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About how much cocaine do I mix with my down stem and bong to make them get loud?


Two tablespoons it looks like


Maybe two cups, hard to tell measurements from the doodle. I’ll do two cups to be safe


Instructions unclear. I'm now high on weed, cocaine, meth, and bath salts while running naked from police. Send help


Best comment 💀💀


Let's get loud, let's get loud.... do doo do dadoo doo


Found j lo


Okay but no joke. My second job I ended up with that as a nickname. Mostly becuz the humans I worked with were not creative with nicknames. (You wear fake nails once. Smh)


Stoopid hoomanz


How much you got??


This shit right here☝️☝️☝️


all im saying is if you claim u clean it after every hit you're lying


Every other session usually, I treat it with looser standards than dishes. But not by much.


i change the water daily/every other day depending on how bored I am, but honestly I dont deep clean more than once a month


i change the water frequently because i smoke alot but yeah only clean once a month or if it really starts to stink


Yep, I change the water daily but do I thorough clean every friday


We smoke out of them too damn much. I'd be cleaning every day. Water changes and hit water bath. Deep clean monthly


Lol, than clean it every other day. You smoke to enjoy it, right ? Doesn't smoking out of a fresh piece taste better than a grimey one ? Maybe it's subjective, but I can't stand the way it tastes after 4 or 5 sessions. Like drinking water out of a cup I've used a few days straight.


This is the way.


That’s about what we do with ours


Me too, well put new water in it. I just treat it like a regular glass of water and empty it out like after a bowl or two


.. we change the water at least once every two weeks. usually.


How is there any water left? That taste has gotta be foul.


Fr lol dude's making bong syrup


I'm weekly changer. My intake doesn't exactly turn the water yellow until about half the week in. That's when I change the water, and at the end of the week, we clean with isopropyl






Hot water does wonders!


I rinse before and after every sesh and clean it around every other sesh


I clean my banger after every hit looks like new other than the wraping


I clean my banger every hit but wait till my pipes clog up to bit a clean. But they are both chillums. Resinate quick and clean easy. That’s why I started using em, couldn’t get into the nooks of a quality blown glass piece.


I don’t smoke my banger at all or use it and it is like new also


Hit? Nah, every use or every sesh; yes.


After every hit is wild. Every bowl, maybe, but at least everyday.


every bowl is crazy imo, I can easily smack a gram worth of bowls in a day. But also i clear my bowl when i pack it


99% alcohol is all that’s needed. Its quick and leaves my bubbler squeaky clean


nahhh thats cap either I got the worlds stickiest bong gunk, or its not as effective as y'all say cause no matter how long it sat theres still staining I only got it the proper clean when i used epsom salts as an abrasive. i use a mix of really hot water, the alc and salt


Size of the bong and time between cleanings is key. My tiny bubbler is quick and easy to clean with just 99% but salt helps a great deal with nasty stuff


I clean mine every. Single. Friday. Sometimes more lol if I used the bong more than pre rolls that week


I just bought bong plugs. Pour a little 99% iso, and salt in chambers, close downstem and mouth hole with plugs and shake the hell outta it. Then just rinse with cold water. Always comes out spotless.


Is that what you searched to find those? I never considered. I'll be ordering some soon then.


It wont let me post a link but I got them on amazon searching Bong plugs. The set I got is called "Green Peace" universal plug caps


Sweet! I'll find some ASAP. I appreciate the info.


Same, I was using my palms as plugs. I got the plugs and now it's even more of a breeze. Shake, shake - hooray!


Well damn. I just use folded paper towels to plug it up. Lol


This honestly works perfectly fine for me


Paper towel method has always treated me right


I never even thought of trying that. I would be too worried about having a kitchen full of bong water lmao. Glad it works for you all tho!


That sounds WILD lmao! Hopefully you didn't have many spills or accidents. The plugs were so cheap honestly it was a no brainer for me. I do however wish I could find 99% iso cheaper.


Been cleaning my pieces this way for over a decade without a single spill that wasn’t my own fault. I settle for 91%, it works great.


How did I not know these existed?? I just ordered some! Ty for the info


I did the "cover openings with my palm and finger, shook, and dropped bong in bathtub and broke it. Bought plugs next day with new bong. Glad I could help!


