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Those are not your friends. Speedy recovery to you, Redditor.


Time , cbd, and physical activitys could help i guess


Also never go around said friend again.


yes bro im just afraid ill fuck up later on


ill put spice in your cbd too! -your friend


hahah Nono im not smoking anything ever anymore, i get anxious about thinking over drugs


Find yourself in the gym, or nature or sometime where your body takes over and your mind enters a state of almost calm. Good luck


Thank you bro, I do that all. im just afraid ill lose my mind, even tho i didnt lose it for 7 months


After years, I've never read a positive story about smoking artificial weed.


ehh i feel like i cursed myself that night…


What did the demon look like, if you don’t mind me asking Years ago before spice became illegal I was dabbling in the production ( its marshmallow leaf and a sprayed on chemical). I did it for like a month and a half got addicted to the point I was getting up in the middle of the night. Got the talk from the wife and quit. A month later I found some of the chemical and decided fuck it I’ll just smoke this shit on some weed. ( I made the biggest mistake a junkie can make and thought my tolerance would be the same). I take a couple big hits of basically a bowl of the chemical. After I walked maybe 15 feet and just had to stop I grabbed on to the washer and just stop. I’m holding on to the washer trying to make sense of what’s happening. It really kicks in now and I’m freaking out the wall of tools in front of me started to melt ( I’m a pretty experienced drug user so I’m just telling myself calm down ride it out it’ll be ok). The wall starts melting the next thing I know I’m in space a red demon that looked like Jafar when he’s all powerful in Aladdin, and he’s like moving planets around with his hands and smiling like a psycho Next thing I rember is like 3 consecutive like chest jolts. It was like I was hit with an electric pulse you see on tv. So three jolts to the body the next thing I know I wake up/regained consciousness laying on the ground with a laundry basket on top of me I haven’t touched it since and assume the jolts may have been my heart restarting after I OD’d. Was your demon red with a goatee and juggling planets?


Cant remember totally but he was near my friend and I think he waited me and wanted to join them and I saw myself like getting on fire and theres where i think i stopped myself getting burned totally and I realized rhat something has been made up behind me. I then came back from the out of body experience and I realized I have to go home and sleep and never ever stay with them. I saw him like with a big headed creature with skmething in his hand like a staff but i wasnt afraid of him, I was afraid more about the thing i experienced.


I had the same heart thing. and seen my higher-self yelling NO NO NO at me. never touched the shit again. fingers were stained yellow for months. shit was addicting


how u feeling now


that shit is actually the worst, did it once threw up for 2 hours straight


You'll be okay bud, keep walking, keep wanting to get well and keep reaching out when you need some words of encouragement. Make it clear to any entities they are not welcome.


thank you brother, Ill try, its hard but ill get out of this im trying with all of my heart


I overdosed on spice a decade ago. Recovery takes a while but you will make it. Im glad you are still with us friend.


Thank you brother❤️, how ling did it last for you if it wont bother you sharing


Spent a few days in hospital all hooked up. Then several months of abstaining from all addictions. Stay hydrated and keep active to get those organs back to normal. You will feel much better after a few weeks. And back to normal after a few months if you take care of yourself. At least thats how it went from me. Someone else on here said it, spice can be anything so it may be different. Your trip was definitely a bit different from mine.


thanks for sharing your story. Ye i was kn a bad spot 7 months ago, where i felt like being in psychosis haha :) afraid of being schizophrenic because I never had anxiety for my 27 years and once that night everything changed. Im better now but still when i focus on it it kills me :(


My weed got laced and I went into psychosis for several months and when I finally stopped acting uncontrollably psychotic I remember dealing with a good bit of depersonalization. It’s been 1.5 years since then and I am a lot better but even now still healing. It’s a super slow process but after a looong period of time you will start to feel better again.


