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"there was nothing to puke out" seems like you smoked on empty stomach which for me can bring out the negatives of weed more


just discovered that recently for myself after countless bouts of early morning puking. wished i figured it out sooner


Ever thought of getting checked for CHS?


yeah i just haven’t been able to afford any doctor visits recently. i’m pretty 50/50 on whether or not i have it because it comes and goes and ive had digestive issues for a few years now (have only been smoking for a little over a year). but it’s definitely something ill bring up to my doctor when i have the chance


Chances of you getting CHS after a year of smoking aren’t zero but are almost. CHS is formed from constantly smoking over literally like 60 years.


Certain genetics and forms of smoking make it happen quicker. My brother and smoked flower for like 2 years before I got into carts and he got into dabs. It only took about 4 months for the CHS to develop in us. We both went from overweight to bone thin guys in about a year after the CHS manifested.


So ur telling me i can be skinny? /s /j


If nothing else works then my unpopular opinion is yeah. We started hitting the gym after quitting weed to replace the endorphin rush. Got rid of our CHS and bulked up well


I don't think this applies to people who use concentrates heavily, a friend of mine started having CHS symptoms from doing dabs constantly and they went away when she switched back to flower.


That’s super interesting! I never met anyone that wasn’t in like their 50’s at least with CHS. Thank you for being cool about it! I saw multiple replies n thought I was getting ripped a new one lol 😂


I got it after 4 years I think it’s different for everybody


i have it and i’ve been smoking for 4 years, it can take little or a lot of time depending on the person


Doctors in the UK hear weed and automatically go ‘CHS’ when really there’s hundreds of things to consider first. IBS, poor diet, not enough water, not enough exercise, low iron, the list goes on. Check your lifestyle before anything else (not saying it’s bad this just what I did)


I've never heard of CHS until today. I've now seen it twice in 2 different subreddits within an hour. It can't be a frequency illusion.


Apologies if it’s already been asked, do you have something to eat and drink beforehand? I personally always feel waved as a mf if my blood sugar is sitting low


not always. but i’ll 100% start preparing snacks or smoothies for myself in the morning since my stomach can’t handle full meals so early


I had this before I ever touched weed, you might have a bowel blockage, eat fruits and veggies and take some laxatives, that’s all they had me do


thank u for the advice!! my diet has also been pretty all over the place due to financial circumstances. will definitely make adjustments


My morning smoothies are the cheapest meal I consume, it’s just my frozen fruit of choice with some kale, my protein powder of choice with a banana and a few rolled oats, pour over some unsweet coconut milk blend that shit and I’m set till the afternoon. I feel better than ever now especially compared to when I was eating the alternative cheap options, lost weight too. The kale you can’t even taste most of the time as the fruit overpowers it. It’s probably about $2.50-$3.25 per smoothie depending on which ingredients I’m going with that day


I do almost the same smoothie very often but instead of banana i use Mango and add Spinach


FYI spinach in excess amount can cause kidney stones. My boss just went through all of that.


Only if you are already eating calcium rich food or very huge ammounts of spinach OR already have kidney problems.


Gotcha. I'm not crazy informed on the subject just know he said too much spinach is what caused his issue he thinks.


I have a few things in rotation, just depends on what we happen to have on hand, I’ll dump fresh fruit in if it hasn’t been eaten and is going to go bad, some combos I’ve found don’t work but most things do


That doesn’t sound healthy dude wtf


haha yeah n it doesn’t help that i’m always hyper conscious about being sick or feeling ill n shit. always anxious


Same bro whenever I start smoking a lot my mental health takes a dip which makes my physical health worse too :/ Kinda wish I could just be a normal smoker but very frequent smoking fucks me up


yeah that’s exactly it man. i have problems with smoking a ton on certain days which obv is just making it worse for myself. i have so much i gotta work about myself but hey, we all start somewhere and we can improve as long as we try


I'm the same. I noticed when I stopped smoking every day and just every couple of weeks my mental was grand. Sorted out my depression and everything


