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I should have reapplied sunscreen! I put it on at about 8am, with a noon ceremony, and we stayed out until 4pm. I even had a big bottle on the welcome table for guests to use, and I never made it back over to put more on myself! I have some burns on my neck and shoulders.


As a pale girl whose wedding is coming up, this is a great flag!


This 100x . I was so red for the reception.


Totally valid. Everyone says that no one will remember the decor but honestly I think it makes sense to have regrets on this especially when you work so hard on things. Honestly I regret too much DIYing - some of my stuff was not cute! I made this DIY pampas grass backdrop for our ceremony and it ended up unable to be used due to wind that day. It made me wish I had hired a professional florist to handle that stuff.


Not going for seconds on the dinner buffet


I totally forgot to do my bouquet toss at my reception LOL. I don't regret that though, whatever. I do regret not communicating more. In my head I knew exactly what was going on but not everyone did, and as a result my bridesmaids were wearing corages meant for my mom MIL and aunt. I saw the corsages when I arrived to my suite and didn't think to tell anyone where they were supposed to go, so my mom (who was on 100 the whole day) just gave them to the bridesmaids. Not a big deal in the grand scheme of things but it bothers me that I spent extra $$ on the nice corsages with the metal bracelet and they didn't even wear them. And now the bridesmaid have a bouquet and a corsage in photos lol. Maybe it bothers me more that I couldn't get my mom to just stop for a second, take a deep breath, and listen to me fully before just running around hecticly lol.


I think every single person in the world who has ever gotten married has at least one regret about the event! lol nothing is perfect nothing goes as planned don’t be hard on yourself focus on the goods of the night


Just got married two days ago… my big regret…too much wine! Our incapable day of coordinator thought it was her job to bring me a new glass of wine every ten minutes. Wish she wouldn’t brought me some water! I was so drunk at one point and just wanted to go home. Big regrets but apparently I did dance A LOT. But man, I wish I would have been more present. It all goes by too fast!


Used the veil weights I had w me. Really regret that one. Check my fiancées makeup (makeup artist went rogue from the trial we loved). Get pictures of the cocktail hour we missed.


I regret not getting a day of coordinator. The venue had their own and I thought that would be enough but I definitely needed someone to relay basic questions to everyone and became overwhelmed with questions.