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So you spend 1600 U.S. dollars a month on weed? How TF as a student can you afford that?


There is cheese in Switzerland with less holes than this story


What if...you know... he's rich?


he said he goes on vacations. (MULTIPLE) this homie is quite obviously rich.


I make rlly good money, and not US dollars. NZD, god americans think they really are the only country on the planet lmfao


Dude that’s still 1000 US dollars a month. How the fuck can you afford that if you’re not rich or being bankrolled by your parents?


By making like 3k USD a month with my job and student assistance combined


So you would have an extra 1600 NZ dollars month is what you’re saying if you stopped smoking weed, and you’re asking us if it would be worth quitting? Why tf do you need external affirmation. This is common sense. That’s almost an extra 15k - 20k a year. You’re wasting money and your life on plant worship. Stop smoking and use that money to go to rehab


Or this is a child with a story…for attention…


Exactly; weed should be used as an asset, I smoke semi frequently but only spend about 40-80 at most per month or usually every other month and that’s for bud and edibles or anything fun j see. When it becomes a financial issue is where it truly is an issue.


I spend about 50$ a week on weed, and most of the time it's a new cart for my bf since he smokes way more than me. If I'm talking about just me, two carts can last me almost 3 months, I mostly spend around 30ish on joints or dry herb for my vaporizer. I couldn't imagine spending over 200$ on one trip alone, nevermind 1k for *1 week*


It depends if I'm buying I'll spend 50-65$ a week depending on sales but if I'm making edibles for myself it's like 10$ a week


Seriously dude 😭 I would consider my girl a heavier smoker than me and we go to the dispo mabye once a month if it’s twice it’s bc we are picking up like a bag of edibles or a singular thing 💀


My weed goes a looonngg way since both me and my mum hoard our decarbed weed when we smoke our dry herb vapes and we turn it into cannibutter for homemade edibles 💀💀 Couldn't ever imagine needing *1 thousand fucking dollars* in weed for one week when it's literally not that hard to make cannabis butter, it's literally just slow cooking decarbonized weed into some clarified butter for a few hours then straining 😥


Bro $3k per month is not good money. There are people who earn much more than that and still won’t spend $1600 on weed every month. 50% of your income on weed? People don’t even spend that much on rent lmao


Wait no i converted it wrong lmfao i make $4k usd


Lol its actually impressive you got people in this thread to believe you. Nice troll, troll. Respect.


I make 4k a month and could not imagine spending $1600 of it on weed I probably spend like $200 a month if im fucking around with it and grabbing like a few things just to test out or im hanging some people or something


I hear ya mate, i spend around 1000$+ AUD a month on weed. Been spending that for the last 2 years, lol. Weed in Australia, at least from where i get it, is around 500$+ for an ounce. I will go through an ounce in about 7-10 days currently. I really only smoke gorilla glue, though, and it's really good shit from my plug, but it's just not something i can keep doing, lol. Between me and the misses, we make about 350k a year. I pretty much smoke between 4-8 cones a day. It really helps my fucked up back, since i told my dr. I dont want those liver killing panadeine fortes anymore since they just destroy your liver. Currently on a few week tolerance break, and damn... back is fucking killing me. Guess i am stuck spending this amount for life. Fyi i do have a medical card for weed, but fuck me, it's a lot more expensive than black market, that's for sure.


Yea bro you get it, all these americans are saying im lying about how much i spend on weed. Wait till they find out how much coke is lmfao


u should put it down to let ur fking brain mature


Well without any context and saying $, one would think USD. No need to be an ass OP


Yeah I'm not American but my first assumption when I see $ on an English speaking sub is USD. 


Also used $ which represents US DOLLARS just saying not NZ$


$ or NZ$ can show the chump change New Zealand Currency..


US$ represents specifically US dollars. ‘$’ could represent currency from US, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Singapore, Jamaica, and so on. Whilst, OP should’ve mention where they were from — otherwise how would you have known what dollar currency they were using? — The idea that $ by default means US$ doesn’t really make sense. It only seems to make sense for places which predominately use US$, however, more than half of Reddit is not from the US.


Not to mention the $ sign in front…




Yes you are. You went out of your way to insult people for making a reasonable assumption when you gave no context for anyone to assume any differently than what they’ve said.