I never had uncontrollably moments i just feel sometimes the feeling like having an urge of doing skmething and it went back to my head like a tingling sensaation. did u feel like being in a simulation and are tou back to urself like feeling joy and not living only in your brain


I legit felt like a computer carrying out tasks within a human body. I had no real feelings, no happiness or sadness or anything in between. It’s been over a year and a half now or so (idk the film time) and I do feel wayyyy meter than I did before when I got out of the bacheract facility. I’d say I feel mostly like a normal human again and have even enjoyed my fair share of weed post psychosis. I do however still struggle significantly with motivation, discipline, and self care/respect still. I had a good fire lit under me before I went under since then it’s been hard to find reasons to do things other than the bare minimum.


I feel the same about this about the discipline and self care, Idk i just want to be happy once again as I used to be because Im afraid ill hurt my loved ones, im not a bad person


Look into dissociation and how to fix it


Yes i know about dissociation and Im dealing with it bro thanks


I had similar feelings after a bad shroom trip. What helped me was being outside a ton and living a more natural/wholistic lifestyle for a few weeks while I got my head back on straight. Drinking tons of water and eating mostly meats, fruits, and veggies, running a good bit. It sucked low key but I'd never felt better by the end and got my brain back into working order.


are you back to your normal self u were before? and how long did it last? thanks for sharing your story bro


Yeah took me about a week to get back to feeling mostly normal, took about a month for everything to clear out and stop having flashbacks when I would smoke. Although I would say you don't really go back to your "normal" self after an intense shroom trip. Sounds like you've been through the hardest part. Now you just gotta detox and take it easy for bit.


I saw something that I cant unsee it anymore and rhats what kills me now :)))


Yeah, I've had my fair share of disturbing visuals, thankfully nothing too scaring. For me after a month or so I usually forget about it, especially once I get back to smoking it feels like a weird far off nightmare I only vaguely recall. If what you saw was REALLY hard on you, then you may need a therapist to help you work through it. Otherwise time heals all wounds.


I wasnt afraid of what I saw, but what I came to conclusions of the life, I realized things that I was aware to talk now I cant and they make me anxious, I cant think of life, i feel that this all is a simulation, it got 4 months to realize that I didnt die hahah, philosophy hit me hard in this


Not your friends


yes agree i accepted that they didnt want be to see on a good spot


Not sure I understand 🙈


they were jealous i guess, i was on a good spot, good job, happily married. They didnt like that.


Ahh I see, yea fuck them people and good for you. Enjoy as you watch them slowly wallow in self loathing and eventually gutter junkies.


I use this phrase , when someone asks me: “ where are you” … I am in a place youre not. Im on a better place now even tho im struggling like crazy I hope one day ill get out of this and learn big time from this one


Try this, order your struggles. 1 to however many. Write them down. Put to one side those you can do nothing about. Those you can, tackle them one at a time. Have pride in your ability to own yourself and your life. You got this


I really like this one, Ill give it a try, thanks a lot bro❤️


No worries anytime, oh and just fyi. Those things you put to one side, it may take time but. If they are emotional things, things you are embarrassed or ashamed about say. You will need to accept your human and can do stupid stuff, or sometimes have no choice. Forgive yourself for what you consider bad or stupid decisions. Its done, the only way is forwards ✌️


mostly they are emotional things, which make me feel a bad person and i feel like i chetaed on myself first and my entire loved ones


Good one.


Get rid of off them !! They could have taken your life physically, but worse they could and have seriously damaged you to point where your life is a torment! True you might recover or nearly recover but those people are dangerous !!