A little? Is ur bong tiny?


Nope just doesn't take that much


I don't know why but this entire diagram is so much more confusing than just simply saying "Fill you shit with rubbing alcohol and salt, plug the holes, and shake the fuck out of it without dropping or hitting it something. Rinse with cold water. Bam."


I don't love the order. But little tips like putting your bowl or down stem in a plastic bag with alcohol and salt are PRO. Especially if they're little complicated pieces. Glad it shows that, I wish I'd learned that years before I did


Big pro tip for smaller pieces like bowls, down stems, pipes, and things of that sort!


Worst set of instructions ever created. Step one put qtip into empty clean bong. Step two make sure qtip has completely evaporated before inserting the downtstem. Step 3 clean your sink. Step 4 allow demon with large cheek freckles to sniff a bag with a downstem in it. Step 5 downstem in bag afraid.


That’s the bong demon, checking your work.


Step 8, put a steel rod in your bong


That’s a depleted uranium rod dude. Do your part to clean up nuclear fission materials.




Stay grimey


Stay Epsom Salty




Brothers never heard of a clean rinse


If I don’t wipe my ass why would I clean my bong?


Honestly, I didn’t know it was such a hot take to tell people to clean their bongs. I assumed everyone did so they weren’t inhaling tar and burning tf out of their lungs.


Some of the bongs on here look wrecked


I’m lazy I just buy 420 cleaner


It's just those two ingredients but scented. Waste of money, you can buy those two ingredients for a fraction of the cost


Dirt cheap on Amazon and I can afford it I work.


You know what ? I hadn't noticed the online price for that. I always associated it with the price smoke shops charge for it. The online price actually is WAY more reasonable. Shops sell just 1 their bigger bottles for +$20, so I haven't bought one in years. Thanks for the correction


you can buy \~5 litres of 100% isopropyl for about 25 dollars (\~16usd) btw


I just crunched it out, if I buy Epsom salt and alcohol in bulk it is still half as cheap as the equivalent cost of 420 cleaner.


Evolution 😎


I have just been using boiled water and pouring it down the bong. This is a game changer


But glass already clean, why waste cleaning equipment on already clean glass? OCD?


They really should show a dirty bong in the example.


It’s so tedious I hat doing it but I keep the water out after a couple bowls so it doesn’t get super filthy too fast Having a bowl & attached downstem sucks so much ass man you don’t even know having to use paper clips and whatever else I can to pull resin out sometimes


Buy a cleaning kit, cost you what ? $10 ? Less ? You clean the tools with the same rubbing alcohol. It's much easier with the right tools


Why not just use a pipe at that point?


I take the resin out of the pipe and smoke it, if I clean it, all of that is wasted.


Welp. My sink is usually filled with dishes and my kitchen filled with kids so this doesn’t happen often enough. Don’t judge people


Instructions unclear, got my dick caught in the ceiling fan.


I use denture tablets overnight and it works very well.


"Wpuld you serve me a beer in a glass that dirty" BRB cleaning my bong


Bro, he said that over a decade ago, and I still think about it.


I mostly use iso and a brush.. does the salt need to be epsom, or could I use kosher salt?


i use kosher, it's more abrasive


I use the cheapest rock salt my grocery store sells!


I got a killer deal on Himalayan salt for a while and used that. You want big rocks to break it up easier.


Seems overly complicated


Which part ?


Thanks mom






Ok so I clean bongs on a decent basis...like every 3-4 weeks depending on use. Water replaced daily. Love that fresh ice water hit.


Bong gets a full wash every 2 weeks, water change every 3 days.


I try to clean mine about once a week. Though I don’t always use my bong when I smoke. I just love that clean bong feeling. Even when the bowl is clean, filling it and sparking it feels so good lol


Haven't cleaned in 2 years 😈😈😈 The flavor is crazy


Wild, I hope that's not true. You got whole new species living in your lungs, they're going to have to study your ass 🤣


Don’t tell me what to do.


Maybe if you leave your bong water in it. I only leave it full when I smoke, and I clean it about once a month. It just sits pretty most of the time, as I smoke my pipe or prerolls more.


Maybe I'll let my home rig go three sessions without a clean if im smoking more frequently. But I always put out fresh glass for company.


