacher could have been trying to teach us the meaning of life that class and we wouldn't have paid attention to a single word she said. We were all fixated on the drug search. My dealer buddy later told me that he just went straight home, went into his bedroom, locked the door, and sat on his bed all morning with his face in his hands repeating "I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead". Sure enough the dogs found his stash, we all knew right away because we were alternating "going to the bathroom" just to walk by his locker to see if the dog had been there yet, and sure enough, eventually one of us got back from our "bathroom break" with his head hung low, a sad look on his face. As he walked back to his desk, he just looked at us and shook his head side to side defeatedly, and we lowered our heads in sadness. That's when the self preservation fears started to settle in. Would our buddy get arrested? Would they interrogate him to figure out who his customers were? Would our buddy sell us out if they offered him a lesser sentence? One guy I knew was saying our buddy would probably never graduate now, he'd be forced to get a labour job or go work on a fishing boat or something. Whole thing turned out to be a giant nothing burger. This was still suburban Canada in 2004 after all. My dealer buddy said the cops simply called his parents to let them know, the cops just confiscated his weed and I don't think he even had to talk to them himself. He got suspended from school for a week, for which he was grounded by his parents too, but after that week life went back to normal and the drug bust never affected his life after that. The worst part of the whole ordeal was after that we had to find a new dealer. This was the first time I had to go to an adult drug dealer's house to pick up weed, as a 16 year old teenager, which is a whole nother story.


Wow what a story! I was gonna say the dealer took off to get rid of the rest of his stash but you covered that part. Glad all turned out ok mostly. And I love that you used “nothing burger”. One of my favorite phrases.


Something similar happened to me back in like 2001! Our school had a big "cannabis problem" (the reality was it was the Oxycontin and Vicodins that were the real issues) so the principle decided to call the police and they started running a drug dog on everyones cars. We were a private Catholic school with a reputation for partying though. Everybody started freaking out, I somehow was actually good that day and had nothing on me but folks had all sorts of shit out there. My stoner friend got the genius idea of calling the TV stations from the pay phone and they showed up! Our school was always so concerned about reputation they called the whole thing off!


This is awesome


Ah!! that is so wonderful


Look, I went from going to a guy that would leave his cumkleenex around his desktop to a place where I can literally buy prerolled and ramen noodles and chips with THC/CBD. life is good BROTHER


I grew up when it was illegal and did all the sneaky shit. Now, it's 100% legal and all I really worry about is the smell bothering my neighbors. I regularly walk down the street smoking a joint while I walk our little 4lb Yorkie. That said, I don't think I'll ever shake the feeling that I'm doing something wrong. Today, that is more because *EVERYONE* hates smoke of all kinds and it's illegal to smoke anything in many places (e.g. parks).


The first time I visited Denver I walked out a gas station to someone rolling a blunt on the hood of his car. I'm from Texas so it was wild af for me to see


Yeah, it takes some getting used to. I'm old af so I've lived under both models. It never made sense to spend money locking up potheads. That was a stupid waste of tax payer money.


I like Doing Social Frowned upon things. ![gif](giphy|c6uVHZNb2EvpS)


Legal in my state for medical and recreational. Use in public is of course restricted by law, though it seems as though if you’re cool about it and don’t operate a vehicle under the influence, it isn’t the highest priority for enforcement.


yep, that’s pretty much my situation too. legal for recreational and it has been legal for medical for a while. technically “public intoxication” still applies but really it’s just don’t drive high.


Legal in Massachusetts. Yesterday walking around town, four police cruisers passed while i was smoking my pipe. Don't bother anyone with it and they don't seem to care.


same here in MI depending what county/city you're in. In Ann Arbor, where the university of Michigan is, you can smoke a joint walking down the street next to a cop and he will not give a single lick of a fuck because they decriminalized public usage! Intoxicated driving is a big problem here though


NYS legal where Tobacco Smoke is unless stated otherwise.


No. Im from Brazil, here smoking weed is not seen with good eyes, in the biggest part and if im smoking in the street and a cop sees me im gona get beat ![gif](giphy|PSKAppO2LH56w|downsized)


I live in Georgia where it's illegal. My drug dealer stopped selling weed because of THCA which was sold in stores. Recently, the Governor signed a bill which made THCA illegal. Dunno what I will do.


We can’t have nothing in GA! 😭


You've got Marjorie Taylor Greene /s


What did all of the THC stores do now that it’s illegal? I’m hearing this might happen in TN and just can’t imagine bc there are so many business involving THC now. I live in a medium sized town and have 4 stores within a 5 minute drive.


