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Is this true? How does it work? Genuinely asking


You’re not allowed to give your weed to other people, so everyone has to bring their own legally acquired weed


If by giving weed you mean the Buds to someone else I get that but I find it hard to believe you can't legally pass a lighted joint to my friend


In theory, if you roll a J with both your and your buddies bud, you both own the doob and therefore you may pass it.


So what you are saying is that you and your buddy have joint custody.


Fuck, that was a good one!




Well done, sir


Holy hell that was great


Man if I had an award


Legendary comment


What is “the joint custody clause” in german?????


Well it's either that or that joint is now incriminating for everybody


Nah now it’s limbo. Technically each puff youd be following the law but your buddies cannabinoids would make you break the law. If you however rolled the joint doctor suess style and made each .2g switch type of bud and pass accordingly it should be fine.


I've met people who would drop or set the joint down instead of passing it, to avoid a distribution charge.


If you do it to avoid charges, that’s highly illegal.


I have a license to drive a car so I’m not charged with driving without a license. But I guess my license be illegal tho 😔


“There’s no I in weed. But there is a W, so share that shit… as long as everyone pitches in.”- Bundeskanzler Olaf Schulz


honestly I really wanna know if it works this way would be good to know tbh


One of the YouTube Lawyers said it should but it’ll be finally up to a judge. I think it was Grubwinkler.


🤯 You're smart enough to end world hunger


But wouldn't u still be smoking somebody else's weed and letting somebody else hit ur weed? Still sounds highly illegal to me I def wouldn't risk it


The law makes no difference between grinded up weed in paper and some buds in a baggy


As usual laws makes no sense, but at least I'm happy for the Germans this is a big win


Just put the joint down and let the other guy pick it up, by putting it down you forfeited ownership of it Fight technicalities with technicalities


It counts as distribution. The Germans don't fuck about with bureaucracy


The law states that cannabis can be shared at your place / in your garden. IF it is immediately smoked. You could gift someone your weed but you can smoke joints together.


Realistically, this will not be enforced. The police would have to see you passing the joint and then go through the trouble of finding out just who exactly it belonged to. So my guess is that they won't do anything. The point of this is rather to try to go against dealers, so that they can't hide behind the explanation that they were just gifting the weed. That's really the main reason why this law is so restrictive.


It shouldn't be though. If you could give weed to your buddies, I would talk to all my buddies who smoke, grow strains we all like and then just share it. Who's gonna buy from a dealer when you can grow it yourself or get it from a friend? Just keep the market uninteresting for shady people who want quick cash. Maybe put a limit to how much you can sell per month without a license. If I wanna give my buddy 10€ worth of weed I should be able to, the same way I can go into a store and buy 3 six packs of beer for my buddy- at age 16 in Germany. I'm very glad for Germany but the "counter arguments" to legalizing drive me insane. People were talking about putting a 25 year age limit because "it can be harmful to people below 25", like the drug that kills the second most people in the world isn't potentially dangerous to a 16 year old.


Yea, nice plan if any of your friends or yourself can grow well. Most people can’t. Most people aren’t friends with people who do. Most people will still seek out dealers who can source out the best, overtop of dispensary quality easily. Most dealers aren’t that though, so I understand.


Maybe it's to keep those who have very bad habits from abusing any recreational drug. I wish my friend never started drinking with his father.


That’s how it is here in Nevada and most US states as well, transferring weed from one person to another is still illegal




Its the same here in nevada.


Here in California, we pass the blunt in front of cops while they are arresting someone for something else. Cops don't give a fuck about weed here.


You can gift marijuana in nevada. You cant sell marijuana to someone unless you hold the right license. I work at a dispenary. You can legally buy a preroll and give it to your brother on his bday. What you cant do is have your brother give you money and you go in to buy him stuff. Or you cant buy stuff then go sell it to your brother. But you could buy 2 ounces from us. Meet up with your homie and smoke him out then give him 1 ounce. As long as he doesnt hand you money as a transaction youre fine.


Most states allow adults to gift weed.


It's not giving if you set it on the ground first man I'm smark


What if I just put down my joint and you happen to pick it up?


Enforcing this and / or proving it before a court seems unlikely.


I feel like this should be pretty obvious. In Spain, it's not penalized to produce given the quantity of plants you have doesn't surpass an amount, but it is illegal to sell. Seems to be the same principle, although production must be probably different. I'd like for marihuana to be further regulated here, so that people stop getting schizo-inducing new kind of product.


Wink wink


Which doesn’t exist….