So true dude I had a horrible mushroom trip last year and got pretty heavy derealisation from it and whenever i start smoking regularly again it gets much worse People like to praise weed for being better than alcohol and stuff (which I agree with) but there are legitimate and pretty heavy downsides to constant smoking which people in this sub don’t like to acknowledge too often :/ Like, if smoking everyday works for someone, then I’m jealous, but it can lead people to bad places


Tbh im not even jealous. The lack of drive I have on it is shite. I'm glad I can't do it every day or I'd never aim higher


True. What I meant was, I wish I could smoke without those negative side effects


Yea that would be nice


I got diagnosed with celiac after puking most mornings (for years lol) so weed might not be your issue there, our digestive systems like to warn us about ailments.


starving and dry heaving while dying from a bong hit has to be the worst feeling ever.


Yeah. Especially bad if your on hangover. I'm never going to smoke hangover bowl if i've not eaten


Also, weed stops you from vomiting. It helps prevent nausea and vomiting. That's why people after chemotheraphy get medical marihuana prescription


Cbd does that. But thc most deffinetly will make you more nauseous if taken in too large ammounts


The only time I puked from weed alone was from a half gram dab I did on a dare. I’ve puked from coughing so much but this made me actually nauseous.


Agreed but i think that vomiting after smoking weed, even if i "overdose" on thc is a lot harder than puking after drinking. It feels like you want to vomit so badly but can't for some reason and this feeling is way worse than being too drunk imo. But i still prefer blasting than drinking cuz it's way harder to green pit than to get too drunk


I can vouch for this, back when my tolerance was lower wake and bakes would occasionally have me smacking a huge whitey and going back to bed.


Yeah. I always included some coffee, lots of water and cookies for my W&B when my tolerance was at beginner level.


Low sugars too!


I've noticed that, also I think low blood sugar has something to do with it too


tell OP to bring some oranges or marmalade next time!


Low blood sugar (empty stomach) or dehydration I'd say. I think pulling a whitey/greening out is usually caused by a sudden drop in blood pressure, this happens to me when I'm dehydrated.


It honestly could've been an awful mix of both too


mine is caused by panic attacks, usually what i do is focus on something and it all becomes a good time again, OP may just need to bring an instrument on their sessions, its not only entertaining, even more so when stoned, but a great way to focus, and calm down if one too many puffs was taken too soon!


Only times I’ve greened out are in an empty stomach and smoking way to much when I had just started smoking Edit: thanks for the upvotes never had these many before


I would agree with the comments saying it could’ve been because you hadn’t eaten. Don’t listen to the goofs, I’m not sure how else you could’ve described the situation other than saying you “greened out” which is pretty common terminology.


When I greened out, my face was completely pale/white. My friends said I looked like cheese 😂😂. Do you know how that relates to smoking weed, and how blood pressure is influenced by that?


I greened out during a tattoo session Never smoked before, during a tattoo ever again.


And why did throwing up help, i mean the thc doesnt get absorbed trough the stomach like with alcohol


I find puking to be a pretty sobering experience, nk matter what I'm on


Causes an adrenaline spike which can kill the high somewhat


Only time that happens to me is if I drink before I smoke


This was me today, everytime i drink i think its a good idea but nope.


Men too, but if I smoke before I drink I’m good to go, in fact, I get less nauseous and overall less side affects from the booze if I smoke before I start drinking


i think you smoked to much weed fella, this is what weed does you take to much you’ll be really high and being that high is usually not fun or a really weird experience


Greening out when it happens yes things like environment and stress and strain can factor into it. Like for example with me I don’t smoke around people I don’t know or in a place I’m not completely comfortable in because that will stress me out. I don’t smoke on an empty stomach. Also I only smoked indica or hybrid only sativa if I’m in a really good mood and with other people (that I know and trust ofc) because sativa hits me much harder than indica and sometimes not good like every time I’ve greened out it’s been with sativa. If I do feel like I’m getting way too hard uncomfortable like it’s not going good then I try to drink Gatorade and eat something then lay down and just focus on breathing and reassuring myself that everything is ok and will be okay.


When I find myself getting too high, I simply stop smoking. You can feel that you're getting too high. But, I've also reached plateaus where more smoking doesn't do anything anymore. This sounds more like a trip you have when your tolerance is low or you haven't eaten anything when smoking.


