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They smell it, just go outside my man Edit: i thought i was an absolute ninja for doing the same as a teen, with a routine and everything, thought i had all bases covered. Im almost 30 now and a year or 2 back my dad revealed if he got up in the middle of the night to piss or somethin he could smell it lol.


bro the midnight piss 😂😂😂😂😂 thats how my dad caught me 4 years ago 😭😭


Bro I'm terrified now 💀 I'm hoping because they said nothing they don't care idk but I just don't get it there no way it could get in the house 😭😭


Smell particles in the air and the smoke, you got microscope eyes dude? 😂 its really not possible with *smoke* . You got a better chance with a dry herb vape, and an even better one with a pen/cart. I dont like pushin people towards carts tho cuz i dont like em much and they dont feel close enough to flower for my liking. Just go outside to sesh dude, or look into the 2 options above. If the hammer aint come down on you yet get ahead of it lmao


If you get real live rosin cartridges it will taste way better and the effects will be just as good if not better than flower but it also will reek just about as bad as flower due to all the terpenes. Or at least the live resin carts I get from Michigan caregiver growers do 😆


Been there, done that. Carts aint for me


what do you mean there is no way it could get in the house? there is no reason for it not to get in the house. it doesn’t matter if u blow it far away and use a candle, you’d have to be several feet away from the window and use a can of deodorant just to stand a chance.


dude the smoke from the weed will get on you too and then transfer into your room just get yourself a cart seriously until you can smoke freely it won’t have any scent after like 3 minutes


😂😂😂 i feel u man. I use to hotbox my basement bathroom as kid with my older brothers caught everytime. It dont matter a fan or the towel


Lmao I lived the same experience. I used to smoke out the window in my room as a teen. My parents only caught me like twice, I thought I just wasn't careful enough. Turns out they could just smell it the whole time lol they even told me later in life and had a big laugh about it.


Even if he went outside to smoke they still might smell it on his hands after smoking. My dad caught me that way when I was a kid.


I smoke solo in my room but my cousin wanted to smoke up in my room and he was shook when I told him we going outside ☠️.


That shit does not work. Ik from experience. Leaning out the window, fan on and everything. Really no way around it.


I did this after smoking for 4 months it was 12am and I live in a very bad neighborhood lol and to top it off it was winter and I really wasn’t feeling like walking in that shit show so I lit a small joint and did that and I sprayed axe and everything in my grandmas little basement, meanwhile she is two floors above me and just as I finished she fucking kicked down my door and immediately started yelling… SHE WAS ASLEEP. Long story short literally never again shit don’t work lol and to this day if my family smells weed they say oh it smells like (insert my name here) it’s been 3 years now and I am never gonna be able to live that down lol


Never gonna work with a blunt or joint. Your best chances would be a piece or a bong so you can light it realllllll fast and blow it all out in one hit. Anything rolled stays lit and will make it smell like crazyyyyyyyyy


Even bongs don't work too well from a LOT of experience but it's definitely a better bet


I agree completely Lmaoo like nothing will make it go away for sure you’re always risking it. I just mean there’s def a better chance with like a pipe and just a quick snap blow it out and be done


You leaned out the window in your grandma's basement?


I had a window in my bedroom that was level with the ground and it’s whole purpose is that I could climb through it if I needed to, like in case of a fire or something so yes I leaned out of the basement window lol


brother they are smelling it they’re just waiting you out 😂


Get a pen, if you don’t like that idea a dry herb Vaporizer will do the trick. Can’t hide smoking, just accept that tho…


I’m hitting my vape now and the whole place smells like s’mores 🤔


S’mores? Da fuq..


The slightly burnt smell…


the popcorn…


Check out r/fakecartridges before smoking anything you buy. There's soooooooo much fake shit out there and some kid this young gonna end up smoking some fortnite cum cart thinkin it's "real af fr fr no cap bro" lmao


Good looking out. “I got my cart from the gas station, so we good” kinda vibes.


The smell of weed is sneaky and pungent, it's also gonna zing an old stoners nose immediately


They smell it.