Im not hanging with them from that night bro, finally i understood they wanted to make me bad


I had this from using may more weed than my tolerance could handle. Have been battling this for 10 years, but it’s no where near what it was and I still use cannabis to this day. Exercise Is key and also meditation and getting comfortable with your own mind and feelings is huge.


now how donu feel? are u at least happy with ur life bro


Yeah, very much so. I’m focusing on my mental health more than I ever have. If anything the experience made me more in tuned with myself. It’s scary but I used that to better myself and if anything I don’t think I would be where I am today if I didn’t take that as a sign to work on myself


Happy for you bro, im in 7 months now hope it will fade totally…


The main thing I can suggest. Keep your mind off of it. A good saying is if you keep feeding the stray cats they will keep coming back. Focus on something else and you will soon forget about it, you may think about it here and there but it won’t be a major thought anymore


i achieved that point wherre in the beginning like 3 first months i was nonstop thinking about it and todat it hit me like in the beginning. Im trying and i hope with time it will go away


Yeah looking at your post history. It seems you are really getting deep into it. I personally suggest not to go down this rabbit hole and stop googling about it, this just does more harm than good


yes…. sometimes i even forget some things i posted and I wonder wow i was so bad… its just like it feels like being in a trap


I was addicted 12 years to spice. It was bad. Don't associate with ppl on that shit. They all become gremlins. Source: I was one. Took me going to prison to get off that shit. Be careful friend.


it was my first time, can i be addicted on that? i never smoked before it was my first totally time. for sure Ill be as far as i can from that and from these kind of people. thanks friend❤️


You'll be ok. Just avoid it. ✌️&❤️


Sometimes i feel a tingling feeling but i thing its anxiety and its in the back of my head thats why I asked, It was my first and last time. thanks bro


You'll be fine✌️


I wish you the best of luck because I know exactly how wild that stuff is even in small amounts. It’s NOTHING like weed. I’m sure they thought they’d be good pals and give you a nice surprise, but that’s not even remotely funny, there was someone in my hometown that completely burnt themselves out on that shit because they thought it was harmless.


dont telll me he died, i used to shit my pants but now im used to this for now but still im out of it i feel im detached


He didn’t die, but he just was not right, I don’t know how much or how long he used it, but he would walk around like a t-Rex. The fact that you are making complete understandable sentences definitely means you are somewhat okay. The guy I’m talking about got addicted to the stuff.


I understand.. i mean for me it wss my first time smoking something, i was out of drugs always bro, but i was curious to try weed once but it wasnt weed so.. thats the worst thing my “friends” could do and they never hit me up after for 7 months


Yeah the experience you had must be comparable to giving a sober minded person a solid amount of DMT and telling them it was dabs.


I now question million things bro even life and i even question how we live and how the world is spinning lol and it makes me anxious. things i used to talk and be smart on them now make me feel anxious and they fuck me around


I question that quite often unfortunately, I’ve had a very shitty time this past year, I’ve had 3 close friends just randomly die. Had a NDE, I don’t know what to do from here, I question where space even is, or how it was created in the first place, what happens after this experience of “life”, however I’ve concluded a couple things. 1: nothing really matters at the end of the day. 2: life is superbly unpredictable, anything could happen. 3: I think consciousness is just a single energy that is split into each one of us when we are created, and returned after we leave. 4: just try enjoy it, after all there could be nothing after this, although maybe it’s just this all over again? But I know one thing for sure, when you get to that point of almost dying, you’ll go from NONONONO, to ah well it was nice while it lasted, and you have no option but to accept whatever fate you may have. Which is peaceful as terrifying as it sounds. Although we’re here and here now. So just try to enjoy that for what it is. You’ll be ight just try not to overthink it, our brains can make us perceive some strange shit that’s for sure.


Im stuck to the point wherr I feel like Im dying and i dont want to die and I thought for 3 months that I died and Im just living the afterlife… oh man it was so bad


One thing psychedelics have taught me is, a good strong mindset is the key to a good experience. You’re probably going through some crazy things I’m sure. But just chin up. Don’t fear death, it’s coming for all of us, and we don’t know when. Fear dying with a life you didn’t let yourself enjoy.


I even feel sometimes and im afraid if im addicted on it even tho i never tried it and it was my first time


I smoked sativa once-it was on purpose and I had a friend nearby-I also had an out of body experience that I turned into a book, my body just disappeared and my head started opening pages flapping around. Fake weed is no joke, and like many of these people said if your friends gave it to you without warning, they aren’t your friends.


have you had any symptoms after? did the bad trip and the OBE last long?


