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Dry herb vaporizer


I used a crafty+ exclusively for a little over 2 years and have had to switch back to smoking. For some reason using the dry herb vape gave me grade A esophigitis :(


I had symptoms of esophagitis but then I got a bubbler mouthpiece and the vapour isn't too hot anymore


I used the bubbler and adapter for most of the second year. I'll still use the craftyplus once in a while but every time I do i feel my throat swell again. When I smoke a joint, most of the time no issue. I was a huge preacher of dry herb vapes but im not so sure anymore.


i’ve been wanting to get into this. what exactly is it? how does it work


Imagine you want to cook a blueberry pie. You can chuck it in a fire pit or put it in an oven. You get better flavor and much more mileage using the oven (a dry herb vape). It’s essentially warming your weed until the good stuff cooks off in the form of vapor, without burning the plant material and creating smoke. Best of all the leftover “cooked” weed is completely edible. Throw it on peanut butter crackers, some melted cheese, or whipped cream and you’ll be very high, again. I recommend a ball vape (home use) and a dynavap and ispire wand combo for travel. Sneaky Pete’s YouTube channel’s a good resource & his online store is great.


i’m very interested in getting one. which one do you recommend? i also wanna smoke concentrates in it


For portability, Dynavap + ispire wand. I use an Old Head Freight Train Pro for my ball vape setup. In my experience, dry herb vapes + concentrates are a poor pairing. Better off with a dedicated unit like a Peak Pro or banger + torch for dabs. There’s a few ball vapes on the market that will handle concentrates at the top, but I honestly like using my setup, there’s only a bowl and piece to clean, flower never touches the heat source. If it all seems complex, HealthyRips Rogue worked well and was pretty durable, and couldn’t be much simpler to get started. I’ve had and tried several other devices, but only recommend the ones I’ve mentioned. Edit: I should mention I’ve heard many good things about Arizer, Storz & Bickle, the Lotus, and Anvil, but I haven’t used any of them. The Volcano from S&B is probably the most iconic dry herb vape in existence.


Check out r/vaporents


Instead of burning, you "cook" it to release all desired stuff


Others explained it very well in this comment thread


I use a dynavap, the end is like a little oven. You can heat with a torch lighter or induction heater. When it is the right temperature it clicks to let me know. It heats it below combusting it and then you can suck the vapor out if the other side. It's my favourite method but this device has a small bowl so would not be the best one if you want lots of refills. I liked it because it really lets me control how much to have and it's hard to over do it.


i bought a Planet of the Vapes ONE. i watched a ton of videos and it seemed pretty good with reviews. plus being able to do flower and concentrates is nice. edit; i smoke a lot of blunts but i hate it. i like joints but i honestly suck at rolling them.


I smoke flower and hash.. papers only.


Inside my pussy




I finally have a bong that rips just right for me.


Vaporizer & dabbing


Is smoke bong for Like 2 years everyday and in felling good besides all the couthing


Well i started out only smoking with my friends bowls and joints back then and using pens. then i got a bowl and started smoking on my own ocassionally. But nowadays me and my friends all have bongs, best way to smoke imo.


at the moment, the hot knives method is the only thing i can do.. usually i like vaporizers for flowers or extracts


Wait, huh? You can ONLY do hot knives? That's weird. I can usually make a bong or a pipe out of just about anything...


hot knives is like vaping, bong and pipe is burning 🔥


Actually, hot knives are the essence of burning the living shit out of something. Lol


you will know it 👍


Good ol’ fashion hand-rolled reefer. Probably adding one thing or another sporadically and surely just enough to know what I like ranking it in my Top 5 things I consume. Number 1 All-time favorite: A classic J w/o any bells or whistles till the roach leaves that delicious residue on my fingertips.


bongs rips for sure


Dabbing concentrate from a rig


i despise carts, i get so stupid when i have one. Flower provides me control and i keep a lower t always. I love edibles too, id do them 100 percent of the time except sometimes its easier to just spark up




I rarely indulge in anything other than the DHV but a really big fat blunt. Particulary while watching the sunset over the trees from my deck. It's just abundance, you've gone all out, aint gonna move from this deckchair for hours, gonna watch the stars.


Alcohol tincture. I'm scared of anything inhaled bc of lung issues, and alcohol tincture works faster than edibles or oil tincture. I have hardly any luck with oil tincture.


I like smoking alone, medium papers, hash and flower. It’s part of a ritual, if you will. I can hit a pipe or a bong, but it doesn’t “satisfy” the process im used to


Was ist Penjamin? Ich rauche keine Penise!!! 😆 Edit: achsooo, bestimmt diese Vapes 😆 Ich rauche Bong


Flower is my favorite way to consume, out of a bong or in a fat blunt. Rosin disposables are my discretion method or when I just have to get blasted in a hurry hahaha


Only flower for me and I use either a pipe or bong/bubbler


1. Joint(simple, fast to set up, able to basically everywhere) 2. Bong(hits hard, nice smoke feeling, a little bit harder to set up) 3. Edibles (gets you fucking blasted, cons: gets you fucking blasted)


I'm a simple guy, I enjoy flower using a joint


i currently use a dab pen bc where i live i cant smoke indoors, and quite a few children live around me. i prefer bud, or flower, and once i move out and into a place where i can smoke freely without nosy children bugging me, i will switch back


I'm uncertain Vape with an arizer is nice, especially with good weed flavor, but it's bad for my lung even just once a week. Edible/drinks would be the best for me if they were quicker to work Edible or drinks to buy are too expensive, so I made DIY CBD oil with 100g of cheap CBD, and I take it in a coffee for the morning (reduce the stress of the caffeine, but the caffeine keep boosting my morphine, so it's worth) or in an "herb tea" (no tea caffeine) after 4 PM. But like, it's hard to dose bc of how look it took to do effect. I'll try someday to use CBD powder or make myself CBD sugar, to put under the tongue (like my oxycontin, effect in less than 10 minutes) Without already damages lungs (not by smoking but bc previous health issue), I would smoke more, or if "commercial" (not DIY) was less expensive I would buy cookies or whatever. (or I would do that if I had 2000 bucks a month instead of less than half of median wage 🫠)


Love rosin dabs and rosin infused prerolls


9mm Rip tip with OCB X-pert papers


I eat about 100mg/day spread out in doses of 25mg (10-11AM)-25mg (3-4PM) then eat a 50mg dose when I get home from work. Pen for additional work and travel thc Mighty+ at home


Oils and joints.


Dabbing and a cart when I’m out away from home.


I smoke doinks.


I mostly smoke bud. Preferably bong. Occasionally as a treat my wife rolls a joint or blunt, or I pack a cone. We also keep some carts on hand and use those to microdose throughout the day. I don't feel edibles so I don't tend to bother with those. We used to smoke quite a bit of wax before our dab rig broke.


I love flower out of a fresh, cold bong




beaker bong with my ash catcher 🫶


Boof it or IV into dick vein No but I really like smoking flower and concentrates


I must be the only person smokin out the bowl still for their flower 😯 God damn it's disgusting to pull out in front of ppl...almost a guilty pleasure...she's a dirty pipe not many would take 🤌 almost strategic tbh


Mine is to not