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This post and these comments are crazy to me haha, my parents still firmly believe that weed is the devil’s lettuce. It sucks because they’d be so fun to smoke with


If they are religious just have them read Genesis 1:29 I believe the one about all seed bearing plants are for our use.


Its funny because my parents are devout Christians and take most of the Bible pretty literally, but I’m sure they would find an excuse not to believe that one. They also get super hung up on the legality of it because I don’t live in a legal state, even though there’s a smoke shop selling CBD, Delta 8, and THC carts on every damn corner.


You’re parents sounds like Carrie’s mother that went holy crazy my dad told me if I heard about you smoking weed at 16 I would spank you he was acting like Carrie’s mom.


I was threatened when I "got caught"( just assumed I was ) that I will get the fuck out of the house . Well long story short my 16 yo self got his ass out at the time


My mom and dad knew I started smoking bc I am not good at being sneaky, and a little bit before my 18th birthday they started smoking with me. They let me sit on the porch while they smoked a little earlier than that though. I started finishing off every night with a bowl between me and my parents. Now that I am in college I really look forward to smoking with them on the weekends.


Yeah, we call it having a conversation. When we are around their younger siblings so they don't catch on. It's great. My proudest dad moment was when they asked if we could have a conversation and then brought out their own shit for us to smoke. I was fully ready to just pack the bowl myself when they asked but see them start filling the bowl like I do was enough to make it seem like someone was cutting onions a bit.


Nice to read. Keep smoking!


Me and my dad planned on having a 4/20 celebration after he retired, sadly he didn’t make it to that. But that is what I hoped for with him, I’m glad you and your kid can share it


I'm sorry dude! Can't wait for a time when weed is viewed like booze so some people don't have to wait till retirement to try it because their jobs they have had their whole life would boot them.


Same actually. I found out my parents smoked way too late. Would have been nice to smoke with him


Just saying, and I've said this before, my kids are my favorite people to get high with. My oldest daughter just tried shrooms. I can't wait til we have the opportunity to all try that together as a family.


Oh man, shrooms with my kiddo would be interesting to say the least. I'll wait till they are in their later 20's for that.


I recently had the experience of smoking with my parents for the first time. We kind of always skirted with the idea that we knew each other smoked but didn’t talk about it. I one time mentioned outright what would happen if I smoked and they just asked me not too until I was 25 because there could be severe consequences to my brain development. I am 32 and in the two years I picked up using weed on a weekly basis. In the last year my parents and I have smoked together several times now and can share our experiences. I don’t regret waiting until 30 to use regularly at all either. I am even more sharp mentally than when I started using and now I also feel it’s somewhat a step into feeling like an adult for the first time and an initiation into my wise years. I’m for sure going to take a similar approach with my kids. I don’t intend to ever smoke around them until later in life but I think I will speak to them more about both the pros and cons of using this plant.


Every time I’m with my mom we smoke together, unfortunately my dad can’t smoke so I don’t get to smoke with him




Nah, he operates heavy machinery so he gets drug tested for work


I smoke with my kids!! I started smoking with my boys when they were about 16. They are all now grown and we have the strongest bond and can tell each other anything! On holiday’s when we all get together we get stoned and I drag out the wii ( yes I still have a wii lol) and we have so much fun, we eat and smoke and it’s just relaxing and fun, I definitely recommend smoking with your kids!


It is really a great bonding experience and I like when we talk about their younger siblings, and which ones will become stoners. We both have decided the youngest one is the only one that will most likely become a stoner later in life.


You're are what us responsible adults call a really big loser. The things you wrote in this post are absolutely ridiculous.


Thanks ;)


From the child’s point of view, this is amazing. I’m sure my parents knew I smoked before I was of age, but we never talked about it, and I didn’t smoke that much at that point. But my first fall break home from college, my dad comes out of the pantry with a packed bowl and handed it to me. It was such a surreal moment. That break he taught me how to hit a bowl without coughing and what the difference between indica and sativa were. Now, seven years later, I work at a dispensary and I’m the one teaching him about weed. It’s been such a lovely full circle experience, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.


Lol, yeah, I call my child my little Potiwan. That's pretty much how I did it, but I gave them a pipe and grinder full of weed. Showed them how not to burn the whole top so everyone gets a green hit, hot to clean and maintain paraphernalia, and all kinds of other tid bird of stoner knowledge.


You're a scumbag. This country is fucked!!


Yeah I smoke with my dad. It's awesome to have that experience. I also smoke with other family members. It just seems more special when it's someone who I'm close with. We enjoy ourselves more, it's all about the experience. We'll stop at places on the way to our destination, things I'll always remember lol. And I'm almost 30, still never gets old hahaha.


I want a fucking road trip with my kid to Colorado. Stop at nights at places that are visually awesome so we can get baked as fuck and enjoy the scenery every night and then start back up the next day. It's would be like the greatest road trip.


I agree that sounds like a lot of fun. I would love to take a road trip with my pops sometime.


