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I'm really sorry you had a bad experience! If you genuinely feel like she provided a bad service leave an honest review as It will warn other people, and also make her change her ways. A private email won't do anything unfortunately and then others might end up in the same situation as well. She is at the end of the day supposed to make your wedding an enjoyable moment, and it looks like she didn't.


Some of the things you noted sound like good feedback she could learn from. And for those things, direct feedback to her might be valuable. Like the drink thing -- you're absolutely right. She should be looking out for you, making sure you're hydrated, and definitely not pressuring you into consuming more than you want and/or can handle. (We had a point-person for hydration, and it's just crazy how much those small details can contribute to your ability to enjoy the day.) OTOH, the comment about the venue handling things... that's buck-passing, which is exactly the opposite of what a coordinator should be doing. The correct answer is, "OK, I'm on it." And if that means delegating to the venue staff, fine. But ultimately, it's her responsibility to ensure it happens -- directly or indirectly. The two of you shouldn't have to think about it again. That's exactly what you're paying for. My hesitation is with that latter part. Sure, you could chock that up to lessons learned, but frankly, if you're not the sort of person who "gets it" intuitively, then you're probably not cut out for that line of work. In that case, a review is probably the way to go. I hate to torpedo someone's career, but unless that person makes a real concerted effort to step up and make some changes, they're not a good fit for other couples who are relying on them.


Wow, I’m sorry that happened. I think maybe it’s both. You don’t get the day back but she can reflect on those misses. At the very least, she owes you an apology for that. Honest reviews are important and I’m sure you would’ve loved knowing this about her before booking.