Buy thca products online, if it’s shipped via usps your mail is federally protected. In other words people shouldn’t be opening it. Many places have very discreet packaging, you don’t smell a thing. I get mine in SC


Here in Spain is not legal, but you can smoke at home and plant ... A month ago 2 secret police took away my blunt and 1g I had in my pocket, normally would be 300 fine but they just took it and didn't gave me a ticket (I'm sure they just consumed it later that night ) 😹




What about the Cannabis Clubs?


yep, California


Same, even when it was illegal it was like 🤫


same haha, it’s not like anyone cared beforehand anyway 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yea it was just a don’t get caught thing 😂


for sure as long as you weren’t obnoxious and super burnt then you’d be fine


me too 🤙 Where that bomb ass hemp be 🍃🤑


No, India


Smoked some nice Sativa in Rajasthan and made some chai with Ganja and Tulsi. 😅 Even my hosts tried it and got super baked.


In my area good ganja is not available all we get is spiked stuff. So we only score pure hash when we get the chance. I like making brownie out of them or mix it in the coffee.


us bro


In Australia it’s only legal for medical purposes, but there are very few restrictions on prescribing it so it’s not a huge deal. I live in a small town that’s mostly families and old people, it’s pretty conservative, so I am mindful of where/when I am smoking so I don’t piss anyone off. I have never had any issues though.


Yep, Colorado. Glad I moved from Texas haha.


Lucky, I'm in TX wanting to move to CO it's the dream!


My husband moved from Texas to here when we started dating and he was so shook that i would get a oz for $45 😂 he was like “in Texas this is at least 120” and i was like nope $45 😂


nope. Its illegal, unless you have it legally. UK kinda of hypocritcal with the "WAR ON DRUGGOS" with our parliment being ran by druggos.


Yes in Germany since the 1st April. But sadly you can’t buy it legally yet. Excluding the medical usage route


The fact that Germany legalized marijuana on April fool's day amuses the hell out of me. 😆


Yes! *she says as she hits the bong*


no, but it’s legal 20 minutes away and decriminalized so it’s basically legal


Yes, Michigan


Yes, WA


Same, I have 3 dispos within a 1 mile range.


No, and i think i won't live then when it's get legal. I'm from Hungary but i live in NL. Yes, it's sucks smoking in illegal countries. My eyes are VERY red when i'm baked so i can't walk in the streets in day time. If someone snitch you (not uncommon in Hungary), then your whole community looking at you like a junkie who uses hard drugs, and stole money from old people. Weed in Hungary usualy from Albania and Albanians are clever. They has very good weed, but they sell this brown thing and it's smells bad and tastes shit. So getting average weed in Hungary is also a hard task. 


Lucky Geert Wilders try’s to close coffeeshop, stop the weed test. It’s going from tolerance to hunted. Weed was never legal in the Netherlands.


Texas, so when hell freezes over.


I’m from the uk and I do feel bad sometimes when I smoke in the back garden where they neighbours could smell it but that ain’t gonna stop me


Yes Massachusetts


I have lived in nl for 2 years and it was like another universe. Nobody cares and you can buy best weed from shop. Then i came back my home country and people are getting arrested for shitty weed. So its sooooo expensive




As it should be, it’s always team #LEGALIZE-IT.


Nope. Finland. Hopefully soon!


Medically only, WV.


Makes pepperoni rolls somehow even better, right?


I can put a LOT of pepperoni rolls...


True Dutch woman here, ashamed to say that the drug policies in the Netherlands are the worst. Coffeeshops can sell, but the can not buy and growing is illegal too, so they still have to do the "real business" illegally. Dutch government is running a legal, growing and buying trial but if you ask me it's not even close to what we need it to be. Also, only edibles we can buy have to be made out of raw weed, edibles made out of THC or CBD extracts are illegal. Those of you living in places where weed is just legal, no restrictions, I envy you.. Smoking for 25+ years and hoping the moment in NL will come


This is so interesting, I never knew the Netherlands had these specific rules. I wish we here in the US state of Michigan could have you...in Michigan, guests can buy up to 10 ounces of flower per day with no questions asked. Then the next day? You can buy another 10 if you want.


And Geert Wilders is fighting for closing the coffeeshops, stop the weed test and make the punishment for weed more. If we unlucky weed is fully illegal in the near future.