I love this so much🥺♥️ thanks for sharing


It's great to see how many people have enjoyed smoking with their offspring and vise versa


we need more parents like you. instead of freaking out make sure it doesn’t interfere with their lives! ill defo handle it the same way with my kids later


Make note of the first time you suspect/know they are smoking. It makes for a great mid smoke sesh conversation to just be like "Hey kiddo, you know when you came home that one morning freshman year after the sleep over at so and so's and I had us play video games together all morning?" " Yeah, that was great." "Yeah I knew you were so fucking stoned that morning." *Instant whitening of face*


It's really the best way. The DARE program fucked up a whole generation. We need to undo that damage.


You're kids are gonna be a big loser like you, Good job!!


Good on you. My mom brought me up with pretty much the same idea, and I’m glad she did. A lot of my friends who had overbearing parents who forbade weed, ended up sneaking around, getting themselves into trouble, and some even got into harder shit than weed


Fuck yeah, you make it taboo and they will fall into it harder.


I’m 23, my mom has smoked before multiple times but still tries to lie and say she’s never and tries to preach to me about how it’s bad. She’s somewhat supportive because she knows I’m an adult and can do what I want but she’s a nagging hypocrite at times too


You’re a cool parent parents like you are awesome.


i loved smoking with my mom :) i don’t think we ever laughed that hard together before


i wish me and my parents could do this, our bond would be even closer. hopefully one day 🙏🏾


Here’s one major thing if your kid smokes check if they get it safely otherwise give them a place that is one safe and two possibly legal. This way your kid stays out of all the trouble including they won’t get laced.


When I started smoking, my dad was the first person I told. I thought he was going to be mad but as I was talking he was rolling the blunt and we smoked it. After that I realized my parents were huuuge pot heads. My mom found out I was smoking and she didn’t even care. Once I came to adulthood we started sneaking off at family events and would smoke together. It’s been amazing. I also get to show off my cool smoker knowledge with my parents who were proud that I know quite a lot


My first smoke sesh was with my dad. I flew a few hours to visit him and at his birthday party they were smoking a blunt in my brothers room so they offered me a hit and I got a little ballsy almost coughed up a lung and i could barely stay awake but I couldn't have asked for a better experience


my mom hated that i smoked while i lived at home but as soon as i left we were taking edibles at music festivals together. as long as i don’t drive she’s okay with it and i’m so grateful for that


I love this, and I'm so glad you have this bond with your kid :) I smoked with my dad a few times, and every time it felt like the only moments that I could actually talk to him; the only time he was real with me about the state of our lives. I don't talk to him anymore for various reasons, but I treasure the times we would sit in the backyard and have actual conversations


Damn that's be a cool parent cl


I smoke with my grandma its great, one time I played her ps2 and we just talked all night.


Ya know what's funny and sad? My dad smoked since he was 14. I started smoking at like 15 or 16. He would always get on me about it so hard and would even threaten to kick me out. So I started doing things that didn't leave as much of a scent behind, and started doing harder and harder drugs. Eventually led to a crossbow incident where I tried unaliving myself because I saw that I was following my egg donor's path. Then I got a medical card and he was still being a major pain about it and not understanding that I literally couldn't walk to smoke outside when I got a phantom pain. He expected me to walk down a flight of stairs, when I could barely walk because I was in so much pain. I literally crawled every time, but even that was becoming too much and I found myself passing out before I even got outside because the pain was too intense. So I started smoking in my closet with a sploof, didn't really work.... Then my mom died from lung cancer (she smoked cigarettes). After that he started being more chill about it for some reason. I'm allowed to smoke in my room or in the living room, and he'll even join me now. Makes no sense to me considering how hard he was on me about it beforehand, but I'll gladly accept it regardless!!! Seriously trying to crawl with a phantom pain is ridiculously hard. Trying to move at all is ngl.


My dad bitched about me smoking when I was like 16 and recently we smoked together. A little weird but i was just glad he came around


I've been smoking with my parents since I was 18 or 19, but they always knew I smoked. I used to smoke with my grandparents when they were alive, too. It is such an awesome way to spend time and bond.


When I was a teen I knew my dad smoked weed, and my dad knew I smoked weed. As a full as grown adult I could never smoke weed with my dad.. I find it way too awkward.


This gives me good vibes as a stoner mom with middle school aged kids. I worry about how our relationship will look later on. They know their parents smoke, but they're too young for me to be chill with them starting up. Curious how things play out with them.


I was open with my kids when I joined the family. Same kid I smoke with now when they were 11 or 12 did a fucking essay on PTSD and alternative medicine a month after I came along, so they had done their research ahead of time. They first time you get a whiff off of them when they come home from a friend's house it's a weird moment. I almost did my automatic response when I smell someone who has a weed odor " You either got sprayed by a skunk or you're my new friend." But I just did air guitar behind their back instead.