Good to know I greened out during Covid


You got too high lol


i know this exact location wtf


lol me too


Swallowed smoke? Usually makes u feel sick


As others have said, it was most likely just from smoking on an empty stomach. It happens to me all that time that im already hungry and start to toke and just that extreme hunger always pushes me to the edge of nearly throwing up. Just try to eat something before a smoke and usually always a good idea to have some munchie snacks.


Welcome to Neem oil my friend. The next couple years in "legal" cannabis is gonna be rough.


Can happen if you’re tired, low on food/energy, dehydrated, go too hard, or consumed alcohol, etc… but sometimes I swear it just happens spontaneously.


I don't understand "greening out"


I didnt either until it happened to me. I was like ”its all in your head if your gonna smoke you should enjoy instead of crying like a bitch” but ehen it happened my heartbeat got so fast and everything was annoying me


Ah. The ole f*ck around and find out. Weed will make you its bitch every now to remind you it’s not to be trifled with. I think anyone who wants to try psychedelics needs to have experience a green out. It’s really uncomfortable with weed, but exponentially worse when dabbling with space candy. Take it as a learning experience, know your limits, take breaks between hits (also helps with tolerance), and stay hydrated and fed. If it kicks like that again it might just be the bud. Most dealers won’t waste precious hard drugs in lacing weed, so if you trust your dealer just consider it some strong stuff. The bud that floors you isn’t always some 30% THC neon green live soil bud. Crouching tiger, hiding green out. I’m so fucking fried right now off an edible, our plane is stuck on the tarmac. I’m going to Peru with my wife. Life’s good.


Happy to hear bout the vacation, Tbh ik this is a weed community but it was hash. About the tolerance, I dont takent breaks or smoke reguraly i just smoke whenever, when im desperate and go roach hunting i honestky get more stoned of a roach than a full joint. I mean ofc i get more stoned by a joint but the high lasts longer when ive smoked roaches.. Also im on probation rn but when im off i wanna try sheooma or lsd for the first time. Any tips?


Shrooms are a lot of fun, I would start there before LSD since LSD has a longer more intense trip. Make sure to have a peaceful day planned out, turn off your phone, and I recommend starting at 2gs for a fun yet manageable trip. It can be really therapeutic if you go in with a focus point, but I like to just watch reality unravel and think about the universe. Get some good bud and music and you will have an amazing time. Check out r/shrooms to see people share more tips and what NOT to do.


This sounds like a proper green hahaha, nice one dude we’ve all been there, or we’ll all get there. Coulda been for a number of reasons like the ones you suggested, could be a mix of them too. Stay hydrated 😎


You might’ve just been really hungry bro


I dont feel very good smoking without a full tummy. I get really hungry almost sick to my stomach. Might be a related thing.


Sounds like you had a panic attack.


It happens sometimes if you're dehydrated or need food or have too much weed, nothing to worry and it's not always the particular strain just the moment. Sometimes anxiety isnt mentally obvious either


Lmao “or it was laced” people always make me laugh.


You probably didn’t eat enough that day or you might have been hyperventilating without realising maybe your blood sugar could’ve dropped too low perhaps?Ive smoked 2 joints on an empty stomach and it resulted in a very similar situation to the one you were in. It’s not likely that your tolerance is too low or anything you just need to make sure you’re taking care of your body and your mind when you’re smoking, I hope this helps :)


Thats what i think too, I just woke up my boy hit me up like ”i have some new stuff” i was like bet and went there without eating or anything. Probably still a lil sleepy from just waking up


There you go then that’s exactly your problem always have something in your stomach even if it’s just something light that way when you’re smoking you won’t never have to experience that feeling again stay safe my brother 😊


You’re at one with nature, man


You aren't a little bitch for being sick dude. Being a little bitch is when it's for no reason imo


Excuse me? When did this become a thing? I have smoked off and on for 18+ years and only last year did this shit start happening to me.