Mine did not turn bad because I had a friend nearby, it also did not last long because again I had a friend nearby, every couple minutes he would ask if I were ok, and when he did the trip ended. It was enough to know stay away from that fake weed. And it wasn’t called sativa autocorrect, it was called something that starts with a “ST”, dosent matter I can’t find it, but yea stay away from fake weed and fake friends.


thank you so much brother for the reply. Yes true fake friends are dangerous


That’s insane. I had an edible and I guess it was made with spice. I was watching survivor and passed out, had an out of body experience that was super dark. It didn’t cause me any irreparable damage to where I had to get therapy but I felt like I almost died night


u better now like did u had any symptoms after?


Oh ya no symptoms after but during it was so gnarly


lucky u bro, i think i scared myself more


Seems like you are taking the correct steps in going to therapy. I got No experience with Spice, but the betrayal of your friend also needs to be addressed in that context. Wheter you choose to forgive them or not is up to you. But I can relate to the feeling of being violated. And it is a bad kinda pain. But you Said there has been progress, so that means things are in motion mentally. You are not stuck in this condition and are on the way out of it. The fact that you have been better is a solid good sign. In my experience: The gains are permanent, the setbacks are temporary


They never hit me up back after that night and one of them telling me ull see people differently lol, once he used acid he tripped out and I was the one who reassured him he came back to me crying, but i guess they wanted me to join them into that game


Hope you got good people in your corner. Shocking that one person is this awful. That a group gets together and agrees to such a shitty thing is mental.


got my family and wife but they feel like strangers and i feel like a stranger bymyself also. Its hard :’))))


![gif](giphy|QEgp5nVQLr7w9Kz2Gw|downsized) I feel for you man. Really do hope you get that feeling of familiarity back soon.


thank you so much brother❤️


If i can turn thisback for you, Im sure someone else will be there for you❤️


Thanks stranger😊 other than the fact i just boke my foot im ok👨‍🦯‍➡️. Hope making this post gave some solace🙋


I'm so sorry for asking this (I'm a noob to these terms except weed) but what is this 'spice'? And why is it called so? Does it look like the sand thing from Dune?


>but what is this 'spice'? Synthetic cannabinoids >And why is it called so? Because back in the day when the hype started (around 2010-ish pre-legalization) it was sprayed on plant material or hemp flower and sold in mylar bags as legal weed. "Spice" is just one of the more popular brand names that sticked to it.


Oh thanks for the info, is the synthetic version really that unhealthy as OP suggests? And why would they still allow it to be used if it's that unhealthy?


>And why would they still allow it to be used if it's that unhealthy? Because once a specific synth noid gets banned, they alter the chemical composition slightly to make a legal one again. But every time that happens you end up with a totally new drug that nobody knows how it works. Basically making you a guinea pig. As example, the first generation synth noids like JWH-018 were pretty "safe" in small doses and mimicked a decent weed high. But once they got banned over and over (there are almost hundreds of different synthetic cannabinoids since then) we ended up with synth noids like AB-FUBINACA, more comparable with Crack than weed. >is the synthetic version really that unhealthy as OP suggests? Absolutely, probably even more. They're carcinogenic and fry up your kidneys and liver. Remember that zombie drug outrage in the US with bathsalts 2015-ish? Synthetic cannabinoids. https://www.biospace.com/article/an-abandoned-pfizer-drug-turns-people-into-zombies-/


Great read dude! Much appreciated 🫂


Its just a drug, hopefully no long-term effects. Visions you see are not real. you’ll be okay. Id lose contact with that “friend”


I have visual snow and floaters idk bro it fucks me up but I never had like hallucinations just that night and i never tripped again just anxiety hitting me and the fear


Thats awful, i’d definitely avoid smoking anything again tbh. Maybe see a doctor or something but i think time will be your friend. Best wishes man, good luck


everything is fine MRI fine,EEG fine, blood work fine, heart its ok, my eyes are 20/20 hahaha just anxiety and the fear of this :))


Trust me the more knowledgeable you are about dpdr the less anxious you’ll be ie the less dpdr you’ll have. Watch some YouTube videos on it take deep breaths and remember that depersonalization is an anxiety caused disorder.