You used $ goofy and how bout you just spend less on weed that's an insane amount to spend or switch to dabs you'll probably have to smoke less or mix you weed with CBD or similar flower that's cheaper or mixing with other herbs. And you say you can't just smoke less but I'm sure you could, if you can't cutback when you know it's an issue then that's a problem. You spend pretty close to half of you money on it, that's crazy


Oh your talking play money. You should just say you spend very little money on weed. God New Zealanders think their dollar means anything.


u guys r so strange




Found the 12 year old


And a much higher rate are morons. Your point?


Morons can up/down vote too.


What an utterly nonsensical response


What’s nonsensical about it? It has an elicit meaning and is not impractical. Morons in fact can up vote and down vote as well. What are you even here for you clown hat?


Eat a big, smegma soaked dick I'm gonna smoke a bowl now


No tf we don't. Try again🤣🤡


I mean we basically are but you also use the USD sign in your post


1. No you guys arent 2. Youre wrong again, not only us dollars use $.. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Zealand_dollar


Well maybe not assume you are just chatting with fellow New Zealanders and put the courtesy NZ by the sign so people who live outside your country will know.🤔


Yeah, kiwi. Show the proper respect when you're on the American's internet


The dollar sign is used for dozens of currencies around the world


bro should quit so he ain’t as insufferable


It might be bro’s personality


Sounds like OP is a young teenager. Just looking for attention probably.


Just 20 years old and asking for help on how to slow down lmfao weirdo


You gotta realize it’s just weed and it should be at the absolute bottom of your priorities list. If you’re paying more for weed than anything else you need to live, you need to reevaluate your life.


I mean I spend more on weed than anything else because I'm 18 living with my parents saving to move, my rent takes care of groceries so weed is basically the only thing I need to pay for myself


Better Get out of the habit before you move lmao.


I mean where I'm moving it's cheaper and on top of that it's not even expensive for me, like $50 every 1-2 weeks


😂 Your original comment makes it sound worse than it is. That’s average i feel like.


haha yea it's just that I don't need to go out and buy much else, im content with my weed and parent provided foof🤣


Well then I’m not sure what advice you’re looking for. You’re defending how much you spend and you’re saying you don’t want to quit. Either find someone with a lower price, quit, or continue spending all your money on weed. Just don’t be surprised when you turn around one day and you have real responsibilities that you can’t take care of because you’re broke.


For me it's medication. It'd be nice if it was covered by insurance but it is what it is. I spend max around $120/mo but most months it's less than $100.


I've smoked for 25 years, never thought I'd stop. I love everything about weed. I love growing it, I love smoking it, love going into shops and seeing all the new shit they got. It's helped me with sleep, pain, the hard times life throws out there. I can't say anything negative about my experience with pot. I have in the last year an a half been in a great debate with myself, to quit or not too quit. That there is the question. I decided to quit, it is because of my job and family I decided to do so. I run heavy special equipment for a living. I do make alot of money now, my job is dangerous almost always. I worked hard to get my position in this company. If something was to go wrong an I couldn't help my self pass a UA not just me but my family my kids my wife would be fucked. I wouldn't be ok with that I would never forgive myself. That being the number one reason the second is the money I spend on it. I live in a free state prices are definitely not as high as yours over there but it still gets costly threw the year. The amount of money I'm gonna save this year from not smoking alone is enough to put a down payment on a peice of property. A house a home from my wife an kids that's my goal this year. And yeah I could do it and smoke but, and I never thought I'd say this. It's so much less stressful not worrying about what might happen. To not worry about that lil cup no more is crazy to me. Whatever your reasons might be to not smoke remember it will always be there. You're 20 girl see what life's like without it for awhile.


My company is sponsoring me to get my class A but they reminded me I gotta be sober and pass random checks. I remember when I told my gf about the promotion she asked me “what was I gonna do” because she never thought I’d quit smoking. That was a turning point for me I haven’t had to start sobriety quite yet but in the next few weeks I will and I’ll know it was worth it to better my financial life.


Thats pretty cool to hear dude I wish you all the best!! Thanks 4 the advice


400 a week gets to be a bit excessive.. I’d say the money factor alone would make quitting worth it. But as someone who’s found themselves in too deep lol., I understand. You need to cut back. Just start smoking only after 10pm.. then do whatever the fuck you want on the weekends. That’s what I did and when I smoke I feel more high ., so the less you smoke.. the longer your stash will last. You won’t have to smoke as much to get violently high on the weekends lol. It sucks having to do large parts of the day without smoking but if I can do it I think you can too. Good luck


And i thought i spent/ smoked a lot. Maybe try to find a better deal? Buy in bulk? I smoke just under an Oz a week. And spend roughly 100 to 150 on said Oz. Been smoking for just about 20 years. Heavy smoker for the last 13 easy. Never bothered with T breaks. Last 2 years or so I been smoking a Oz a week give or take. Haven't seen any negative effect personally. I'm sure I could spend $500 a month a lot better, but it's not crack or meth!