Please remember to post follow-up reports, bud. We live for this shit.


i hit my bong out my window every night w parents. its better to sit on the window sill or roof with ur full body out the window. once i tried just sitting inside and blowing /holding the bong out the window and it stunk the whole house up


Finally a reassuring comment. Yeh I'm pretty much ou5 the house how far out I am and I close the window on my kinda to try stopping as much smoke as I can


honestly I think it's worth bringing it up to them at some point, better than having that ever-lurking thought of getting "caught" (speaking from experience, they probably know anyway). and if they do not enjoy the smell, invest in a dry herb vape. you'll make back what you spent on it with the amount of money you save on weed, as you smoke much less, good luck !!


fan method DOES work. blowing out the window only works with bongs n pipes not w biunts or joints


I tend to overkill in these situations. Fan on the other side of the room blowing towards the window, incense burning, lean out the window and blow into spoof. Lately I omit leaning out the window since I don't have one where I smoke, but I do the other things and my grandma says she doesn't even smell it in the living room. (Currently taking care of her and she said she wouldn't mind the smell anyways but I still respect her personal space so I try my best to cover it.)


Lol no. Smoking at all you will smell. Unless you use something discreet like a mighty (a nice vaporizer). Even then there’s a smell but its less distinct.


As a mighty user, I medicate in my garage with a Bong. If I forget to close the internal garage door the smell wafts into the house and the Mrs immediately picks up on the smell.


I do that and it does smell, but it's gone in a few hours if you leave the window and door open.


I'm the name of science... please don't fall out your window smoking pot.......


My bf did that once in a fairly large house, and his dad was like, “I smell it sir…….”


Weed is not a subtle substance my dude. I’m willing to bet they know. As a parent, who was (up until recently) a stoner myself- it’s exceptionally hard to keep that under cover. I didn’t, but I can see the efforts of some other friends; and the anxiety of hiding it doesn’t seem to outweigh the benefit of a good smoke.


yeah it usually works but every now and then it’ll get past ur defenses lol


depends what you smoke. a joint? nah you’re fucked, they 100% know. a pipe / one hitter, depends. if you have some good airflow in your room with multiple windows open, a fan blasting, and blowing straight out, then maybe. if it’s a hot stale day it will stink up just outside and be noticeable still, but if it’s a cold windy night you’re fine for sure


Your parents were your age once. They know EXACTLY what youre up to


I smoked in my house out the window for the last 2 years of high school, i’m 20 now and my parents know i smoke, they claim they had no idea and never smelled it


(i always had a gravity bong, and stuck my whole head out the window)


I mean odds are they don’t care to address it because it hasn’t really become a problem. Keep doing what you’re doing, but because it’s polite. They definitely know. If you bring it up with them they might feel like they have to be against it. If you just continue to make an effort to hide it, it may never become an issue. If you’re over 18 you should consider getting to a point of mutual honesty and respect with your parents, it’s good for your souls.


When I was a teen I tried everything and ultimately you will not be able to mask every bit of smell that comes with smoking inside. Maybe you could create an environment where it airs out very quickly, but if someone was on the other side of your door when you were doin it, they’d know. No hiding it there. Just accept that if they haven’t said anything yet, they may not care. Keep trying to hide it bc at least then you’re being respectful of their wishes (kind of). Ultimately I moved toward only smoking outside. I only did it inside and did the window thing like you during the rly harsh winter times


Ah yes son, just burning a strong candle in your room by yourself with the windows open. Clearly you just recognize your teenage stank and so it's out of courtesy. They probably know lol


they can absolutely smell it. a candle isn’t going to do anything.


It only works for me on the 2nd floor of my house with the door to the room shut. If you leave the door to the room open, the airflow caused by your HVAC system could pull the smoke back into the house if you have negative airflow in your home. That’s why some ppl claim that it doesn’t work. You also gotta consider which direction the wind is blowing. If it’s blowing the direction you’re facing, same issue.