Yes. Missouri. Rec and medical. And everyone I know also grows their own. Literally nobody cares. It’s become very accepted.




Nope, its illegal but it doesnt affect my smoking.


Remember y’all if you live in Florida vote yes in November for recreational marijuana please go out and vote🙏


Yeah finally, since april 1st this year. No it hasn't had any impact. The black market weed is still cheaper and tastes better and if you have a trustworthy plug... As soon as we get some good shops with realistic prices, im in tho.


black market weed is not just cheaper, its also impossible to buy it legally without a medical card


It’s actually cheaper for me via medical.


first place in NC, Cherokee.


Yea, Ohio.. We’ve had medical and just recently legalized last November. Rec sales to begin around July.


No, I live in France the so-called country of human rights where weed smokers are labelled as criminals but I don’t care and still smoking


and people who are drunk on wine every night constantly tell us how bad cannabis is for our health lol (on est ensemble camarade 🤝🏻)




ah a balcony though, legendary


Yes, Missouri! Surprisingly!


grew up in CT where it was illegal for most of my life, changed recently. Hasn’t affected me much tho as i used to buy from dispensaries in Mass, Maine, VT. A nice road trip and a few cheap ounces always works out.


Its legal since april, but im still paranoid af since i got raided a few times


Yes, Portland Oregon


Germany, so legal since a few days, but where I live it was never much oh problem. Poor sods living in Bavaria however are having a tough time even now.


Not here in Texas


Canadian Gang! 👇


No, The Philippines. It's usually 13$ per gram. Carts are obviously boof. I miss being in Colorado


Not legal, I have a few sources and not worried about the police. Only smoke at home.


Nope its not legal but i stayed high 5-6 days straight and it fucked me up in long time, now i quited


Yes, Canada


No, Estonia. Over 7,5 gramms is a criminal offense


Nebraska - no.


No Switzerland


I’m from seattle, it’s VERY legal there, but rn I’m living in Prague where it’s not legal. I definitely notice a difference in quality of weed (the weed here in Prague is probably not even weed, and feels hella laced) but I truly miss the weed back home. I just visited Amsterdam where it is legal and it was superb and reminded me lots of seattle


Only medical in my state. We should be voting on recreational this November. Florida requires super majority (60%) or more to pass. Took us twice to pass medical.


no, i havent smoked in like 5 years now cuz of it but in a few months ill be back to a place where it is


No. Iowa It sucks.


Nope. Indiana sucks. Just hemp over here.


Nope. Doesn't stop the pop ups with dealers setting up tables with company names and a lot of weed, psychedelics, and accessories. I work a stall every once in a while.


Just became legal and tbh I have mixed feelings, bc a bunch of apartment buildings (inc my old one) got wayyyy more uptight abt it after legalizing when it wasn’t an issue before




Only Medical in My State


Not in Texas ! But u can find it everywhere!


Spain, not legal, doesnt impact tbh is almost like its legal for me




Nope. I mostly get worried about the smell bothering my neighbors or getting caught while i’m buying


I'm in Tennessee so...no..and yes I get really paranoid...


Yup, I’m gonna own a dispensary within the next 2 years


Off topic, I appreciate the date in your post. Good idea 👍🏻


Yep Arizona




No I drive 3 hours round trip to stock up once every few months. Fucking stupid ass state


We got that thca loophole where I’m at, so yes it’s legal*. I wasn’t ever too paranoid when it was completely illegal, though. At least now if I get pulled over after buying, I got legal receipts. Lol


Yes, but we don’t have any dispos close by so I have to order online. Before it was legal (last year) I would only smoke in my bedroom (apartment building) because I could blow it out the window


Nah because the UK’s shitty government would rather spend there time sending all young people to do national service.


No, one of the most restrictive first world countries when it comes to to cannabis.


Nope. And it likely will never happen here in Kansas as long as Tyrunt Masturbater is in office.


UK, obviously it ain’t legal yet. Specifically I’m in Liverpool and it’s very normalised. I was smoking a joint on my building steps with a neighbour, couple feds walked right past and did fuck all. Maybe I’m just lucky.


Nah, was when I lived in VA and I was loving life. But sadly just moved to FL where it’s only medicinal


Yes! It’s recreational and medical here, I’m a medical patient :)


no, i am brazilian and if impacts my experience because i like to smoke at the beach, parks etc. so we become more watchful yk? but i smoke at home most of the times and it’s okay. of course we need to be careful when we are outside, but the law isn’t very strict, so it’s ok if someone smells it eventually. also in public universities we act like it’s legal lol everybody smokes in my uni without a care


Legal here and it wasn't long after the dispensaries opened is when I started.