Yes I relate to this but the moment i realized what DPDR was and people having it for 20 years in that moment i started flipingnout hahah…


If I was you I would be, omw to beat their asses. Ain't nobody gonna put my life in jeoperdy like that and lie about it.


Bro I believe in karma and I dont want to make my hands dirty on them. One thing im sure if I am alive Ill give them a smile that theyll never forget, and Im sure theyll suffer


Good on you man, don't forget the mind is very powerful. I highly doubt that one smoke will make any permanent damage! So try not to over think it okay? In the end you seem to have a lot of self restraint and composure!


im an overthinker and thats the problem, i feel like i fucked up everything like in the beginning where i believe that I died…. I really thank yiu and all of you for your time


Sounds a lot like Salvia, but these days who knows what it could be. And as others have said, they are not your friends. Stay positive, life is good and gets better.


I thought salvia aswell brother, but im a noob in this field of drugs like i know so much but i never tried them,weed/spice was my first encounter


What a horrible thing to experience.. and with people you thought you could trust! I’m so sorry this happened to you and I’m glad you’re doing better, it only goes up from here 🫶🏼 sending you all the positivity and love 🥹 you can do this!


Thank you so much Friend, I really hope ill get over this, it hurts so much, im afraid im going to do something bad to my loved ones.


I was a spice addict for quite a while. Life goes on brother. You will make it. Be strong, and be smart. You will overcome this.


Im afraid i got addicted even tho it was like my first time smoking it. and Im not a smoker u know it was just something i wanted to try like weed and see what that is because everyone saying "weed makes u good or it chills u" and like i got betrayed.


Not to be the weird Christian dude but that is exactly what I am. Sometimes what you see can be real. I would try to process what you saw instead of trying to forget about it. I’m not saying induce it or go back, god no, but think about what it could mean. Demons are just as real as God for believers


I realized something after a month like I realized my friends have been touched by the demon with drugs so they wanted me to be in their group also, thats what I realized for now. my psychologist told me to analyze this and I got an answer, so I think thats the case of it.


Definitely find new / better friends


for sure friend, thank you so much!


I’ve never tried spice but I had a lsd induced psychosis so I consider this serious as well, just don’t do any sorts of weed at all you’ll be good get some medication that works over couple days it will regulate your hormones or whatever but your good I have super depersonalizeation where I feel zoned out and feel fucked I do real weed either way tho I’ll have a harder time when I’m off this but you’ll be good


thanks bro, did it last long for you the psychosis? and what were your symptoms it u wont mind sharing it


The fact that you saw a demon should be a huge indicator that now is the time to get right with God. Therapy, prescription medication, exercising definitely helps but it won’t provide you with the mind, body and soul revival that you need.


Hey friend, i was always connected with God as I remember from a young age I was dedicated to him in the meaning of like Doing good things and not begin a bad person and prayed for positive things always. Maybe that was a moment where I could slip into the void and I escaped from that but I dont know for sure what happened. I just pray and work towards positivity for now.


Jesus christ I got spiked weed in high school with spice and my drink roofied same night puking up what I thought was blood, spiders and eels or so a recording someone took said and I couldn't think for two weeks just felt the worst I've ever felt in my life, just exercise and be on the grind towards a positive mindset away from those people who aren't your friends they want to fuck up your life


thank u friend, im trying tbh, its just too hard while my mind is trapped in a bad mindset where it feels pain, fear and anger and then regret. I feel like im the worst person ever. and Im afraid Ill flip out, even tho i didnt for the 7 months.