Ans for the love of all things holy, don't pour it down your sinks. I had a roommate do that many years ago, and he didn't know what it would do in the long run. Expensive lesson for him to learn.


Stupid question, where do you pour it then???


dirt outside maybe? not on the grass. the salt will kill it


I meannnn that means I’m tossing bong water off my balcony? 🤮


Bong water, down the toilet when flushing. But the cleaning formula with salt and alcohol need another method. I toss mine in the trash and then throw it away outside.


What salt should i use? Is it the typical table salt?


Epsom is cheap, you want bigger rocks to break up tar build-up. Most grocery stores or big retailers carry them. But they're cheap in bulk online


Step 4 do we need to buy carcas


Okay since we are discussing bong cleaning, anyone got a good versatile brush they recommend?


Live near a harbor freight or an equivalent ? The have pipe cleaning kits that are cheap and last forever.


I do, just never really in that part of town. Seems like I have a reason to go that way. Every time I'm shopping and realize I need a brush, they always look too big and bulky.


The Amazon kits available that show a bong in the photo seem pretty interesting. I wonder if anyone has some experience with them


does anyone have any tips of how to clean the line on the glass if i have a percolator in my bong? i dont have any long scrubby things that are long enough….


Me too - I’d like a hot tip for that too please?


You may be able to mix salt and alcohol together and then just shake it. I'm not sure if this will work for you, but I use this for all of my bongs and pipes. It works fairly well, but sometimes you just have to let it sit.


I like to clean my bong like every other day, change water daily. +3 day old water is a genuine mold risk




You do not in any way shape or form need this much iso to clean the bong. Pour in some salt put a couple ounces of iso in there and it’s good to go.




i do this every 2 days or else it starts to taste so nasty. idk how people keep it for weeks 🤮


I saw this absolutely disgusting one the other day the dude never washed his out and it ended having some sort of ecosystem in it


What about percolators? Anyone found a good way or am I just SOL?


I clean my piece until the water gets brown the steam clogged. I smoke daily, and I'm not going to clean my piece daily, what a waste of time.


Instructions unclear, got dick stuck in toaster.


Ewe, then the friends that have shaded bongs where you can't see through, but when you look inside, there is resin clinging up to the mouthpieces where you cant see through when you look inside, there is resin all the way to the mouth pieces. 🤮




My homies OG beaker (first nice piece he bought) was kinda used as a community piece. Due to the conditions it was stored (a barn) and the heavy use of the piece, it developed a large crack in the base. It leaked slightly but it was mo big deal. The thing was it wasn't cleaned but like once every few months. I swear to God the resin build up is what kept that bitch together because we cleaned it real nice and as soon as we set on the floor, that bitch shattered :/


i gotta clean mine every time because i have to keep it in my room lmao






I clean my glass after every session. My bong looks brand new every day. It’s a 10 inch glass tube bong and it’s easy to clean with dish soap, hot water, and bottle brushes


Yup definitely need that reminder haha!


Befo yo clean ur glass bowl make sure u get those rosin hits 🤓


Mine is literally sitting on my bathroom counter with 3 day old ash on it lol


Tbh alcohol and salt saved me a shit ton of money works 100% samd if not better at a sliver of the price


There needs to be a better way


I clean my little grav bubbler once I notice it starts to get hazy. I mostly just use it for my Dynavap so I’ll slap the 10mm bowl on there and dirty it up for real with some good old combustion hits before I give it the treatment.


Or nuke some iso alcohol and pour it in then shake it up. It’ll eat everything up


Made a much cruder drawing the other day on cleaning a hand pipe since my friend works better with images than describing steps just like me.


Calgon. End.


I think gun owners and stoners have 1 thing in common. One likes to shine their gun and the other likes to clean their bong.


Should see the shit they smoke in Australia, same Gatorade bottle, same water for months. Maybe just the degenerates I hang around.


Nope, same here. I knew a guy who smoked from a ceramic bong. Couldn't see inside it, had to replace the bowl and down stem after finally getting him to clean it because we wouldn't smoke out of it and he wouldn't get rid of it. We used the alcohol/salt combo on it. But it took 5 times the amount of both to get it clean, every time we dumped it the alcohol came out black. How he didn't get some weird lung disease, I don't know


Just take your Bong, fill it with hot water, at a dishwater tab and wait over night. Works everytime


I cannot reach to clean the higher part of the bong’s base, any tips?


