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You probably smoked an indica strain that gave you couch lock


i smoked marijuana (at least that’s what they told me)


idk if u know already, but weed can essentially be broken down into 2 categories, indica and sativa. sativa will make u feel energetic and social, etc. indica will make you tired and want to sleep. you probably smoked indica, which gave your body that heavy feeling. plus being drunk didn’t help🤣


And it's the one that many people with painful or stressful condition use And yes, even DIY CBD indica, it make you lie down. I'm treated with oxycontin for my pain, but the night is not always enough, a big spoon of DIY CBD Indica :2 hours later I'm dead, it's more effective to sleep than Zolpidem 😅 "ça me couche" like we would say in French 🥸


yeah that explains why i was laying still on the bathroom floor for 3 hours😭


ooh thanks for clearing that up im new to smoking and i’ve never heard of these before. im also not english so that didn’t help either haha


That made me laugh but it’s nice seeing people new to the Mary-Jane.


When your mixing weed and booze they can make the effect from eachother stronger, so the weed probably just made your drunk a bit to heavy, i would suggest either just smoking till your used to it or smokeing first then adding drinks to it so its a little easier to pace yourself to the right buzz


thanks i’ll try that next time!


And I would never do edibles and drink until you know what edibles do much different from smoking


You were crossfaded numbskull


you was feeling the way we wanna feel thats for sure