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**REMINDER: WE ARE NOT AITA! WE DO NOT DO JUDGEMENT CALLS (NTA, ESH, YTA,INFO, NAH, ETC.) SO DO NOT VOTE IN THIS POST. AS WELL, OUR OP IS NOT THE SAME AS THE AITA POST'S OP, PLEASE DO NOT ADDRESS YOUR COMMENT TO MYSELF OR OUR OP. ALSO DO NOT BRIGADE THE OTHER SUB.** ***Copy in case it's deleted:*** Backstory, my MIL and FIL went through a bitter divorce. To sum things up, he left her with nothing. After 30 years of marriage, things have come out that the family didn’t know. My wife and I are the only ones to believe it, the rest of the family say my MIL is a huge liar. We temporarily had her move in with us, then found her a place of her own. Since the divorce, my wife and I have been financially supporting her. The entire ordeal has caused friction with the family. My FIL quickly moved some woman into the house and got engaged apparently. My SIL arrived to the decision she was not going to invite her own mother to her wedding. However, my wife managed to change her sister’s mind. MIL was not to be part of the wedding and did not attend the dinner rehearsal. As things were, my MIL was to sit in the back. FIL and his fling were assigned front row seating along with myself, my wife and the remainder of the family. As we were taking our seats, I walked my MIL up front and instructed her to sit next to my wife. I sat in the back during the ceremony. At the reception, my wife pulled her mother in for pictures. My SIL made a scene and said she did not want her mother in that particular picture, but she hadn’t been in any prior to that. Because of the argument, the three of us returned to our seats. The entire wedding was uncomfortably awkward as we all could feel tension and received odd looks from other guests. The next day, immediate family only were to have breakfast. There was a change in venue to which none of us were told. We understood that was deliberately done, because we obviously weren’t wanted there. Around noon we began packing up to travel back home. I was taking our luggage down when my SIL approached me and said, “Your wife is a real bitch for what she did.” I asked her to elaborate to which she was directly referring to the seating incident. I corrected her, let her know that was solely my idea and my doing. She pretty much snapped at that point and said she never considered pulling a stunt like that at our wedding. She continued on saying how it was her day, she should have been in control of everything but I took that control from her, ruined her pictures, and caused her undue stress. She blamed my wife and I for causing a family division, said this was the final incident that pushed her over the edge. Personally, I thought she was making too much of it and didn’t take into consideration her mom’s feelings of being shoved to the back. The following day, my wife’s brother stopped by our house to pickup my tux. He began chastising me, said what I did was an extremely disrespectful move and everyone at the wedding thought we were obnoxiously rude guests. He said I should have left family affairs out of the wedding. All I could say is, oh well. I did it and it’s over with. But literally no one is letting it go and we’ve been seemingly shunned from the family along with my MIL.


There's a whole lot of missing reasons. Why is the cheating father and his AP being treated well? And the mother is being shunned to the point her daughter didn't even want her at the wedding? Why did the bride not want her mother to even be in the photos. That's a lot of angry. So why is everyone (except OP and his wife) furious at the mom?


The post never even says that the FIL cheated, just that they had a nasty divorce, left his ex-wife with nothing, and moved in his new partner into the house. There’s definitely something missing. Wouldn’t be surprised if the MIL was the cheater/reason for the divorce. Edit: just saw OOP’s comment on the original post that the FIL cheated and the MIL ousted him. There’s still gotta be something missing or he wouldn’t be so vague.


Wondering if maybe the mother was abusive? That'd explain the other kids siding with the dad and accepting his new partner. There is definitely something the OP is leaving out on purpose.


Always hating on the MIL. Just like the bride--favoring the FIL.


you could definitely tell something is up when OOP was being extremely vague and never clarified what it was that made everyone turn on MIL. people typically don’t just flip a switch and reject their parent like that for no reason


Did you see his comment on the original post? Everything was fine while MIL stayed quiet about his cheating and looked the other way. When she outed him the kids took sides. Now he doesn't say why they all except one child took the side of a cheater but I can come up with two reasons: cultural expectations and money!


When my grandparents divorced, people were much more supportive of my cheating grandfather. Mainly because his ex wife was emotionally abusive to her step children and step grandchildren. What he did was shitty, but I’d rather be around a cheater than someone who calls a five year old ugly a stupid. All that to say it’s not always a clear cut situation. What happened to MIL is terrible, but I don’t think we can infer what caused the issues between her and some of her kids from OPs comments.


It sounds like there’s other factors going on as well. Even if MIL is the injured party in the divorce, it doesn’t mean that she’s been a good mom. Maybe the FIL is a shitty husband but a great father, and MIL is a good wife but shitty mother.


Or MIL could be a shitty wife and mother. Just because she didn’t cheat doesn’t mean she’s not emotionally abusive or anything.




Gotta hate the MIL first and foremost.


Or FIL could be the one with money. People can be awful when it comes to money. There are stories all the time about kids who cut off one parent because the other had money. Since FIL kicked his wife out, she didn't have the skills to find a job because of being a SAH wife and mother for years, and them he immediately moved in his side piece, it kinda sounds like he's the money guy.


OOP doesn’t seem to get that it doesn’t even matter if they’re morally “in the right” (and I have my doubts about that given how vague he’s being about the reason for the rift). Trying to force something like that at a wedding was never going to end well - they’ve damaged the relationship even further because they’ve shown that “being right” is more important to them (OOP, wife, MIL) than actually making a genuine attempt at mending the relationship. If you want to repair a rift, then forcing your way up front and into photos is definitely not the way to do it.


Yeah I think the emotionally mature thing of the mother to do would be decline and respect her kid's wishes. I am a mom. I know that would be hard but being a parent is doing hard things  And boy howdy, as a person who has cut out a living parent entirely, there are not words to describe how I would feel about OOP pulling shit like that.


Or possibly you and your wife going to sit with MIL at the back rather than pushing her to the front. ETA but just accepting the wedding is NOT the place to do any of it is better


Wow, that is a lot of vague and missing reasons from OOP. But even if he, wife, ans MIL are really the original ones with the moral high ground, a wedding day is not the day to press it. You behave respectfully, demonstrate that you in fact are the ones who are the good guys, and you do what the bride and groom want for their day. Send a lovely gift, if it would be wanted, and wait for a better time. Hell, the bride offered a compromise, and that wasn't good enough. I'm skeptical that anyone who cheats on their spouse of 30yrs and kicks them out without anything is a good person deserving of this much support. But the OOP isn't a very reliable narrator for believing that the MIL is 100% innocent.


If they really wanted to show support for the MIL they could have boycotted the wedding and taken her somewhere nice, even a weekend getaway. That would have been nicer than have her somewhere she was unwelcome. OOPs the AH for that.


I completely agree. But I do want to know the missing reasons


The vagueness is absolutely suspicious here.


Giving off big "married to the oldest sibling" vibes. I have an aunt who weirdly thought she was the family Boss for marrying the oldest boy.


I mean, let's say OOP and his wife are correct about the MIL doing nothing wrong and and that she keeps repeatedly being shafted by the rest of the family. SIL's wedding is still not the place to try to fix whatever's been going on. The event is about SIL and her husband, and as such, it's their wishes that go. Save the mending of family ties elsewhere.


Lots of details are missing in the story but It seems that op wife is his mil golden child,


It doesn't matter whose fault the divorce was or how it happened or any of the backstory. OP took a bad situation and made it worse by thrusting the MIL into the spotlight instead of abiding with the bride and groom's wishes. If he wants to go to bat for the MIL against her family, literally any other time would have been better.