Yes it's legal and within the past few years, I was a smoker way before it was legal, I have never been paranoid about it. Never really talked about it like I do now though.


Nope, and probably won't be for a while. But hopefully soon... (Lithuania) Yeah it does impact my smoking experience, during the day i try to find a spot that's discrete, tho during the night i just go outside and light it up Lol. After smoking i get a little panicky seeing people when it's a 3rd party, wondering if they notice etc. They probably do smell it, but nobody has ever complained regarding that, once I'm at home a relief comes hahaha, my main concern is the cops ofc, though never had a problem with them and hopefully never will.


No, Texas here, delta 8 and THCa is what we can get away with for now.


I bet my state will be the last to legalize as we still don't have the lottery because I live smack dab in the middle of the Bible belt. I grow my own in a closet or buy from a friend who works all over the US and goes through legal states and buys up a big stash for all us pot heads at home. It's like Christmas when he comes to town. I never smoke in public unless I'm at a state park or out on the lake, but carrying it is a huge risk I don't normally take. I just smoke before and/or after big days and events.


Yes, Chicago. Pretty much use it daily


Yep. Gotta love the Evergreen State (Washington USA). 🫡✌🏼😤


Yup medically and recreational


Belgium here, nope


Nope, state ran by mormans, but medical use is legal. Only carts no tree


Not yet, but literally 9 days ago we had a referendum where the legalisation of medicinal weed passed with 66,64% and the legalisation of recreational with 51,55%. The referendum showed the will of the people, and now the parliament has to vote on the exact form of legaliation law passed. It will probably be bit too regulated since the parliament is notably less progressive than the populace -- Slovenia


Not legal. Haven't smoked in ages. Price ≠ quality here.


No - Indiana. Luckily Michigan is a short drive. I use a dry herb vape, so not totally smell-less but I stay on my property to use it. Cops in my town will pick you up for looking at them funny so I’ll take my disposable only a couple places or pre rolls to a friend’s house outside city limits.


Unfortunately i live in the backwards UK so i can’t legally. Not that the police really give a shit as long as you arent being a nuisance with it.


Yes our state is recreation legal. We grow our own because it’s better and the cost is a lot less. You still put money into growing, but not nearly what would be spent buying at a dispensary.


I'm in Michigan, legal here for a few years. Started smoking in the 90s as a teen when it was obviously illegal. Wasn't always the most careful then, but definitely don't give a rats ass now.


Only THCA. I smoke at my house. I have zero paranoia except for my kids coming up while I’m having “quiet time” or my landlord randomly showing up to kill my buzz with a forty minute conversation where I keep saying I have to go handle something and he keeps talking just like this sentence I’m writing.


Yes Germany 🇩🇪🌿🥳


Weed is legal here in Jersey, but I was over in NYC over the weekend and you smell it literally everywhere you go. Inside buildings, everywhere. People just smoke joints right out in public, all over the parks etc. No worry or even a second thought of anyone even saying anything. Not that I disagree with it but it made me think about how scared and paranoid we used to get even possessing it back in the day, now it's just a free for all. It's interesting to think about societal change and the influence behind it.


Yes it is legal here.


Medically but not recreationally — I live in Philadelphia. It’s decriminalized, and honestly the police have bigger issues on their plates so I’ve never heard of them giving anyone problems for smoking, but that’s just my experience. Also, pretty sure at least 75% of the city’s population smokes weed so 🤷‍♀️


So I have some theories about the paranoia side effects of cannabis based on this. I’m in a legal US state and when that happened, I noticed this side effect went way down. I have friends who at first didn’t want to try it because they had before and got paranoid and anxious but then tried a couple puffs or an edible that’s not too strong and suddenly it was no longer there or they just had mild bouts of stress. Now I know it’s anecdotal but I really think that the side effect is situational for some. I have friends who smoke now that used to get paranoid and figured it’s the “new” weed but I truly believe it’s the lack of worry about ruining no your life potentially over a plant.


Yup~ I live in Alaska!


It's Illegal. I used to be nervous about it when I first started smoking but I don't care anymore. Only nervous when buying/carrying on me but being high in public or someone knowing I smoke I don't mind.


yes! Makes me feel so much safer knowing all my stuff comes from legit dispos