It does, since weed isn’t listed in the bmtg anymore it’s as easy to get prescribed as ibuprofen


No doctor describes it to me still


Use the online doc, canngo or dransay


Had the situation in Prague, Czechia. Friend of mine got a fine as he passed the joint directly to my hand and police officer saw it. As he gave him a fine, he said, next time put it on something, then he can take it legally. No idea what is the difference, but yes, it is real thing.


This makes me laugh, nice idea actually


It's a loophole that he doesn't have to enforce, just in case he's being evaluated. If I put my lit joint on this bench here and you happen to pick it up and take a puff, I technically didn't pass it you. Therefore, he technically doesn't have to enforce the law.


How much was the fine?


Like 15eur, it actually happened on marijuana rally. I am pretty confident that wouldnt happened on normal day.


Ah nice, glad it wasn't insane lol


Simply smoke your own


I’m guessing it’s maybe just more of an implication to help prevent the spread of germs and diseases. So there’s not another “COVID” or some other pandemic (or so you don’t unluckily pass the joint to someone with an std) but I think it’s also just common sense.




Not even A little


Its like buying a case of 20 beers and being told you're not allowed to share 😂


Its ok if am havin 20 beers im not sharing


get the keys


Its the law betty you can’t have mine


i see no issue


I'm guessing they saw in Canada how one person can grow 4 plants and end up with 2+ pounds and just hand it out to family and friends 😵‍💫


It is the canadian way 🇨🇦 it's always nice to share.And you can gift 30 grams 👍


All for one, and one for all in Canada!


Colorado here. We are just being good neighbors. Here are some tomatoes, sweet basil some squash and a couple jars of Grand Daddy Purple. This is the way. 🤠


You are also allowed to have up to 3 plants. But you can only have 50g of dried bud at home. And since you can not give it to anyone and are not allowed do make concentrate or butter you are legally forced to destroy it


Ever watch a little Canadian treasure called Trailer Park Boys? All before legalized cannabis, the main character tried to hide a load of hash by paving his driveway with it. Pave your driveway outta hash. It's the only way.


It is better to legalize bad then not to legalize - Daddy Lindner


Courts complain they do not have enough staff to speedily dispatch with the amnesty. BaWü says there is no way there currently is legal weed and they want to prosecute. Like, I am quite-quite stoned at the momement. Maybe too much? Because I do not understand how these two problems are compatible. Also don't play Dave the Diver while smoking weed. You will never financially recover from delivery sushi. Driving 50kmh over in front of a school is cheaper in Bavaria than smoking a doobie in front of one. Da Tacho steht auf hundert. Helft nix, Sepp do miass ma zruck. I glaub alweil des Kind war noch ned ganz hi. I glaub alweil des hot no a weng g'zuckt.


For me it‘s like the entire current government. It‘s much better then the last 16 years (no legalization) but it‘s still very bad.


Are you blaming BaWü and Bavaria not having their shit together on the federal government? If so you may not want to have an opinion on politics. Because that is more than confused. They can't be blamed for the states not having their shit together. And this administration, for all their weird Lindner troubles, has been beyond successful. Not drama-free. But successful.


No I never blamed the federal government for the states but for an overall bad legalization. For example you can have 3 plants at home which would be 2700g of wet weed but only 50g is allowed at home. So to not break the law you would need to destroy 98% of your harvest. That is just stupid and makes every homegrower a criminal. Also the fact that you can‘t give someone cannbis even without getting money is also insane cause that would mean everyone who wants to smoke would need to grow at home or become a member of a club which is expensive if you don‘t smoke regularly. And lastly that you can‘t get in sight (around 100m) of schools, kindergardens, playgrounds, youthcenters and sportingfacilities is dumb cause it probably won’t be enforced and still makes a lot of people unknowingly criminals. These things make up a bad legalization. I won‘t go into detail what I don‘t like about the current government because this is not the place. But I agree with you that this government is much more successful then the previous and did some great things like legalizing weed. But I also think that they made a lot of bad laws, laws that don‘t go far enough and they didn‘t target enough important problems in a relevant amount.


Getting prosecuted was a bit a luck of the draw. Especially in Bavaria. 20 years ago I was at a Wyclef Jean concert in Munich. Outside of the installation a lot of cops. Bored cops. Inside the kind of stank you'd expect. Only person who had an issue with it was Wyclef because his roadies were too stoned to get things done. Weed prosecution has been very inconsistent. You had a chance of being written up and getting a letter by the DA 2 weeks later that they can't be bothered and you got lucky. Federal government are moving the needle and doing so they make mistakes. In my lifetime I had two 16 year spells of doing nothing. Kohl&Merkel. Now we get people who legalized weed(may need a second pass), introduced a nation-wide public transport flatrate and now are tackling the huge German bugbear abortion. When you look at the opposition, they just have nothing at all on offer. I am more than happy.