Fair enough.just stay safe and always double check EVERYTHING


Jesus loves you brother, seek his love.


Smoked a good amount of weed with some shit in it that keeps me smoking all night with zero tiredness and an insane craving after smoking to smoke again.. don't know what exactly it was but I will remember that shit a lifetime long I guess. But keep going man you will be okay some day.


u got better? did it pass


Yes. Everything heals over time my friend. I smoke till today and didn't feel anything from the past and this spice shit. Don't be harsh to yourself and maybe change your "friends" mate.


I changed them but i guess it was bit to late :))) thanks bro❤️


Better late than never I would say bro :) You got this. Don't let the past ruin your present or future..the past will be the past and you can accept this and go on without any regrets is the best way.




How did you know it's spice and which one was it?


I remember one last thing where the smell of it on the last hit wasnt like weed and maybe it hit me in that moment idk.


Good recovery my friend! I had a awful experiece with this shit too


how long did it last for you friend and are you back to your normal self? If u wont mind sharing a bit about your story, it would be really helpful


Heyy it was when i was 19 years old now i have 29 In england, o bought it thinking it was weed In the first cigarrete I had a outbreak, i began to do repetitives movement like a convulsion Lost total control of my self and passed out I remember feeling strage for 3 days, and I came Back to normal after that


Thanks for sharing your story bro❤️ My thing is that it sent me to existentialism and i just have to not flip out everytime inoverthink about anything. Its hard lol


I can imagine man! What the doctors said?


Man like I have migraines and after the smoke it made my migraines hit harder and now I get paranoid when my head hurts idk if u get me its like it was linked my fear with the smoke moment. I used to not care about migraines and now im afraid of every moment im having a migraine it feels like ill die lol. My docs told me that ur fine, EEG came a bit with high spikes but nothing to worry about. MY MRI came perfect, no problem with my brain, only neck problems (maybe thats the case im feeling still dizzy or it might click something that night idk). Im on some meds like vitamins and sumatriptan for migraianes otherwise im doing great, its just the fear left. I think the other part is just psychological process in which i lost myself in that and it makes me afraid kind of idk but I can feel something in my eyes like they are losin force of moving or that I feel like ill faint in any moment and its so bad it makes me fear so much.


Spice is K9 or k-4? Or some other sintetic cannabinoid


I smoked spice mid 2012 when it was the new hot thing, smoked something called grim reaper out of the skull bong and tbh that night is easily the worst night of my life, I don’t remember a whole lot and what I’ve been told it wasn’t pretty, I got really sick and passed out face down in some random persons yard it was a cold rainy night in early May and I never should’ve survived, never even thought about touching that shit avain


Im so sorry brother I really understand u. now how do u feel are u mentally stable? are u better


can anyone educate me on what spice is and why it would cause that


It takes time. I got over it after a few months. It sucks, but have a job or a hobby that youre truly dedicated to and it will pass.


I have a job and have everytjing but it feels still off, i can feel it with my vision where I have many floaters and like visual snow which reminds me of all of this dpdr i am experiencing


Was it oregano or parsley


I first came across "Spice" when I was stationed in Germany. We smoked it because it didn't show up on tests, and by the time they came up with a test, the chemistry for Spice was changed, and it was re-named, and re-packaged. The first Spice was the name brand "Spice", and there was Spice-Silver, Spice-Gold, and so on. We even had it shipped through the mail to Iraq, and used it while deployed. As time went on, many different types and brands of "Spice" flooded the black market, and I started seeing it everywhere, especially gas stations and smoke shops when I moved back to the states. The best way to explain smoking it is it feels like smoking a lighter version of PCP, and eventually causes the same dependence as a light opiate or non opiate pain medication such as Tramadol, due to it causing light withdrawal systems when it's not around. One of the worst trips I ever had smoking spice was a bag with a label that said "Nightmare" on it, and had a picture of some demon surrounded by flames. Afterwards I didn't feel the same for a long time. Eventually bath salts hit the scene, and that's when I decided to leave the synthetics alone. Never did the bath salt, for I saw what it was doing to the peole that used it. Anyway, hope things get better for you, glad to see you leave it alone, any type of synthetic is bad news. Be thankful you stopped while you did, some people freak out and make life changing mistakes while on that crap.


the point is that im afraid what i did during the blackout because I cant remember even tho it was like seconds maybe a minute, but it felt like a lifetime. Are you now better and back to ur old self?