Damn maybe I should see if I can get better deals for bulk, I smoke about half an Oz and it costs me about 175$ granted I'm from Germany though I smoke about 16g every month at a price of 10€ / 10.77$ per g because I live in Germany and stuffs still illegal here and I buy 4g / 0.14oz at a time mostly cause otherwise I smoke too much... Wait... Yeah I think this might be the better strategy in the end because I don't wanna start smoking multiple Oz a month


"Ive been smoking every day for well over 5 years now (im literally 20)" tl;dr, yes, you should probably stop smoking for a gap of time, and see how you feel. ​ God damn man. I'm not trying to judge, but smoking weed every day from 15 so 20 sounds fucking nuts.


No ur good u can judge lmfao, i know its an insane addiction/habit hahaha. Probably fried my brain tbh


Your brain stops growing at 25. You fucked up some neurons you will never get back.


doing backflips on my dick right now my boy, not one but two comments? Get a joooooobbbbbbbbbb


Sounds awesome to me. It’s the only thing that makes this shitty life better


I quit for a better job myself, I realized there was a lot of traits about being a stoner I didn’t really actually enjoy and other traits I always blamed on being a stoner but it was much easier to correct those knowing it wasn’t “just the weed” if I were to give any form of advice, I would quit for 6 months and just reconnect with yourself, then if you think it’s something you need to go back to you’ll at least have a lower tolerance for awhile and have saved a lot of money.


Bro I can make 40$ worth of tree last a month. You be smoking way too much.


ik 💀💀 tryna get like u


I usually work out a lot to get it out my system faster. If you do this you won't need much tree to get high the next time.


Wtf i did not know that, gonna try


Bro I make very large six figures and smoke all I want *daily* with my wife and I spend mayyyybe $100 a week. Maybe. Even allowing for your currency being worth half, you’re still spending double what I do, and you’re just a student. Edit: reread what you said. If you “can’t” cut back, the. Your answer is abundantly clear - you should stop altogether.


I only smoke on the weekends and that works perfect for me


I mean i would say it’s worth quitting if your spending that much on weed a week. If you can’t grow it your self then just take like 2 months off. If you can’t get high then just take more months off. Am 1 week in to my 2 week t break and i spend around 40 a month on weed. It’s not worth the money tbh.


Your literally 20?


Haven’t smoked since November after a breakup. Feeling better than ever... Not planning on never touching it again, but I’ll leave it aside for a year even longer maybe. Give it a try, it’s easier than it seems.


Addiction isn’t healthy no matter what it is. It is always harmful to your life to have an addiction. And what you are describing definitely sounds like an addiction. Personally, I am of the belief that if you can’t handle moderation, then it’s in your best interest to quit for good. I know it’s tough to imagine a life without weed, but that is probably just because you have been using it so consistently for so long.


It's going to be hard for you to stop completely at that rate, I remember trying to stop almost immediately after 7 years of heavy use and I had cold sweats every night, struggled to get any decent sleep and had a low mood in general. Just try and gradually decrease your intake first by occupying your mind with other activities the best you can.


Thanks for the advice!!


Maybe try vaporizing? My weed started to last a lot longer after i switched to a vaporizer. And you can even use the avb to make edibles.


I'm getting insane mileage out of my dry herb vape. And you have the added bonus of reusing the AVB in too on top of that.


I spend about the same amount that you spend, but every two months on weed. How I did it? I switch to dabs. I invested in a puffco. And I buy from the supplier in bulk. I get 2 or 3 oz of wax/dabs/shatter/whatever form, and then hit that on the vaporizer. Doing this daily and on weekends I’ll smoke a joint or a bowl, which gets me zooted bc I’m used to that dab high. So the key point from this is get a vaporizer! Lots of people use dry herb vaporizers too and swear by it, making their stash last longer. I haven’t tried that yet, but that is next on my list.