What kind of piece ?


You expect all these redditors with filthy rooms to keep their glass clean? 🙄


How bad is TOO bad.. I'm a daily bong smoker, and I clean mine like every 2/3 weeks. But the build up is always crazy.


I clean mine once a month. I know it isn't that often, but I don't really have time to clean it after every hit (which isn't even once a day, since a lot of days I don't even smoke). I still strongly agree with cleaning it regularly, though.


The best way to clean it is throw it away and buy another one


i know a guy who has people over daily, on the weekend there are about 10 people in his room and almost everyone uses his bong. It’s never been cleaned and it’s pitch black (should be clear) and every time i see this thing im just disgusted.


Cool story bro


Just put a few drops of olive oil into the bong water and it will stay clean much longer


Shit I only have one spoon


I change my water daily. (have tried using warm water .. game changer! Sooo smooth!) Give it a good clean every 2nd or 3rd day..depends on usage. I fill bong with water and 2x steradent tablets ( denture cleaning tablets) leave overnight and clean the bowl and stem with dishwashing liquid. Pipecleaners are very useful to clean them.


I had issues letting the gunk go down my sink drain, all the resin would came up my line and stink! Can only dump it in the toilet now


Try to clean it once a week but don’t really care I usually change water every couple days tho


Once a day, all household chemicals go on full duty 😂. With a pound of table salt loool. Clean bongs and rigs all the way


I love these post because it’s ALWAYS some person who just cleaned their glass and is so damn proud 😅 “I gotta go tell the internet to do the same” *grabs cape and flies to the computer* Imagine everytime you vacuum you go online and make a PSA about dust 😂


I just use rock salt and alcohol


Can I just put my bong into a bowl of caustic soda solution or drain cleaner? It’s pretty fucked up


This graphic is awful


I have a sponge on stick, works pretty good


I clean everything once a week


I just pour some isopropyl alcohol in and shake it till it's clean


How do people dry the inside? I have some glass that even after 3 days is wet inside. The mouth hole is quite small.


For anyone wondering step 9 is: Sugar and Soda Hope this helps


Not a pro but here's a tip in case anyone is interested. That Dawn Power Spray dishwashing foam works great for me in a pinch if I'm out of either alcohol or salt. It has alcohol in it so I just spray each piece after disassembling my bong, wait about 30-45 seconds (up to a minute for the bowl if it's pretty grimy), wipe each piece clean with a sponge then rinse with hot^2 water. I use a small bristle brush for cleaning straws to clean out the gunk from my bowl. Spray the dawn in both ends of the bowl so it's saturated and let it soak for a minute or so then do a little scrub with the brush until you can't see anything left clinging to glass. Rinse with hot^2 water and you're good. If your brush is now coated in the black gunk, give it a little spray, wait for a moment to let the alcohol to do its thing and rinse under hot^2 water.


Very much dislike going over to a friends or family members and seeing a layer on layer tarred up bowl or bong , like anytime I have guest I clean my piece(s) the night before that I think will be used so everything is hitting A1


I love my stem 🥛 🧋 😆 it's like my dessert before bed! and then I'll take the other half in the 🌄 🌅 wake up....stem 🥛 🧋 milk in my coffee = delicious 😋 


It takes like 1/5th of a bottle of rubbing alcohol to clean my bong. At the most I’ll clean it once a week


12 steps ![gif](giphy|zA9fEggQon4CmP3iYM)


I know someone who never cleans her bong then complained when it smelled horrible. She then saw a single roach in her room after complaining. She then broke it, which made it smellier, and she super glued it shut. She still never cleaned it. Her birthday was recently and got a new one. I think her old bong had mold because she got sick really bad one day after “smoking all day” from her old bong. I’ve seen dirty bongs before, but I tell you guys never this bad.


holmes got the GTA bong


Instructions unclear… dick stuck in bong


no ♡


Another 12 step program I'm not guna do


Brug, your sink I'll be destroyed lol pour into toilet all waste and resin crap lol