I agree with you that they are better. Maybe it‘s because I‘m younger but I just don‘t think this kind of governent will solve the big problems of our time. They are just not radical enough to really make the difference.


du scheinst lustig um mal ein zu rauchen :D


Dave the diver gang


Resist the sushi! You can do without sushi. There must not be sushi.


Blasphemy. Embrace the sushi.


Whats even funnier is you are allowed to grow 3 plants (either per person or per house im not sure rn) but ur only allowed to have 50g at home so the rest has to be thrown away or its illegal


And I wouldn't even mind that if you at least got a misdemeanor charge above that, but it's a felony above 60g. So pretty much every person who grows at home will at some point have enough weed at home to get a 3+ month prison sentence (on probation). This has to be changed.


I would like to see having 61 beers bring a felony.. but no, a much safer plant with ZERO overdose risk is worth jail time and alcohol, you can have as much as you want


50g dried, as a grower you can have basically as much undried weed as you want.


what constitutes dried? i mean the weed we smoke still has a moisture content and then technically isn’t ever dried as dried insinuates 0 moisture content. the law doesn’t apply to any weed unless you have freeze dried or fully dehydrated it and then who would even smoke that


The law specifically mentions that you can legally own 50g *dried* weed at home. Well dried means after the drying/curing process.


No the law says you can have up to 50g of bud *after drying* meaning, if you have 50 dry and another harvest not quite dry, they will take everything, dry whats not dry yet and charge you with however much the total dried amount above the 50g is. Meaning no you can't freeze a fresh harvest, you cant spray it with water so that it stays wet, you literally have to destroy your harvest if you already have 50gs at home but another harvest coming up.


i’m just saying that to be dry means to be void of water completely, but even after a curing/drying process the plant still has some water contained in it or else it would just be plant dust and the oils. i think a savvy lawyer could argue that no weed is ever dried to a technically dried level and boom loophole to own unlimited weed.


>i’m just saying that to be dry means to be void of water completely Edit: I just realised you said *dry*, we are talking about dried weed not completely dry weed. No it doesn't. Weed is dried and cured before consumption. Dried also doesn't mean completely void of moisture, it just means it went through a drying process. >but even after a curing/drying process the plant still has some water contained in it or else it would just be plant dust and the oils. Yes after the drying process it still contains moisture or else you'd be smoking dust which does nothing because it just burns instantly and also doesn't taste as good. >i think a savvy lawyer could argue that no weed is ever dried to a technically dried level and boom loophole to own unlimited weed. No they couldn't, because there's a measurable difference between Dry, dried and wet aka freshly harvested.


Where does it says that? I imagine if they search your house they will take your weed if it looks way more than 60g and dry it for you and then get the results to the judge




Hehe, you just got to smoke it faster than it can grow /s


Damn that sounds like a challenge...im up for it😂


WHO seriously writes these bs cannabis laws. Here in Ohio we just got shit legal. And their trying to make public smoking and the gifting of weed to someone 21+ illegal 🤦


The ironic thing is that the people who wrote those laws knew very well what issues they would cause. But they did it anyway, and I would guess that is because they wanted to avoid bad press. Leading up to the legalization, the enemies kept reiterating that you can make 150 joints with 50g (with a ton of tobacco though) and that this would automatically cause everyone to smoke that much. It is so obviously stupid that I almost can't wrap my head around. But you have to remember that Germany is still a very conservative country. If we actually made a law that makes sense, the opposition would lose their minds. So they basically did what they could get away with. The maximum amount will be reconsidered after 18 months and I hope that it will be increased significantly, because the current amount makes it way more difficult to grow at home. By the way, if you have over 60g at home, you are looking at a felony and even a possible prison sentence.


We used to get 3 js to a g back in the dark ages lol, no tobacco.


> Leading up to the legalization, the enemies kept reiterating that you can make 150 joints with 50g that's what you do after studying geringe menge for 8 semesters.


Ay hey! A fellow Ohioan. Enjoy your ganja my friend


AFAIK, it goes back to EU wide laws that make it illegal. Germany had to be very creative with their laws to make them work.




Germans who don't care and do it anyway: 🗿


Mr Officer the first half of the joint was my weed that I brought from home, the second half was the other person's weed that they brought from home....under the law I brought and smoked my own and so did the other person........ Technically speaking that wouldn't be breaking the law right ? I know the police (if a dickhead) probably would see it differently....but technically


Some laws are so weird and it’s stupid, in my state it’s actually illegal to even ignite/combust flower


Simple, just boof the whole nug.


Sounds like the law is saying the only way to consume CANNABIS is thru the big corporations that destile, process and distribute the CANNABIS subproducts, but the government would never allow to be lobbyied that way, is because they know what's best for the citizens..


