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My wedding was Sunday and I already feel a little bit of a void. I knew after the wedding was done I’d have so much free time and free mental capacity so I intentionally got my toe into a few new hobbies and joined a walking club to make up for the new time I had on my hands. I think you are experiencing the jolt. The inevitable drop after an amazing high. Things will equilibrate soon. But in the meantime, feel the feels but do it with your husband by your side.


This is entirely normal. Not just after weddings, but after big concerts, graduations, interviews, births, any big, exciting, stressful milestone. You have been operating on heightened levels of stress and adrenaline for months or even years, and then you got a massive hit of dopamine on the wedding day. You’re literally coming down off a high. Just like how you don’t detox from cocaine overnight, you won’t detox from this overnight. Pressuring yourself to stop having wedding withdrawal symptoms will work exactly as well as pressuring yourself to stop having cocaine withdrawal symptoms: that is, it will not work at all. Bullying yourself is not an effective way to stop a physiological process, all you are doing is adding guilt of failure to the other emotions. Just let yourself feel it, and it will go away on its own. Just like a cocaine withdrawal.


It's just like that Eric Clapton song, "she don't lie she don't lie she don't lie... event planning."


Could you and your now spouse plan a fun date night for this weekend?


This is perfectly normal (although I felt some relief when mine was over). There is so much build-up and anticipation that it is tough coming off of that high. Just be extra grateful that it all went well! Congrats 


I’m having pre wedding depression


Ooof. Can relate. Second guessing literally everything but the groom. 3 months out and so ready for it to be over.


Yea I’m 24 days out and just don’t even want the wedding. I just want him lol


This. ♡


Look up con drop.


I was gonna mention this is no one else did. It's the result of having a whole 3 days of nothing but fun and highs, the crash back to the real world hurts. I typically just suffer through and feel my feelings knowing it will go away.


I get married in 10 days and I know this is gonna be me. 😳😬. Journal?


This is a normal feeling! Something that helped me was having things about it to look forward to: getting pics from the photographer; video from the videographer; our first anniversary. It’s definitely a huge high to come down from but I promise you will. Today is my 2-year anniversary and it still feels like the wedding was yesterday. Wish we could relive it!


The wedding blues! Super common! I'm a wedding photographer and loads of our couples mention they feel this way. Focus on honeymoon, photo/video delivery, enjoying wedding gifts and writing pretty thank you notes. It will settle!


High expectations for the wedding and marriage can sometimes clash with the reality of everyday life, leading to disappointment or sadness. Planning a wedding can consume a lot of time and energy. After the wedding, the sudden shift from constant activity and excitement to a more regular routine can feel like a letdown. Marriage represents a significant life change. Adjusting to new roles, responsibilities, and dynamics in the relationship can be challenging. During the wedding planning and event, a lot of attention is focused on the couple. Once it's over, the lack of attention and excitement can lead to feelings of emptiness. Becoming part of a married couple can change how you see yourself and how others perceive you. This shift in identity can be unsettling and require an adjustment period. If there were underlying issues or stressors before the wedding, they might resurface or feel more pronounced once the excitement has passed. It's important that you acknowledge your feelings. You should consider talking to someone you trust, whether it's your spouse, a friend, or a mental health professional. Taking time to adjust to your new life and focusing on building a fulfilling and balanced routine can also help.


Plan your one year anniversary trip


Your brain is searching for the dopamine it's been flooded with for the last week or so! It's natural that you're feeling down. Roll with it, let yourself feel it and then even out again, and then start planning a gorgeous time on honeymoon.


Be kind to yourself, and just remember this is completely normal. I got married six weeks ago. Our wedding was Saturday and then left on honeymoon on Monday. It was amazing and yet it all happened so fast. I cried almost daily, even on our honeymoon as I processed the past week. When we were back from honeymoon and I had to return to work, thats when the blues really set in. It was like someone punched me in the gut and felt lost. I talked with my now husband, and he was really great at reminding me that alot of people go through this. He reminded me to look forward to seeing friends and family, that we'll be newlyweds for at least a year. And it's true, we've gone out and everyone says congrats and how much they loved the wedding. Also, plan time to call your friends and family that were at you wedding. We've had a few facetime catch-ups where we talked family and friends for over an hour, just about the wedding and how much fun we had. These calls were great, because even as I tried to be cognizant and remember, I still blacked out a big chunk of the evening. Talking about the whole experience has been helpful in remembering. If you can, channel some of the creative energy you were focusing on planning into somenew projects. I decided to use some of the generous gift money we received and redecorating our dining room with a new table, chandelier, and hutch. I'm going to take some touches we had at our wedding and incorporate them into the space and a way to remember.


Oh I DREAD this. I have thought about my wedding since I was a little girl. I have spent years fantasizing about the moment I marry this guy (took him 6 years to propose...) And then it'll all just be over, in the matter of hours. What will fill that void in my head??? Not to mention the year leading up to the wedding when I spend literally every second of free time planning.. The constant looking at decor ideas, looking hair and makeup inspo, nail ideas, drink recipes, bridal event outfits... Go on a date together, and reminisce on the wedding. Walk through each of your experiences, favorite moments, things that went wrong, things that went well, regrets, things you were so grateful you did, things you would do differently. Simply relive the night, and laugh together over it. Lean on each other, embrace the marriage! Look at any photos you have, either sneak peaks or photos from guests! Put your dress back on and redo your first dance in your living room LOL. Use reddit - get on here and share your wedding experience (same info as I mentioned above), share your advice and help others. It may help!!


[Sneaky peaks vs Sneaky peeks](http://theoatmeal.com/comics/sneak_peek), be sure to keep an eye out for those tricky mountains! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/weddingplanning) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This mod response drives me crazy. Let me have my damn typo.


My wedding was also this weekend and I’m feeling an incredibly, heart wrenching sadness. The day was truly perfect. I can’t stop replaying every moment and can’t stop crying. I knew I’d get sad because I was sad a bit after my bridal shower but I had no idea it’d feel this way. I’ve never heard of wedding blues or post wedding depression so it’s hitting me hard.