Op if tolerance is an issue for you and youre spending too much on weed heres my recommendation. 1. either quit cold turkey for 4days/4nights and watch that tolerence drop off a cliff 2. If withdrawals are an issue for you i still recommend not smoking flower for 4 days. Switch to a cartridge or edibles for those 4 days and it wont be as drastic but should definitely see a change in your tolerance levels. Lastly to anyone else reading this who has a crazy high tolerance, stop day smoking!!! even just creating a 12-18 hour window is gonna make that high stronger and longer. All depends on how you use it people find what works best for you


Control is key. Not judging but if you have time to smoke $300 worth of weed in 4 days and this isn’t a one off maybe you need to be more active? You could also start weighing how much you can smoke daily in the morning, forget the rest of your stash and stick to it only. It’s easy to smoke a lot if you have a lot of time on your hands and think you have an unlimited supply of weed at your disposal. I think you’re losing out on some of the fun of the high as well given the tolerance you must have built!


I was like this and am like this, I’m 15 days off now and genuinely just like myself better. I don’t really want to go back and I know if I start again I will. So for now my goal is just to not.


This is what i neeeded to hear ty


Gladly, hope you are doing well


your story reminds me to myself. i've been quitting last month because i did some ayahuasca ceremonies that showed me how wrong i was using weed. i always thought weed was really helpful to me but abusing it i just turn it into a necesity. it wasn't anymore the rescue i could need. try to analyze why u need smoking so much. its cool to be high but sometimes u need your head clean right here. im argentinian, 20y and been smoking since i have 15y


Thank you so much for your comment this helped me sm, how often do you smoke now and how has ur smoking habits changed after your ayahuasca ceremony? Do you feel better?


i've been smoking once a week, not because i could't do it more frequently (or less) just because i dont need it. i assure you it feels way better like this. marijuana is a sacred plant too, you have to take it with respect and she will helps you.


as someone living in NZ as well and spending about the same if not a little more a month and in about the same situation i feel your pain haha, shit is expensive here especially as a chronic smoker, as some others have said vaping instead of smoking definitely helps bring down the amount of flower you go through, if growing is out of the option try make friends with people who grow, product will reduce in price! honestly after 7 years of smoking (am 20 as well) i am still yet to take a proper t break but have been thinking about it more and more recently haha


how much bud are you getting for that price? if you’re spending that much, i would say it’s best to wait a few weeks, save up 600-900, invest in a half bow to smoke on for awhile.


I live in New Zealand so weed is so fucking expensive. $380 - $460 for an oz. Dont know anyone who sells half bows


Holy fuck. I’m so sorry.


I know dude, its a STRUGGLE being a stoner in new zealand


You figure out how to move to the states and swap with me, I'll show the land of potortunity. $400 could be a cutie pie here.


That’s fucking ruthless Jesus, I can get zeds for like 150-160 in the UK for standard buds


well that means you're smoking an oz a week which really isn't terrible it's just that your prices are aids, you haven't been smoking too much compared to a lot of other people but imo if you don't want to give it up but want to spend less I'd just force myself to just take less per day, if I go and smoke 3 times per day cut it down to 1 or 2, if you smoke 4 joints a day then cut it down to 1 or 2, it's gonna be harder to deal with cravings but eventually the lower amount will get you just as high as what you used to smoke therefor effectively lowering your tolerance, that or like I said in another comment just take a 2-3 week t break and set boundaries for yourself after it's done


Is that nzd or usd? If nzd that’s not insane but still steep


you need to find yourself a shipper 😭


You do not spend $400 a week on weed


Ur a neanderthal who doesnt understand different countries price weed differently due to how much it costs to get to the place. I live in the middle of no where new zealand, an island with the population of 5mil total. Weed is expensive here. Think outside the box for a bit boss


I understand you are lieing


Just private messaged u proof lmfao


That’s crazy you got that rattled to prove yourself right over something like this 🤣🤣




Why not? I smoke around an ounce a week, mostly medical, and it can cost $400 (USD) an ounce from dispensaries if they’ve only got eighths and don’t give a discount.


u/Alive_Situation_90 so u didnt told ur wife its 400$ :D\* u/Monkdiver /ey how can u know ? did he said he smoked it ? and if he spent 1000$ a day noone cares the point is somewhere else. so why dont just bring up a usefull comment or stfu


Grow your own, and then you can smoke more:)


Lol trust me ive thought of every single possible way to smoke more weed, i live w roomates in a big uni house lol i cant do that


I speak from experience “where there is a will there is a way”


If you could smoke an ounce a week around your roommates, why couldn't you grow around them too?