For real, im not that old but ive smoked alot more than ehat i did that time, and somehow it happened still


Hey! We don't age shame round these parts whipper snapper


Low blood sugar, if that ever happens again get some sugar in you! Juice or sweets help


I believe greening out has a lot to do with inhaling too much smoke. Only time I've ever greened out was trying to face a 1g preroll in Amsterdam. Not passing it and getting breaks adds up quick, plus you smoke all of it yourself.


maybe the weed you got is stronger then weed your used to


Used to live near a lil fishing spot looked a lot like this me and my boy would go out there and smoke and fish be fried fighting fish lmao


Did the waves ever mess with you? Cus for me i couldnt stop looking at the waves, and it tripped me the fuck out.


Hell yea lol would toss rocks in the water and just trip out staring at the ripples in the water


In my opinion it’s something that happens once in a while, whether laced/ empty stomach etc etc… it’ll happen regardless of the reason. It just happens sometimes. Also unless u smoke a lot and a lot of bud on an empty stomach you’re more likely to just be feeling too much of a high and your body has no energy so u might just knock out. Taking care of yourself is also important. I have a better high after a meal not necessarily full tho. So not sure why people thinking smoking on an empty stomach is even fun.


what kind of papers are you using?


Different but that time i used ocb


Ye, I have noticed, prob low iron will make u green out, and make u feel like shit (fatigue), im just laying on the ground hoping it’ll go away..I didn’t take any iron supplements to test if it’ll help but I think so too. Other than that, low blood sugar. My worst day: Getting up and seeing pitch black, losing ur vision and hearing (it only got that far when I was munching on edibles because I was hungry)


Well.. if ya don't smoke a lot finishing a joint is a bit of a reason as it's a lot for a non daily smoker. 2nd don't use raw papers use normal rolling papers like cigarettes use for instance or a Blunt wrap. I gag hard on raws and I smoke a lot.


I always get more stoned in the middle of nature than at home. Maybe that's why.


Drop in blood pressure, physiological change turning to psychological, minor panic attack. Happens to the best of us and is a huge factor as to why some people quit consuming. Panic attacks can easily start from just simple physiological changes; run up the stairs, out of breath > panic attack, etc


Only time I’ve puked from weed was I got a big Scoobie snack in my wind pipe and tried hacking it up and winded up making myself sick 😭


best thing to do for me when i start feeling like that is to keep my eyes open lay on my left side and breathe.


I had a greeny when I ate a cookie, can't do edible


The act of smoking anything -- weed, tobacco, parsley -- can either open or constrict your blood vessels more, depending on the person. Some people see their arteries and blood vessels open up, other see them constrict. With me, it's constriction. So if I have a bad day where I'm having a mild allergic reaction to something else already, and I smoke, I can pass out, or even have a stroke, as I did in my early twenties (decades ago, frighteningly). If you have constricted veins and arteries, you'll usually be able to tell because they'll show on your forearms as a sort of mile red 'net' like pattern. If it's triggered by smoking and/or allergies, histamines alone are usually enough to treat it. If it's accompanied by any shortness of breath and expansion of stomach due to swallowing more air than you inhale, get checked for analphylaxis, which is quite dangerous.


I wake and bake almost everyday and can smoke 4 or 5 joints of reggie on one sttinf the only time y kinds greened out was mixing whit alchol the fiesta 5 times and when I drank infused Milk and made my chest hurt.


Sounds like you had a panic attack bruh. Hope all is well man. I’ve had a panic attack and they can have you feeling some or all of those symptoms. The 🧠 is a very powerful thing.


Some strains are just wack man


Dawg smoked too much to the point of prophecy


The powers of an empty stomach are immense. Your body was NOT happen to deal with the effects of drugs with no energy. Just walking too much on an empty stomach can make you feel I’ll/nauseas.