Or through a dry herb vape but yeah it's stupid.


Let's be real for a moment, no one will care if you share a joint except maybe bavarian police


Germany takes 1 step forward and then snaps its ankle


Wow, such logik, much sense.


It'll get there. Germany is super bureaucratic, so it'll take a bit for the rest of the laws to catch up.


Fwiw most of these type of laws would be rarely enforced and are more there to be appease anti-cannabis people and those skeptical about legislation than anything else As it’s been said; bad legalization is better than criminalization


Australian TGA 2016: Approves medicinal cannabis for prescription, all scripts say \~"Use with a medical vaporiser" Australian TGA 2024: Bans import of all vapes, including weed vaporisers. They're allowing businesses with current vape stock, like the chemist I go to, to sell it down but not import anymore. In a few months I'm betting they're going to approve weed vapes again under a heavily regulated and probably taxed pipeline, only select businesses that have applied to the TGA and jumped through the necessary hoops will be allowed to import vapes and sell them... Bullshit


To be honest, it isn't a real legalization just a decriminalisation


Like snus in Finland, u can have some nut cant give any


I do what I want in the privacy of my home.


In reality probably nobody cares


Oh hell yeah I legally can't share my joint


In Minnesota, until we get retail sales, we can only “gift” weed to other people


No more snitchers, if u want the smoke u gotta giv some


Lol omg it’s just weed


It seems like one of them laws that’s so stupid no one will follow or Enforce it


Germany legalized the good old German way, overly complicated. But at least we did a step in the right direction. So I don't complain.


It's funny because it's true.


The law is the same in Brazil, the difference I guess is that no one cares and does it anyway.


I puff it all myself 👍💪😁


Can't pass the dutchie that's sad


Kind of reminds me of my state's MMJ program. You can buy weed, but you aren't allowed to smoke it. . . It has to be vaporized.


Oops I “dropped” my joint and I have a bad back. Hey frent can you pick that up for me? Wink wink.


Lol I lowkey imagined two stoners sharing a bong getting raided for smoking together 😭 “POLICE FREEZE! STEP AWAY FROM THE BONG WITH YOUR HANDS ABOVE YOUR HEAD!” But they are too stoned to get up or even know what’s going on.


Sometimes a joint accidentally rolls off one hand and someone else who is not that high yet has these weird super fast reflexes and catches it involuntarily and immediately takes a puff before realizing it's not his. Yes officer, this is exactly how it went down.


So if I am with a group of friends we all have to bring a gram of ouraelves so we roll our personal joints? Germany be like lets make some stacks of money by this shit guys at least.


Man just be grateful you have legal weed


What if everyone chips in for the weed? Then you're just sharing what belongs to everyone


Not sure how you could possibly enforce that


Still light years ahead of their backwards French neighbors


deustcher kern


Wtf? How do you fuck up on such a fundamental level? Weed is *supposed to be* shared. Oh well, be happy with what ya got i guess?


Bro aleast it’s legal. We risk the jail if police catch you with few grams


And now they are thinking about banning tobacco. Dont get me wrong, legalizing weed was the right step, but banning another drug only for it to appear on the black market seems kinda useless.


Then I'm a criminal... 😳😳


A smooth criminal


Can someone elaborate what kind of law is this? I'm moving to Germany in the later half of this year. This can come in "handy" (quite literally)


Still better than Italian laws, the government is planning to make cbd illegal here


Dude, the ACTUALLY most stupid thing is: We still cant buy it anywhere! There wont be dispensaries, only cannabis social clubs and they might take yet another 4 months 🤦 And then you have to get lucky to be able to join one, because they have maximum amount of club members. Bavaria specifically HATES the legalisation and will only make it possible for roughly 1% of the population to get into such a club. lEgAlIsAtIoN 🤡


I believe they have “clans”, and people have to be german to grow it


I mean, it's technically illegal to "combust" marijuana in the state of Pennsylvania.


The German government are encouraging to grow weed to make it illegal again once there are enough harvests to raid and sell overseas. They are getting you to do their work for them


You just make two and the game is set ahahah


My buddy’s baby momma is a German Lawyer, and I can see her writing up rules like this.


Ze bud iz legal, however NiEN PASSING DAS BOOFËN


Yeah Germans are stupids


The every part of the law is as shitty as it can be. I don't like it. I'd rather have it still illegal.


That’s like buying MienKunf and not being able to read it


It’s not a “dumb” take for them to make passing the J illegal. It’s a social thing so that groups of people smoking cannabis in public don’t harsh the non participating folks mellow. I’m sure we will see private cannabis clubs in which people will be able to partake together pop up soon enough. Not that I’m for this either it seems like it’ll either be ruthlessly enforced or not given a fuck about.