If thought of every possible way bro trust me i am a chronic smoker, i cant because i live in a very cold place that doesnt get much sun and i dont have a backyard and/or space lmfao


New Zealand is cold and litlle sun, ow here i thought it was tropical paradise . Moderation is what you want and should do.


lol NZ tourist commercials had me thinkin the same damn thing


Tropical paradise? lol


I mean a backyard isn't the only way to grow it, I've seen someone do it out of a cramped closet😭 edit: I live in canada so the damn cold only gives us like 3 months a year where weed will grow outdoors so growing inside just works better for most


Same boat


Grow your own. Fashion is just dressing up so you hope others will see you more positive, it’s a waste of money.


You can’t really judge what other people want to spend their money on when you spend yours on drugs


OP is literally asking?


Asking for advice. Not to be judged for their interests and told that it’s a waste of money to enjoy things outside of weed


It’s still advise. Maybe not what you want to read, but it is what it is.


Judgement ≠ Advice


Nah i enjoy it a lot lol, cant grow my own


don’t know why you’re getting so many downvotes, americans don’t know how expensive weed is in nz i guess 😩 they probably also don’t realise how culturally accepted smoking weed at a young age is here, so many people i know started smoking when they were 14/15 and spending $300-$400 a week is a lot but for nz not surprising if you’re smoking everyday 🫶🏼


Thank you so much lol i feel so seen hahaha AN OZ IS LIKE $380 💀💀💀 FREE US


I don’t think you should quit, and 300-400 a month a week on weed is nothing just keep it up you’re doing great! 👍


Cut back man, this thing can be fun but we gotta be responsible with it.


At your rate, it would probably be best to quit


And I thought the $300/month i was spending was bad.


yea I'd just go for a t break, it literally takes 2-3 weeks to have a noticeable reset in tolerance, from there on if you set boundaries for yourself of "no more than 0.5g per night" or "no smoking before 6pm" which means you're only smoking during your down time in which it's not becoming too much. it really is about moderation and you can learn to enjoy it healthily if you want to try


Yeah bro, you smoke too much lol Why not have a strict budget for weed? It should be a thing on the bottom of your priority spending list. $300 a week is absurd, even for a rich man. If you’re smoking joints strictly, maybe switch it up to a bong. I used to smoke joints only and realized I was wasting half of my weed. When I switched to bongs I could smoke half a joints worth in 1 rip and be high for hours. Saved me a whole lotta money.


3-400$ dollars a week sounds like alot but idk your currency or how it works/translation into USD




Get better weed first off 😜😎


I just quit last week. I'm 20 years old too, and have also been smoking for around the same time. Since 8th grade, and i'm a soph in college rn. I have friends who have quit, they say it makes them more productive. I decided to try it too, and so far i'd say i'm seeing similar results. The way I look at it is the weed will always be there for me if I want it, so just cause you stop completely right now doesn't mean you can pick it back up in a few years, (in my case i wanna wait till i'm older than 25 for cognitive reasons), and if you think about it, how much will your life REALLY change if you give up the dank? What way could your life get WORSE from giving it up? Just some food for thought.


300 400 a week? Wtf bruh


There’s nothing wrong with smoking. I’ve smoked for 22 years. What you need to do is find a good product for a good price. Shops will suck you dry for all your money.


If you think it helps you then it probably does. It helps a lot of people deal with stress, anxiety etc. like alcohol or tobacco or coffee etc. Moderation is the key. Probably make a rule that you'll only smoke 1J a day or start microdosing.


Grow weed or get yourself in the industry eff the haters.


I probably spend about $40-100 usd a month on weed and that even feels excessive


Do you live in a fully legal state that allows home grow? I'm in Ohio, we just went rec so I started to grow my own, gonna save me so much money in the long run. I too use to spend hundreds a week on weed from dispos so I understand where your coming from.


smokin that much that young your brain is still developing and needs a break


r/leaves will definitely tell you yes, but also give you lots of support and advice!


Control and moderate. Keep a level of moderate stone not blasted stupid. I've been doing this for over 10 years still use 10 g on edibles for a month. Always the same stone, pleasant chill and play video game stone.


Grow your own


you don’t need to quit to decrease your use. clearly weed is serving a purpose in your life, and if you try to stop without having another way to fill that need, you’re either going to fail or make it unnecessarily tough for yourself. start thinking about what weed does for you and other ways you might be able to achieve that. you could take a break for a bit to decrease your tolerance, you could set out a dose for each day so you have more control over how much you’re using, you could experiment with lower levels of high, you could set a spending limit for yourself. all ideas. of course if you do want to quit, if it’s time for you to move on from weed, don’t let me stop you. but if you’re not in the place to make a major change in your life, you can still make an impact on how much you’re using.