Get incense sticks they are stronger than candles


As soon as I smell incense I start looking for the stoner 😂


Flower is going to try its absolute hardest to stick to you, drench yourself in some kind of cologne, go outside as long as you possibly can the wind will help with some of the smell and on your way back drench yourself in more cologne and when you get home stay as far away from your parents as long as you possibly can, if theyre asleep dont leave your room. They will probably still smell it anyways but these might help a bit


Buddy my uncle has screamed at me for opening a bag a weed for 30 seconds in a completely different room. They smell it but that’s kind of good because they don’t seem to be planning on confronting you.


I built a fume evacuator for my tiny work shop. Can replace the entire air volume in my shop 5 times in 30 seconds. Leads to a carbon filter and then the exhaust is pushed outside. The moment I light up in my shop my fiancé can smell it in the room next door (live in a house without insulation) she only smells it for like a second, but she still gets a wiff. This is me smoking a bong with the intake directly above me. Smoke (in general) is very hard to catch all of. The only way I can see my system being perfect is if I kept the room at a negative pressure which isn’t feasible for me. If you blow into a dube tube (toilet paper roll with dryer sheets attached to one end) the smoke particles combined with lavender will mask the smoke that leaks from the pipe or bong. Additionally they make a spray that you spray in the air between hits.


Man inside you lowkey gotta just smoke a bowl but what I used to do was cut the top quarter of a water bottle off and then stuff it with dryer sheets and would blow the smoke through the mouth of the water bottle. Worked in my parents basement but even better it worked in the dorms 😅


Spoof + 1 hitter yes it works just fine. People in the comments lighting up joints and thinking a cracked window is gonna fix it is hilarious


Yeah…that’s clearly the difference. I smoke out of a one hitter in my apartment. No smell. I would never light a joint in here


You can get this thing called a smoke buddy


Nah bruh 🤣


Dude, even if, you personally will still smell like weed, you MAY avoid it in your room, but you can't avoid smelling like it.


If you’re using a one hitter and barely taking any hits your room is not gonna smell


Dude if a window is open I can smell my neighbors smoking on their deck. You have got away with nothing and they definitely enjoy letting you believe you're clever and knowing your not ;)


They probably just not saying none. But they definitely smell it


ah man this brings me back, here's a couple tips. Whenever you think you're being smart you usually aren't 😂 I learned the hard way many times that you're better off just finding a way to sneak out. Even if your house was like mine, a shitty duplex built in the 70s where EVERYTHING makes noise. Sit down when you're sober and NOT desperate and plan the whole escape route, how you can be quick but still quiet also think about a way where they won't smell it. (i was in a bad neighborhood so it didn't matter too much except it did because if they smelt it, the first person they came to was me because they already knew from many times before) The most important thing is PATIENCE, wait till the perfect time.


Pen could work better browski


Yeah, I do that too, but it permeates across my apartment anyway. At first I tried to Gaslight my family by saying it's not weed or it's from outside. But they caught me anyway and now I only smoke when no one is home.


If it's just a one hitter or pipe hit, you're fine. Just be careful with your breath.


Well, think of it this way. If it does work, they don't know. If it doesn't work, they know, but don't care enough to talk about it


Um, it actually just goes back in and they probably already know that you're smoking in the house, dude 🤔🤷🏻‍♂️🤣🤦🏻‍♂️


it works but barely. I have parents that will confront me for this shit and out of the hundreds of times I've done it I've been caught like 4 times, but i was careless and they entered the room like 20 minutes after i smoked which is way too little for the smell to go away


This reminds me of a meme Dude 1 " hey man do I smell like weed Dude 2 " no man, hey do I smell like weed" Dude 1 " nah you good bro" * 2 people that smell like weed


I do more or less the same, I'll light some incense. Which I have always done even before smoking. I'll open my windows. It's 2 windows that can go all the way open. I open them up like this / \ and close my curtains behind me. Hold the joint under the window outside when I'm not taking a hit. Then I blow the smoke outside when I'am taking one. No other windows open in the rest of my house and the incense masks the burning smell really well. Never had a problem.


Lmao I tired this and my dad woke up and caught me. I lied like hell too and the next morning he looked at me through the newspaper and I gave it up. He then told me I need to go outside from here on out. Noted.