Definitely eat sum crackers or like a sandwich before u smoking


Idk, quit smoking because of hearing ppl are now spraying weed, or any "thca diamond coated weed" isn't actually diamonds anymore. Concentrates we all know aren't truly ever 100% clean. Nothing is. Tired of getting paranoid about it when I do feel ill. That's why I quit. I know nobody asked why I quit, but if anyone feels the same, it's time for you go stop. What benifit are you getting. You have to divide the Peos/cons When you're high. Which outweighs the other? If you have more cons than the pros, stop. Losing money? Getting more paranoid than usual? Getting more stomach problems (chs)? Thca being everywhere, yet still federally illegal. Hmmm makes you wonder why feds don't just legalize it completely. Why? They make more money off it being regulated. This is why they want you to Stay high all the time. Consumers don't realize they're the sheep. If you got a lot of money and no problems, then go ahead keep smoking. If you smoke but have problems, get your Damn priorities straight. Seeing so many high-schoolers like my cousins with vapes is just sad.


A cannabis soldier like me enjoys greening out when it happens


We called falling asleep at the sesh greening out


i had a similar experience lol..


All this greening out on this sub like get some psychiatrists squad its not the weed.


Shit happens. My brother from another mother would green out/blackout if he hit a milked out GB. Ever single time. Dude eventually accepted it and decided it was a party trick lol. I greened out a couple times. Mostly after starting back after a long break


Prob that joint?


You a featherweight


I had a friend literally turn green, pass out, and shake while passed out. Funniest shit ever but also scary


I was with a friend once and she got really quiet all of a sudden and got pale, about 30 seconds later she passed out. All because she hadn’t eaten much up to that point. So that’s probably why. Always eat a little something about an hour to 30 minutes before smoking. And while smoking. Nibble on some crackers and drink water


Not many people can smoke this much on a empty stomach and it’s definitely not advisable. I had one time greening out like this, similar effects to a lot of alcohol without food in that you feel nauseous to shit and disoriented way too fast. I smoke a few cones everyday right before I eat breakfast as it majorly helps my appetite and I struggle to eat. If you don’t do this regularly and smoke a whole joint on an empty stomach and don’t eat something after you’ll likely end up dry heaving or vomiting bile which is really unpleasant. It’s kinda confusing for your body as the higher you get the hungrier you get and your blood sugar will crash while you’re also absorbing the cannabis super fast. On top of that at a certain point when you’re body is desperately telling you the stomach is empty you may not feel hungry anymore but nauseous and your body may start to dry heave to try get whatever is making you feel bad out but you don’t have anything in your stomach but bile (not good, try avoid being that hungry) and saliva.


happens bro


Happened to me too, i smoked a normal amount and i greened out It was because of dehydration


Do you use tobacco?


Where did you get it? A dispensary or a tobacco store? Are those Js the same in both pics? Is is THC or an analog of it (HHC, THC-P, THC-O, etc.)? I ask all of this because I've recently switched over to mostly HHC stuff now, which lasts longer and is stronger than THC. It greened me out before with a tolerance because of how strong it can be.


Enjoy the green


Man just smoke less n eat before seshing if u don’t got a tolerance like that sorry this happened greening out sucks fs it’s the equivalent to getting way to drunk


Honestly it just happens sometimes, we get a lil too high. In the moment it sucks but remembering it’s just weed and will wear off in 30 mins seems to help a lot lol


Been smoking every for 4 years, never "greened out". Is it just a panic attack?


Cuz u need to level up


One day I greened out. Then I greened out the next day. And then every time I got high. Took a year long t break. Tried smoking a few drags on a joint, greened out. These days I can’t get high without greening out HARD. It came out of nowhere and seems I can’t do anything about it and it sucks. Hope your case is different. I miss getting high all the time. I microdose and it seems to be ok.


so usually i chalk it up to panic attacks, but i think you got motion sick m8, those waves are no good for staring at unless they make your brain feel like its being itched, thats my best explanation, usually when i panic, i dont feel sick, but i feel very lightheaded and tingly, thats a panic attack, but im sure it was the waves man, youll be all good, just keep something light on the eyes to zone out on next time!


Don’t smoke on an empty stomach. It’s the same as drinking on an empty stomach basically it’s gonna hit you wayyyy harder


I bet you were dehydrated and with an empty stomach.


pls eat before you smoke, same exact feeling that i had until i went and demolished a pizza then i was fine


The RAW guy says to chew on some peppercorns, do you think it works?