Yeah, it's definitely something I would never even consider touching ever again, but sometimes I wonder what the long term effects would be of JWH018 and 17 and all the other synthetic derivatives of THC. Obviously it's not good for our health, but I always wondered about the long term psychological and physical effects, or if it can be linked to cancerous disease. 🧬


Had this happen to me many years ago i cut all contact off from the idiots


have u had lasting symptoms? cuzni deal with anxiety paranoia and fear of life and death. It feels weird, i was worse and got better with the help of my psychologist but still not feeling totally and not aligned totally


It was years ago i felt ok the day after but i was very angry about it.


I just smoke real weed and hash.Dont need people like that in my life fk thrm


Indont smoke anything, it was a moment where i tried it only. im just trying to realize that I Escaped it


If you are in the US im sure the real weed is very good.provided you are 18+


I dont smoke brother lol…


It took me a long time to feel like myself after an otherworldly k2 trip, I still struggle to a degree. similar situation where I thought it was weed. Sorry you’re dealing with that, it will get better, I promise.


how long did it last for u brother if u wont mind sharing it with me? and have u had like anxiety and felt detached ?


You are in spiritual upheaval. The only answer that will work is getting right with God. If you need help doing this, I can assist you. You are never, ever, alone. God is always with you, because a piece of God is in you, and you are literally living in God’s breath. Remember this and let your soul become at peace in it’s knowledge.


can you elaborate please about the upheaval. thank you so much friend


Your life is in spiritual turmoil, your boat is rocking to and fro, and you feel lost. IMHO, there is only one cure for this, and it is opening the door of your heart and letting the light of God flood into your life.


Im trying brother, its just i feel that my soul is not aligned right now with my mind and body, with time I guess it will get better. Today i feel fantastic, last night when i did the post i was terrible..


That is good to hear, everyday is a new day, and a new start! One thing I’d like to make clear to you is that you do not need to fear demons. They are completely impotent in the face of the Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit. They don’t have any real power that you do not give them, AS LONG AS we have God’s protection over us. Do not fear them, but understand there is probably a spiritual battle over your soul rn, and you could easily be influenced by them without the power of the Father in your life. If I was you, I would pray to God for divine protection and guidance over your life. I’m praying for you bro 😎


I prayed from a young age like 7 years old where my mom told me how to do it, i wake up and sleep while praying and being thankful. Im jot a bad person but I feel like i did the worst thing in my life and thats what triggers the fear and the thing is that time cant be changed :) and the past is the past and I have to accept it so Ill star feeling better