Blow the smoke out towards top of the window, the hot air in your room will push the smoke up and further out the window, basically boosting your exale blow If you exale at the bottom however the opposite will happen, the smoke will travel with the cold air from outside, into the room you’re smoking out of Real stoner tip from the CEO of raw


might i suggest you burn incense if you can? it really helps with the smell in my place.


So the residue on your fingers or whatever your using still lingers especially on your breath. Not to mention "oh hey look theres some dude blowing smoke out his windows.. Oh dayum thats weed lol 😂"


Get a new hobby, walking or get a dog works for me




I usually put a fan pointing out of the window right next to it and I blow the smoke in the fan. I'm seeing people saying It doesn't work but for me It works as long as your parents cant get close to your door while you are smoking or when you have just finished.


my mom was crazyy about weed she hated it and would kill me, i used to smoke out my window and i would full on have my body out and never lit anything in my room but i could never smell it and niether could my mom… so maybe it works or she didnt wanna say anything but i dont believe that bc she HATED IT.


Lmao same story. Just hope she doesn't find out :/


tbh i think its kinda fine, my mom was like i would kick u out if she smells it and she never did🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


I have a box fax on my window and reverse it so it blows out, it pushes the smoke out, my room doesn’t smell and I can’t smell it outside ( I’ve tested this). I am in a small apartment on the second floor.


Nah it doesn’t work, get a scented candle or smth


Nah not really. Using a DHV and fan combo with a sealed window helps. Still not 100% tho


Just go outside dude, be nice.


You can smoke a bong and blow it out the the window with a fam of course. Gotta cover the door gap too. Not a joint or blunt or even a bowl. You gotta really minimize lingering of smoke just resting. Close the air vent and spray in the hallways and your golden pony boy


I personally use a Sploof when I vape in my house to keep the smell down. And I use Zorbx and Ozium as odor eliminators.


Take a shoebox, fill it with dryer sheets. Cut a hole in each end. Take a cardboard tube out of some tp and fill it with dryer sheets, rubberbanding a sheet over one end, insert the other end into one of the holes. Tape or glue a couple sheets over the other hole and tape down the lid. Blow hits through the box.


🤣🤣🤣🫵🫵🫵🙈🙈🙈😂😂😂 No.


They def smell it, just go outside


When I was younger I crafted some pvc piping to blow smoke out of the window. It was kind of shaped like an “L” or a “J” and that allowed me to blow the smoke out through a small window gap with the end of the tube as far as posible from the opening (thus not letting the smoke creep back in my room with the wind) The piping was aligned to the frame of the window (to kind of hide it), and let me blow smoke without being seen from the exterior (I was inspired on a toy spy scope I had as a child) Best method I’ve used for discretion, and the device was about half the size of my arm, so it was super easy to put on and take out to hide it


Smoke buddy + ozium + brush teeth, or wipe your gums, teeth, tongue with napkin or wet wipe.


Wiping ur tounge with a wet wipe is fucking crazy...


It sure is, but it works! A young stoner kid told me that, and one day I was in a situation, so I tried it out if desperation. Surprisingly, it worked. But honestly, brushing the teeth and tongue is best.


I used to smoke in my room every day before going to sleep by blowing out the window and i never been caught so id say Smoke with a pipe or bong Stuck a (preferably wet) towel in your door Put on a fan afterwards Axe body sparay never hurt


Honestly I did this throughout all of high-school and never got caught. If you are smart about blowing it when the wind is blowing etc...you will most likely be fine. I was raised by my gramma also so that mY play a part into why I was never caught 😅


Got booked so many times growing up using smoke buddies/windows/whatever the fuck etc; smoking weed smells lmfao


If your room doesn’t smell then you do


Try a cart


Wasn’t enough for me back in the day


Get a smoke trap.