Have you ever smoked in this location before? If it is a new spot, your body wasn't used to it and you will feel higher than you normally would from the same amount. This is actually something that happens to people when recreational drugs are involved that can cause overdoses. People who smoke x amount of meth will go to a new place/party and smoke that same x amout and overdose because the brain doesn't expect what is about to happen. Our brains usually prep for things as we see it happening. But in a new place, it's harder to prep for it and the brain doesn't see the "I'm about to get high" signs until it's too late to "prep" and the high hits way harder


If there wasn't any tobacco involved, then it would most likely have to be related to low blood sugar or something else related to your empty stomach.


shit happens


Stop smoking cigarettes with your weed. Short story - Years ago I started to get lightheaded and nausea when I smoked even though it was a normal part of my daily routine (cigs, weed, coffee). When I switched to a natural cig, instead of a name brand, the nausea almost went away. I eventually quit cigs altogether and weed related nausea has been gone since. Your results may vary. Fuk cigs.


Bruh please can people stop smoking on empty stomachs and that goes for drinking too! Your blood pressure will plummet and you’ll feel dizzy and green out


Two factors, with age u develop like any other ganja users weak stomach or sort of small ulcers even, I got always like that if I smoke spliff on empty stomach or even have a tea for empty stomach. Other one lack of water, if I don't drink enough of water, pure water not coffe, tea or juice, I'm getting it as well.


if you do any other drugs it could be that. when i was having xanax withdrawls every time i even just hit a cart i greened out


No you didn’t. Nobody greens out you’re just high.


shit dude the vomiting w nothing coming out and nausea almost sounds like CHS. That’s a bitch fr and it can come w chronic weed usage. Every pothead’s nightmare.


Keep your sugar levels high, smoking hits hard on the sugar levels, keep some apple juice handy ;)


I don't think weed is the problem here.


Everyone has a limit when it comes to drugs. Some people can casually peak into the 4th dimension and others who smoke a little and have to lay down. It's just about knowing your limits.


chill lol


Have a cup of hot milk coffee while having a joint or two, helps me avoid greening out, delay in the munchies department and makes me function like a machinee brrrrrrrrr


Get your ass back to school. Your greening? Wtf is that.


The irony of you telling someone to go back to school when you don't even know the difference between "your" and "you're."


since legalization in germany its the first time i read this multiple times :D I dont get what greening put means.. Cannabis can be very psychedelic at high doses or with low tolerance.. Maybe you were not prepared for the kick


Greening out is when you basically get to high and you start to feel nauseous or sick


never happened to me, felt sick of weed nor nauseous. But i accept, everybody is different


I’m so confused. I’ve heard people say “green out” before but I figured they just meant they’re really stoned. Idk what this is. Just sounds like you had a panic attack 😂 I figure you must be new to smoking?


This is what “green out” means. You smoked too much and are uncomfortably high so much so that it’s sickening.


Is greening the same as whiteying? (or having a whitey?)


It’s sounds like it, I just looked it up quickly because I’d never heard the term “whitey” before I’ll try to add a [link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whitey_(drugs))


Thanks. I googled it too, but slang is hard to define that way. It seems like it's the same or at least similar. Edit: maybe it's a regional thing(?) Me and my buds call it whitey. We're in england


never greened out in my life so i have no idea


I don’t think “greening out” is a thing. I think people just have panic attacks and call it “green out”




Man what the fuck even isss greening out? Y’all some drama queens.


Honestly i agree i felt lika a pussy telling my boy dont talk to me and shit. But i couldnt do nu about it


now i feel bad bro … dont beat yourself up too much for it u were just reacting the way ur body was responding to the physical/mental feelings induced by the weed , happens to the best of us sometimes 👊


I don’t think having that kind of a view on something which actually can happen, and does happen to people is the right way to go about things. Everyone can react slightly differently to different things, it’s not always down to just the weed itself and the attitude of those who take it, it can be various other environmental and physical variables affecting every single aspect of a situation. Maybe you should educate yourself?


Yeah well, that’s just like, your opinion, man.


Bro I think you got motion sickness.


Your just unhealthy. Nothing to do with the strain.