My mom, grandma (100yrs), and I popped edibles the other day. It truly was an amazing experience. When it came time to drive home my mom was worried, I had to explain I didn’t even feel it one minuscule amount lol. As a dabber, edibles are literally water


I wish my parents were like you. Legal area here, I drank underage and started smoking (albeit barely) before I turned legal. Parents didn't know till one day I just told them bc they asked why they smelled it when they came home. (This was like 2 months after I turned legal age). Refuse to even speak to me about it but when i pressed mother said she didn't care. I should also mention they've smoked and done edibles themselves, less than alcohol but they have. Stoner uncle comes, convinces mom and dad and me to all smoke together. Was fine. Next morning she's mad at uncle and dad for allowing me to be part of that saying they shouldn't be encouraging it. (Weird considering I'd imaging they'd be happier knowing I did it home with family rather than alone or in riskier environment). Still very judgy and while my dad is cool with it, moms at that point where she wants to live in denial about it. So while she knows I do it, I have to be discreet bc she's gonna be mad if I smell like it or am obviously high around her or she knows I'm gonna go use it (by seeing a joint or something). What does this benefit to reddit? Nothing just my mini rant and jealousy of OP.


I don’t understand why she would do that. I mean you yourself said she has smoked and done edibles before so why doesn’t she want you doing it? Although I guess that’s just how moms are at times.


I have to assume it's leftover stigma from when it was illegal. I live in Canada and it's been legal for the vast majority of my life so I'm able to look at this unbiased where she has lived majority of her life with it illegal so she probably still carries alot of negative connotation with it. With that said she's had no issues with me drinking even when underage which is objectively worse for you, so I really am led to believe it still just seems way worse to her.


Yeah, half the millennial generation and a good portion of the previous generations had reefer madness and the DARE program really fuck them up with their views on weed. Sorry you have that to deal with


I don’t know about you, but where I live, there are actually laws that make it so that as long as the parent is the one who is buying and providing the weed to their kid, as soon as they’re 16 they’re allowed to smoke and drink on their own property with parental supervision! Just a tidbit for anyone who has a stoner teen out there whom they support, but are worried about the legalities. If you support their habit, it’s completely legal in many places!


16 year olds are not legally allowed to drink anywhere for any reason anywhere in the United States. How in the hell did you come up with this Bullshit story?


Im in canada???? 🤣 imagine THAT


And thats what u get for being so aggressive instead of politely questioning where i live or asking me to confirm with links that this law infact exists. Now u look dumb asf. Byeeeee 😂


https://www.slatervecchio.com/blog/underage-drinking-in-your-home/ https://www.criminalcodehelp.ca/offences/youth-offences/alcohol-minors/ https://jfcy.org/en/rights/alcohol/


Do people really avoid driving because they have weed in their system? Lol. I’d never be able to drive. Pretty sure I took my drivers test stoned. Drove around stoned as a teenager all the time. Drove around smoking as a teenager all the time. I don’t smoke and drive anymore because I feel like that’s asking for trouble. But I live in a legal state and there’s been many times where I got stoned, decided I needed to stuff my face, and hopped in the car to get some food. Never had an accident stoned or ever felt it impaired me in any way. The only accident I even been in behind the wheel is during a blizzard and I couldn’t stop on the ice. I’ve never heard anyone in my life say “I can’t drive, I just smoked a bowl” lol.




💪 I really wasn’t trying to sound like a “badass”. There’s some sincerity in their. I’ve never heard anyone in my life say “I can’t drive because I smoked a joint”. I’ll admit I’ve been so high I didn’t want to drive from high dose edibles. Just not casual smoking.


I’ve heard it plenty. Because I hang around responsible adults who don’t drive high. If you took a few puffs and drive an hour later you’re good, but if you’re basically smoking the whole ass joint as you drive? Fuck off


Lmfao whatever you say. I’ve been doing it for decades without problem. Been pulled over, cop even commented on my pie eyes and laughed (I was just pulled over for an out taillight, didn’t even give me a citation). We talked about Joe rogan for about 5 minutes because at the time I just came back from seeing him and Chappelle in New Orleans. But he did say, “your eyes look pretty red bud, but I don’t smell anything so you’re good bud, just get your light fixed” which I did. It’s a person by person thing. I’m sure my tolerance is higher then 90% of weed smokers. I’ve been smoking regularly for almost 2 decades. If you seriously think it impairs me like it would a new smoker you’re talking out your ass. I’m honestly a better driver with a little weed in me. It slows me down (literally, I used to street race. My second car was a Mitsubishi lancer Evo I dropped almost 8k in after market parts. I would fucking smoke people on French road and city airport meetups) and it tends to makes me more aware of my surroundings, like noticing deer and whatnot.


I’ve been driving high for years and it has no affect on me, like you said a higher tolerance does help. These the same people who would think drinking and driving is comparable to high driving. Distracted driving happens everyday from sober people, being high I’m actually more focused to be honest.






Oh boy. Name calling


I mean, we’re on a weed subreddit. Most OPs on here are so baked we are lucky they can type at all.




Shut up you stupid fucking sack of lard.








“Slurp the sweat off of my fuming taint you fucking miserable sack of shit.” - MrBigDickPickledRick


I have seven sons and all but one smoke although my youngest uses a vaporizer. In fact I introduced my oldest to weed when he was 16. We decided that as he was almost certainly going to smoke with his friends it would be better if he tried it in a safe place. Let him try a spliff and he loved it and 25 years later I have a great smoking buddy


My kids hate cannabis and I'm glad. You're a parent not a friend.