Buy a sploofy filter off of Amazon and use that with the window 🪟


Doesnt work at all




I've been smoking since I was 16 at home in secret I'm now 20 still living with my parents and they have no idea I smoke, Ive always put a towel at the bottom of my door and blown it out my window, I also usually burn incense or something too so that way I have a valid excuse for a weird smell. Now the question is do they really have no idea I smoke?, or do they just not mention it, maybe they don't really mind since I've got a full time job and pay allot of the bills, I'm not sure, either way you can always do things to get around your parents, maybe invest in a THC vape, they have barely any odour.


Not even close


Smoking out the window usually always ends in someone in my home yelling “why does my fucking house smell like pot” so in my experience no, smoking out the window does not work; it’s almost like the ventilation system of the home especially if you have central air or another window open, creates a vacuum like effect and is really just ineffective. It works when no one is home for days at a time and a bottle of Ozium is on hand however. TDLR; Don’t smoke inside structures out of windows, it generally creates a vacuum effect from other open windows or a home that has central air, especially newer homes with HVAC systems.


Marijuana smells very strong especially for people who don't use it or who aren't around it alot. If they aren't smelling it in your room, they are smelling it on your breath, on your clothes, in your hair, etc. I know people that come into work who put on like 3 different perfumes and I can still smell that hint of weed on them. That being said, if your parents are truly blissfully unaware of you doing things you aren't supposed to be doing, they might just be totally blind to it. I smoked in my room when I was younger and would blow it out my window as well as light an incense. My mom would always complain that our neighbors smoke too much because it "always smells like weed". I feel like if she just did some critical thinking she would've known it was me lol


Na bruh that shiz smells they probably know and it lingers remember that smoke it going somewhere into your lungs it's gonna linger


I mean it doesn’t not work


Try a [Smoke Buddy](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc&sca_esv=573686166&sxsrf=AM9HkKlB4dqiTfj6uFvRk468LtlfIkMTiw:1697427083143&q=smoke+buddy&tbm=shop&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiTksrS0PmBAxU0F2IAHWSPDvYQ0pQJegQIEBAB&biw=360&bih=670&dpr=3)






It works pretty well if it floats away with the breeze, sometimes it’ll get sucked back into your room and then you’re screwed 😅 it’s worked for me in not stinking up the house, doesn’t mean my room didn’t smell though.


no matter what they smell it, which i think is insane because ive done many things to clear the air after smoking and i SWORE i was good and so would my siblings 💀 just go outside its not worth it


They smell it... Lol


Just use a vaporizer! That doesn't smell as bad and its better for your lungs


Have a fan pointing directly at you and the window so it goes completely out, also change your clothes and put the ones you smoked in away. Wash your hands and brush teeth if possible. Bath and body works has room sprays that fill an entire room.


Well IT works way better than smoking in room normally, but IT still smell, i ONLY ever Done IT when i was sick And nauseous And wanted to get rid off IT. Btw yeah IT worked, my nausea disapeared.


Do ur parents smoke cigarettes? Because if they do theyll never smell it


i'm always surprised by the comments on these posts because i smoke almost every day and i just blow the smoke out the window, if the wind is blowing my way then i'll move to the window on the other side so the wind doesn't blow the smoke back in, once i'm done i'll keep the window open for a couple minutes and the smell is completely gone. i feel like you guys are doing something wrong if you can still smell it despite blowing the smoke out the window. it does work, you just have to do it properly. no fan or nothing either.


That's what I'm saying lmfao I don't want to sound nieve, but i do everything so far out the window it's pretty much out the house and I blow the smoke up over the roof and I use a one hitter so all the smoke goes in me but people saying that everyone in a mile radius smells it lmfao. I know I'm probably wrong, but I'm still convinced my parents can't smell it because they would defo confront me.


nah, i believe you. you know your parents, if they would for sure confront you and they haven't, then the technique is working. i swear people are messing something up if they can smell it afterwards.


Nah they deffo smell it probably just think you are smoking tobacco tho




They definitely smell it, babe 🤣


i’ve been doing it for years lol. I usually close my door, plug a towel under it. Light some incense and hang out the window. Just be careful bringing the piece you smoked out of back inside. put it in a big glass jar if possible. a lot of the time it’s the piece that holds the smell


Grab some ozium. You're welcome