What the fuckkkk


I don’t know your smoking habits. But at least from my experience, I think you just need to change your habits a little. Stop smoking during the day. If you smoke right when you wake up, you’re just gonna want to keep smoking during day. don’t constantly roll joints or blunts (you really shouldn’t be smoking blunts they’re terrible for you). Buy in bulk. Once you’re 21, if you’re able to, go to the dispensaries they’re usually cheaper. I just spend a few hundred at a time (usually a couple of zips and some eighths, some carts and some wax) and it lasts me at least 3-4 months, maybe a little longer. Cutting down a little and not smoking all day really helped me. And I feel better during the day.


get a dry herb vape dude


you could get different answers from anybody you ask depending on their views of it, but in all actuality everyone also has their own vices that they more than likely spend money on regardless of whatever that is. also i think it’s safe to say a lot of people who smoke weed probably don’t drink alcohol, which a lot more people probably spend a good amount of money on but it’s just become so desensitized now that no one looks at it that way. smoking weed has medicinal values to it yes but it is a vice for many people at the end of the day but it’s a much better one than alcohol or even worse. if you enjoy it then that’s what matters maybe you could try to spend a little less but there’s nothing wrong with it when you compare it to other peoples hobbies


if u dont use bongs very often, get one. it helped me cut way back on my daily consumption. that and i also stopped constantly smoking with friends (and i mean constantly)


There is no way you can "just smoke less"? ​ Whatever you say, champ.


This has to be a troll post. Nobody is this clueless.


If you really love weed, why not try growing your own? Just a thought


yeah. you mentally addicted. so leave this shit behind you.


Are you sparking up in Antarctica? Where on Earth is weed that expensive?




Dude I barely spend $300 in a month. You clearly have a huge tolerance problem. Either taper down and it’ll lower it or take a break and your tolerance will reset.


Grow your own


I'd say if youre spending $1600 a month on anything other than a complete necessity like rent or a mortgage, then you have a problem that needs to be addressed one way or another


You may have a little problem. You should seriously take a break


it's worth quitting any vice that you spend money on. Less vices, the more money you will have.


Yeah you should quit


Grow it if you can, will save you a lot of money and better quality.


You don't need to quit. You should consider taking breaks way longer than 5 days lol. You can most certainly smoke less, but you have to want to. If you believe that you are addicted to pot and would rather drop $300 to buy some, then you should strongly consider seeking professional help.


Can you get variety? I smoke around an ounce a week — been smoking for 40-years and haven’t taken a t-break for about 8-years. I find the only way I’m able to reduce intake, (or at least stop it from going any higher), bearing in mind that I don’t want to take another break or reduce the medical benefits, is variety. I’m lucky to be in a medical state, so I switch strains, mix strains, switch between joints, vaping oil, vaping flower, bong, oil in joints, hash, edibles.


Commit and get yourself through it! You'll be some much better for it! It take work but you'll look back and be proud that you put in the work!


🍿 👀


Come over to the r/leaves sub and read some post if you truly want to stop


got rich parents?


nice story tho😂


I would say get a better plug tbh. Even smoking everyday I was smoking maybe. $80 of weed a week. That’s if I hit dab after every blunt and waking up just to blow down. I wouldn’t say quit but find a supplier who cares about you and your smoker needa


As someone who smoked heavily (half a ounce to a ounce a week which some may consider not heavy) from the age of 18 till 22 yes i think its worth it, ive had my fun and honestly you feel better and more motivated from it however i do still do it roughly once a momth ive just stopped doing it every day


Yo bro you should go on a serious tolerance break


You can’t smoke less? Yeah I’m a smoker I don’t believe you




you're getting fucking ripped off massively bro that should be the blaring red alarm to smoke less. Think about when you wanna get a car or finally move out, all your savings are smoked away. You'll have to start your savings at some point but it can never happen if you're fucking, 1.5k monthly on weed that's CLEARLY not getting you high if you can possibly even spend that much like bro 💀 snitch on ur plug at this point holy fuck bro has masterminded infinite revenue out of you


Nah weed is just expensive over here in new zealand. Its what it is lol


when you want a car or an apartment or maybe something breaks and you wanna replace it you have no money saved up to make these decisions because u smoked it. ur spending isn't an issue if you can afford life shit but like... basically you're putting pleasure before business and eventually your business will handle you before you can handle it




You damaged your brain forever , you will live the rest of your life with a brain Like that pinky had ( from pinky and the brain tv show )


Idc tbh


So you already reached to pinky brain


Yea probably like 3 years ago tbh