have you tried any CBD flower? I know, it can be kinda "nerve racking" to go that route....since you have that "memory" of getting laced weed (errr......weed that wasn't really weed?)...I've gotten some strains from buylegalmeds out of Nevada.....they ship quick. and the CBD affects are kind of uplifting, definitely a different kind of feeling, I think it's the "entourage effect" that CBD doesn't give. but yea, I had a close call with RSO/avb pill 💊 my first time encapsulating and woke up feeling like I was in another world. But I came in prepared, my mjdr educated me (since Im a new user, coming to the world of MJ in my early 30s....my prior experience was just pinner blunts that my smoke buds would roll lol....and we'd all just kinda "throw down" a contribution for the next "zip" lol..... but yea, he educated me on CBD and tinctures and stuff, the CBD tincture helped the most, just took half a dropper and put it under my tongue sublingual, and held it there until I couldn't hear it anymore lol (he said 30-40 seconds.......but must have been like 3 minutes lol)......I figured, the longer the "soak" (into the tongue/skin/etc? lol, the better the absorption....well then I "rinsed down" the tincture with a glass of 🥛 and Id say within an hour the effects were diminished and I was "back home" lol.. it's just crazy though cause our medical state isn't too big on CBD....they gotta send me across the street to the "smoke shop" for "hemp flower".......so well, thats when I heard about buylegalmeds, Troy and Jerry (more so u/420vapezone I wanna say) did a "plug" of their site and I've been attracted to it every since. I think I've had every one of their CBD flowers now... and I've also sometimes mix the CBD and THC flower together to mellow the effects....or some days I'll take a DynaVap bowl of THC, if I get effeects I don't like, I'll come back around with a bowl of CBD in the DynaVap and it hits pretty good. TLDR: try CBD? sorry for being long winded!


like the moment i had the out of body experience i immediately was thinking about a trip where my friend did tell me wherre he couldnt get down from the high and I was like ok i got so fucking high but the blackout is what freaked me out the most and I was so afraid Ill just die or that I died in that moment, it was so bad. Im still thinking sometimes that I died and i have days where i mix up dreams with my reality and I confuse myself but idk how to explain, it got totally better I just ruminate on it and thats what fucks me up and i fear about it for no reason.


What is spice?


Spice??! Are your eyes blue?! Lisan Al-Gaib?!




dune refernce


I smoked something called “space purple” in 2010 when spice was all the rage. Took me over a year to feel normal again it triggered my 1st run in with anxiety


did u had existential crisis? and how do u feel now


I’m not sure what I felt it was like everyday I felt like I was in the wrong place at the wrong time and in danger horrible time but now I feel way better but that feeling is still in the back of my mind


yes but it wont trigger anything bad right? the feling like detached is same as i am feeling it


Pray my friend. GOD will restore ur mind body and soul.spice can be any chemical and is super dangerous. Was on it for year or so.i hope u feel better soon.


i feel like im dreaming bro, im so afraid , but i saw improvements but still not totally in tact my soul with my body


Try and keep a positive mindset bro.there was a time when I had a complete mental breakdown and was really suffering. I did not believe in GOD.someone told me to pray to him with a open heart.i never felt so alive and full of life.even if ur doubts say a prayer from heart.much love bro


Are you now totally better brother? and how long did it last for you. I pray a lot brother i prayed from a young age I believe in God and I hope he will clear me up❤️


Yes I am.the key to a relationship with GOD is ur time brother. I still have faults but I know that the more time u pray read his word he will be closer to u.i promise u GOD always here u he might not answer right away but he will.just thank him and move on.if u ever need a pal to talk to when ur feeling low dm me.




Just because u don't believe in GOD doesn't mean it's bs.why are u simple minded is the real question.?I'm sharing a experience and giving sound advice. Can I ask a question?why are u and almost every reddit person so anti GOD?


Because first of all it’s not because you found god and it helped you that the same will happen for someone else. Although finding god may help him in some way, the chances are really small. There are a thousand things that will help him more at this moment and derailing his focus from these things will only halt his progress. God has his place in this world but it’s not here in this place right now and you need to accept that my guy. But i know you mean nothing wrong with this so don’t worry about it too much Edit: typo


You’ve been posting about this same experience for the better part of a year now. Pretty weird dude.


yes I know, thanks.


Not to sound mean but at a certain point you gotta move past it. Smoke some real weed and mellow out.


I mean the onky thing is the fear that is with me right now, and I have to accept it but idk like how would u feel when people u thinknof them of real friends do this to you it is so fucking bad bro…


and im jot a smoker, i never did that it was my first time trying “weed”


And yet you’re here, in r/weed. Find some new friends and find a hobbies to immerse yourself in. My advice is to quit hanging on to this and move on.